3—-The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, August 9, 1973 KNOW YOUR TRAFFIC LAWS! C ompiled B y T h E O regon T raffic S afety C ommission Oregon’s laws relating to SUQIWR MOVING VE­ HICLES require the following actions on the part at drivers: 1 SLOWER MOVING VE HICLES ON FREEWAYS: A vehicle shall normally be be driven In the right hand lane of a freeway except when overtaking or passing another vehicle. 2. SLOWER TRAFFIC ON TWO-LANE HIGHWAYS: On a highway that has two lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, the driver of a slower moving vehicle shall, at the first opportunity, move the overtaken vehicle off the main travelled portion of the highway until the overtaking vehicle is safely clear. Violation of one of these laws the first time is punish­ able by a fine up to $100 and up to 10 days in jail or both. The second conviction is pun­ ishable by a fine up to $200 and up to 20 days in jail, or both. A third or subequent conviction is punishable by a fine up to $500.00 and a jail sentence up to six months or both. The citations to these laws are Oregon Revised Statutes 483.303 and 304. Electronic Servicing And Sales at Reasonable Rates CAPITOL PHONE PHONE SALEM GATOS 581-4047 897-2777 SERVICE 8atan, Oregon 97801 8882 State Street, No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’s at REASONABLE PRICES OBITUARIES "YOU/? LAND I Seals, Sea Lions Protected By Law AND MY LAND" The Fish Commission of Oregon today reminds all fishermen, both sport and commercial, as well as the nonfishing citizenry, that the JESSE V. CROSSLER Marine Mammal Protection Funeral services were held Act makes the killing, captur­ Tuesday at 11:00 a m. at the ing or harassing of any marine by Hasel Hayes Virgil T. Golden Mortuary in mamma! a federal crime pun­ Salem for Jesse V. Crossler of ishable by a fine of $20,000 DR. LEEON ALLER Salem who passed away at a and/or one year in prison. In and VIRGIE ALLER Salem Hospital on Sunday. addition, the vessel and cargo Mr. Crossler owned and op­ from which the illegal act took Here’s two people who have erated Crosster’s Store in Mill place can be seized and a civil made history and plan to City for several years in the [fine of up to $25,000 imposed, make more. building now occupied by i This ban specifically covers all “Virgie, let's go some­ North Santiam Realty. ____________________ seals and sea lions as „„ well as He was born in Dayton. | various other marine mam- where.” “You mean vacation?” Wash., and was 74 years of mals which previously were age. He was a veteran of WWI. fair game for hunters. “No, somewhere to live for He lived in Yakima, Wash, One exception to the total six weeks or six months.” and Salem for many years. In ban concerns marine marn­ “Oh! that kind of some­ Salem he managed a clothing ais that directly interfer- where.” store and also owned and op- ing with commercial fishing “The sermon he preached erated a food market on North , operations. Examples of this last Sunday — it keeps com­ Front Street. I are porpoises that get caught ing back.” Rev. William Hoffkines of-1 in giant tuna seine nets and “About Ethiopia needing ficiated at the services and harbor seals which attack sal­ doctors?” the family suggested contri­ mon caught in gill nets. In “Yah. How about it? Would butions to the Cancer Society. these situations, the offend­ you like to go?” Survivors include the widow ing animal must be dealt with “ Anytime you’ll go.” Viva, one daughter, Mrs. Dar­ in a manner that will do it “OK. Let's start the 1 wheels lene Gilbert of Boise, Ida.; the least harm. rolling.” and one son, Darrell Crossler, The above exception applies we’ll have to finance who is principal of Parrish only to commercial fishing op­ the “But trip ourselves.” Junior High School and was erations. There is no such ex­ “We can afford it. This a Mill City teacher; one sister, ception for interference by clinic will keep going without Mrs. Maude Dewitt of White­ marine mammals with any us for a few months.” rock, B. C. and ten grandchild­ sports fishery. If, for example, Now, would you like to a seal or sea lion seizes a know how it all turned out? ren. hooked fish, you may not He was the only surgeon shoot, club or harass the ani­ | available for 650,000 people. mal in any way. He did 400 surgeries in The Marine Mammal Pro­ , seven months. There was an tection Act, passed by Con­ average of 150 patients a day gress in 1972, protects all —many of them pretty bloody marine mammals. Under pro­ because of arguments over tection then are seals, sea the coffee harvesting (I sup­ lions, walmses, sea otters and pose each one wanted the eas­ even polar bears. The only iest spot). exception to this protection as Excuse me for a few hours— noted, occur when the animal I have an appointment at 3:30 is directly interfering with le­ for a sore knee. I’ll ask him gal commercial fishing ac­ some more questions while I tivity. Even then, restraint is am there, and tell you what the byword in handling the situation. Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Only $4.50 a Year Read it Every Week BOYSEK PAINT 1 2 FOR 1 SALE My Naighbors he says when I get back. His best story was about standing at the operating table giving his own blood while making an incision In a black patient’s abdomen. The natives are quite willing to take someone else's blood, but think It voo-doo to “give" each other blood. Virgie frequently found herself urging the hoa- pital visitors into offering a pint of blood (When Virgie smiles at you, you give). Distances are great there too. One evening. Dr. Aller directed an operation over a short wave radio, and the baby lived. Virgie found plenty to do. She helped out in the surgery, organized a medical records system, reorganized the phar­ macy, taught the children American geography and his­ tory along with their 3R’s, produced a successful vegeta- ble garden and roasted her own coffee. But more interesting than all this is the record they make at home. The “Open- door Aller household” is in the category of the unbelievable: two sons, six adopted child­ ren, 38 foster children. They have sponsored 15 reformatory inmates, helping them to make the adjustment to life outside the walls. He “forever" leads Boy Scout Troop 50 which has to its credit 16 Eagle Scouts (Snohomish, Wash. Is not a large town). The Allers want to go back to Africa. That huge continent needs hundreds of Leeon Alters, and Virgles, too. Congre$sman Ullman To Speak At Marion Democratic Dinner Oregon Congressman Al Ullman, who has represented the Second Congressional District since 1956, will speak in Salem Sunday (Aug. 12) as .he featured guest at “An Evening with Ullman Dinner” sponsored jointly by the Mar­ ion County Democratic Cen­ tral Committee and the Mar­ ion Demo Forum Committee. Currently the second rank­ ing member of the house ways and means committee, Con­ gressman Ullman will speak at a 7:00 p.m. buffet dinner at the Kopper Kitchen North, 3400 Portland Rd. N. E. The dinner is open to all interested persons. If the number following your name on The En­ label terprise /wmwwncrs reads Guard your home with Mutual of Enumclaw's Rainbow of Pro* tection! A Homeowners policy with many extras, such as credit card coverage and liability for un­ registered recreational vehicles. See your M of E agent today. 8-73 it's time to send a check for renewal Insurance by MILL CITY CHEVRON SERVICE MUTUAL OF ENUMCLAW Highway 22— Mill City Enumclaw, Washington ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES LV SAVE /uptoW.75 on 2nd GALLON PREMIUM DREEM LATEX FLAT 1 NOW 2 GALLONS \ "58.65 VI-KO LATEX HOUSE PAINT • Tough, weather resistant coating • Superior color retention • No cracking, fading or peeling Some custom mixed colors slightly higher. SUPER SPRAY AEROSOL now SO 2 GALLONS**! FOR For wood, metal and plastic surfaces 25% more pigmented solids Contains special formula to check rust TC /S Custom mixed colors slightly higher. ADDITIONAL SAVINGS ON OTHER QUALITY BOYSEN PRODUCTS 2CANS $1 49 PLASOLUX 4 INCH NYLON BRUSH Reg. $3.95 ACRYLIC LATEX ENAMELIZED HOUSE PAINT 4 493 Third Street Stayton Phone 769-6311 /avebyfDod s s SALE ENDS SEPT. 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