Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1973)
DETROIT IDANHA were Mrs Irish and family of thorne Hospital for a recurr Salem. Mrs Delapp and fam ing back problem. Betty ily of Hillsboro. Mrs. Marsh Strode reported they had a land and family from Eugene, good time in spite of the hos and son Myles and his wife pital visit, and they took in Susan from Corvallis. Mrs. Mc Disneyland. Marineland and Martha Taylor Gardens while there The children of Mr. and Millan reported she had a Bush Miss Kathy Ketchum of De Mrs Cliff McMillan of Detroit perfectly wonderful time, and troit was taken to the Salem were hosts to their parents at it was a fine family outing. Pediatric Clinic Monday. July a family picnic held on the Mr and Mrs Louie Single- 30. with dog bite injuries to McMillan's acre lot at Gales ton and small son. Gary, from Present at the get together be Phoenix. Ariz.. are spending her lip. Several stitches were sides the mayor and his wife. some time visiting Mr and taken and a tetanus shot ad Miss Ketchum is Mrs Jake Nobel of Idanha this ministered. doing real well since the in week Mrs. Singleton and Joe cident reported her mother. Noble are sisters Later in the Mrs. Verna Ketchum. . week. Mrs. Nobel expects a The Jasper Point County visit from Jimmy Singleton on Prineville Reservoir and daughter. Shelly, also Park was the scene mis weekenc from Arizona. Currently. Mr for a gathering local people S.ngleton and his daughter are from Detroit of and Idanha visiting relatives m Salem. Present for the weekend of Edgar Skates of Riverside. swimming, camping and wa Calif, spent last week visiting ter skiing were the Harold his cousin. Mr and Mrs Jake Hills and family, the Doug Nobel of Idanha. Ablemans of Detroit, the the Jerry Lawrences Rounds, Mr and Mrs Art Taylor and sons Vincent and John from and the Joe Lichlytere all of Salem were visitors at the Idanha, and. on Sunday, the home of Mr and Mrs Charley Lloyd Ketchums of Detroit Lachlyter in Idanha last visited the group Visiting the week. The Taylors stayed Hills at the site were the par overnight and enjoyed a boat ents of Harold Hills. Mr and ride. paddle-boating and Mrs. Ed Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strode swimming at the Detroit Lake Resort along with the Fred were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ron Taylor family. Strode in Detroit. The Ron Strodes spent seven days in Hawthorn and Redon do Beach. Calif., visiting rela tives Their son lives in Re dondo Beach and their sister in Hawthorn. Of the seven days they spent, four of them found Mr Strode flat on his back in traction in the Haw 1 Subscribe to The Mill Qty Enterprise Read it Every Week Senator Vern Cook Tells Of 1973 Legislative Session Speaking before the Linn County Democratic Central Committee Sunday afternoon. Senator Vern Cook said that the major accomplishments of the 1973 legislative session were that it moved towards a better method of school fi- nance and provided much needed homeowner and renter relief from the high costs of taxes and rent. Senator Cook stated: "The school finance plan referred to the people by the 1973 legislature for approval at the 1974 primary election provides equity and does so without the damaging side ef feels that were inherent in the McCall proposal defeated May 1. While it is arguable whether the tax change that will attend the new plan to finance schools at 50*7 from the state level is any more based on ability to pay than the present tax system, be cause of the way in which the money is distributed, it is a more progressive plan. Bas ed on 1972-73 figures, upon adoption by the voters the same basic finance package of $1,000 for an elementary stu dent and $130<‘ for a high school student will be sup plied a uniform $11.50 per thousand property tax levy, or less, in every school district in the state for grades kinder gar ten through 12. It will re duce property taxes for school THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE P. O. BOX 34« PHONE «97-2772 MILL CITY, ORE. 973M Published at Mill City, Marton County, Ore. even Thursday. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoffice at Mill City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertisement which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault An independent newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association I SUBSCRIPTION RATES 44.50 Marion-Linn Counties, per year--------------- «5.00 Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year — 48.50 Outside Oregon, per year ---------------------- __ Editor and Publisher GEORGE LONG ............... ________________ Printer RAYMOND E PRESI J.R Society and News Editor NORMA LONG ................. ____ Local News Editor ROSE CREE___________ ____ Local News Edito» operation in all but five dis- : MARY KELLY ---- -------- CORRESPONDENTS tricts and bring about an aver-1 _______ ______________ Boots Cham: age property tax reduction for Detroit-Idanha Gates --------- school purposes of 42%. Equal financial opportunity for edu cational purposes will be available, regardless of whether one lives in Albany, THE BETTER WAY! Gresham or Portland.” Sen Vern Cook is chairman of the senate revenue commit tee end was co-chairmin of the conference committee which drafted the plan to be submitted to the voters in 1974. He was also the leader of opposition to McCall’s tax plan which was defeated in a spec- ■ ial election May 1, 1973. Buy Your Signs From THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE LET’S HOPE WE CAN LEARN Government-sponsored bousing subsidy programs have been extremely costly, have not improved deteriorating neighbor hoods. and have not improved deteriorating neighborhoods, hoods, and have not even done a very good job of providing homes for people. Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Geo. Romney calls the federal subsidy programs for low and mod erate income housing a “S100 billion mistake.” They have been beset by mismanagement and scandal. More than 3.0P0 housing units were foreclosed and more than 12.900 owners were in default tn 1970. In 1971 the* fi gures rose to 9,000 and 27,000. In the first six months of 1972 there were 5.995 foreclosures and 34.972 borrowers in default NO HUNTING More than one quarter of th. subsidix-d homes built under the newest housing art passed in 1988 have serious structural faults according to a recent study made by the General Ac counting Office and 44 per cent of existing buildings bought with federal subsidies had serious structural defects K— FOR SALE OR FOR RENT TRESPASSING Subsidised apartment buildings cost up to 20 per cent more to erect than those financed by private capital. There is needed a thorough réévaluation and research for alternative housing programs federal 5 government ----- - The ——* »vwviHi vvvraim*'IIL 11HS r — —«---- -- n trying since 1932 to improve housing opportunities for the itlT modest mode^neom«.' th. poor and for those u with incomes. Man^of Many of the the T3f*< IP Yil TtlC hot»,, — —_*.•_ » ?o£^ tha7 a""" C°",y fai,Ur'S s lon< P;tst f'nd °U‘ *hi" pro*r:,n,s *‘U actually provide homes and improve neighborhoods. beS’ anSW*r Win •* r, lv ®or<- heavily on private housing industry and local government programs Timely Tips For Oregon Hunters day, Aug. 18. The hearing will convene at 10 00 azn at the game commission’s Portland headquarters. 1634 SW Alder St The public is invited to at tend and oral or written in formation or recommendations will be welcomed by the com mission at the hearing. The game commission offers several reminders for Oregon hunters. The deadline for all general deer permit season applica tions is August 7 at 5 p.m The drawing will be held at 10:00 Too Lafe to Classify a.m. on August 17. Hunters purchasing deer FOR RENT One bedro» sn up and elk tags should be sure stairs apartment. Water and they also receive a permit sea garbage service furnished son application card even if No pets. $60 mo. $20 deposit. the application deadline is 268 S W Kingwood Phono past Many times permit sea 897 2861 31 tf son units are undersubscribed and hunters can have remain INTERESTED IN MONEY’ ing permits on a first come, Look into the benefits of first served basis providing membership in the North they have the application that Santiam Federal Credit comes with the deer and elk Union Credit Union services tag- are available to anyone in ' Some license agents have the Stayton area and the failed to give these applica general canyon to and in tions out after the deadlines cluding Idanha Our cur were past, mistakenly think- rent interest rate is 5V«% I ing they were no good, so on Pass Book Accounts plus | hunters should make certain limited life insurance, and I they receive one with their each account is insured to . tags. «20.000 Ask for Matt Martin Season dates and other rules or Lois Baller at 769 2146. I for taking upland game birds, or come into the office of waterfowl, small game, and Drushella Real Estate and furbearers will be set follow ask for the North Santiam ing a public hearing on Satur- federal Credit Union