8—’Hie Mill City Enterprise, TTiursdny, July 5 1978’ "YOl/R LAND AND MY LAND Two Month Trip Taken By Mrs. Malcolm OBITUARIES Mrs. Clifford Malcolm re­ turned to her home last Tues­ Installation of Officers of ter, Wash, and members of day, June 19, from a trip of Marilyn Chapter No. 145, OES, Willapa Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. over 10,000 miles, throughout was held Sunday, July 1, 1973 Bruce Tangen from Troutdale the U. S. A. She left Mill City at the I.O.O.F. Hall .Presiding Chapter, Troutdale; Mrs. By Hasel Hayes FLORENCE JENNINGS April 16, going to Gardena, officers were Mrs. Marilee Dorothea Scarth, past grand LYONS — Funeral Mass was Calif., where she visited her Lyness, worthy matron and deputy. International Order of ROCK FALLS, IOWA held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at son-in-law and daughter, Mr. William Lyness, worthy pa­ Rainbow for Girls, Silverton; This little town, less than the Stayton Catholic Church and Mrs. Bob Twitched and tron. Miss Karen Davis, past worthy hundred population, has done with burial in St. Marys Ceme­ children. Musical prelude was played advisor, Marilyn Assembly, In­ something quite wonderful, tery, Stayton for Mrs. Florence She traveled to worth crowing ternational Order of Rainbow Something Jennings, who died Wednesday of interest and encountered all gharon Bevler for Girls, and past grand rep- about at a Salem Hospital at the age kinds of weather. She says granddaughter of the worthy repsntative and Mrs. Sylva With no money, and all by of 72. She had been a Lyons Kentucky was one of the most patron and £ Corey of Olympia. themselves they built a cov- resident for three years. She beautiful states. 1 I ----- Bible - bearer. . | Mrs. Jane Moore presented ered bridge. was a retired legal secretary She attended the “Grand ’O1 You should see it It’s a thing The Lord’s Prayer was glv- tile worthy patron and matron in Chicago where she had liv­ Opery” in Nashville, Tenn. __ en in unison, the pledge of with a gift from their officers. of beauty. ed for 45 years. She was a na­ She visited her two brothers, aiiegian^e“ glven “Inr thTnT Along the river there is -• Mrs. James Bevier assisted tive of Minnesota. one in N. Towanda, N.Y. and tional anthem sung. I by her daughter Julie, present­ good timber and there is a lit­ She leaves a son Robert Jen­ one in Davison, Mich. The worthy matron welcom­ ed her mother with a gavel, tle old saw mill. nings of Mt Prospectum,, Ill., Relatives and friends were ed those present. Karl Wipper, which she used when she was But that is not the begin­ brothers Raymond, Dudley and I visited in N. Collins, N.Y., past grand patron, was escort­ worthy advisor of Marilyn ning. Everett McDougall, all of De­ Chauquata, N. Y., Westville, ed and introduced. Rufus had a dream, and a Assembly, International Or­ troit« Lake, Minn., George Mc­ N. Y., and Jamesroad, N. Y. pasture along the river, which Installing officers introduc­ der of Rainbow for Girls. Dougal of Silverton, Peter and She returned to Gardena,' ed _ were: Mrs .Gordette Gar- Mrs. Carlson has chosen for, was dotted with big trees—oak. Joe of Lyons, sisters Mrs. Eve­ where she picked up her two ton, past matron, installing ma­ her theme “Flower Garden of maple, and some picturesque lyn Johnson of Lyons, Mrs. grandchildren and their baby . tron; Merle Garton, past pa- Friendship". Her motto, “Let [junipers, sort of stunted look­ Gladys Whittle of Los Angeles, srtter, Mrs Marcil, and came | tron, installing patron; Karl Us, by Love, Serve One An­ ing. He said to himself, “This Calif., and Mrs. Dorothy Smith back to Mill City, leaving the — Wipper, past grand patron, in­ other”, watchwords, “Friend­ has everything for a beautiful of Portland, and five grand­ children in Goshen with their stalling chaplain; Mrs. Mary ship and Love”, emblem “Open park but it needs a bridge children. She wls a member parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gulliford, past matron, install­ Holy Bible”, symbol, “The across the creek that flows In of St. Patrick Catholic Church Twitchell, who moved to Go- ing marshal and Mrs. Eldon Cup”, colors, “Red, Pink and to the river.” of Lyons. Rosary was held Fri­ shen, June 1. That was the start! He gave Hutchinson, installing organ­ Green”, flower, “Rose” and day night at 8:00 p.m. at Mr. and Mrs. Twitcheil vis- ist. scripture, “Therefore all things the land, and the men and wo­ Weddle Funeral Home in Stay- ited friends in Silverton Sa- Following a short recess, the whatsoever you would that men went to work. ton. | iturday evening and returned 1973-74 officers entered the men should do to you, do ye Yes, the big hearted saw I to their home Sunday. _____ w_____ Mr. chapter room for installation. , even so to them: for this is law mill owner would saw the log3 [ Marcil from Gardena, Calif. free if the men would bring Installed were Mrs. Agnes and the prophets”. ROWENA E. PATTON Following the Mizpah Bene- their best from the woods Funeral services were held came over the weekend, and Carlson, worthy matron and Monday, July 2 for Mrs. Ro- he .. . and , his „ wife returned to Donald Carlson, worthy pa- diction, a reception followed around. tron. I in the dining room with Mrs. Nails, hammers, paint, some wena E. Patton, 72, of Port- tnelr home Monday, Following their installation, Lyness serving as chairman, concrete? Yes, they thought land, who died Friday mom-. Miss Sonna Wilson from assisted by other officers and they could get it all donated. ing, June 29, of a heart attack Kowland ramily Breckenridge, Their wives came with sup­ Mrs. Patton was the wife of Reunion Held At Cold the Garden”. Mo. sang “In | members. Mrs. James Bevier served per in baskets and they all Harry Patton, former residents I Springs Campground I Elective and appointive of- the punch, Mrs. Battin the worked until dark. of Mill City. I No one complained about The Rowland family reunion ficers installed were Mrs. Jane coffee and Mrs. Tangen serv- Mrs Patton was born in Moore, assoc, matron; Murray ed the cake. slivers or blisters. Camp Point, Ill. and moved to was held June 15-17, at Cold Then as the bridge develop­ S. Dakota in 1911. She moved Springs Campground, four Moore, assoc, patron; Mrs. Ma-1 Julie and Sharon passed the ed sky-ward and folks began to Turner in 1913 and to Mill miles west of Sisters, Ore. Des­ bel Yankus, chaplain; Mr«. [ programs. -------------------------- bringing their cameras, they City in 1917. In 1928 she mov­ pite cold rain and snow on the Marilee Lyness, marshal; Mrs. r , i. thought! “We need a reflection ed to Portland. Her father, Santiam Pass, 96 people signed Ruby Brisbin, organist; Mrs. I p , W. G. Smith, was the post­ the guest book. These are de­ Else Allen, adah; Mrs. Addiej Ketum from Ventral.* pool. That called for a dam master here from 1922 to 1934 scendants of Jeremiah Row­ French, ruth; Mrs. Gladys] DETROIT — Mr. and Mrs. under the bridge—plenty of Her sister was Mrs. Quay Was- land, born 1805, in North Caro­ Lake, esther; Mrs .Evelyn Da- | Jake William« of Detroit re­ rocks round. The county commissioners sam and brothers were Glenn lina, having migrated to Ten­ vis, martha; and Danny Moore, turned home Sunday follow- and Merle Smith, deceased nessee and Missouri, before Sr., sentinel. The officers un- ing a few days visit at the took an interest in this com­ coming to Oregon in 1844 and able to be present will be in-, Centralia, Wash, home of their munity effort and provided a some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Patton enter­ living in Yamhill County ’til stalled at the September meet­ son-in-law and daughter, Mr. beautiful building for shelter and Mrs. Ted Johnson. ing. from the weather, a place tained at their Portland home he died in 1879. The Williams had gone to where picnickers could make Following the installation of All officers were reelected each summer for a group of former Hammond Lumber Co. for the coming year: president, the elective and appointive of- Centralia to attend the wed- coffee, rest rooms, drinking ding of Miss Gayle Campbell fountains, and their big mow­ Miss Wilson sang <«---• employees and their families. Alvin Garrison, Mill City; The couple was to be honor­ Norman Garrison, Sisters; sec- | “Good Night and Good Morn- and Bruce Mulligan, both of ers. People down along the Centralia. river who owned land began ed Saturday, June 30, on their retary, Norma Pennington, Le­ I ing”. Greetings were given by the , The wedding was held Sa- to think “what can we do?”. 45th wedding anniversary. j banon; and historian, Willard She was a member of OES, Berry, Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. newly installed worthy ma- turday at the Methodist Church And that is when the bridge said, “See, now we can have Tigards’ Woman’s Club, West Charles Jones from Seattle, tron and patron. Past patron there. Slope Republican Women’s won the drawing for the door and matron jewels were pre-1 The Williams were former a road along the river for Club of Beaverton and the prize. The reunion will be held sented to Mr .and Mrs. Lyness residents of Centralia and miles.” There was a low spot in the next year at the same place, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. have known the bride-elect Multnomah Athletic Club. Danny Moore, Sr. since her early childhood days. park so the men bulldozed it Surviving besides the wido­ the third weekend in June. The newly installed worthy wer are one son, Russell Barry of Medford and one daughter, man Hankins Funeral Service1 patron and matron were es­ corted to the alter for the Mrs. Shirley Bigham of Port­ in charge of arrangements. Pastor R. E. Ylvisaker offic­ Bible signing ceremony by the land and four grandchildren: Tina R. Barry, Portland, Clif­ iated and burial was at Moun­ junior past patron and matron, Mr. and Mrs. Lyness. ford D. Barry, Medford, Trudy tain View Cemetery. Mrs. Logsdon, a longtime re­ Under good of the order, P. Bigham, Portland, and Lt. past grand pa- Scott Bigham, Redlands, Calif. sident of Detroit, died Wednes­ Karl Wipper, Eleanor Battln, Services were at 2:00 p.m. day at Stayton Hospital after tron, Mrs. at the Virgil T .Golden Chapel a short illness. She was born representative to Florida in in Salem with interment at June 28, 1903 in Kiester, Minn. Washington and Mrs. Betty Besides her husband, Elmer, Norfleet, member of the can­ Belcrest Memorial Park. The family suggested con­ she is survived by one son, cer research committee of the tributions be made to the Ore­ Walter E Logsdon, West Linn; Grand Chapter of Oregon, each gon Heart Fund in care of the two sisters: Mrs. John Sies, spoke briefly. Introduced were the worthy Portland and Mrs. Clifford local postmaster. Robins, West Linn; and one patron and matron’s family, his mother, Mrs. Mabel Carl­ granddaughter. Mrs Logsdon was a mem- son, their daughter, Mrs. James HILDA LOGSDON Funeral for Mrs. Elmer E. ber of Zion Lutheran Church, Bevier and granddaughters, and Julie of Salem, _ (Hilda C.) Logsdon, 69, was Sa­ and the family suggests me-! Sharon turday at 10:00 a.m. at Zion mortal donations to the church their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Battin from Roches­ Lutheran Church, with Hol- in lieu of flowers. IN NEED OF Apart of you. Revenue Sharing To Be Spelled Out At Cottage Grove Conf. out a little to make a fishing place for the children. Wild flowers are encourag­ ed: crocuses, blood-roots, dutch men’s breeches, lady slippers, sweet williams, cowslips, col­ umbines, long stemmed blue­ purple violets. And the people I Campers and picnickers come by the hundreds. All summer the park is busy. In winter too—snow- mobilers and skaters use it Stop by and see what one small town can do. Knock on the door of the nearest little house and greet the Lowell Johnsons — ringleaders in the whole project. » You count on your telephone to serve you whenever you need it, around the dock. That’s why we work hard to be most careful when hiring people to work for us. We’re very proud of the good people we’ve hired. People like Wilma Patterson, plant secretary. They work well for us — and you. The Commander Provides: “All Risks” protection for •Watercraft Liability Including ♦ outboard motors and boats ♦ coverage while operating your boat or another's ♦ outdrive boats ♦ salvage coverage ♦ boat equipment ♦ boat trailers Covers—Accidents involving your boat or trailer in transit —Motor lost overboard —Collision -Fire or wind —Theft of your boat, motor or equipment ♦ limits available up to $300,000 Covers—Bodily Injury Property damage •Medical Payment! Coverage ♦ for you, your family and guests ♦ limits available up to $3,000 per person Covers—Medical and funeral expenses Madison-Davis Insurance Serving Your Insurance Needs for Mill City and the North Santiam Canyon 493 N. 3rd, Stayton Phone 769-6311 A team from the Seattle re­ gional and area offices of ths U. S. Dept, of HUD, will ad­ dress delegates to the League of Oregon Cities meeting In Cottage Grove, Fri., July «. Led by assistant regional ad­ ministrator for community de­ velopment, Robert Scalia, the group will spell out to city af­ fidala the proponed better communities a«t and the im­ plementation <4 special reve­ nue sharing, its Impact on lo­ cal government and the future of community development The better communities act presentation is on the agenda for 10:30 am. The meeting will take place in the Village Green Resort Hotel. The Cottage Grove presen­ tation is one of a aeries of such briefings being held with state and local governments in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. The purpose Is to open channels of communication leading to knowledgable co­ operation of all levels of gov­ ernment and to provide input from government officials at the operative levels. Continental Telephone of the Northwest I I