1 SS W.A. FOR IK BK OKS.. Tackle 61^x13’/2 x 5 in. Steel. 24-Section Tackle Box 7V4xl9x7 in. (A) Zebco Rod & Reel Combination for Beginners 150 piece set —everything to start fishing! V1548 (B) Zebco Light Fresh Water Spinning Combo Fiberglas rod. Reel has self-centering bail. VI446 (C) Zebco "2490" Spin-Cast Rod and Reel Combo 6 glass rod w/chrome guides Zebcc ' 600' reel.V1532 Q99 (F) Revelation Wi Ft. Rod & Reel Outfit VI602 Lightweight Spin Cast Set V1601...................... 10.89 (G) Beginner's Bait Casting Rod and Reel Combo 666 1059 5' medium action glass rod. 4-to-l retrieve reel. V7004 (H) Zebco "4440' 5h Ft., Solid Glass Rod Chrome-plated guides & tip-top nylon wrappings. V1230 999 (J) Shakespeare Solid Glass Spin Cast Rod (D) Zebco"1545" Rod/Reel Spinning Combination 5' glass rod. Zebco ' 404 adiustable drag reel. V1535 2 pc., 5Vb' rod with screw lock-type reel seat. VI291 (E) Zebco "1445" Fiberglass Rod A Reel Set BUY ALL YOUR FISHING NEEDS WITH W.A.'S CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS AND SAVE! 2 pc., 5Vs' rod and "444' under-the-rod reel. V1539. (A) Fresh Water Spinning Reel Ann All steel spool ww v>47! (B) Zebco "33" Spin Cost Reel * SAVE 2.20 Spin Cast R and Reel W-ste” A ut; 8 "OH" tug Repellent 129 Adjustable drag fiberglass housing. Rep. 8.19 13” 6” 3” 3” I VM70 6.5 oz. spray (C) Zebco "404" Spin Cast Reel Adjustable drag. 22 pt line pickup. Minnow 49 c Monofilament Line-100 Yds. 4 69c Bucket (E) Revelation Century Reel Multiple drag V16O5 59c VÓ137 5 qt. Revelation lures