? Th* Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, May 31, 1972 MEHAMA "YOUR LAND AND MY LAND" Low Water in Oregon Lakes By Meral Teeters Mrs. Nicholas Raffaele and I By Eva Bressler daughters Kimberly and Shan-' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips DETROIT — Boaters are be­ non arrived here Wednesday, returned the last of the week ing warned by army corps of May 23. They expect to spend I from a three weeks trip to engineers district engineer a year at the home of her par-. Alamos, N. M. where they vis­ Paul D. Triem that levels of ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sha­ ited at the home of their son- many Willamette Valley lakes fer, while her husband is sta-1 in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John By Hazel Hayes are lower than normal for this tioned in Thialand with the air ! Phillips, and attended the time of year. force. ILLINOIS GARDEN CLUB graduation of Mr. and Mrs. Co. Triem attributed the low Mrs. Edward Walz was hos-1 Phillips on May 20 from the water levels to “below normal Bang! went the gavel. tess at her home Friday even ­ U. of Mexico. They also visit- ing for a dinner honoring her “The next order of business winter rainfall and snow pack the Grand Canyon, Beya Can­ son Mike who was graduating is a report from the Project run off this spring.” yon and Southern Utah. Mrs. He said levels vary from 30 Commititee. ” from Regis High school that Verna Seits of Mehama was in feet below normal at Lookout evening. Present were Rev. “ Madam President, may we charge of the Lyons Variety Point Lake Southeast of Eu­ Ormal Trick, Mr. and Mrs. present .... Store while they were away. gene to normal at Cottag< Gordon McMorris and Carol That was the beginning of Grove and Dorena Lakes near A family gathering was held “'* Vrrei Walz all of Salem; Mr. and the Abraham Lincoln 77-icre | c^e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AIRMAN LELA L. CARLILE Mrs. Dave Keasey of Corvallis S°?!?tL2.arden in Sprlng- Lakegnear Eugene !. Fall Creek and Foster Arthur Olmstead Sunday. At- , and Sue Fletcher of Dallas. field, Illinois. Our standing goal Is to make pay­ I tending were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lake near Sweet Home. I Mrs. M. V. Frame returned What a Project! > ment In full within 5 working days Olmstead, Mrs. Judy Mays and Lyons Woman Water levels at other corps from the time Safeco’s adjuster gets “Keep it typical of the land­ project lakes in the valley are three children and Mr. Lee and Completes A. F. Basic home Thursday, May 24, from a ten day trip when she ac ­ your claim. We usually succeed. scape that Lincoln knew and two boys of Coburg, Mr. and 16 feet below average at De- Safeco. Insurance on your Airman Lela L. Carlile, dau. companied her brother’s fam­ oved voted the club. First troit Lake. nine feet below av- Mrs. Byron Edmundson of car, home, boat, business, east of C. Algiers Eugene, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, ghter of Mrs. Vera ______ „___ ily, the William Mulkeys of they planned two dams to im-)erage at cougar health, life and everything Mrs. Lucille Nash of Mehama. Rte. 1, Lyons, Ore., has been Portland, to Southern Cali­ pound the water of two small Eugene> eight feet below aver- else you valuei field^’ t0 f°rm Spnng‘iaee Jim Olmstead, Robyn Meyers assigned a<"icrr,“f* to Sheppard 1 AFB, Ar'T’ fornia. age at Hills Creek southeast Guests Sunday, May 27, at of Sublimity and Mrs. Rachael Tex., after completing air force of Eugene; five feet below at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- i Then along the lovely _ South- Green Peter Lake near Sweet basic training. Olmstead of Lyons. — «..ung, Mr. Edward Cruson has re-' During her six weeks at the ward Titze were her son and east shore, the ladies started Home, four feet "below ‘afSlue turned home from the Salem Air Training Command’s Lack- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. planting. River Lake east of Eugene, and Memorial Hospital where he land AFB, Tex., she studied Richard Rogers of Prineville. | Wouldn’t that be fun? I less than a foot below average Five miles of winding nature at Fern Ridge Lake west of Helen Anderson returned is convalescing following a tke a*r force mission, organi- Phone «97-2324 or «97-27.54 Mill City. Oregon 1 ration and customs and recelv- home Saturday, May 26, from trails were laid out. Then trees, Eugene. heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cru- 1 pd special instruction in hu- a weeks trip when she went to shrubs, and flowers were plant, civili­ mai vivili- ■ al *T"T Reno, Las Vegas, Scotty’s Cas­ ed including some that son have returned home after man relations. a two weeks stay at Denver, The airman has been assign­ tle, Disneyland, Knotts Berry zation i xd eStion(Miagdhta i Colo. They were guests at the ed to the technical training Farm and other places, stop­ but made home of their son, Mr. and j I center at Sheppard for special­ ping at Klamath Falls to visit add that Lincoln in cutting Mrs. Michael Cruson and little ized training in the communi­ with relatives on the way and splitting fence rails had probably helped to “extinct”; home. son. cations field. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth John­ Airman Carlile is a 1963 Mrs. Doris Sawards of The them!) Rustic bridges were built to I ston and their daughter, Mrs. graduate of Eagle Rock High Dalles, came Saturday, May 26, Linda Keisel and three child­ School, Le- Angeles. and spent several days at the span the ravines and water ren from Lebanon, were Sun­ home of Mrs. Raymond courses. This was to be a living me- j day guests at the home of his j Branch. brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh shoe pit and baseball diamond 1 Guests during Memorial morial, as permanent as stone or bronze but flexible beyond Johnston and family. ^®.an Hay weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley milies. Another -tLx-t:;- attraction Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright were either. Here are the growing - of Portland and Mrs. Gerald day was the launching of the their son’s family, , Mr. and things familiar to Lincoln in Oliver and two children from many boats of all descriptions Mrs. Leslie Wright, Wade and his lonely, thoughtful walks. Salem were Sunday guests at from the river run down the Belinda from Sutherlin. Addi- This garden will sing the song of America. It will be a real *- - - -- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ Santiam. 1 tional ■ guests Memorial Day The Santiam Christian Sen­ 1 were Mrs. Wright’s cousin and and true tribute to a great and ald Huber. Mrs. Keeley is a sister of Mr. Huber and Mrs. iors will hold a picnic June 8 wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gil­ gentile man. Birds come here in increas­ Oliver a daughter of the Hu­ at the John Neal Memorial mour of Salem. ing numbers. Park. Everyone is welcome to bers. Five miles of trail are a lot Weekend guests at the home attend. Two groups from Sa- for some of us to walk, so the of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lan­ lem plan to attend. Garden Clubs have provided ders were Miss Kathryn Lan­ Mrs. Anne Pietrok and sturdy benches, each with a ders, Miss Linda Landers and Louise spent last Sunday with quotation from Abraham Lin­ Tammy Jo Mann and daugh­ her daughter and son-in-law. Thursday, May 31 coln on the back. ter, Kathryn, from Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Norbet Lecher As the Garden developed it Turkey Gravy over Rice Weekend guests at the home and family of Salem, at their became apparent that it should Green Beans of Mrs. Effie Anderson were summer cabin on the Abiqua be of more service to more Hot Rolls her son and family, Mr. and River near Silverton. people, Friendly gathering Cranberry Bars Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zach Mrs. Harold Anderson, also, places were then provided Milk her daughter and family, Mr. have returned from a two around firepits made of native and Mrs. L. G. Hannaford of weeks vacation trip to Nicara­ We Also Have A stone. Portland, and Monday guests gua where they visited at the Friday, June 1 Fish Krisps When you visit his magnifi ­ were another daughter and home of their daughter. French Fries cent tomb and his modest two- ROTARY LAWN Mrs. Julia Vincent from Gre­ family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook Peas story home, continue on a- sham was a Tuesday visitor at of Salem. Pears round the lake to the new MOWER The John Neal Memorial the home of Miss Lula Cory. Glazed Doughnuts Garden. It is open from sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott Park was much appreciated to Milk up to sun-down. the many tourists over the Me­ and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Down­ For Rent morial Day weekend. The er have returned after spend­ Monday, June 4 t oi ”PAIKY QUj many improvements that have ing several days at Port Town­ Hamburgers been added at the park, picnic send, Wash., at the home of French Fries tables and new comfort sta­ Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mc­ Orange Juice tion adds to the convenient kit­ Dowell, son-in-law and daugh­ I Mixed Fruit chen center, the swings, horse- ter of the Scotts. Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, Milk f Sr., have returned from Ocean Park, Wash, where they spent Tuesday, June 5 DETROIT — Complaints are Chicken Sandwich several days clam digging. numerous of damage being City Center Jello Fruit Salad They were accompanied by done by dogs running loose in Cookie Bar their sonin-law and daughter, the Upper North Santiam Can­ We Gire BAH Greta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mason and j Ice Cream yon. In the Detroit area, fre­ Milk family of Mill City. quent complaints are that Phone 897-2977 plants are being trampled or broken off, garbage cans be­ ing turned over and calling cards (messes) of the dogs be­ ing left in gardens and lawns. The ever growing nuisance of local dogs running at large is amplified in the summer 1 The budget for Lyons-Mehama Water District for the fiscal year 1973-1974, beginning July time with vacationers and 1, 1973 as detailed and summarized In the accompanying schedules was prepared on an ac­ 1, summer home owners also counting basis consistent with that used in prior, years. Major changes, if any, and their effects permitting their dogs to run at on this budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may nsects ire large. I be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 pjn. at 529 Ash Street. A —OUR FORESTS' A Marion County Dog Con- meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Wednesday, June 13, 1973 at Lyons, Oregon, TWO WORST trol Law went into effect Aug- 7.39 p m. at Lyons City Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any ememies .' ust 14 of last year. Owners persOn may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it who permit their dogs to run | DALE A. BILYEU ________ at large are flirting with a court citation. (Chairman of Governing Body) The law defines a dog as Linn ___ Lyons running at large when it is off or outside of the premises be­ (County) (City) longing to the owner or keep­ lUFeSTEP TREES Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the er of such a dog, or not in com­ Assessor on Form LB-50 pany of and under the control This Year Last Year Next Year of its owner or keeper. Hunt-J ing dogs and animals used for Levy Within 6% Limitation . protection or herding of live- 1 Levy Outside 6% T Limitation . . i¡♦»♦¡Ar» / (Serial Levy) ..... ; T Levy Outside Dm 6% Limitation stock are exempt $23,420.00 $22,090.50 Not Subject to Limitation ___________ __ ____ $22,730 24 The law say»: “a dog owner Total Proposed Levy ___________________ 23,420.00 22,090.50 _ 22,730.24 who allows his animal to run Total Budget All Funds ......... . —............ ......... $62,466 33 $64,445.00 $73,084.5Q at large will be cited into court. Maximum penalty for TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS the violation is $50.” Outstanding July 1 This Year (Actual) Next Year (Kat) Marion County residents, $174,000.00 $186,000.00 both those residing in cities I Bonds ......... .............. .......... and rural parts of the county Interest Bearing Warrants 13,897.00 ._. 18,317.00 snould be aware of the “run­ Short Term Notes ---------- ßy PReveAJTiMö $187,897.0^ ....$204,317.00 ning at large law.” Dogs will Total Indebtedness --------- be picked up and confined by FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGE* dog control people if found off SINKING FUND OR PROGRAM owners* premises and not un­ Last Year This Year Next Year der supervision. This applies Total All Other Requirements --------- --- ----- $44,267.29 $44,167.50 $44,380.00 equally to dogs with licenses Total Requirements (Including Transfers) . ..... $44,267.29 $44,380 00 $44,187 50 PROTECT OUR FOREST as to those without licenses. 23,300 00 25,300.00 Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied------ 21,537.05 EMVl ROMM BUT' 21,080 00 18,867 50 Names of dog owners, es­ Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance........... 22,730 24 2,340.00 3,223.00 pecially in the Detroit area, Estimated Tax Not to be Received.... ...$22,730.24 $23,420 00 $22,090.50 who are permitlng their dogs Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied $22,730.24 $23,420 00 $22,090 50 to run at large, will be turned Not Subject to Limitation .... .............. over to Mariion County Con­ GENERAL FUND OR PROGRAM U. S. Plywood-Champion Paper$, Inc trol officials for immediate ac­ Frank Lumber Co. Ijurt Year This Year tion. Idanha—Lebanon, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Total Personnel Services A word of caution. It has $ 7,575 19 $ 9,300.00 (Includes all Payroll Costs) been noted that some people Total Materials and Services_ 14,466 10 14,900.00 Young & Morgan Timber Company Stout Creek Lumber Co. who keep their dogs tied up in Total Capital Outlay _________ 14,794.00 17,694.80 Lyons, Oregon—Mill at Mehama Mill City—Idanha, Oregon the day time are permitting Total All Other Requirements 12,000 00 them to run at large at night. Total Requirements (Including Transfers) ..... „$39,736.09 $50,994 00 Will$ Shingle Mill Intermounta n Trucking, Inc. Most of the damage is occuring Lyons, Oregon Mill City, Oregon (Published in the Mill City Enterprise Thursday, May 31, 1973.) ,a night. you’re with Safeco, JERRY PITTAM INSURANCE Subscribe to The See Us For Those Fathers School Lunch Menu Gift Suggestions MILL CITY HARDWARE Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise $4.50 OUR FflBUiOUS FORESTS Ä [I and [F I I NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING