BONUS SPECIALS Starting This Week FROZEN FOODS Swanson 3 Course Turkey Dinner 4/11.00 Starkist Tuna Pies 8 Oz. Reg. 3/89c 79c Swanson 3 Course Beef Dinner Reg. 85c Swanson 3 Course Chicken Dinner Reg. 85c 79c Morton Apple Pies Swanso 3 Course Salisbury Dinner Reg. 85c 22 Oz. 22 Oz. Morton Cherry Pies Morton Peach Pies 79c 22 Oz. 79c Reg. 85c 37c Reg. 39c Reg. 39c 37c Reg. 39c 37c GROCERY Nalley Bean Salad Reg. 47c Nalley German Potato Salad Reg. 47c Nalley Macaron' Salad Reg. 47c Nalley Potato Salad Reg. 47c Sunny Jim Old Fashioned Peanut Butter reg. 1.09 43c 43c 43c 43c 98c Come In And Compare Our Prices Win an Electric Ice Cream | Western Family Fruit Cocktail Maker At Girod's Mkt. Gold N Soft Margarine 1 Lb. Tubs Not!ling tawter. like homemade Ice Cream—es- peciaUy if you win a free ice cream maker. We will give one away each month this summer. Use the entry bhuik in our ad each week. En ter as often as you like. Drawings on the first of each month. First drawing June 1st p—- Entry Blank For Drawing on June 1st ♦ ( I I I ¡Bean with Bacon, Vegetarian Vegetable or Veg. with Beef Stock NAME Western Family Mandarin Oranges I I Ounce I — I ADDRESS FOR* I PHONE No._______________ HELP Please make the Oregon bottle law work! Blue Bell Potato Chips 3 Bagger Please Jo'n in a drive for "GOOD RE TURNS" on soft drink bottles by post ing this notice in your kitchen: C.H.B. Pork N' Beans 40 Ounce RETURN SOFT DRINK BOTTLES 3 WAYS BETTER Liquid Cold Water All 32 Ounce Girods Fluffy Rinse 1 Sort by brand and size. 2 Return cartoned in their original carriers. 3 Return FREQUENTLY. DON'T BE A BOTTLE-HOARDER ! Gallon Cottage Tomato Sauce 7% Ounce Each Short Sleeve Football Jerseys Skippy Dog & Cat Food 15 Ounce 53' 39* 69* 89* 10* Regular 69c With Iron on Letters Regular Flavor Only Gorton s Minced Clams 3/$l«o Childrens Sizes 8-16 $179 Each Nabisco Crackers I I I 16 Ounce Box Flav-R-Pac Spinach r Chopped or Leaf lOOz. /$1 ( K I IDAHO GEM Fries - Crinkle Cuts - Potato Gems - I Hash Browns /I /$! 00 Lb. . I®/ A Kraft Random Weight Cheese Cheddar (mild, medium, sharp) Monterey Jack, Swiss, and Mozzarella Gorton Fishsticks 14 Ounce Regular 89c 69' ar Price Solid Heads lOv I • i • Radishes or Green Onions 3 Bunches 29c Golden Ripe Bananas Strawberries . 8 Lbs. S1.00 . . . . . 3 Boxes 89c J STORE HOURE: Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M., Monday through Saturday —Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Girod's Hilltop Super Market 829 S. 1st Avenue ■■ ( PRICES PRICES EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SATURDAY MAY MAY 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 1973 1973 Mill City, Oregon !