Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1973)
Recent guests at the home 5—The Min City Enterprise, Thursday, May 17, 1978 Plans Made for Last of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shep herd were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bible School Scheduled Pack Meeting of Marrs and Mr. and Mrs. Fred At Idanha Church Ousley from McMinnville. This School Year Mrs. Ousley is the former DETROIT — The annual Tuesday evening, May 15, Mary Larson, department Summer Melba Marrs of Mill City and was the annual no-host dinner Bible School at Idan The cub scout committee met president and an installing ha is a neice of Mr. Shepherd and and installation of officers for Community Church is staff were in Mill City to ln- May 7 at the home of Ken for June 4 through the Mill City Woman's Club Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Moise, Milton Marrs is his nephew. | stall the officers and new me- , scheduled The Santiam Wolverines June 8, for children reaching held at Mrs. Jenny Cauble ’ s Denise and Janice and Mrs.' Mrs Finanz- . first league Final plans were made for mt*rs into the Mill City Gates four years old by June 1, up dropped their ter SatCur^iy’wh'renthl3 d'nner P>«sl Mother, Day at home overlooking the Santiam the last pack meeting of this Auxiliary #159 and to present through six years of age. The baseball game of the season to Regis Rams at Regis on SS S”1' ‘he home ol j her deuahte.', ... River just west of town. As- school term. The pack meeting th-eir charter. daily sessions will be held from the May 8 4-0. ed at the home of Mrs. Ken nuly, Mr. -- »»_ z-m- »« i sisting hostesses were Doris will be May 23 at 4:30 p.m. at • Installed were Freda Thayer, and Mrs. Ollie Mulse, Mag Mowry and Ne„ 9:00 to 11.45 a.m. Overall neth T Wee,he " - r, and ' ' . &“„d7.^, the scout cabin. The den mo-. president; Lorraine Bibler, theme will be “Reach Out Dan Wiege handcuffed the ' • DeWitt. Nineteen ladies at thers will notify the parents vice-president; Marie Stewart, They also visited Kenneth Wolverines, as the Wolverines With Jesus ” . tended the event. Weathers who was in the Mc Patty McClintock entertain Highlight of the evening was about what they are to bring secretary-treasurer; chaplain, The program will include could only manage four widely Kenzie Willamette Hospital ed on Mother’s Day with a for the potluck supper. Hot ” ‘ Delores Dlshong; Martha « Etzel, h — i Bible lessons, craft, recreation, spaced singles. Wiege struck where he has been since May dinner. Attending were Mr. the presentation of awards dogs will be furnished. I sergeant at arms; and Clara music and refreshments. The out seven while walking only 1 when he suffered a heart at and Mrs. Wayne Alban, Fred i won by the club at the recent The summer SOAR program I Daugherty, historian, following week, June 11 one. tack. They later heard he was and Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. state convention in Medford will be a thorough policing of of 1 Guests on the installing through June 15, Bible school Regis scored all of their runs released from the hospital Sa Lowell Cree, Mr. and Mrs. which none were able to at- the Larson were: sessions are slated for junior in the sixth Inning, on three tue grounds gieuiius of U1 the me scout SCOUt cabin, CaDin. .team . ‘c’“1 besides wcaiuca Mrs. m turday afternoon. I Patsy Sager, president of will!Patsy singles, two walks and two er William McClintock, Sue and I tend. Two members of the Mill The dates of this project will . City Junior Woman% Club, be decided upon later. The District Two from Aurora; Vel- high school students, grades rors. Only two of the runs Mark and Corliss Archer. seven and eight from 7:00 to Mrs. Alan Yankus left Fri- Judy Bogle and Mary Lou next cub scout committee .ma L Drew, vice president of were earned. 9:00 p.m. day for Caracas, Venzuela to Dick Gruver pitched for Visiting at the home of Mr. I Suckling, presented the fol- meeting is scheduled for District Two, Salem; Alice High school Bible school join her husband who is with and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd from ' 1°wi ‘ Pg: : a silver tray, $5.00 August 29. All those who have I Vogh, secretary; Salem; Arlene classes are scheduled for June Santiam. Dick struck out eight the Peace Corps. From there last Wednesday until Monday check, ' and certificate of merit potential cub scouts, those who 1 Downing, District Three presi- and walked three. they will go to Cumana where morning was his cousin, Archie f romthe Sperry and Hutchin- can and will give their time dent, Lebanon; Rose Schneider, 18, through June 22, also from Regis out-hit Santiam five 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. they will be living. Reames from Prineville. I Company for organizing are requested to attend. Den * president Capital Unit #9, to four, but the big difference Bible school director is Rev. ____ __ ___________ the first new club of the year; mothers, mvuwis, tuu auu the'Salem; me cub uiwwn masters and Zelma Stevenson, vice Arvin Johnson, pastor of the was errors; Santiam had seven M'es. Else Allen and Mrs. studio of Haïr Design open a Placlue- $200.00 check from Cub committee and the dens president Capital Unit #9, Sa church. while regls had only one. Gladys Lake recently spent Wednesday through Saturday the She11 Oil Company for for the fall term will be plan- lem; Donnie Thomas, Salem; 1 2 S 4 S 6 7 R H E Marlon Magnus, West Hills two weeks in Hawaii. They Evenings by appointment' winnin8 second J place In *“ the ned at that time, “ Santiam conservation | Unit #66; James W. Drew, first Winners Named At were there over the Easter Phone 897-2100. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 41tf environmental holidays. They reported beau- ________ program; and a $100 check and i vice president, District Two; Santiam Golf Club Regis tlful weather and Mrs. Lake r- - - Berniece and Joe Marcraft, 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 5 1 Mrs. James Bryan, daughter certificate from Atlantic Rich The days play Tuesday for department vice-president, says she is ready to go back. of ’ Mn'and~Mrï. À1 v’anku's field, also for second place in the 18 hole group of the San They were there the same time spent from Tuesday until conservation. The latter two | Capital Unit #9, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilliford of Thursday of last week in Wash were the result of the club’s A potluck lunch was served tiam Womens Golf Club was “fewest farway shots”. work in helping to establish after the ceremony. Gates were at the home of ington, -ngton D.C. DC. on a business trip Class A winner was Mrs. their son Jim and his family, for lbm Laboratories of Port. the new park near town. Men-1 Wayne Schug and Mrs. Clar- so visited with them too. tioned as chief workers on the | The Santiam Wolverines I land. She was one of five ence Applegate won the Class BILL ALLMAN i program were Mae Mowry, dropped their second straight 'making the trip. C. Mrs. Vern Chamberlain, Phone 749-5729 Rev. John Connors, who I Elaine i Russell,, Doris Rogers, league baseball game to Salem, Mrs. Shirley Laird and Mrs. 715 1st—Stayton preached at the Presbyterian ------ — I Mr ana M„ Roger Lung. and Lillian Peck, I May 14. Ed Strong all tied for Class B. Church Sunday morning, qu ■ ist „turned Sunday __ j ____ from I The installation of officers Salem Academy jumped wound up the service later in Ro’/emead* Calif7 where they was by Toni Thomas, the out- top with a two-run homer on The Santiam girl ’ s track fellowship hall by showing a had ’visiting sjnce March ®oing president, who after two Dave Dunn in the bottom by team placed fourth in their of film of the June, 1972, confer- their children and fa- years of service, had also writ- the first inning. conference meet at Regis. Scio with SPRINGWALL ence on the Development of|ndlieg They plan to „main in ten the script, using trees as won the conference. In the MATTRESS _______ _________ _____ _ 1 Santiam tied it in the sec- Human Environment in Stock- their home here for the sum- emblems with most of the pre girl’s reglonals at Mt. Hood, sentation In verse. ” Mamie Reed holm, Sweden, to which he was mer months --------- —• - ~-- J ond inning. But Salem Acade- May 11, Santiam picked up THE MOST COMFORTABLE assfeted by pinning on the cor- my scored single runs in the two first places. The 880 med a delegate. One hundred thir- _____ ___________ s a g es ______________________ | fourth and fifth innings and INVESTMENT YOU'LL EVER MAKE. teen nations were represented Mrs Mra. Mrs. Cecll Cecil îjake Lake and and Mrs. Those installed included: scored two in the sixth, the ley relay team placed fourth in by twelve hundred participants Elge Allen returned May 5 The Chiropractic is designed with patented spring a time of 2:01.0. This time is a discussing the global phase of from a two weeks vacation in Kate Doble, treasurer; Mary lead 6_2- ing action and side support to give you the sleep new school record. Lori Hilde social revolution. Hawaii. The two ladies spent Youmans, recording secretary;! Santism came back in the brandt picked up a first in the comfort your body needs. 612 coils in the mattress Easter there, had beautiful Daisy Geddes, corresponding seventh inning, but could only 100 meter hurdles. Her time and 612 coils in the matching boxspring; airlet Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt re weather and enjoyed the many secretary for the past several manage two runs. of 16.1 also set a new school borders; 4 layers of thick foam padding; Posture turned to their home here Fri attractions. ¡years; Theresa Saalfeld, past I Salem Academy out-hit San- record. This beat her previous springing unit . . these are just a few of the de day afternoon. They had spent I second vice-president; Jenny tiam 10-4. best of 17.1. Finishing seventh luxe features that made Chiropractic the great a few days with relatives in ___ Mother ’s __________ Day guests ____ Sun- _ Cauble, new second vice-presi- j Dennis Corning was two for in the shot was Cheryle Law va I u © ü is plate for San. rence. Los Angeles prior to making day at the home of Mr. and dent; Alma Byer, first vice- three at the trip up the coast. They Mrg Donovan Moffatt and president; and Margaret Snow, tiam and hit his seCond home Lori Hildebrandt is the only spent Thursday night at De- sons> were Mrs. Vee Golden, president, for whom Helen run of the year in the second member of the girls track team I Lake State Park before com- Mr and Mrs. Don Moffatt, Kimmel stood in as she was inning. that qualified for state. Lori CLOSED SUNDAYS and MONDAYS ing I David Plotts is leading the was also in last year’s state — home. — [Mrs. Daphne Person of Port- unable to attend. Sublimity—Aumsville Jet. Hwy. 22 Ph. 749-2975 During the short business team in batting average, hits, meet. __________________________ I land, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kin man and children from Bea session, a thank you note was and runs batted in for the sea verton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard read for the donation of $60.00 son. He is batting .418, has 23 Brown and daughter, Trina, of for two campships to the Camp hits and 18 RBI’s. Wright is leading the Salem. Trina had spent the Easter Seals, the money raised | i Jim — | i team in runs scored, walks, ’ weekend wltih the Donovan at a recent salad bar. I Volunteering to man the and stolen bases for the sea- Moffatts, while her parents had been cycle riding in the sno-cone concession for the son. He has scored 18 runs, Chemeketa Community Col Fourth of July celebration this waiked 18 times, and has Bend area. lege will offer more than 200 year were Helen Kimmel, stolen ten bases. courses in its expanded sum Mary/ Youmans, Alma Byer, i i Dennis Corning is leading P. J.’s Beauty Center 239 S. mer session which begins June W. Broadway. Opon Monday Mamie Reed, NeU DeWitt and the team in home runs for the 118. The classes—offered in Sa- Mae Mowry. season with two. through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to A new member will be chos For the second straight week, ' lem and McMinnville — will 5:00 p.m. Evenings by appoint include vocational-technical, ment. Phone 897-2137. 19tf en for the steering committee Dennis Corning was named as lower division college transfer to replace Ruth Cummings in player of the week. He went and high school completion. I | Sp. 4 Jeff Corning surprised September when the club re three for six at the plate last Chemeketa’s summer sessioni convenes. week and hit a home run. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee will consist of two five-week The annual report of the ___ ____________________ This was Santiam’s final lea- sections and one ten-week sec Corning, when he arrived home on an eight day leave. treasurer was given by Kate gue game of the season. San- tion. In addition, a ten-week' He returned to his naval base Doble which showed a very tiam’s league record is 8-2, | 1 evening section will be offered. in Long Island last Thursday successful year for the organ which is one game over second i The summer program is de C d fashioned Strawberry place Jefferson. where he was recently trans ization. signed for students who wish Santiam will play either to accelerate their academic ferred to the escort destroyer, Eddyville or Mohawk in its schedules, high school gradu-1 with cool, creamy“ Dairy Queen ."in the U. S. S. Hepburn. i Annual Birthday . Hen a way to ci.fcqf to ¿jtl fawntoA first playoff game Friday. The ates who want to get an early, Stanley Ogden and his Luncheon _Held May 8 game will be played at either start on college and other per mother, Mrs. Esther Ogden, re-! LYONS — The annual birth- Regis or Springfield. If San- sons 16 years of age or older turned Monday from a ten- day luncheon sponsored by the tiam wins this game, they will who wish to take vocational or day visit in Boise, Idaho. They United Methodist Women held host the quarter finals. interest classes. " at- ‘ ( May " 8, was well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E general had gone to Boise to visit Tuesday, •* The first five-week section their sister and daughter, Mr. tended. The tables were decor- Santiam I will run from June 18 to July and Mrs. William J. Jacxson ated, ----- naming —-------------- each month 0 2 of 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 3 20 and the second from July . jqc J family i+ht» j the Vpar year and a ehnrt short nrntfram program ' Salem Academy Dairy 23 to August 24. The ten-week . I was enjoyed. | 2 00 0 1 1 2 0 « 10 2 section will be held from June Queen Mrs. Bert Carr of Salem fur Overnight guests at the By Frank Stromquist 18 to August 24, and the eve I home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin nished several piano selections ning section will be conduct *A recent Swedish survey 1 Peterson last Wednesday were and Mrs. Vera Larimer of ed from June 18 to August 24. shows that it is quite con | his cousins, Mrs. Ida Hilse and Stayton gave two readings. Registration for each sec ceivable that gonorrhea can j Mrs. Hulda Meyers from Wis Prizes were awarded to Mrs. tion will be conducted during be transmitted via toilet consin. They are also visiting Nellie Jones of Stayton for the the first class. seats, etc. After adding relatives in Lebanon, Salem oldest mother present; Mrs. The full summer session j- Thursday thru Sunday I Leland Manning, youngest fresh gonococcus bacteria to and Portland. DETROIT — According to schedule and additional infor a I'Orders To Go Ph. 769 5311 I mother of Lyons; Mrs. Sarah a broth suspension, the li untidy vacationers this mation are available at the quid was spread on various Mrs. Ervin Peterson has re- Weitman of Salem, mother of report, Adult Community Stayton, Oregon surfaces of a disinfected rest ceived word that her grandson, the largest family; and Mrs. summer at U. S. Army Corps I Chemeketa Education Office. of Engineers recreation areas room. Four hours later, they S/Sgt. Russell Page, USAF Paul Pennington of Lebanon may be issued citations for were still able to isolate the from Mt. Home, Idaho, will ' be for coming the longest dis- “environmental pollution”. bacteria from the toilet seat, leaving for a tour of duty in tance. Maj. Gen. R. E. McConnel, washbasin, water tap, an Thialand in August. North Pacific division engi electric light switch and a Hearing On Phone neer, announced last week that • damp cotton towel. They Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan 20 specially trained “rangers” i Rates Held Tuesday even managed to find gonoc- and their grandson, Bill Wat-y with citation authority will | ci on the fingertips that had kins of Salem, took her mo- Public Utility Comissioner patrol the corps’ 56 recreation- ; been in contact with those ther, Mrs. Alice Watson, to a ' Richard Sabin scheduled pub al areas in Oregon, Washing-' surfaces. Thus, many mo local restaurant for dinner on [ lie hearings to investigate a ton and Idaho during the vaca thers may have been justly Mothers’ Day. Later In the day proposed rate increase by Con- tion from Memorial nervous about public rest they took a birthday cake and tinental Telephone Company Day to season Labor Day. rooms, and many kids un went to Salem to help their cf the Northwest, Inc., former- In the mid-Willamette Vai-1 justly accused of illicit sex. other grandson, Michael Valley Telephone Co. ley, the corp operates several' kins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- j The hearings were held May •A recent study at George win Watkins, celebrate his 15, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. campgrounds and recreation I town U. Medical Center fourth birthday. Bill has been I in Room 101 of the Public sites at Detroit and Green (Peter reservoirs. proved that neither stimu staying with his grandparents Service Bldg, in Salem. State-operated parks and re lants nor tranquilizers Im while he had the chicken pox. Dog Owners Are Reminded That There Is A City Ordinance Areas which would be af prove the learning process. Both Michael and his father fected by the rate increase pro creation areas are not affect ed. The four drugs being tested. also had them. Forbidding Dogs Running At Large In Mill City At Any Time. posal are Dayton, Yamhill, The rangers will wear uni Librium, Thorazine, Dexe- Grand Island, Sunnyside, Pro forms and badges, but will drine and Phenobarbital ac Mrs. Lowell Cree spent Fri volt, Murphy, Silverton, Hood tually impaired the over-all day afternoon in Salem visit land, Detroit, Mill City and carry no weapons and will not accuracy of the animals ing Mrs. Harry Hutton and special rate areas of Scotts have authority to make ar- rests. CITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED FOR VIOLATIONS OF studied. Mrs. Rose Cooper. She had not Mills and Marion Forks. Citations will be issued for When your doctor prescribes seen them for over 40 years. “aggravated” instances of un THIS ORDINANCE the best, we do the rest, at Mrs. Cree’s family lived next Barbara Trout from Berk authorized disposal of garbage door to their parents when she eley, Calif, arrived Saturday and trash and for dumping. was two years old and when night for a Mother’s Day visit Citations will also be issued the family moved, they lost with her mother, Mrs. Vivian for violations of swimming, contact of each other until re Trout. boating, camping and hunt cently. Mr. and Mrs. Cree also ing ordinances. Maximum Phone 897-2812 visited her mother, Mrs. J. C. Mrs. Margaret Snow of the fines for severe pollution vio Dickinson and her brother and 1 Senior - ------ ■ Woman’s Club was lations “could be up in the Your Home Town DON GILLENWATER, Chief of Police sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. among the guests at the in hundreds of dollars,” a corp Wade Dickinson. stallation and banquet of the spokesman said. Drug Store Junior Womans Club. Her I Warnings might be issued to QUALITY JOB PRINTING name was inadvertently left ( persons committing less severe Phone W7-2772 laof ttmnlra Vlol&tlOnS , out ir> in last weeks story. Womans Club Holds Installation i Legion Auxiliary Installed Here Regis Rams Stop Wolverines Cold Wolverines Fall To Salem Academy Scio Wins Girls Conference Meet ANN'S FURNITURE and APPLIANCE Chemeketa to Have Summer Sessions Pharmacy Topics SHORTCAKE! Vacationers May Receive Citations DOG OWNERS ATTENTION CITY OF MILL CITY