Local Drivers Race 4—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, May 17, 1973 Four Generations _ L i ' " the MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Observe Mothers Uay p o BOX 348 phone 897-2772 mill city , ore . 973 m Lumber Shows Up In Alaska At Lebanon Track Puhliahcd at Mill City, Marlon County, Ore. every Thursday DETROIT — Four genera­ Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Postoffice at Mill tions of the Fred L. Storey | City Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. family observed Mothers Day I The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility Bill Emerson of Lyons took with a potluck dinner in the ' for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint the “B” Trophy Dash on Sa­ clubroom of the Idanha Fire without charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an turday and Sunday. Cliff Ma advertisement which Is in error if The Enterprise is at fault. Hall Sunday. hurin of Lyons won the “A” An Independent newspaper, dedicated to the development attendance were In Mrs. Trophy Dash. Fred (Carrie) Storey, Mr. and of the timber Industry and agriculture In this area. Saturday night, Al McClel­ Mrs. Clyde Storey, Mr. and land won the fast heat, follow­ Mrs. Quincy Smith and son ed by Cliff Mahurin and Bill Brian, Mrs. Norman Thomas Oregon Emerson, all of Lyons. son and son Ronald, and Carol George Fuller of Gates plac­ Newspaper Benton, all of Idanha; Mr. and ed second in the main event, Publishers Mrs. Ernest Emmerson and followed by Mahurin and Mc­ Association * ¿i children, Ronda and Bobby of Clelland. Fuller also placed SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sheridan: Mr. and Mrs. Ste­ fourth in the super stock main. Marion-Linn Counties, per year ............ ...... .50 phen Storey and daughter, Sunday’s fast heat was won 00 ■ Zr- Samantha, Canby, Dr. and Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year .... by Cliff Mahurin, second place If. .50 Mrs. Frank Storey, Mrs. Linda Outside Oregon, per year --------------------- went to Bill Emerson, both of Wilt and children, Cheryl and GEORGE LONG .............. Lyons. — Editor and Publisher Larry of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND E. PRESLER “Wild Chief” Jack Hall of ................ Printer Society and News Editor Buck Storey and daughter Su­ NORMA LONG......... -..... Turner placed third in the ......... Local News Editor sie, Mrs. Lana Calhoun and ROSE CREE ..................... “B” Heat. ......... Local News Editor children, Shawn. Mark and MARY KELLY ................. Jerry Leffler of Stay ton CORRESPONDENTS Todd of Corvallis; Miss Nancy won the mam event, followed .......................................... Boots Champion Storey, Fred and Larry Smith, Detroit-Idanha by Mahurin and McClelland. ...................................... —........ Betty KeHe Gates ......... — | Mrs. Candy Boyd and sons, Lyons ............. ......................___ ................ — Eva Bressler Mark and John, all from Sa­ Mehama ......... ............ Mrs. John Teeters • Jean Roberts Building Permits Total lem; Dorsey Smith, OCE, Mon­ $635,400 For March mouth; Mrs. Christine McKen­ ney, Lebanon; Mrs. Mary Williamson's Host 30 Detroit School Board In Linn County Thomasson, Prineville; Miss Rehires Teachers Building permits were up Carol Ish, Albany; Mr. and At Buffet Dinner in Linn County in March, 1973, DETROIT — Detroit school Mrs. Chester Storey and Mr. DETROIT — The Idanha administrative office announc­ compared to March, 1972, the and Mrs. Dallas Benton and The above picture appeared daughter now residing in An­ Alaska. The firm will use the U of O Bureau of Business and home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn ed this week that all of the recently in an Anchorage. chorage, sent it to her. roughly 70 tons of 2x4s for daughter Regina of Detroit. Economic Research reported. Williamson was the setting teachers contracts for the com­ In March, 1973. the total was Alaska newspaper. Local resi­ The caption read: Jim Jones, manufacturing roof trusses. Friday evening for a pre-nup- ing year have been renewed Mrs. Albert Carr, president of Quality Inc. Roof The special railroad car that <635,400 compared to $391,800 dent, tial buffet dinner and party. with the exception of one tea­ I in the same month the year be­ brought the clipping to the En­ Trusses, stands by what he carried the lumber from Frank cher Details on the controver­ The wedding of their daugh ­ terprise. It had been sent to says is the largest load of Lumber Co. of Mill City, Ore. fore. ter, Miss Gina Williamson to sy of not renewing the teach­ Building permits from 148 Mrs. Ethel Huffman of Salem, | stress grade (kiln dried and was transported by an Alaska Gregory Slayden took place er’s contract is not available identical reporting centers in and formerly of Lyons, whose (planed) lumber to arrive in Hydro Trail vessel. Saturday at the Idanha Com­ at this time. By Boots Champion Oregon totaled $72,709,829 in munity Church with Rev. Don­ As to the other personnel of March 1973. This was 11.1% Bank Debits Reported Kent Bittner, son of Mr. and ald Dishong of Mill City per­ the school, an announcement higher than the total in March, Mrs. Nils Bittner was admitted forming the 2:00 ceremony. on this will be made in June. 1972. Sunday to Salem Memorial, __ According to school district Up In Linn County Some _ 30 guests were in _ at- In March, 1973, $44.191,178 Hospital for medical attention. | tendance lncluding Rev Di. clerk, Ruth Beller, no bacca- Bank debits for the 16 re­ was for 2,834 new dwelling His parents said his illness has s|10ng> honor maid, Miss ' laureate service is planned for units, $22,312,669 was for new porting banks including those been diagnosed as pneumonia Sheri williamson bridesmaids, i this year. | !> n t in Linn County were up in nonresidential construction, Among college students Miss Cathie Crist, Detroit, Miss compared to The newest edition of “Ore­ ■nd $6,205,982 was for addi­ March, 1973, home for Mothers Day were Susan Loerts of Lookingglass Bruce Slayden of Stayton, Mr March, 1972, the U of O Bureau gon Parks. ” a guide to Oregon ’ s tions. alterations, and repairs Dorsey Smith and Mary Bitt-1 (near Roseburg) Miss Joy I and Mrs. Mike Williamson, De of Business and Economic Re park system is now available to existing structures. Avery F. Bowman ner. Both are attending OCE Jones, Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. trolt, Mike Monroe, and Gerald free of charge through the tra­ For the same month last search has reported. Funeral services were held1 at Monmouth. ...-------- .... ¡Art Taylor and Rick William- Lynn and fiance Robyn Fara- Debits for March, 1973, to ­ vel information office of the year, the $65,458,954 total of Sunday afternoon at 3:00 for j Members of the American son of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. ■ go, OCE, Monmouth. taled $124.326,000. For Febru ­ state highway division or at permits was composed of $40,- Avery F. Bowman who died 146,339 for 2.882 new dwelling ary. 1973, the total was $101,- the chamber of commerce cer­ Wednesday in a Salem hospital Legion Auxiliary, Idanha Unit I #141, held their last meeting I 193,000 and for March 1972, tified information centers Units, $10,539,988 for new non­ scattered about the state, it was as the result of injuries he re­ of the season, Tuesday, May residential construction, and the total was $105,429.000. Oregon with 412 banks re­ announced by George M. ceived in a car accident last 15. Meetings will resume again $14,772,627 for additions, alter­ porting had a percentage in­ Baldwin, administrator of Monday on Highway 22 be­ in the fall. ations, and repairs to existing tween Mill City and Mehama. crease of 14.9 in March. 1973, highways. Mothers Day dinner guests structures. Mr. Bowman, who was 79 ias compared with February, The guide lists 514 parks years of age, moved to Mill at the home of Rev. and Mrs. 11973, and a 20.00 increase in with facilities which they of­ Harold Roth and family Sun­ I March 1973 as compared with fer. It includes state parks, City several years ago from day were their son-in-law and A 1973 Jacobsen Turbo-Vent rotary assures it! Alaska. His home at 436 March, 1972. waysides or recreation areas, dar Street was destroyed Ce- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tim by Total bank debits for March, U. S. Forest Service facilities, Collins of Portland and Irene 1973 came to $7,472,590,000. For National Parks Service facil­ fire several months ago. Services were under the di- Paullin. February, 1973, the total was ities. BLM campgrounds, coun­ rection of Howell-Edwards- I Weekend visitors at the $6.505.684,000 and for March, ty parks, state forestry parks, Doerksen Chapel of the Gar­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe ' 1972, the total was $6,229,070,- power company or timber dens of Salem and were held Lichlyter included Mr. Lichly- 000. parks, and safety rest areas. ter’s mother, Mrs. Ethel Mc­ The 1973 Jacobsen Turbo-Vent cutting system l The ine services listed nsiea include inciuae at the Jehovah's Witnesses Cauley, her daughter, Mrs. whether area includes tent or * al1 al Stayton with with deck-top air vents produces a smooth cut! whether area includes tent or Health Fair Meeting Janelie Bryant and sons. Dale trailer campsites, drinking wa-1 Ge«rge Vau«hn, 0"1Cf,atIn?; and Rob of Walton; Mr. Lichly- i Survivors include the widow, Is Scheduled ter, wood or electric stoves, pit 1 ter’s great aunt who is 86 years Are you interested in hav- or flush toilets, or boat ramps. Carmen G. Bowman, of Mill young, and her daughter and , City; one daughter, Mary Bow- ing our young people learn Included in the guide are I man, Mexico City, Mexico; and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest facts about drug abuse? state park regulations and , two brothers, John Bowman Nelson of Lebanon. The group Would you like to know charges for overnight camp­ observed Mothers Day with a The 1973 Jacobsen Turbo-Vent cutting syBtem I more about cancer or heart ing in these facilities. A list of and Connally Bowman, both of family yard picnic. Columbus, Ohio. means better bagging with fewer emptying stops! : disease? state parks participating in What’s new at Detroit Patio Would you like a good de- the reservation program along Gift Shop? Come in and see 1 monstration on proper dental with the park phone numbers, our lovely handmade colorful | care for young children? is also included. fiberglass candles. Will not Interested people are needed melt in hot weather. 20 ' to help with a Health Fair for Friday and Saturday visit­ i Mill City and vicinity. A meet- Idanha Church ors at the home of Mr. and I ing will be held Tuesday, May The 1973 Jacobsen Turbo-Vent cutting system 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Christian Honors Mothers DETROIT — A Mill City Mrs. Robert Kirk and family with deck-top air vents acts as an efficient 1 Church basement. See you woman and her three children were Mrs. Kirks parents, Mr. anti-clogging device even in damp grass. DETROIT — Annually, the escaped serious injury late and Mrs. Rodney Peebles of ; there. Idanha Community Church Monday afternoon in a two car Lebanon. honors mothers on Mothers crash about three _____________ miles east of Among out of towners at­ Mill C.+v-Ga+es Leaion Day. During the Sunday school Detroit on Highway 22. tending the Slayden William­ To Host Members hour this year, Mrs. Irene Paul- , Mrs. Fred Smith and chil­ son wedding here Saturday Idanha were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fox The Mill City-Gates Ameri- lin and Mrs. Carrie Storey, dren were taken ------ by __ _____ j can Legion, Post #159, will be were presented with a single Rural Fire District ambulance ' of Shelton, Wash, and Mr. and ] hosts Saturday, May 19, at a American Beauty Red Rose to Salem Memorial Hospital I Mrs. Dave White of Bend. Mrs. i social evening to begin at 8:00 for being the oldest mothers Emergency Center following! Fox is an aunt of the bride and The 1973 Jacobsen Turbo-Vent power-proiielled p.m. at the Eagles Lodge. present. Also presented with the 6:15 p.m. accident. while here they were guests of models feature Pace Command variable speed The Stayton, Silverton, Can­ single red roses were Mrs. i They reportedly sustained I their son-in-law and daughter, * by, Aurora and Idanha Legion Janelie Bryant, youngest mo- non-serious injuries and the ” Mr. and ’ ’ Mrs. Michael » Lyon of - drive that lets you choose the best walking speed members and wives have been ther, and Mrs. Juanita Wiley children w-ere released, but Idanha. I or you as well as the best cutting-speed for your invited A buffet dinner will for the most children present. Mrs. Smith was held over for Detroit Ranger District be served at 8:00 with dancing Grandma Storey was also pres­ observation. Station announced this week ented with a second rose for | Accordiing to a report, the that Kinney Creek Road #1049 and entertainment to follow. lf you don't own a Jacobsen Turbo-Vent All local legion members and the most grandchildren pres­ accident occurred when Mrs. will be closed to all traffic ent. auxiliary are urged to attend. Smith attempted to turn off May 14 through May 18 for you re probably being cut short! Mrs. Arvin Johnson, wife of the highway into the three paving. the pastor of the church, was C-Camp and was struck by a | Friday, May 11, three De­ A.1 JMOOHi muwei t’lH O-t- — also honored with a red rose. vehicle operated by John troit Ranger District personnel or ««imo th» 871.11973 w«iU« (known as Big John) Wilver- were presented with length of (KWi pub««sr»Dd bv trie Natiftnal Stan* During church service, sev ­ NELSON OLMSTED “g fJjrdt institute eral mothers were also honor­ ding, an employee of Inter­ service awards. Receiving Nelson Olmsted, a veteran of mountain Trucking, Marion awards for ed with a memento. 25 years service more than 30 years In radio, with Forks. Allen D. Gardner, su­ long experience In stage, TV The impact caused the Wil- were pervisory forester and Ernest and motion pictures, has for the verding car to flip over but, j past 12 years bean The Voice Schiewek, animal packer. A the driver escaped with non- I E. of Pacific Power. ten year award was presented FOR serious injuries. Both vehicles to Mildred J. Whitsett, Carl V. sale ; were extensively damaged, a i Amack, construction inspector report said. Santiam Engineering Mrs. Smith’s husband, Fred, ’ for the presented with who was at work at the time,, Zone ™ was also pr * is employed as a lather at U.1 A slash fire touched off over S. Ply, Idanha Branch. SALE, a week ago in the Timber Pacific Power Butte area flared up again Sa­ presents Detroit Residents turday. Forestry officials said the fire had got rained out and NELSON OLMSTED Attend Conference that a west wind Saturday narrating DETROIT — The Portland caused further problems, to Memorial Coliseum was the fire trails were built around KEEF YOU* HE NT AI STORIES OF setting last week for a In­ the perimeter of the blaze as FtOFEtTY FILLED PACIFIC POWERLAND stitute in Basic Youth Conflict a precautionary measure. A re­ WITH AN AD IN THIS Conference. Some 16,000 peo­ port said the fire was brought Don’t miss NEWSPAPER... ple, mostly from the Pacific under control Sunday night "The story of a man who I Northwest, attended the Mon- with little or no damage done. ANYTHING HOM RENTING A BEDROOM I day to Saturday evening ses­ has made bees h.'s business" sions. However, delegates from TO SRILINQ A CLASSY other states, including Wash­ DATSUN SERVICE RESIDENCE ington, Idaho and Hawaii were MONDAY, MAY 21, 1973 also in attendance. I CAU M NOW OPEN AND REPAIR 8-6, Monday through Sat. Attending from here were i KRKT 12:15 p.m. ___ __ _ o AU Werk Guaranteed and yon Rev. and Mrs. Arvin Johnson,1 Phone 769-2563 990 on your dial Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiebert I SAVE 30% on Salem Prices KWIL 4:40 p.m. and son, Donald, and Mrs. Har- Call 897-2062 393 E. Florence Stayton 790 on your dial old Roth and sons. Randy and KLMKB TMi ni> Phone 897-2772 Rick. __________________________ I ii DETROIT IDANHA Park Guide Now Available Does your present rotary mower give a full cut? Does your present rotary mower cut smooth? Does your present rotary mower catch all those clippings? Monday Accident Injures Four Does your present rotary mower clog often? Can you select a separate walking speed when operating your power - propelled rotary? $189’5 The Mower & Tiller Shop Mill City Enterprise