Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1973)
Livestock tour leaving Wed 7—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, May 10, 1973 Idanha Postal Service Week nesday and will go to La Grande and through the Wal By Eva Bressler idge spent Saturday over on lowa Mountains and return the Ochoco where Hollis The Spring Concert at Mari- Friday. caught a nice mess of fish. Robert Roten from Iron- l>nn School Monday night, Betty Relle April 30, was very well attend- wo°d. Js spending this ed. The children did a grand week ' at the home of his par Frank, Kande and Scott job of presenting several vo ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ro Tuers are living in Santa Ysa- ten. He is a reporter of the cal numbers with the school bel, Calif., about 70 miles band closing the program and Ironwood Daily Globe and as | from San Diego. Frank is a sistant photographer. the entire group singing surveyor with BLM. The past Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott “America the Beautiful”. week they were visited by Mr. The evening was especially were weekend guests at West and Mrs. Ray Taylor (former Fir at the home of Mr. and dedicated to Mrs. Martha Janice Jacobson) and their Poole, their fourth grade Mrs. Wallace Neal. son Troy, from China Lake, Mrs. Lena Baker of Stayton teacher, who is retiring at the Calif. They all went to Tijuana was a Thursday guest at the end of the school term. for the weekend and had a An open house will be held home of her brother, Henry real enjoyable time. On Easter Croisant. POLE BUILDINGS for Mrs. Poole on May 20 at Sunday they attended sunrise Edward Cruson was taken by the Mari-Linn school cafeteria Low Cost, Durable services at Forest Lawn. They Lyons ambulance Friday night from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. have visited the San Diego Zoo For FREE Estimates Allen Betz participated in a to the Salem Memorial Hospi and say it is really fabulous. Call 897-2893 walkathon for the March of tal where it was found he was Mel and Dorothy Newberg Dimes Saturday, April 28, in suffering with a heart attack. attended pinning ceremonies Salem. The group he was with He is reported to be some im at Chemeketa Community Col walked a 20-mile perimeter of proved. lege for their daughter Toni. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Olm Salem and Allen is very proud They were joined there by stead were weekend guests at of the certificate he was the home of his parents, Mr. • i April 30, 1973, the laanna good service and friendly at workers across Amierica, of their daughter Penny and awarded for this. three grandchildren. and Mrs. Arthur Olmstead. Post Office celebrated “Postal titude of the Idanha Postal whom we all should be proud.' »» I I their Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roy Saturday evening, Suzie Service. Among other destin- They came to bring his mother , People Day. ” The program be- Postmaster Smith also recog-1 Lewis was the guest of Judy were weekend guests in Prine guests were Neil Bit nized, —i- » —i ! — - ' ville at the home of their son, home who had spent the past gan with a presentation of guished Postal Clerk Loretta Roten at a - Rainbow Girls Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roy and two weeks at their home in colors by the high school rally, ter, commander, American Adams, who received the sIumber party heid on the Auburn, Wash. | followed by the pledge of alle- Legion Post #141. Special rec “Special Achievement Award”,' daughters. Mrs. Johanna Palmer, of Ta-| giance. Rev. Arvin Johnson of ognition was given to: Mary for outstanding service. A film North Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen of Virgil and Janet Lewis at Madarus, Edith Bittner, Theo entitled, “Rivers of Mail,” was Portland, and formerly of coma, Wash., who has spent the Idanha Community Church, Hauck, tended the “Rusty Hinge” Carrie Storey, Thelma some time at the home of her led the invocation. presented to the local school.1 i square dance party that was Lyons, are receiving congratu Postmaster Quincy E. Smith, Smith, Martha Rogers, Vickie “Prepare With Care” t was ----‘ lations upon the birth of a son. sister, Mrs. Effie Anderson, has Monroe and Becky Lynn for shown to the civic club at their pUt On by The Cascade Foothill Duane, born Monday, April 30, gone to Kelso, Wash, to be j welcomed the audience of ap their help throughout monthly meeting. A question Squares at Forester Hall in weighing 5% lbs. Mrs. Hansen with a daughter who under proximately 35 people, and Postal special 1 Sublimity. This was to try and Service Week. went major surgery. I then introduced guests and answer period followed. is the former Miss Venetta get square dancers that have Postmaster Smith, in his Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Raines throughout the community. Mays of Lyons. The day climaxed with re not been dancing recently in speech to the community, said cf Mill City were Sunday eve ; Representing the mayor and The annual pre-school freshments and a tour of the terested again and maybe get mothers tea will be held May ning guests at the home of i city council, retired mayor Postal Service Week is “de them over being “Rusty”. 10-11 at the Mari-Linn school Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning. Lynn Davis complimented the signed to honor the postal Idanha Post Office. Others there from the area at 10:30 a.m. Graduation will were Jerry and Jeanne Rosa be held Thursday evening, mond and James and Mary May 24, at the Mari-Linn gym Alma Olmstead To Wright. at 7:30 p.m. Ray and Julie McBride who Inauranc« on your car. home, Head Lyons Home By Meral Teeters The annual pet parade will | have been residing here for buslnaaa, health, life and MEHAMA — Mrs. Gerald V. be held on Saturday, May 12. Extension Unit | the past couple months while everything elae you value. Mrs. Doris Sawards of The Christensen of Mehama is an There will be prizes for cos LYONS — The Lyons Ex- •' Dalles came Friday, April 27, nouncing the engagement of i looking for property were able GATES — May 4, was the to move Monday to their new tumes, wheels, floats and pets, tension Unit held their last and was a guest until Monday her daughter, Bonnie Dean, to They will gather at the Freres meeting until fall, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Raymond Robert C. Reid, son of Mr. and day for the elementary grades, home on Boone Road in Salem. one through three, to have mill east of town and come at city hall. Election of officers Branch. Mrs. Branch was in Mrs. George C. Reid of Hull, j their annual Mothers Tea In Ray is a trainer of gun dogs down Main Street to the school was the main business. j Salem May 2 at the home of Massachusetts. and they are also building a the old high school gym at large kennel for boarding. where they will receive the an Elected were Alma Olm- her son’s family, the Dean Miss Christensen is a gradu- Gates. nual treats and awards. stead, president, and Lucille Branchs, to help her grandson, All walls of the gym were This all takes time, but they All grades at the Mari-Linn Huber, vice-president. As yet, David, celebrate his seventh ate of Stay ton Union High MID City, Oregon School and is an airman in the' decorated with work the chil- hope to be operating before the gym cleaned up litter on the no secretary-treasurer has I | birthday, uii uiuay. summer is over. U. S. Navy stationed at Le- ¿hen had been doing this year, | school grounds and the upper been elected. F. M. Smith of Couer Hollis and Catherine Turn Ph. 897-2413 or 897-2754 grades planted little trees Hostesses for the meeting D’Alene, Idaho was a Mehama moore Naval Air Station at Le- jUSf inside the entrance a large around the school grounds in were Lu Brown and June Ko- visitor a short time Saturday, moore, Calif. Mr. Reid gradu- table was set up where two of observance of Arbor Day. The kstis and project leaders were May 5, when he was in this ated from Hull High School the girls poured coffee and tea trees were furnished by the Virgene Scott and Dorothy area on business. Mr. Smith in Hull, Mass, and received his and plates of cookies were forestry guard station at Me Downer who presented the les had lived here as a small boy discharge from the navy April available. Many of the cookies 30. were made at school by the hama. son “Attitudes to Retirement”. when his parents, Mr. and No date has been set for children. Card tables setting st W /V j N J -7/ J J WJJ ó " Mr. and Mrs. Royce Longfel Present for the meeting Mrs. Clark Smith, managed the the wedding. throughout the gym were at low are announcing the birth were Mabel Downing, Doris Mehama Hotel and service sta tractive with a vase of flowers of their first child, a daughter, Roy, Alta Bodeker, Eleanor tion in the early twenties. He on each. Tonya Karee, born Monday, LaMunyan, Lu Brown, June left just after he finished the Mothers, grandmothers and April 30, weighing 7 lbs. 3 Kokstis, Helen Johnston, June second grade and had not been Wednesday Card Club friends were entertained first czs. at Salem General Hospital. McPheeters, Dorothy Downer back since. Meets At City Hall Nebergalls Lb. a demonstration of things Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and Virgene Scott. At the last Word has been received here LYONS — Ruth Lyons and with the children learn in the PE Frank Spellmeyer of Lyons meeting a one-half scholarship of the birth of a son to Mr. Mabel Downing were hostesses program, like rope climbing, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long was sent for the 4-H Club. and Mrs. Dennis Teeters of for the Wednesday afternoon forward and backward sum fellow of Mehama. San Bernardino, Calif. The card club with their party held mersalts, tire roll, up and down Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penning baby arrived April 27 and at the city hall. Five hundred the peg board, walking ton of Lyons are announcing This Week's Detroit weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. He was was in play following a 1:30 the 2x4 held up on and saw horses. the marriage of their daughter, named Donald Everett. Grand- dessert luncheon. High score | The was led by second Martha Lou Pennington, to School Activities l parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ev was held by June McPheeters, grade group teacher, Jep Lonnquist. DETROIT — School activ- ___ ___ ____ , Kenneth W. Copeland, both of erett Lamp of Filer, Idaho, second high by Doris Roy, and Next was Barbara Cave’s Prineville. The couple was ities this week included a base- ^rs" Kei‘th Henness ’ of Al- low by M?rgaret Kunkle. group singing several songs in married at the Canyon Baptist ball gave against Scio here bany and Donald Teeters, Me* Others attending were Ber- ' I cluding ’s Got the Whole Monday. Tuesday, Detroit hama Church in an 8:30 evening ]..___ Mr. and Mrs. John tha Allen, Bea Hiatt, Leota World in “He His Hand”, “Sleeping ceremony, Friday, April 20, in hosted Jefferson. Teeters, Mehama, are great- Worden, Jaunita Davis, Ethel ”, and “Hickory-Dick- Falls City will host Detroit grandparents. Lyons. Huffman, Berneice Bridges, Princess i ory-Dock ”, accompanied by p.m. I Friday, May 4, at 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto Glenn Rice of Macleay was Nellie Riggs, Katie Sieg, Katie On Monday, May 7, Detroit a guest Sunday at the home of Skillings, Rose Bassett, Laura Doris Williams on the piano. and Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer Next was Jep Lonnquist will attend the Marion County will host Regis at 4:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor. Neal, Zeta Prichard, Gladys playing the guitar for his Guests Sunday at the home Nygaard and Effie Nydegger, group to sing "A Hundred of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith who was a guest of the after Miles ”, and a song called were her daughter’s family, noon. “ Goat ”. They also recited a Mr. and Mrs. Mel Pankratz poem called “Moms”. and three children, from Jere South’s second graders Salem. sang “Hello” song, “Garden” The young peoples group of song, “Lazy Little Boy” and the Mehama Church sponsored recited the poem “Barefoot a movie at the clubhouse Sa-. Days ”. Following that was a turday morning, May 5, which • to the record 23,059,000 was enjoyed by a large group i Approximately “Baby, Take A Bow” by Elisa of children and young people. board feet of timber in eight Syverson. California Debra Wagner was here | separate parcels were sold at I The two third grade classes from Portland, where she is oral auction by the Salem lead by Kay Bell and accom attending business college, for District of the Bureau of Land panied on piano by Doris Wil Management on April 25, 1973. the weekend. Total amount bid for the tim liams sang, “Ring that Banjo”, Answer My Friend”, ber was $2,481,214.10. I “ “ The Mayflower Lb. w Halls of Montezuma”, “God One parcel containing 9,- Lyons Grange Fair Bless America ” and “ This Is 125,000 board feet, located in Chairman Named Linn County, was purchased My Country”. We Give S & H Green Stamps LYONS — A no-host dinner by Willamette Industries, Inc., I Also very much involved in Phone 897-2442 Mill City preceded the regular meeting Albany, Ore., for a total of the whole program were Olive . of Santiam Valley Grange Fri- $971,866.80 with $115.15 per Barnhardt and Carol Twede. The whole afternoon was ' day night, May 4. Oscar Kil thousand board feet for the thoroughly enjoyed by about burn, master of the Keizer Douglas-fir, the appraised I 120 mothers, grandmothers Grange, was introduced and es value of the timber. and friends who were very corted to the master’s station. proud of the effort and plain Giles Wagner was appointed chairman of the annual grange Local Drivers Win At old hard work that must have gone into it to make it such a fair which will be held Satur- ! day afternoon and evening, Willamette Speedway success and the kids must have Setting fast time for the been excited about the large September 15. Plans were made for a work Sunday afternoon races was turnout for the occasion. ■ day for both men and women j Cliff Mahurin. He had a 20 I to be held Saturday, May 12, ! second lap on a very slick Alta Bodeker Hosts beginning at noon with a pot track. Bill Emerson won second Methodist Women luck dinner and a social night place in the “B” heat. Mahurin following. It was voted to donate $20.00 won the “A” heat, followed by LYONS Alta Bodeker was to rebuild the grange log ca Jerry Payseno and Al McClel hostess for the meeting of the land. bin at the state fairgrounds. United Methodist women held The main event was won by in the dining room of the Practice of the drill team will be held Saturday night, McClelland, who just missed a church, Mrs. Florence Darling May 19. During the lecture multi-car pileup, In the acci* presided over the meeting and hour, a contest for Mothers dent was second place winner plans were made and discussed Day was enjoyed with Mrs Jerry Leffler. Subject To Stock On Hand for their annual birthday Ada Plymale winning the Saturday night was the first luncheon to be held Tuesday, award as mother of the point race for 1973. Lots of the May 8, in the church dining grange. valley drivers attended. room at 12:00 noon. Guests of the evening were I Jerry Payseno took the “A” Followiing the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kilburn trophy. Cliff Mahurin made some cleaning of the dining and Mrs. Della McMorris from second in the heat, followed by room was done, with Monday Scotts Mills. Jerry Lefflei and Payseno. the day set to finish and set up In the main, Mahurin sec the tables. Prices effective ’niara., through 8at, May 10-12 ond, George Fuller third, and Attending the meeting were If the number following Al McClelland fourth. Florence Darling, Evelyn Jul- your name on The En Drivers from the canyon iian, Dorothy Downer, Leona area are: Bill Emerson, Al Mc Gunn, Alta Bodeker, Peggy ASSOCIATE STORE terprise label reads Clelland and Cliff Mahurin, all Wright, Florence Naue, Katie 5-73 it's time to send of Lyons; Jerry Payseno, Mill Skillings, Wilameane John Mil] City» Ore- Phone 897-2785 Phone 859-2494 City; George Fuller, Gates; and son, Eva Bressler and Lula 1015 Main St Lyons, Oregon a check for renewal. Jerry Leffler of Scio. Corty. ■ I LYONS Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Only $4.50 a Year Smile, you’re with Safeco. ¡ Gates Elementary ' Has Mothers Tea MEHAMA Jerry Pittam Round Steak $109 lb. $1.05 Nebergalls Pork Chops Lb. 79c Nebergalls Beef Liver Lb. 98c Nebergalls Link Sausage Nebergalls Economy Bacon Lb. 79c Albany Firm Takes Timber Bid Get Your Car Tuned Up Now! For Carefree Spring Driving Vern’s Shell - Towing CLOSE OUT PAINT SALE Kemtone and Kem Gio Vi PRICE See Our Circular For That Special Mothers Day Gift WESTERN AUTO Strawberries Red Ripe Rhubarb Celery Asparagus Snoboy Carrots Navel Oranges 3 cups $1.00 2 Lbs. 29c Lb. 19c Bunch 39c 2 Bags 29c Sweet Cream Butter 7Q* Tab - Sugar Free 6 16 oz. btls. 89c Nabisco Ritz . . 1 Lb. Pkg. 49c GrandMas Eclairs 12 Oz. Pkg. 59c Holiday Margarine 4 Lb. pkgs. $1.00 Standby Peanut Butter 18 oz. jar 69c Creamy or Chunk 36 oz. jar $1.35 White Rain Shampoo reg 1.25 Btl. 99c White Rain Hair Spray . can $1.29 We Have A Big Variety Of Rower and Vegetable PLANTS Ferry-Morse Packaged Seeds and Instant Mastic Seed Tapes Lavender's Food Market