Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1973)
X ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 19 It Ain't All Roses (by George Long) THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY. OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 Wolverines Pi incesi Lori $4.50 a YEAR — 10c a Copy G'rl and Boy Of The Month For April T:p ||n Registration Is Scheduled | Conference (Tonight) Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 p m., the City of Mill City, is having a hearing on their budget for the coming The Santiam Wolverines Registration for children years expenses, which we, the who will be attending first residents of Mill City, will won the conference crown in baseball by smashing J.F.K.,' grade next fall is scheduled for vote on in the near future. Tuesday, May 15, at the Mill If you have any questions 14-4. With two games left, City Elementary School from concerninig the city’s budget, Santiam has compiled a win- 8:C0 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pre or wish some parts, or all of lose record of 8-0. They have school registration is very im it explained, this is the meet a three-game lead over the portant both to the parent and ing to attend. It always seems second place team Jefferson the school. The parent receives a shame to me that these meet who is 5-3. Santiam has not necessary medical and dental ings are scheduled, but no one won a conference title in base forms, information on how to ball since the late 50’s. attends. promote academic Interest and This marks the fourth sport , But, if you are talking about Clary Nadine Pedersen an opportunity to ask questions the budget or how the spend that Santiam has won the con- , Donald Wayne Legassie I about the school program. The ing is done, they will say, “I ference title in this year. San- i Clary Nadine Pedersen, a ' school in turn needs informa don’t understand it, so why tiam also won the title in track, ’ sophomore at Santiam High Donald Wayne Legassie, a tion on how many students should I bother to go vote, as football, and the tie for basket- • School, was chosen Girl of the | mine won’t make any differ- ball. Representing the Mil' City Junior Woman’s Club Month of April. She is the junior this year at Santiam will be attending. This enables i Santiam’s victory was the as their prince: v for the Fourth of July festivities will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark High School, has been chosen the school to purchase the cor ence.” Your vote could be the de- result of powerful hitting and be Miss Lori Hildebrandt. A sophomore at Santiam Pedersen of Mill City. Boy of the Month for April. rect amount of workbooks, ciding one, so do your thing— many errors on the J.F.K. side. High Schoo-, Lori :s a member of G.A.A., Pep Club, She came from Goldendale, He is the son of Mrs. Thelma tests, and general instructional , materials. Santiam scored more runs in understand it, and VOTE. Washington at the beginning I It is recommended that a this game than any other game Wolverettes. the High School Chorus, the Annual staff of this year. She was in volley Legassie of Mill City. and girls track. She was recently chosen as a varsity ball, GAA, and Sweetheart He was in JV football his ' b*rtb cer*lflcate be Presented of the season. Sudden, explosive increases .... at the time of registration, Pitching for Santiam was cheer eader for next year. Miss Hildebrandt is the Ball Princess for the sopho . . in wholesale prices sometime Dennis freshman year and this year Children enrolled must be six Corning. He allowed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don;tld Day of Gates. more class this year. She has he is in FTA. ago demonstrated one of the four runs and eight hits. More or over before November 15, been chosen as one of the 1973- greatest dangers of price and importantly though, he fanned „ . , .. . 1973. If the parent does not 74 varsity cheerleaders at San wage control which many have He plans to attend a Bible have the child.s birth certlfi. seven batters. ■ Gates Kindergarden tiam. warned against from the be out Dennis also led the Santiam Graduation Set For She plans to attend a com college and doesn’t know ex- cate, information is available ginning. They are merely a batters, with four hite. He al-I munity college and be a phy actly what field he wants to go at school on how and where it shield behind which the basic so scored three runs and was | may be obtained. I in to. sical therapist assistant. force of inflation — excessive three for four at the plate. Al-. Wednesday, May 16 Parental cooperation is ap- Local residents Monday ap governmental deficit spending so hitting well for Santiam | ipreciated and needed to make proved the Administrative —continues to build up. Poli- was David Plotts with three GATES — Wednesday, May this pre-school registration ef District 129-J budget for ticians feel safe in advocating RBI’s and two hits. Jerry 16, is the date set for the School fective and to best serve the the 1973-74 fiscal year with bigger and better vote-getting Grant, out of a batting slump, purpose for which it is intend 208 yes votes and 190 no votes. graduation exercises of Mrs. handouts, and taxpayers tend was two for four in the game ed. In the Gates area, there were to become less vigilant and to and four for six for the week. Staffords Kindergarden class. believe the fatuous talk about In all, Santiam had eight bat It will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 26 yes and 87 against. Robert Levon, who was running un GATES — The regular inflation having been brought I the Old Gates High School opposed for a position on the scoring runs. meeting of the Gates City I under “control.” Then sudden ters Coach Jerrim has announced board of directors, received building. Family, friends and ly, under the pressure of new his player of the week. Dennis DETROIT — At a special Council was held Thursday, spending records, we have a Corning received the honors the public are cordially invit 328 votes. There were six joint meeting of the Detroit May 3, at city hall. i write in votes for Bill Hirte First action of the council. dollar crisis, and living costs by going four for eight at the ed. City Council and Planning and three for Clare Henness. was to declare a vacancy for I agaiin take off for the stratos and having six RBI’s. He In the Mill City Fire Protec Board, city water problems a councilman to replace Emil I Cascade Northern, of Seat- The day after graduation, phere. Each time wage and plate were discussed in a three hour price controls are applied, it also pitched the conference May 17, the kindergarden tion District election, there session. Wentz who has moved outside tie, was apparent low bidder at were 131 total votes cast. Vot- is like tying down a safety winning game. $74,470 when bids were open- children will hold their annual ng on the t'ix levy Monday, Other interested parties sit the city. Santiam ’ s first playoff game valve on a steam boiler while will be against the winner of field day at the school with Anyone interested in serv- ed May 1 by the Portland dis ting in on the session were there were 108 yes votes, one continuing to stoke the fur area business people and sum ing on the council can contact trict, Corps of Engineers, for the Casco League. So far, De the usual picnic and races. blank and 22 no votes. any member of the council repair of Minto Dam near De- nace. mer home owners. troit is leading that league. The present determined ef Santiam has twice beaten De- The “big question” before or appear at the May 17 meet- troit Lake on the North San- forts of the administration to I tiam River. joint bodies was proposed ex ing. curb government spending troit this year. Council members are to meet | The built by pansion of water, including The small small dam dam was was built by this game, Santiam wins If have been called a “. . . key to both the storage and pumping. May 10 at *4:00 p.m._ for the the Corps of Engineers and la quarter-fi- will host the they success in stemming inflation.” The city council had obtain purpose of visiting areas operated by the Oregon Fish 1 It is up to the taxpayer and to r.als at Mill City. ed preliminary bids on a around the pump house and Commission to divert fish into H E R 3 5 6 7 4 1 2 all citizens to recognize this 100,000 gallon talk and the water tank and check on some a holding pond where eggs I The annual Santiam High Santiam High School Band. fundamental truth and to judge Santiam 5 School Spring Music Program Following the music pro necessary equipment for streets to see if there is work are collected for transfer to 0 1 3 7 1 0 2 14 9 the performance of their elect I and Opon House will be held gram, all teachers will be pres pumping and installation. This needed in the areas. the Marion Forks Fish Hatch J.F.K. ed representatives in congress, Charles Hibbs was at the ery. 4 Tuesday, May 15. The events ent in their rooms to answer was discussed as was water 4 8 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 state legislatures and else due I will begin at 7:30 in the audi- any questions parents might meters and the cost of meters meeting about his water hook-1 ”'Re irs of da up and met all requirements1 erosion will require 330 cubic where accordingly. ' torium with the high school have and to explain their var and installation. When further information is set by the city. The water is I yards of concrete and are to chorus and band presenting ious programs. “Biggest fight in Washington their program of music for all In addition, the industrial obtained on financing the pro to be hooked up Saturday' ; be completed by August 3. ages, including pop music, arts and art departments will ject, another meeting will be morning. is shaping up and the issue is spending. The liberals want to marches, latin music, slow have student exhibits on dis scheduled with water users in vited to participate. spend billions and the conser tunes and country music. The play for visitors to view. Lyons Chapel Kids vatives don’t. It’s just as sim DETROIT — Sealed bids will highlight of the program will The home economics depart Krusade May 13-18 ple as that. If we were the be received at the office of De be the Prelude and Fugue in betting kind, we would say the troit Ranger Station, up to and D Minor by Bach played by the ments will serve refreshments. A Kids Krusade is being liberals will win, for not many no later than 10:00 a.m.. May planned at the Santiam Chapel people seem to care. When one 16, for an estimated 7,400,000 in Lyons the week of May 13 member of congress discovered board feet of Willamette Na through 18. that it required 27 forms to tional Forest timber in the LYONS — At the meeting of | Evangelists Gloria White and DETROIT — Vern Weir, 5, place a person on welfare, we Hawkins Leave timber sale. son of Mr. and Mrs. William the city council Wednsday Earlene Whitenack will appear knew that a part of the bene Oral bidding will follow the Weir, Jr. of Idanha, was listed night, Donald Trahan was' along with a ventriloquist and fits of the program went to opening of bids at 10:00 a m. in good condition Sunday at named to replace Wilson her talking doll, Clifford. those who were hired to do the The sale involves 6,500 MBF Special awards will be given Salem Memorial Hospital Stevens, councilman, who re administering. Instead of a of Douglas-Fir advertised at where he was admitted Satur signed due to ill health. He for attendance, Bible memory chorus of objections to this re $117.35 per thousand and 900 day after the toes on one foot had served on the council and visitors brought. port, all we heard were a few, MBF of Western Red Cedar, The entire family is invited were cut off in a power mower some eight years. Trahan is a ’Isn’t that terrible’ comments. and other coniferous species truck driver for Frank Lum to attend each night at 6:45. accident at his home. So on and on it will be. Who advertised at $60.08 per thou- Sunday, May 13, the evan According to a report, he ber Co. knows, maybe next year it will sand. In other business, the council gelists will be at the 9:45 a m. | had been riding on the mower take 37 forms and more hun Included in the sale is 149 with another youth and had set Saturday morning for a Sunday school hour, as well dreds to execute them. Did you ' acres of all species logs priced jumped off safely. The acci special meeting to act on a re as the morning and evening know that if we have 35 peo at $189.16 per acre which the dent occurred when he at quest for a ten year franchise services. ple at the Marion county level bidder is required to purchase. tempted to remount the ma for Vern Duvall, Santiam San working only on welfare, even Western Red Cedar and other chine on the side of the mower itary Service. He has been op at $100 a week, that comes to coniferous species and the acre which reportedly had no erating under a six month $182,000 a year?” age “of all species of logs” will Doctor Schedule guard. His big toe and the one franchise which expires July , be sold at a fixed rate. Big Catch 1. It was also reported that the i next to it and part of the third The stand is located south of Santiam Memorial Hos hedge at the Fox Valley Ceme toe were cut off. Detroit Ranger Station via pital Emergency Unit re tery frozen out last winter has | He was taken to the Salem Blowout Road, approximately cord of Doctors on duty Gary Henness and Craig Blackburn working in Emergency Hospital Center by been replanted. 20-miles. for the period May io their shop c iass which is one of the many courses offer I Idanha Rural Fire District Santiam Paving Company through May 16, 1973. ed nt the Wicrh firhonl I Ambulance following the 4:45 was awarded a contract for $7,260 to pave Dogwood and p.m. accident Saturday. Large Trout Being May 10— North 14th St. They also ap Doctor on call. proved the vacating of the Caught In Reservoir World War I Veterans alley behind Mrs. Milton West DETROIT — Even though May 11— on’s cafe on Main St. and re- To Meet Saturday the water level in Detroit re Doctor on call. Doctor In for a permit requested servoir is considred low, there A meeting of the WWI Bar fused hospital, 6:00 p.m. to temporary mobile homes on has been some pretty nice midnight. racks #3263 and Auxiliary will Dogwood St. catches made since the opening he held Saturday at the Gates The budget committee ap- May 12— of Oregons trout season, April Clubhouse. proved the 1973-74 budget,1 Doctor on call 27. There will be a potluck din with total of | Doctor in hospital, Sunday, another wopper ner at 12 noon with the meet $65,773.52. In requirements the general fund was caught by an unidentified ing to follow. All veterans and is $26,395.93, the street fund i midnight to midnight Salem man. His prize was a wives are urged to attend. May 13— is $23,839.12, the cemetery Rainbow Trout measuring 28% Doctor on call. fund $3,648.12. Revenue shar inches long and weighing nine Detroit Dam-Weather ing of $11,890.36 is expected to Doctor in hospital, i pounds, nine ounces. midnight to midnight Elev. Pep Min. go for storm sewers. Max. Another fisherman on open- Pool It was reported that the city | ing day landed a Rainbow May 14— must replace a drinking foun May 2 72 40 1531.34 Russell Dougherty of Rte. 1, Trout measuring 22 inches long Doctor on call. 1532.07 60 40 tain broken by vandais before May 3 Lyons, proudly displays the and weighing five pounds. payment to the city is made May 4 57 42 1532 82 May 15— Both of these prize catches steelhead caught at the Line for development of the Lyons May 5 51 43 1533.59 Doctor on call. Hole Thursday night and Fri I were made trolling. Bob Jennings displays the mural he recently com May 6 58 42 1534.21 Memorial Park. day morning. One was 36 in 1 It just might be that the May 16— Boy Scouts will do civic ches long and weighed 15 grandaddy of these two prize pleted in Art Carn. This, along with many other stu- May 7 59 43 1534 83 Doctor on call 1535.47 projects to earn money for pounds > and the other 24 (catches is still lurking in the i dent projects, will be on display at the open house to May 8 50 43 inches and weighed 12 pounds, cool waters of the reservoir. [be held May 15 at the High jSchool beginning at 7:30. Total Pep for Week .......... 0.75 scouting equipment. z 1 Mill City Budgets Get Voters Approval Detroit City Council Gates City Council Hears Water Has Vacancy Expansion Problems Bid Awarded For Repair of Minto Dam Spring Music Program and Open House Scheduled For Tuesday, May 15 Detroit Station Accepting Bids Donald Trahan To Mower Accident Serve On Lyons Injures 5 Year Old City Council