s i Harrison and Sharron’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin We- ger. It was a double celebra tion witn the other event ue- Betty Kelle DETROIT — According to ing the sixth birthday of Ray Stose, statesman outdoor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Kathy Harrison. editor, hatchery iaisea trout Walt and Toni Thomas and and three sons of Portland ! DETROIT — The Deanha were weekend visitors at his Chris attended the Easter Parent Teachers Club will hold are extremely important to parents, Harold and Mary Wil breakfast held in Mill City be- their regular meeting of the the sport fishery. He says, month Thursday, April 26, at “with angling pressure as son. They all took a drive up fore going to Salem for church high as it is today, no body of the canyon to Detroit and services. From there they went DETROIT — April 30, 1973, 7:30 Pm- in the Srade school water could support and raise > were very amazed to see how to Trout Lake and visited the Idanha Post Office, will, library. enough fish to provide the ac | low the water was behind the I Laurence McCussen. They re honor “Postal People Day”. | In a candlelight ceremony, tion as we know it today. Many dam. Rory Wilsons 12th birth- turned by way of Underwood Postmaster General E L. Kias ' new officers of the club will be bodies of water such as De i day fell this weekend and it, where they visited Toni’s sis- sen has indicated that this day installed by Mrs. Barbara troit reservoir are not rich * was celebrated with the tra- ter, Mrs. Fred Frazier, be set aside as a time to recog Whiteley and Henry Hiebert. enough in food life to handle ditional cake and ice cream. __ _.._2 _ ~ Clare and -- Margaret Rush nize the thousands of postal The high school chorus will any more than a put-and-take Sunday afternoon the Wilson’s were hosts for Easter dinner people, who are meeting the present several song selections type fishery. Hold over from son-in-law and daughter, Don jor j^r ancj Mrs. Lyle Rush, challange of the postal service ’ and refreshments will be serv- one season to the next in that and Helen Carey of Stayton j^athy and Brian, Liz Wright, | ed by high school room I today. and similar waters is not great, stopped by. | j Allen Sommers and Mr. and he says. The Idanha Post Office will mothers. together for Sun Mrs Kent Dunnegan. Gathered Officers to be installed are mark the occasion with special According to his report, the day dinner at my house were | BurJ Cole’ o s birthday fell on first-day-of-issue observances, Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum, Jr. presi season ahead of the Oregon my parents, Hollis and Cather-' Ea"“*r‘ Sunday this year and simultaneous with other cere dent; Mrs. Douglas Ableman, Game Commission has sched ine Turnidge, son-in-law and what could have been a nicer vice-president; Mrs. Robert monies to be held in Washing uled the release of 2*6 million daughter, Skip, Kathy, Rhon birthday present than having ton by Postmaster General E Guerin, secretary; and Mrs. legal size trout from its da, Andrea and Michel Mead all three sons and their fam T. Klassen. Ten new postal1 Norman Nightengale, treasur- hatcheries. The bulk of that er, son Louis, Darlene and ilies for , the _ day. __ Mr. ___ and ____ Mrs. people stamps will be placed er. tally will be released before Terry, Jack and Hazel Shew- “‘"jth'ree child- on sale here in conjunction the April 28 opening of the make and Lou Kelle. ren of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. with the local observance. trout season. And better than Dorothy Newberg, chairman Thurlo Cole and three children The postal peoples day pro School Activities half of that tally will be dump of the home extension baked of Albany and Burnett Cole of gram will begin at 11:00 a.m., ed into streams, lakes and im food, white elephant, and plant Mehama were all there for Monday, at the Idanha Post Of Listed For Week poundments in the region be activi- DETROIT — School sale that was hecently held at dinner. fice. An opening welcome will tween the Cascade summit the community clubhouse says be given by Postmaster Quincy ties include a baseball game at west to the coastline in it wouldn’t have been near as E. Smith. An invocation will be Mohawk Friday, April 27, at northwestern portion of successful without the help of presented by Rev. Johnson, 1:30 p.m. Then on Monday, state. her committee, Sharron Har followed by the national an April 30, Detroit will host Scio Priorities on amounts rison, and Shirley Swaim, plus them. Introduction of honored at 4:00 p.m. fish to be stocked are based on Other activities included a popularity of certain waters all those who brought things guest and a short history of for the sale and the many J postal service week, will be field trip of the Sutoe class to I and abilities to hold large people attending the sale from givn by Postmaster Quincy E. Portland on Wednesday. A numbers of anglers. track meet at Alsea Tuesday | For instance, large waters, both Gates and Mill City. Smith. Dave and Carmen Barnhardt The public is encouraged to (this week) and a track meet > usable by both bank and boat had Easter dinner at their attend, as a token of support at OSSD this Friday. anglers, got the largest num On Saturday the annual jun ber of fish. Heavy plants are home with Carmen’s mother. of postal people throughout the ior-senior banquet will be held scheduled for North Fork Re Edna Stafford, joining them. country. Daughter Melody brought her Following the opening serv at the 12th Street Kings Table, servoir, Detroit Reservoir and roommate Barb Sitts home Clear Lake. Also scheduled ice, the American Legion Aux. Salem. with her for the holiday. for planting are the upper Wil will serve refreshments, in Monday, Lola Henness and conjunction with a tour of the With Care” will be presented lamette, McKenzie, Santiam Marian Klecker of Stayton in the high school gym, at a | and Clackamas Rivers, accord Idanha Post Office. ! went to Waldport visiting all ing to Stose. A film entitled “Repair later date. the antique shops they could I find along the way. | Easter morning Eda Staf-1 ’s grandson and wife, Lee The annual Easter egg hunt sponsored this year ford and LaDonna Stafford, picked by various organizations was well attended according The budget for City of Mill City for the fi-cal year 1973-1974, beginning July 1, 1973 as to Diane Moore, chairman. Winners in the various age her up and took her to Lyons detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting basis groups were: One year ad—Doug Smith the golden egg with them to attend church services. consistent with that used in prior years. Maj r changes, if any, and their effects on this Insurance on your car. home. Mabel Knutson celebrated buaineaa. health, life and budget are set forth in an accompanying stat -ment. A copy of the budget document may be and Kimberlee Kenline, found the most eggs; two und three year o2ds — Randy Syverson, the golden egg, her birthday on Saturday with everything else you value. ' inspected or obtained between the hours of 10 00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. at City Hall. A meeting of the City Council will be held May 10, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall, Mill City, Darrin Tuers, Michael Spier and Chris Brown for most Ollie and Phyllis Muise bring- Oregon for the purpose of holding a public hearing on this budget. Any person may appear eggs found; four-five year group—Barbie Mehurin, I ing a birthday cake for the oc- , golden egg and Robbie Davidson the most eggs; six- ' casion. to discuss the budget, or any part of it. I seven year group—Stephanie Sanders, the golden egg I Ken and Sharron Harrison land Michael Davidson found the most; eght-ten year and three children went to CLYDE W. BATE. Mayor Brownsville for Easter dinner ; group—Denise Owens, the golden egg and Randy Short, I at Chrmn. of Governing Body) the home of Sharron’s sis I the most eggs. — Photos by Stan Odgen ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mill City, Oregon Pat Fitzmorris. Also there Marion-Linn Mill City Detroit Womans Club were mother, Velma Ph. 897-2413 or 897-2754 (County) “ (City 4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thunutay, April 26, 1973 Hatchery Raised Idanha Post Office Will Honor Postal People Day Meeti„9 Trout Important to Fishing Easter Egg Hunt Well Attended Smile, you’re with Safeco. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Jerry Pittam Insurance Trout Season To Install Officers — Marion Forks Opens Sat.. April 28 Inn DETROIT will be the setting May 2, Levy Within 6% Limitation .... .................. Levy Outside 6% Limitation ....................... Levy Outside 6% Limitation (Serial Levy) Not Subject to Limitation............................ Total Proposed Levy ................................... Total Budget All Funds .............................. Total Tax Levy to be Certif’ed to the Assessor on Form LB-50 DETROIT — Oregon’s gen- at 7:30 p.m. for installation Last Year This Year Next •ext Year era] trout season will open Sa- ceremonies of the officers of $11,337.00 17,486.00 $12.017.22 25,368.78 »• BOYSEN r ’*1 $12.738.25 turday, April 28, and as usual, Detroit Womans Civic Club. 16,502.25 hordes of fishermen are ex Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. Dorothy Johnson pected to visit the area. Detroit reservoir is always and Mrs. Laura Abrams. All $37,386.00 $29,240.50 popular, and productive, when past presidents will be present ACRYLIC VINYL $92,713.00 $154,626.50 ! trout season begins. The water ed with a corsage. Officers to be installed are: level may be down enough EXTERIOR FLAT TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS when the season opens to make Mrs. Joe Lichlyter, president; (VI-KO) seme of the boat ramps unus Mrs. Robert Guerin, vice-presi Outstanding July 1 This Year (Actual) Next Year (Esti.) able, but the ramp at Mongold dent; Mrs. Robert Feyerherm, VI-KO LATC> Bonds ................. HOUSF »A.W is always available, no matter secretary; and Mrs. Norman $7.000.00 $6.000.00 Tough, weather resistant ¿eating Thomasson, treasurer. Total Indebtedness what the water level is, be $7,000.00 $6,000.00 “2* Superior color retention Refreshments will be serv cause of a road that led down No cracking, fading or peeling Reg ed. into the now submerged town FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET Now: S8.95 A number of club members site of Mongold. GENERAL FUND OR PROGRAM Gallon 2 Gallons plan to attend the annual There is aiways some debris Last Year This Year Next Year (Custom Mixed For floating on the water early in spring meeting of the Marion Total Personal Services Colors Slightly County Federation of Womans the season so boats will have (Includes all Payroll Costs) ........... $33,992.00 $28.135.50 PREMIUM DREEM Higher) Clubs April 30, in Salem. Total Materials and Services ................... 30,206.00 39,005.00 to exercise caution about high LATEX FLAT speed out on the lake. Detroit Total Requirements (Including Transfers) 64,198.00 67.140.50 • High hiding, velvet, flat finish Lake State Park has been open Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied 26,812.00 47.278.50 • Excellent washability Ad Valorem Tax Reauired to Balance ...... 37 386.00 • Superior adhesion and superb 29.240.50 I to use since the 13th of this month. It does have a reserva- I color retention Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied ........ 37,386.00 29.240.50 12,738.25 I t^^tem. Levy Within 6% Limitation ..................... . 12.017.22 Reg. $7.95 Gallon Levy Outside 6% Limitation ..................... $25,368.78 $16,502.25 i Detroit reservoir is one of those man-made lakes where By Boots Champion Now: FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED bank fishing is available. The Lake Lounge was the 2 Gallons STATE TAX STREET FUND OR PROGRAM ________ According to Ray Stose, setting Saturday night for a For Last Year Next Year I “Statesman” outdoor editor, surprise birthday party honor Th’s Year (Some Custom Mliod Colon Slightly Higher) Total Materials and Services .$14.394 73 $26,700.00 (he best spots for bank anglers ing Mrs. Ray Marsh on her $22.615.00 Total Budget Requirements . 14,394.73 26.700.00 early in the season is along birthday anniversary. Cutting 22.615.00 Total Budget Resources ..... .$14,394.73 $26.700.00 ,he banks of the Santiam and the cake was Mrs. Cecil (Ann) $22.615.00 S ADDITIONAL , Breittenbush arms of the lake Worden. Irene Stout served the EQUIPMENT PURCHASE FUND which are easily reachable by guests, SAVINGS ON OR PROGRAM plant trucks of , " was a sunny day and — the __ Oregon __ . Friday Last Year This Year Next Year Game Commission. Stose says, Mrs. Glenn Reinke’s first grade Plasolux Total Capital Outlay .......... .5 3.250.07 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,000 00 “for bank anglers the best class was out in force in the Acrylic Latex Enamelized Total Budget Requirements . 3.250.07 2,500.00 6,000.00 bait is cheese eggs. Trollers do afternoon gathering up litter House Paint Total Budget Resources .... .$ 3,250.07 $ 2,500.00 $ 6,000.00 best with large spinners, a from city streets. Needless to Rustic Hole long leader, a lure as a teaser, say, it was a job well done, and CENTRAL SEWER D’STRICT FUND Knobby Wobbler, or Fire Plug we can well be proud of them. Alykid Marine House Paint OR PROGRAM A May-Day Festival is slat-1 4 NYLON Last Year This Year Next Year in a small size with a bit of Porch and Deck Enamel worm on the hook. Spinners ed for May 1, at 7:30 p.m. in [ BRUSH Total Materials and Service . .$ 497.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 with new prism-lite finish the grade school gym under | • Special Total All Other Requirements Premium Dreem 1.431.25 3,100.00 3,100.00 have a lot of extra punch for thp Mrc Peggy 1 Boysen offer the HirPC'tinn direction nf of Mrs. Total Budget Requirements . Semigloss Enamels 1.928.25 3,400.00 3,400.00 attracting trout, he says. Zeller. Participating in the during 10 Sale Total Budget Resources ......... 4 1,928.25 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 In the Willamette Valley program will be students from NOWI most streams large enough to the kindergarten through the CIRCLE SEWER FUND OR PROGRAM I>ast Year This Year Next Year wet a line should produce eighth grade. Total Materials and Services $ 1,008.00 trout for the opening. West Total Budget Requirements 1,008.001 side streams will be the most American Legion Aux Total Budget Resources ...... $ 1,008.00 productive during the early Refi. $3.95 part of the season. Cascade Officers Elected PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT FUND streams are low, clear, and I DETROIT — At a recent OR PROGRAM cold, a combination which will meeting of the American Le Last Year This Year SALE ENDS MAY 28th Next Year slow angler success. gion Auxiliary, Idanha Unit Total Personnel Services £141, the following officers (Includes all Payroll Costs 4 2,250.07 $ 6,600 00 were elected for the coming Total Budget Requirements 2,250.07 6,600 00 Postal Week to be year: Total Budget Resources _____ ....$ 2,250.07 $ 6,600.00 Observed at Detroit Ada Tompkins, president; DETROIT — In observance1 Opal Leming, first vice-presi CONTRIBUTION TO PARK FUND of “Postal Week’’, April 30 toL_ ............................. dent; Theo Houck, secretary; OR PROGRAM Last Year This Year Next Year May 5, cake and coffee will be Reba Snyder, treasurer; Edith Total Capital Outlay .......... chaplain; Carrie $ 600.00 served at Detroit Post Office Bittner, Total Budget Requirements on Monday, April 30. Storey, sergeant-at-arms. 600.00 Total Budget Resources __ A new set of ten and eight-! Opal Leming is retiring $ 600.00 cent stamps honoring postal president. REVENUE SHARING FUND OR PROGRAM people will go on sale on that I Last Year This Year Next Year date. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tanner Total Personnel Services There will also be a limited of Los Angeles are houseguests (Includes all Payroll Costs) $ 9,378.50 ! quantity of souvenier enve- this week at the home of Mr. kelly lumber SALB« Total Materials and Services .. 33,799.50 lepes given away (free) while and Mrs. Bill Beyer. Most of * I L L CITY. O It E (B O N Total Budget Requirements ..... $43,178.00 . they last. their time has been spent Total Budget Resources _______ $43,178.00 I Everyone is welcome. sightseeing with their hosts. Phone 897-2610 1C Sole I DETROIT IDANHA I