I ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY—OREuuN’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND VOLUME XXVin NUMBER 17 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE—MILL CITY’, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 Truck Dumps Load Of Lumber ’t j Gates City 4“. *ïï.cs Council Votes Ordinance 1263 Attend Easter Breakfast Approximately 263 people attended the annual Easter sunrise breakfast Sunday morning at the high school ca feteria. Bill Beyer, chairman of the event, said that $404.85 was sold in tickets and the net profit on the breakfast amounted to $279.49 which will go to the steering committee for expenses of the queens coronation and July 4 cele bration. Mr. Beyer expressed his thanks to Rufh Cummings, Mary Youmana, Evelyn Fox and all those who worked as well as the support of the gen eral public in helping make it a successful event. ------- VOTE MAY 1------ - J $4-5« a YEAR — l(»c a Copy Firemen Called Out Firemen were called out to the Harvest Hut Monday morning. An oil stove had overheated but there was no apparent damage, according to the re port. ------- VOTE MAY 1------- Lyon's School Budget Levy Exolained Tuesday, May 1, we will be going to the polls to vote on GATES — Thursday, April McCall’s proposed tax plan. The board of directors adopt This is just another added tax, 19, was the regular meeting of ed a budget Wednesday, March | the Gates City Council held the way it looks to me. . . 14, calling for the sum of $145,- Anytime we have voted in 1 at city hall 809.09 in taxes over the amount George Laird, the city’s in- another tax measure, which is limited by the Oregon Consti supposed to lower the property 1 surance representative was tution. At the Monday evening din tax, it never seems to do what present to discuss the present The maximum rate of levy ner meeting, members voted they say it will, such as the insurance setup and offer in deemed necessary to raise to pay for an eye examination cov- formation on improving cigarette tax. for one local student, and help this sum is estimated at $10.68 If this plan is going to lower erage. pay for eye surgery for a stu per thousand dollars of true An ordinance #73-1, our taxes, why is the county cash value of taxable property dent living in the Lyons area. assessor going around re scribing the methods and within district. This com In other action, the club was pares to the A lumber truck and trai er overturned while round- assessing the property again. cedures for making public im a rate told that the prices of their current year. of $9.95 for the They say they only re-assess provements in the City of ing a comer here early Thursday and dumped its load dinner would be raised 50c once every five years (sure Gates, for levying and collect-1 on North Sant am Boulevard. Mill City Po ice said the the measure is approved, starting with the May 14 meet the If operating ing special assessments there- j I driver, Thomas E. Donohue, 32, Lyons, suffered appar- has been a short five years). budget to be fin ing due to the rising cost of anced by local President Nixon’s revenue fore, for the creation and en jenitly minor injuries. The truck, owned by Highland I taxes for the Mill City Weather food. sharing money was to be dis forcement of assessment leins | Trucking Co., Lyons, had just turned off Highway 22 year 1973-1974 will be $11,- Lion Bob Bryant reported to 389.09 greater than the oper tributed to counties and cities and declaring an emergency, I at 12:30 a. m. when a broken strap apparently Jet the Compiled by Rod Pfoertner Max. Min. Pep the club that they had cleared ating budget financed by local to help lower taxes, seems like was read in full, then twice by; 52 37 0.70 $155.30 from the logging film taxes for this year. they just try to find ways to title only and passed by the I lumber shift. Some lumber was on the Circle K Market April 18 I parking Jot, but the building was not damaged. Fire- April 19 54 38 0.40 shown recently. This will be spend it and leave taxes where council. The budget increase includes 58 40 0.15 donated to the Oregon sight a raise in fixed charges, In Two applications for build ' men were ca led to the scene to wash down the streets April 20 they were. (It’s always bother April 21 68 38 0.00 foundation. ed me that if the federal gov- ing permits were received with I and stood by until 3:00 a. m. Thursday morning. creased insurance coverage for April 22 68 39 T ------- VOTE MAY 1------- erment has so much money to the planning commissions re I —M il City Enterprise photo the buildings, and the district April 23 ......... 57 44 0.00 — “give” to the cities and coun commendations that they be .. — || 1 taking over the larger portion April 24 35 64 0.00 ties, how come our federal tax approved. One for a single fa I iirnnut Hpar^of a teachers sal;,ry n°w be,n« Total Pep. for the week .1.25 □I nail I Ul IIUUI I luai □ paid entirely by federal funds. es keep going up. Why not low mily dwelling by Gayle Carra-' er them until the excess is her, to be built on the river | C 1/ | i Ji Also included in the proposed gone, and let the counties and end of Horeb St. Both were ¡s repainting Of the I Community Survey cities collect their own taxes?) approved. i exterier of the school building The planning commission If they are so interested in All Mill City residents Thursday evening, Sen. Ken and re-roofing of the school lowering the property taxes, who received the commun Jernstadt made himself avail gymnasium and the upper why don't they use some of ity survey questionnaire dis able to the Mill City area ci grade wing of the building. that 130 million dollars sur- graph C on Page 20 of the i The election will be May 7 tributed April 20 to 25 are _______ ________ Some time ago I said I their programs. I urged to return the com tizens for a question and ans i at school. plus they have there now. They | Gates City ______ Planning Ordinance wer session at the Eagles Hall. TAX INCREASES: to — adding are saying that the taxes will pertaining ----— *- -->-»• — *- on — to an would provide for this paper pleted form. The turn out was very small -VOTE MAY 1 A. Corporate Income Tax: be $7.50 per $1,000 true cash existing trailer park. Council information regarding the Mc- Completed survey forms but the interest of the 14 peo Rates are changed from flat I Call Tax Plan. Much has been value, but they can go up to action was taken on this. can be dropped in marked ple that attended was high in Mayor Jenks relinquished printed in the papers. It is my 6% (8% banks and financial “survey” boxes at the fol $10.00 next year if they need the money for anything—with the chair to Bert Wells so he desire that the voters have the I institutions) to graduated scale lowing locations around regards to the McCall tax plan. The senator urged everyone out legislative action or voter could present his application information necessary to make 4% to 9%. The maximum rate town: Circle K, Mill City _ _ This ___ _____ __ for enlarging and improving a decision on voting. In an at- j applies to all taxable income Pharmacy, Shoe Repair to read the plan carefully be approval. money __ is going into the general fund where the Gates Trailer Park. His ap- tempt to try to aide you I1 over $8,000. nnn I Shop, Girod’s Hilltop Super fore they decide how to vote, Comment: This increase Market, The Hedge Toad, or consider what could happen in it can be spent for other oper- plication was approved by the ( have outlined the tax revenue ating expenses and if the fund council. i and distribution plans you places Oregon among the high they may be given to the a couple of years. Above all,, est three or four states in the survey collector who will be exercise your privilege and runs short, the schools will be | The city has received its shall vote on May 1. The Wednesday noon North the one’s that they will say : third revenue sharing check in 1 For those who may not know nation and has maximum im back between April 26 and vote. I Santiam Chamber meeting was need more money. the amount of $355. This had how I have voted I should re- pact on high labor intensive 30. VOTE MAY 1 well attended with members According to officials in the I been placed on time deposit port at this time that I oppos- businesses, small businesses If anyone has questions and guests. The members were know, the distribution of like the previous two for the’ ed this tax plan and voted and the service industry. about the survey, they may asked if they would like to B. Personal Income Tax: contact Steve Cahan at 897- ume being. uenig. funds is riot well balanced at, . time j | against ----!—‘ it on the v house ---— floor. ; put on a ceremony at the new The forest service notified BALLOT TITLE: “Property Rates are raised from 4 to 10 3130. all. Some of the smaller dis Residents should remem wayside park which opened Sa- tricts that really need the help Uie city they_had some extra Tax Liimtation On School percent to 5 to 13 percent and Tabulations of the survey ber to set their clocks ahead ' turday, April 21. Due to the deduction on state filing of will begin May 1 and the Shore Pine Trees they could Funding”. won’t get what they need. one hour Saturday night as shortness of time, it was decid State supreme court rewrote federal taxes paid is limited to' results will be published The proponents of the plan obtain. They were picked up daylight saving time goes ed they would not participate say that local schools will not from the Mehama guard sta- 75-word text of ballot title $2,000. when available. into effect this weekend. in it. Comment: Because of these lose local control. If so, why tion and now are awaiting to ubmitted to secretary of state’s The nominating committee office for inclusion in the changes many Oregonians will are they already saying if you be planted. i read off the names of the of- “Voters’ Pamphlet” because it be paying the highest personal don’t meet this standard, or i I ficers they recommended, they J. V. Cheerleaders ------- VOTE MAY 1------- failed to mention new taxes to income tax rates in the coun that quaification, you will not j | are as follows: be triggered if ballot measure try. Some will receive a 110% get (X) amount of dollars, in Jim Tedrow, president; Gene increase. The average rate in- 1 other words, you do what we passed. Fief, vice president, J. C. Kim want or you don’t operate. MAY 1 BALLOT MEA crease is 32% and the tax is1 mel, secretary-treasurer, Or designed to raise an additional This plan also says you must ville Brown, Jerry Coffman SURE: have a kindergarten or we and Cris King, board members. Voters will vote on two page 53%. The increase is retroac only pay you $1.80 instead of Nominations will be received HJR 3 which amends Oregon tive to January 1, 1973. To the $2.00 per student No mat- I from the floor at the next gen Constitution to prohibit use of make this program work, the i ter how the local area feels eral meeting, May 16. property tax for operating state is counting on more than about a kindergarten, the Representative Jack Sum costs of grades K-12. However, one billion dollars in state per state will force you to have ner spoke to members and the amendment allows a school sonal income tax alone during one. guests on several bills before district to levy up to $2/$l,000 the next biennium. A single It’s a pitty that the mouth the house of representatives on all property plus it provides peison earning $5,000 will be I (the state) likes to bite the I GATES — The special elec authority for the state to levy at the maximum rate I and ones that had passed. He I hand that feeds it (the people)! tion held April 18, 1973 by the a maximum of $10/$l,000 TAX EXEMPTIONS: also spoke on the McCall Tax _ •_ 1 Gates Rural Fire Protection property tax on all non-resi- A. Inventory Tax: The Plan, explaining the three mea I District, at the city hall for scheduled phase-out to end ad sures which are also on the The drama class of San- j the purpose of passing a serial dential property—both of these valorem taxation on inventory ballot. without voter approval. tiam high school put on a; tax levy for a fire truck was by 1980 would be replaced by Representative Sumner then MAY 1 ELECTION: three-act play for residents of successful. The vote was 58 an immediate, total exemption. tried to explain both sides of mea- Passage of the ballot the area last Thursday eve for it, and two against. the different areas of the plan will implement HB 2004, Farm machinery worth about ning, and, if you didn’t see it, For those who didn’t turn I sure $140 million was also added to members did not fully under you missed some real good act out for the voting, following is “Property Tax Relief and exempted items. • stand. School Finance Act of 1973.” ing. As one who saw it, I the way the ballot read: Comment: What provision North Santiam Chamber I This complex bill containing was really impressed by all the Shall ordinance No. 3 of has been made to compensate Board members will meet work and careful planning as Gates Rural Fire Protection 175 sections is 30 pages long. non-school J. V. cheerleaders chosen recently at Santiam High Wednesday, May 2 at the related taxing HB 2004 has two essential well as the acting, of all the District be adopted to author units of local government for School pre Lisa Barnhfirdt. Lynnette Fountain and Lori Riverview Inn for noon participants in the cast. Maybe ize a district property tax of parts — revenue collection and this loss in tax base? Lawrence.—Photo by Sue Poole luncheon meeting. they will favor us with another $2,000 per year outside the distribution of funds. B. Local Property Tax: Revenue Collection before school is out this year. limitation of Article XI, Sec Varsity Cheerleaders That portion of ad valorem tax NEW TAXES CREATED: tion 11, of the state constitu on owner occupied residences A. Business Profits Tax: 1% tion, for five consecutive tax for school operating costs, years beginning with 1973-74, on net profits over $15,000, grades K-12, are exempt. $600 plus 2% of the excess over Doctor Schedule to complete financing of a 1970 Comment: Local property fire truck bought under lease $75,000. Santiam Memorial Hos. Comments: the business pro taxes can still be levied for purchase agreement in 1971? payment of bonded indebted pital Emergency Unit re Taxes levied for such purpose fits tax is not just a tax on ness, capital outlay, capital cord of Doctors on duty profits, it ’ s also a selective during the five year period un ari3 equipment for the period April 26 der such ordinance will be tax on wages. Because it taxes construction through May 2, 1973. I certain wages of sole proprie and transportation. In addition, $10,000. taxes will still be le If this measure is approved tors. partners and small corp property vied for operation of commun April 26— oration, and not other corpor by the legal voters of the dis ity colleges and intermediate Doctor on call. ations, it discriminates against trict, the tax authorized will education districts. be used only in completing the ’mall business. April 27— TAX CREDITS: B. State Property Tax: De financing of the cost of such Doctor on call. Doctor In A. Renter Credit: Renters dicated for the purpose of fi fire truck for better fire pro hospital, 6:00 p.m. to shall be entitled to a tax cred nancing schools. Tax levied on tection of property within the midnight. district. Should a fund bal all non-residential, owner-ocu- it equal to 9% of the net rent April 28— ance remain after payment for pied property at rate of $7.50/ (rent paid solely for the right Doctor on call such truck, such balance shall $1,000 initially but can be rais cf occupancy). Comment: Renters will get Doctor in hospital, be used to meet operating ed without a vote of the people to the constitutional limit of more tax relief than they con midnight to midnight costs of the district. tribute to the operational costs $10.00 $1,000. April 29— —VOTE MAY 1 Comment: Oregonians voted of schools through the property Doctor on call. out state property taxes in 1929 taxes ($7.50/$ 1,000) paid from Doctor in hospital, Detroit Dam - Weather in favor of personal income their rent. midnight to midnight B. Income Tax Credit: Max. Mln. Elev. Pep taxes. Pool C. Local Property Tax: With Owner-occupant of private April 30— receives credit Apr. B 42 32 1517.00 0.79 out a vote of the people a residence Doctor on call. Apr. 9 43 34 1518.29 1.08 school district may levy up to , against state personal income eoual to 10% of property, May 1— Apr. 9 47 36 1519.41 0.19 $2 $1,000 for operational costs Apr. 1 53 38 1520.46 0.00 Doctor on call. Comment: School districts tax. Comment: This provision is Apr. 2 63 39 1521.50 0.00 which are receiving maximum May 2— Ji S-ncoi Varsity cheer- man, Lori Hildebrandt and Clary Peder- Apr. 3 55 43 1522.63 0.00 level state support and which a modification of the “over Doctor on call Apr. 4 52 38 1523.75 0.02 are levying the full $2 will I burden” relief of earlier leaders for next year wijl be Kathy Corn- —Photo by Sue Poole. Continued on Page 5 ing, Christy Spurgeon. V^rlone Peter- Total Pep. for week . .2.08 have problems maintaining Representative Sumner Explains Upcoming Tax Plan auug CApCUdCO UtlU XUUU . ».UUUK.U. ■ ~ ------- Mill City Lions Club Buys Eye Glasses □cn. i\en Jernstedt Rep. Jack Sumner ¡Speaks To North Santiam Chamber