6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 19, 1973 LARGE GARDEN AREA for I use — For further informa tion call 897-8904. 16 Services CLASSIFIED RATES Miscellaneous WE CARRY a full line of and general Churches, bazaars, suppers, WE HAVE a Complete Line of Scotts foot appliances such REMODELING repairs. Complete kitchens, as insoles, heel pads, foot bake sale, etc., will be run plumbing supplies, water bathrooms, and additions. sprays, etc. We also carry under special announcements heaters, tubs, toilets, etc Call 859-2760. 16tf boots, new and used and classification with a mini Your Western Auto Associ moccasins for men and wo FOR SALE — Rubber Stamps mum charge Of 75c per ate Store, telephone 897 men. 16 insertion. . . . made to order at The 2785. 16 Fifteen cents per line each Mill City Enterprise. Come FOR SALE — Wishing Wells insertion, No advertisements NUMBER ONE prefinished in and see us or call 897- and Planters. Otto Weidman, accepted for less than 73c paneling. All 4x8 sheets j Rte. 1, Box 41, Lyons Phone 2772. per week. Minimum charge $2.69 and $3.49. Sublimity | 859^271^ 17p for Cards of Thanks $1.00. Building Supply, Sublimity' Count five words to the line Phone 769-2174. 46tf OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT— in ordering your ad. Telephone $3.25 per gallon. Sublimity 897-2772, Mill City or mail BARN and FENCE Redwood Building Supply. Phone 769- stain $1.98 gal. White in your advertisement to The Mill 2174. 19tf terior Latex wall finish City Enterprise, Mill City, $2.99 gal. Sublimity Build Oregon 97360. ing Supply, Sublimity. Pb WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large tracts 769-2174 17tf Real Estate We have self loader to haul your logs. LOANS on Real Property on LET US do your glass work We cut window glass to your , STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Homes up to $5,000. Ph measurements. We will in % Mile West of Mehama, Ore. Stayton 769-6377 Evening? stall the glass in framer: 769-5848 48tf ROOFING brought to the store. Mil) GALVANIZED 2%” corrugated, 4V corru City Hardware, Phone 897 FOR SALE—3-bedroom home, gated custom cut to length 2977. 31tf $88 S. E. Hazel. Fred Berg._________________________ Ask about our new lower Phone f^7'*791;________ 16tf , FOR SALE—SAWDUST—Top prices, Sublimity Building soil.—May inspect anytime Koffee Klatchera Supply, 769-2174. 1— Lg 2-story, 3-bdrm. hm on between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m Name of Team w L 1 plus acs. (excellent con SEPTIC TANK and drainfieid I Lower’s & Holm ....15% 4% Delivered or U-Haul. Cedar I dition, dble. gar. 2-rm. cot- , Lumber, Inc. Phone 859- I installation. Gravel, Topaoll, Bob & Bill’s ...... .14 6 tage Lg. storage bldg. New' Bulldozing Free Estimate Earl’s Chevron ... ...14 2111. 45tf 6 paint, new shingles, extra_____________ Low rates. L. M. Walker, Gne’s Meat Mkt. ...13 7 lg. lawn, shrubs, fruit KEYS MADE WHILE YOU I Lyons. 859-2436. 5Otf Girod’s Mkt......... ...13 7 trees, etc. Asking 17,250. WAIT. Better get an extra 11 Terms. Owner will carry' key made for your house NEW ITEM at your Western Dick & Carol’s ... ... 9 9 11 bal. at 7%. Gates. ; or automobile today, Bring Auto Store in Mill City — i Riverview ......... 8 12 2— Lg. 3-bdrm. 248’ zoned bus. Shelving, ready for your im Ray’s Drug ......... your key with you. Mill 8 12 frontage on Hwy. 22 be agination Easy to install. Dittei’s Mkt......... City Hdwe., Mill City. Jerry ’ s Tavern .... ... 7 13 tween Mill City and Gates. Come and see. 14tf Team #12 ......... ... 6 14 Asking $14,840. Cash out for ALUMINUM [ Screen Doors Frontier ............. ... 4% 15% FOR SALE — One Quarter complete with hinges, latch less or owner will carry High individual game — Horse, 12 yrs. old, very gen set, grill and door closer, bal. at 8%. 16 Donna Schuetz 212; high idi- 3— Lg. 3-bdrm. hm. on 100’ by $12.50. Sublimity Building tle. Phone 897-8904. vidual series — Donna Schuetz Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf 175’ lot on Hwy. 22 TO GIVE AWAY—Male Ger 544; high team game — Bob & $14.950. Will trade up for CAKE DECORATING — Ad man Shepherd. One year Bill’s 996; high team series — % ac. on new 3-bdrm. in vanced lessons. For informa old. Telephone 897 3156. 16 Lower’s & Holm 2787. the Stayton area or cash tion call Doreen Hellemn, out, or new financing. For Rent 769-5538. 16p Tuesday Pin Pals Gates. W Name of Team L FOR SALE — 8-Track Stereo FOR LEASE — 2-bedroom Girod’s ....... ......... 14 Whether It’s 2 Tapes $3.88. Fully guaran Mobile Home. Attached pa Highland Trk......... 11 5 teed at your Western Auto tio, storage room and car Pat’s Pill Box 7 9 Store, Highway 22. Mill City. port. On large, private lot Eddy’s Auto ........... 7 9 14tf near Neal Park, Lyons. Girod’s Hilltop ...... 7 9 Phone 859-2760. 16tf N S. Lanes ......... 6 10 IT’S WHERE YOU BELONG. 10 Our services are available FOR RENT—1-bedroom fur Hagen’s ....... ......... 6 4 12 State Farm ........... nished apartment. Water and to the residents of the Stay-1 High individual game — ton area and up to and in- ’ garbage service furnished. Arlyce Deister 199; high indi eluding Idanha. We are cur- ' Call Don Clark 897-2861. think of rently paying 5% interest1 13tf vidual series — Arlyce Deister DRUSHELLA’S 520; high team game—Girod’s compounded quarterly with limited life insurance on FOR RENT—Clean, two bed 776; high team series — Girods Drushella Real Es+a+e saving?. We invite your par- ‘ room house with stove. $95 2243. 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton mo., $50 deposit. Lease op Elydia E. Smith 897-2460 ticipation. Savings insured tion. 565 Linn Pl., Mill City. to $20.000. Call today for , Salesman — Gates, Oregon Phone 897-2590. ¡6 particulars—North Santiam Call day or evening. Federal Credit Union, Matt J Martin, Secretary-treasurer, Wanted Miscellanous BEYERS we have 42tf . Fh 769-2144 Listings we need WANTED — We are buying1 Offices Coast-to-Coast Dried Cascara Bark, current WESTERN AUTO has catalog NOTICE OF National Advertising bring« price 25c lb. Hirtes Market,1 sale services — No Freght SPECIAL ELECTION BUYERS from everywhere Charge or Postage. Phone 897-3133. 16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Call Today 16 WANTED — 10-acres or more EN that at a regular meeting 897-2785. Strout Realty, Inc. with trees and creek. Write of the Board of Directors of Vivian M Kealen, Manager FOR SALE — Sears 4-H.P. Lee Munden, 10099 S. E. the Mill City Rural Fire Pro Outboard Motor. Used only Gates, Oregon 97346 Linwood Ave., Milwaukie, tection District No. 2-303 held four hours. $85.00. Phone P 0 Box 516 Oregon 97222 or Phone 774- April 9, 1973, said Board did 897-2474. 16p Phone 897-2124 9536. 16 call for a special election for ■----------------------------------------i taxes outside the 6% tax lim WANTED — Elderly couple itation for the fiscal year 1973- COUNTRY PROPERTY would like home by June. 1974 to , properly __ t____ operate the Need some nursing care, district for that year. NEARLY NEW three bedroom. Separate dining area, ful! bath, large utility room. Hardwood floors, oil cen Prefer Mill City vicinity. If j Said levy to be for $3,371.00 interested phone 897-2867 j and will be $0.25 per $1,000 of tral heating. Lots of shade trees............. $22,000 17p true tax valuation of proper- MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. WANTED TO BUY - Used > tyclnJhei dlstrlCt, ,, , a*. 1 1 Said election shall be held LIST NOW. Bassinette, used lawn mower Qn M 7 1973. and the poles and used piano. Phone 897- tQ bg ypen from 2:00 p m to 88U4 16,8:00 p.m. j The polling place to be at Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen. Mgr. Gates. Ore. Help Wanted the Mill City Fire Hall. Deloris Gillenwater HELP WANTED — Part-time Clerk waitress, experienced. Ap City WANTED ply in person. Grants Cafe. I (Published in the Mill Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 16 2-3 Bedroom home in the Mil City area $12,000-$18,000. and 26, 1973.) I — Personal NOTICE OF HAVE SCHOOL ELECTION River frontage on the Little North Fork river with old DEAR ERMA AND ELLIOTT, I Upon Question of Levying er cabin. Please call for price and terms. S. S., the M. C. Grange a Tax Outside the Limitation Ladies are wishing you a ‘of the Oregon Constitution Peas«' Call 897-2111 anytime Happy May Day. 16 ( NO tice IS HEREBY GIV EN that an election will be Automotive held in Administrative School MOTORCYCLE SERVICE and District No. 129-J of Linn and Real Estate repair. The Mower and Marion County, State of Ore 528 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Mill City, Ore. Tiller Shop, 393 E. Florence, gon, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on May 7, 1973, for the purpose Stayton. cf submitting to the qualified voters of said district the ques tion of levying a tax for the fiscal year 1973-1974 outside the limitation of Section 11, Article XI, Oregon Constitu We are almost all sold out. We have buy tion in the amount of $640,- 594.00. ers. Do you have property? Local and out of The reasons for such levy state buyers now interested in th^$ area. We would like to thank all are: our friends in Gates for the | Since District 129-J has no List with us and let us sell your property help given us during the loss tax base, the entire tax to of our home by fire. A special be levied by the school board now. thank you to the Gates Fire must be approved by the Department. 16p | voters. The levy proposed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris I above, if approved, will be —1 reduced in the county asses sor’s offices by a minimum of CARD OF THANKS District 129 J I wish to thank everyone $55,688.00, Phone 897-2497 llavs or Evenings. who came to my reception, share of Linn-Benton Inter also for the many cards and mediate Education District Maliel or Al Yankus gifts. 16 levy, and by offsets to be 623 N. E Santiam Blvd. received from timber sever- LEOTA WORDEN STROUT REALTY, INC. DAVID M. REID HELP! North Santiam Real Estate CARDS ance and yield taxes. Linn schoolhouse. 123-J of Marion County, State If this measure is approved, Dated this 12th day of of Oregon, from 8:00 a.m. to the operating budget to be April, 1973. 8:00 p.m. on May 7, 1973, for financed by local taxes for ATTEST: the purpose of submitting to the 1973-1974 school year i Louis F. Henning the qualified voters of said will be $17,071.00, or 2%, Deputy District Clerk district the question of levying greater than the operating James A. Silbernagel a tax for the fiscal year 1973- budget financed by local Chrmn. Bd. of Directors 1974 outside the limitation of taxes for the preceding year. ! (Published in the Milll Citiy Section 11, Article XI, Oregon Should alternate sources of Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 Constitution in the amount of revenue be made avaiilable and 26, 1973.) $237,058.00. for operation of schools be The reasons for such levy cause of legislative action, are: NOTICE OF ANNUAL the amount of Administra To provide funds for the op SCHOOL ELECTION tive School District 129-J I NOTICE eration of Marion County IS HEREBY GIV property tax levy certified to EN, in compliance with Sec. School District No. 123-J at the tax assessors will be low 331.010, ORS, to the qualified Detroit, Oregon for the ered accordingly. of School District No. school year 1973-74. Polling places: Santiam High voters Polling places: Detroit Ele 123-J, of Marion-Linn County, School, for all registered vot State of Oregon, mentary Library. that the AN ers residing in Administrative NUAL SCHOOL ELECTION of Dated this 12th day of AprH School District 129-J, Linn and said District will be held at 1973. Marion Counties. School between the ATTEST: Dated this 12th day of April, Detroit Ronald K Willserson hours of 8:00 a m. and 8:00 1973. District Clerk I p.m. on the first Monday of ATTEST: Opal Leming i May, being the 7th day of May, Wesley Jahn Chrmn. Bd. of Directors 11973, for the purpose of elect - District Clerk (Published in the Mill City ! ing One (1) Member of the Clare D. Hennes Board of Education for four Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 Chrmn. Bd. of Directors I year term; One (1) Member and 26, 1973.) (Published in the Mill City Ot Large IED Board; Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 voting upon for the the proposition of and 26, 1973.) I levying a tax for the 1973-74 I school year. NOTICE OF ANNUAL Dated this 12th day of April, SCHOOL ELEUTION 1973. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ATTEST: Pole Buildings ; B'ims EN, in compliance with Sec. Ronald K. Willserson Shops, Sheds, Riding 331.010, ORS, to the qualified District Clerk voters of Administrative' Opal Leming Arenas, Etc. School District No. 129-J, of Chrmn. Bd. of Directors Linn and Marion County, State (Published in the Mill City Custom Designing of Oregon, that the ANNUAL Enterprise Thursday, April 19 SCHOOL ELECTION of said and 26, 1973.) Available District will be held at San NOTICE OF tiam High School between the SCHOOL ELECTION hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 Upon Question of Levying p.m. on the first Monday of May, being the 7th day of a Tax Outside the Limitation of the Oregon Constitution May, 1973, for the purpose of 897-2242 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- | electing One (1) member to the Board of Directors of said EN that an election will be ! district, from Zone 3, for a held in School District No. I term of four years beginning July 1, 1973. Dated this 12th day of April, 1973. ATTEST: Wesley Jahn District Clerk Clare D. Henness Chrmn. Bd. of Directors (Published in the Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 S+ay+on Appliance Heavy Duty Rotovat- and 26, 1973.) Custom Building Call P&R Builders BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL - - - - - - - ► DIRECTORY <— Service ing and Mowing NOTICE OF ANNUAL Sí HOOL ELECTION Serving the Santiam BOB FRANKLIN NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN Canyon Area. in compliance with Sec. 1 859-2474 Servicing All Major 331.010, ORS, to the qualified CALL EVENINGS Brand Appliances voters of School District No. 29-J, of Linn and Marion County, State of Oregon, that JOHN W. REID. M. D the ANNUAL SCHOOL ELEC TION of said District will be Physician and Surgeon 242 E. Florence —Stayton held at The Mari-Linn Schooi between the hours of 8:00 a.m. | VI HI Oregon an 8:00 p.m. on the first Mon- ' G R A V E L OF ALL MM'S day of May, being the 7th day «Jail HUGH JOH!\HTO!f of May, 1973, for the purpose of eieol ng One (1) Board H5U-2222 Morning* or Member for Position #5 for a Al Garrison Evening* four (4) year term. Mobile Phone H5U-2INS Custom Rototilling ’Dated this 11th day of April, 1973. and Mowing ATTEST: Louis F. Henning PHONE 897-3157 RALEIGH HAROLD Deputy District Clerk Mill City James A. Silbernagel FLORIST & NURSERY 31!» W. Washington St Chrmn. Bd. of Directors I’ll. Stayton 769-2534 (Published in the Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 19 and 26, 1973.) Flowers Phone 769-3261 Weddle Funeral Home For NOTICE OF I All Occasions Modern Funeral Service SCHOOL ELECTION Upon Question of Levying Oregor ¡Open 7:30 A. M — 7:30 P. M Tax Outside the Limitatioin Stayton of the Oregon Constitution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV Stayton Septic Service EN that an election will be SEPTIC TANKS held in School District No. | DATSUN SERVICE 29-J of Linn County, State of ' CLEANED Oregon, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 I AND REPAIR p.m. on May 7, 1973, for the All Work Guaranteed and yon purpose of submitting to the SAVE 30% on Salem Prices qualified voters of said dis We will meet all compettt* Call 897-2062 trict the question of levying ive Price« and Nervier ELMER TRIPP a tax for the fiscal year Satisfaction Guaranteed 1973-1974 outside the limita Ph. 769-6659 Stayton tion of Section 11, Article XI, Oregon Constitution in the WE SELL BETTER amount of $145,809.09. The reasons for such levy CARS FOR LESS We Sell A are. Complete Line of To fund school district op- eration because the school district has no tax base and the school district board can Pipe and Fittings not lev ya tax without the approval of the qualified 120 West Hollister Street American Standard electors of the district. Fixture« Phone 769-2126 The amount needed for the operation of the school in For Plumbing STAYTON, OREGON accordance to the prescribed minimum standards is $145,- Service Call IT PAYS TO BUY 809.09. The maximum rate of levy deemed necessary AT HOME 897-2799 to raise this sum is estimat- et at $10.68 per thousand Guaranteed dollars of true cash value of Workmanship the taxable property within the district. The amount so authorized Call 769-5757 by the voters for the 1972- 1973 fiscal year was $134,- Chuck Osborn and Heating, Inc. 420.00, stated then on the ballot as a levy rate of Licensed Plumbing and Rte. 1, Box 466 $9.95. Heating Contractor Aumsville, Ore. Polling plades: The Mari- Mill City, Oregon Prompt Service JOHN LUCAS Plumbing Supplies CHEVROLET INC B 24 hr. Towing O Moffatt Plumbing