::: 2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 19, 1973 Local Residents Attend Wedding In Silverton Several people from here at­ tended the wedding of Miss Lorna Lee Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Richard NeI-< n of Silverton, and David Croan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Croan of Sublimity, formerly of Mill City, which was held at the United Methodist Church in Silverton on Satur­ day, April 14. Mrs. John MacGregor cut and served the wedding cake Others at- at the reception, here included tending from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Epperson, Mr and Mrs. Don Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Whitsett, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Al Yankus, and Jim Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigfried of Stayton, but for­ merly of Gates, were also pres­ ent. Most of the men had worked together at Detroiit Dam. where Edsel Croan is still employed. Whr don’t YOU subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise 7 Cruson and Julian Host Lyons Club EASTER LILIES HYDRANGEAS MUMS AZALEAS TERRARIUMS CORSAGES B ankamericaro PHONE 897-2425 WIRE SERVICE ANYWHERE 230 N. E. 4th Street »drnmf ¿mt »lili City Springtime is delightful in Joan Curtis Dacron1 polyester and cotton Saner - Chuculate Wedding Vovrc Exchanged At Idanha Commun. Church ::: I I Idanha | of the bride. DETROIT — The Guest book attendant was Community Church was the setting Saturday evening for Mrs. Darrell Hicks and pre- the wedding of Miss Delva siding at the gift table was Mae Saner and David Laverne Miss Connie Cummings. :: Phone 897-2772 Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor The wedding cake was made Chuculate. The seven o’clock :~:x: ceremony was performed by and decorated by Jerry Collis, the bride’s uncle, Rev. Luther Moses Lake, Wash., a cousin Church School Saner of Springfiield. A re­ of the bride. ception followed in the Detroit High School library. Children Put On Skit The bride is the daughter of Children of the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Saner, Jr. Church School, which meets of Idanha and the bridegroom each Monday after school, put is the son of Mr. and Mrs. cn a Palm Sunday skit during Moses Chuculate of Bakers­ the regular service Sunday field, Calif. morning, with a large group of The bridal gown, designed children taking part. Tedd ______________ and made by the bride's aunt, I Wilkinson, a high school stu­ Collis of Seattle, Mrs. Howard dent, was the narrator. was of off-white Spanish lace Thursday, April 19 Arranging the skit, during over yellow bridal satin, fash which a free-standing cross Public meeting with Sen ioned with empire waist and was decorated with laurel scalloped neckline. The hem ­ Ken Jernstedt at the Eagles by the leaves and daffodils line of the skirt, cathedral Lodge at 8:00 p.m. Sen Jern­ children, was Robert Hayes, train of lace and fingertip stedt will discuss the McCall assisted by Margaret Strom- veil were bordered in scallop- Tax plan. quist, Donna Podrabsky, Elsie ' ing. A crown of seed pearls Santiam High School play Ohmart and Monty Megargel. held her veil in place and she “Finders, Creepers” at the carried a cascade bouquet of High School Auditorium at yellow and white daisies. Her 8:00 p.m. necklace was a pearl drop fire opal and diamond, a birthday Friday, April 20 gift from her mother. Mill City-Gates American Miss Alta Saner was her sis­ ter’s maid of honor. She wore Legion meeting at the I.O.O.F. a floor length polyester yel­ Hall at 8:00 p.m. Good Friday services at the low gown fashioned with em­ pire waist. Orange and yellow Community Church at 7:30 hearts crocheted together trim­ p.m. med the length of the gown, man’s Club, assisted by the sleeves, and band of her yel­ Sunday, April 22 Junior Woman’s Club, at Fel­ low hat. She carried a basket Easter Sunrise services at lowship Hall I on Friday, , of yellow daisies. the Christian Church at 6:30 . April 13, for the benefit of Miss a.m. Bridesmaids were I Camp Easter Seals for Crip- Burns Jackie Williamson of Easter breakfast at the San­ was adjudged a pled Children, tiam High School Cafeteria huge success, Over $65 was from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. taken in from the Dime-a-Dip Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Self-Service, thus enabling the empire waist, short sleeves, ac- the City Park at 1:00 p.m. clubs to sponsor more than two i cented with yellow and white full campships for worthy , daisy trim, and wore yellow Monday, April 23 persons. Lions Club dinner meeting hats. They carried white bas­ General chairman for the kets of yellow daisies. at 6:30 p.m. at the Frontier lovely affair was Maymie Candlelighters were Miss Inn. Reed, with other members on Lynn Shaubel of Tiillamook Womens volleyball 7:00 to her committee being Mary i and Miss Louann Hile of 9:00 p.m. at the grade school Youmans, Helen Kimmel, Kate Salem. They wore yellow floor gym. Doble, Ruth Cummings, and ‘ Theresa Saalfeld. Edith Ma- Mr. and Mrs. William Me­ I Chemeketa Community Col- length polyester gowns dotted I with white daisies. Green flow­ Tuesday, April 24 son was chairman of table dec-1 Clintock of Mill City are an­ lege. Marilyn Club benefit lunch­ orations, and Jenny Cauble nouncing the forthcoming mar- Fred is the son of Mr. and ing ribbons trimmed the em­ was in charge of the kitchen.1 riage of their daughter, Miss Mrs. Wayne Alban of Stayton. pire waist and they wore pale eon at the Fellowship Hall be­ Mary Lou Suckling represent- Patty McClintock, to Fred Al He is also a graduate of San- green hats. All of the attend­ ginning at 11:45 a.m. Bid or Bunch pinochle party ed the Junior Woman’s Club ban on June 24 at the First tiam High School, OTI at Kla- ants gowns were designed and hand sewn by the brides at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Ann on the committee, and mem- Christian Church in Salem, Miss McClintock graduated : math Falls and served two mother, Mrs. Phillip Saner, Hovey. bers of both clubs furnished last June from Santiam High years in the army. He is now Jr. the salads. Wednesday, April 25 I Richard Davis of Bakersfield The centerpiece for the serv­ School and is now attending I a mechanic at Scio. Marilyn Assembly #60. Or­ ¡stood with Mr. Chuculate as der of Rainbow for Girls, ing table, made up of red and j best man. Ushers were Harold yellow tulips and branches of meeting at the I.O.O.F. Hall Crees Celebrate Hiebert and Donald and Estel at 7:30 p.m. quince, was arranged by Lou Saner, brothers of the bride. MacGregor. Santiam Chapter, A.A.R.P. Following a wedding trip to meeting and potluck dinner to Friday, the 13th, proved to 42nd Anniversary Canada, the couple will reside begin at 6:00 p.m. at the high be a lucky day for all those in­ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree in Idanha. The bride is a stu- school. volved, and those in charge spent last week vacationing ; dent at Phagan’s School of want to express their appre­ in Victoria. B. C., Canada cele­ Cub Scout Pack meeting at Beauty and the bridegroom is ciation to all those who assist­ brating their 42nd wedding an­ 7:30 p.m. at the Scout Cabin. employed at Green Veneer, ed, as well as the good turnout niversary. They went up Sun- 1 Inc. in Idanha. which attended ' day and returned Friday night. The Presbyterian Women’s I Cutting and serving the Sponsored as a public service 'They visited the Butchart Gar­ J Association met Thursday af­ cake at the reception were By dent, Parliament Buildings, ternoon, April 12, at the home Mrs. Howard Collis and Mrs.1 I museums and other points of of Mrs. Charles Kelly with on­ Darrell Marler. Presiding at I > interest. By Debbie McLain ly seven members present due the coffee urn and punch bowl The weather was like sum­ j to illness and other commit­ were Mrs. Merle Birch and Monday morning, right af­ ter the bell rang, the chorus mer all week and the flowers ments. The hostess served a Mrs. Lucille Wallis, all aunts Insurance Agency, Inc. students traveled to Scio to and flowering trees were bea­ 1:30 dessert luncheon before 493 Third Street, Stayton practice for the Spring Festi­ utiful. the meeting. They also attended Installa ­ val with Dr. Donald Winn Remember Us For Your. Presiding over the business POLE BUILDINGS tion of Officers at four Eastern session was Mrs. Robert Hayes from OCE. Life and Health Low Cost, Durable The Gospel Truth Singers Star chapters in Victoria. with Mrs. Arlo Tuers acting as paid another visit to Santiam For FREE Estimates Insurance secretary-treasurer. The min­ on Monday morning. The stu­ utes of the previous meeting Call 897-2893 dents enjoyed them as much were read and the treasurer’s Phone 769-63 I I this year as they did last year. report given by Mary Tuers. | Monday, after school, the Donations of $25 were voted, P basketball team traveled to including $10 to Overseas Hos­ The pinochle parties which Cascade High, to play their pital, $5 to Feed the Hungry, junior varsity baseball team. have been held all winter and and $10 to National Missions. The Wolverines didn’t do too spring at the Engles Hall, Literature on the “One great, and were thus the losers. sponsored by the auxiliary, Great Hour of Sharing” was The final score was six to four. have been discontinued until received, the annual collection Whether it be leather, Candles or Stained Tuesday morning, the band fall. Committee in charge has for which will be taken up Glass. We have a Gift for every occasion. students visited Scio to prac­ been Lorraine Bibler, Toots during the Sunday morning tice for the Spring Festival Blazek, Dorothy Peterson and services at the church. North Santiam Blvd. Elma Stewart assisted by other with their various directors. The association received a members. S ato ^ mericaro Open everyday —10 a. m. - 6 p. m. After school, the Wolverines request to serve at the recep­ The final party was held tion following a wedding on played the Kennedy Trojans in except Wednesday a baseball game. The Wolver­ Thursday with Gwen Swope I Saturday, July 28, to which ines were the victors, but I and Ervin Peterson winning , they agreed, have no score from that game. high; George Arthur and Ruby | Members were invited to at Tuesday evening, Scio held Brisbin, low. Mrs. Brisbin and I tend a Thursday evening meet- the annual Spring Festival. Orville Hayward received the ing at the elementary school ' The band and the chorus did pinochle prizes. preparatory to making ar-1 A donation of five new decks rangements for the Health Fair great jobs with their songs, and Mr. Hillesland did an out­ of cards to start the fall sea­ which may be held here in standing perforamnce as the son was made by Gwen Swope July. director for the massed bands. and Ruth Nelson. Devotions were led by Mrs. The chorus was very thankful Earl Loucks who read several to Mr. Grant, as he got out of Cu+sfor+hs Return passages from the scripture, I bed to go play for them. We’re also calling attention to the glad he felt well enough to From Trip South letter from the Laddy Elliotts GATES — Returning home who are serving in Alaska. make the trip to Scio. Thursday, Colton arrived for last Saturday from a weeks Prayer was given by Mrs. Her­ a track meet. It seems like the vacation were Gael and Leo­ bert Schroeder. boys are really doing alright, nora Cutsforth. They went A get-well card was sign­ but the girls are still behind. down through Reno, Virginia ed by the members for Mrs. The outstanding performers City and on to Death Valley John Swan, a faithful attend­ on the boy’s track team were which was the purpose of the ee who was ill at home with Ron Podrabsky, who threw the trip. They spent two days the flu. discus 104’ 4", and put the shot there visiting Scotty’s Castle The program for the after­ 45’ lOy«"; Kenny Morgan, who and all around the area. Few noon consisted of the showing broke the five-minute mark on roads they couldn’t get to be- of a film-strip, entitled “A the mile. His time was 4:58.8. cause of snow Everything was World Filled with Neighbors,’’, Kurt Carpenter had three first so green and flowers bloom­ which comes under the cate­ places: pole vault, high hurd­ ing all over the place. There gory of “Self-development of les, and the 440 relay. had been an unusual amount of People". This was in prepara­ One of the outstanding per­ rain this year, about ten in- tion for the One Great Hour of formers for the girls was Lori ches, and there were flowers Sharing. The meeting was closed with I Hildebrandt who took four in bloom that hadn’t bloomed each member giving a sen-' first places: low hurdles, 440 in years. relay, 880 relay, and the long They returned home through tence-prayer as suggested by I jump with a jump of 13’ H". the Sequoia Forest and stop­ : the president, Hazel Hayes. Friday, the Junior-Senior ped at Oakland, Calif, to visit Attending Thursday after­ m Princesses were an- Leonora’s aunt and husband, noon were Daisy Geddes, nced. They are: Linda Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sher­ Mabie Schroeder, Clara Ep­ g, Cindy Nelson and Fran- wood. In Olivehurst they vis­ person, Mary Tuers, Mary Hamilton. Good luck and ited a niece and husband, Mr. Loucks, Hazel Hayes and the the hostess, Mary Kelly. gratulations! and Mrs. Charles Center. LYONS — Mrs. Reta Cruson and Mrs. Evelyn Julian were hostesses for the Lyons Gar­ den Club Wednesday afternoon held at the Cruson home. Mrs. Katie Skillings presided over the meeting with Mrs. Dorothy Downer, secretary. The usual business was carried out and each answered roll call by telling what plant they grew best. At the close of the meeeting, the guest speak­ er, Mrs. Mary Regimbal, told of her trip to Washington, D.C. which proved to be very in­ teresting. Attending the meet­ ing were Hazel Wirth, Cathy Neal, Gertrude Weidman, Helen Johnston, Katie Skill- iings, Dorothy Downer, Fern Sletto, Gladys Nygaard. Leona Gunn, Eileen Todd, Celene Taylor, Eva Bressler, Frances Bilyeu, Florence Burmester. Mauretta Silbernagel, Nellie Riggs. Alma Olmstead, Bea Bassett, Virgene Scott, Mrs. Mary Regimbal and guests. Mrs. Katie Schaefer from Le­ banon and Mrs. Wilameane Johnson of Lyons. Share the Happiness of Easter with ::: Community Calendar Of Events Friday, the 13th, Donations Voted By Presbyterian Women’s Assn. MADISON & DAVIS Pinochle Parties Stopped Until Fall HEDGE TOAD GIFTS Springtime step-in: 3/4 shirt dress with pleated skirt and Princess lines to flatter the loveliest. Machine washable 65% Dacron® polyester, 35% cotton in black/tan and black/red. Sizes 10 to 20 and 12-1/2 to 22-1/2. «12.98 •Du Pont registered tradenwk. BALDWIN’S 351 3rd Phone 769-2926 Stay+on Oregon