Second Graders Write Comparisons Bridal Shower Rebekahs Vote on Cubs Plan Apr. 25 ,-TI” Clty Enb‘rpri“" APni a, m fluoridation, and turbidity I OSU Graduate measurements. DETROIT — The Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Walter Man­ July 4 Princess Pack Meeting List Includes home of Mrs. Caroline Smith ning from Los Angeles, Calif., This year’s enrollment was LYONS - Honors Miss Saner Rv Fro By Eva Rroccl., Bressler II J f> PV • k A I ■ • Comparisons add much to express writing. Here are The cub scout committee met several original comparisons was the setting Tuesday even­ who recently purchased the the largest ever. Operators Santiam Rebekah Lodge written by second graders at ing of last week, for a bridal Jack Roy home, have moved #166 met in regular meeting at the Ken Harrison home i Two Area Residents came from 97 cities and every April 2 and plans were made | Gates School. Each child chose shower, honoring Miss Delva in. The Roy family moved to April ____ 5 with _ _____ ____ ,__ noble _ grand, Mrs. for the April 25 pack meeting. | A record 204 Oregon water section of the state. I his own subject and then com­ Mae Saner, bride-elect of Prineville where he is em- Dave Barnhardt presiding. They included Earl Michael­ ^binCFou7‘wnrpresem“theiw°rk’ have complet- posed the comparison. David Chuculate whose wed­ pl »?C d j »» son of Detroit and Willfam ed special training at OSU. t ?, j D .. 1 ’ rhe iirst or der of business flag ceremony. Den One and , An elephant is like a logging ding is slated for Saturday, at Mr and Mrs. Floyd Bassett was the admission of Mrs Mar. Two will have a tie-tying con­ The short school is offered Grimes of Lyons. truck — Kevin Poole. the Jdanha Community and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen vdn Berry t0 membership, annually by the university as test and Den Four will do Yo- A tear is like a fast river.— Church. were in Independence Wednes-I Yo demonstrations and a YoYo a service to cities, water dis­ If the number following Chucky Murphy. Co-hostesses were Mrs. day afternoon to attend funer-! She was presented with a contest between all interested tricts, and water utility com­ A piano is like a music box. Elaine Hopson and Mrs. Thel- al services for their uncle, membership pin, a corsage of panies. Purposes are to reduce your name on The En_ —Annie Porter. i Frank Turner. Interment was violets and lady slippers and pack members. A speaker on hazards to public health and terprise label read* ma Storey. the project SOAR for the A horse is like a fast cloud. n original poem by Mrs. spring and summer program is to promote efficient and ec­ Following the opening of at Belcrest Memorial Gardens , £ —Gloria Pederson. Barnhardt. in Salem. scheduled to give a short talk onomical operation of water 4-73 it's time to send A boy is a lot of trouble — gifts, individual frosted cakes Mrs. Hilda Humphries of | Mrs. Barnhardt and Mrs. on the project. supply systems. and beverages were served to a check for renewal. Shellie Morris. Myrtle Creek spent several The March 19-21 school in­ There is to be a litter pickup A cold day is like winter the honored guest, her mother days at the home of her Charles Dolezal volunteered to Mrs. Phillip Saner, and to serve at the Easter breakfast. on April 14. The area to be se­ eluded basic and advanced time. — Janice Ogden brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh lected later. The boys and fa­ training for water works and Sick is a bad headache. — Mmes. Jean Roth, Dorothy Johnston and family. I A committee is to determine _____ thers will meet at 9:30 a.m. at purification plant operators. ED LEWIN Williamson, Barbara Davis, Kim Adkins Florence Burmester was in 1 what July 4 activities, besides Auctioneer, Inc. A kiss is like a rain drop. — Helen Popeck, Nancy Harrison, Scio Thursday afternoon to at- the float, the lodge will partic­ the Scout Cabin. Boys are to Courses included water chem­ Ruth Beller, Kathleen Boeck- wear their uniforms. A weiner istry, hazards of contamination, Tami Tuers |tend funeral services for Ralph ipate in. A Santiam high school Complete Auction* vviin follow the work disinfection practices, filter A dirty face is like chocolate stiegel. Longbeck, a long-time friend girl was voted to be the 1.0.0. project. plant operations, drinking wa­ Sending gifts but unable to when they lived on Roger F.-Rebekah pudding. — Jeri Hurney Phone 769-5466 Lodge princess for Committee members and den ter standards, chlorination. A work book is a pile of attend were Phyllis Wright, Mountain. the July 4 parade. Mrs. Arnold mothers are to give some B. J. Thomas, Catherine Maki, dust. — Kurt Syverson Mrs. Chester Grimes return­ Syverson was appointed A tree is like a big stick. — Barbara Whiteley, Joyce Rein- ed home the first of the week princesses representative. our thought to having a float in I the July 4 parade and the final ke, Peggy Zelfer, Loretta from the Salem Memorial Hos- ( Gary Whisenhunt A turnip is like Chucky. — Adams, Marsha Takasumi and pital where she will convalesce i The annual donation to the decision will be made at the i Mav 7 committee meeting. | her aunt Sandra Saner, Al- following a heart attack. Stephanie Sanders | cancer fund was made. The final pack meeting of East is like West. — Mike bany. Three Links will meet April The seventh grade of Mari- the school year is tentatively , Stewart. Linn will sponsor a spaghetti 12 at the I.O.O.F. Hall. There set for May 23 and to be the A skunk is a foul smell. — feet Friday evening, April 13, will be potluck refrechments customary weiner roast. Elisa Syverson at the school cafeteria. The and the evening will honor the A correction for the pack A puppy is like a warm i community is invited to attend. I.O.O.F.-Rebekah U.N. Speech meeting of March 28. The cub- Michelle Baugh- blanket. Contestant Don Hoover. By Meral Teeters ’ The benefit is an annual affair bie was awarded to Den Two man Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tye mov­ sponsored by the seventh | Mrs Barnhardt and Mrs Al- for a 100% representation of A country is like a big hill. grade. Family rates will be of-' bert Carr reported on the their den. ed last week into the former fered —Robert Gesner as will individual tickets, i speech contest on March 30 at A skunk is like smelly feet. Ed Castle house on the hill Mrs. Carrie Naue, with her ’ silverton. Don’s speech and his which was purchased some -—Brent Fadenrecht A girl is like a boy and a time ago from the Castles. The and Mrs. H. D. Jerald from * presentation was outstanding/ Betty Kelle boy is like a girl. — Peggy Tyes formerly lived in the Los Clarkston, Wash, visited last In every way he was a credit' to his school and his instruc- Angeles, Calif, area. The Tye At the City Council Jennings at the homes of Mr. and tors jje was awarded second meeting, to Gates house was occupied by Mr. and week be held April 19, Mrs. Howard Naue and Mr. Mr-1 place. There seemed to be a an application for remodeling Mrs. Doug Teeters who moved and Mrs. Donald Naue. ' problem with his ability to see recently to Stayton. I Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miley the timer. There is to be a cf the Gates Trailer Ranch will be considered. Also, George Mrs. James Versteeg of Tur­ received word from their son, meeting of the U.N. committee Laird will be present to discuss Jams Miley of Brownsville, ner and grandchildren, Charles to standardize timing proce­ the city’s insurance coverage. and Marci Anderson of Brook­ that on his way to work in dures as it was this factor Enjoying a trip to the coast kelly lumber sales ings, were guests Tuesday his volkswagon he hit a cow which cost Don Hoover the last weekend were Walt and which totaled out the car and night, April 3, at the home of first place award. mill OITY. O It K ■ O N I Ti ni Thomas and Chris. They Mrs. Art Anderson. Mrs. An­ killed the cow but, luck was stopped In Siletz to visit aj Following the meeting, re- niece, but she was gone on a I Phone 897-261C derson attended a family din­ with his, he was not hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Morley 1 freshments were served by bowling ner at the Jack Spoelstra tournament so they I home in Salem on Wednesday and little daughter from Seat- Mrs. Barnhardt. There was a had a nice visit with her hus­ afternoon. The Jack Anderson tie, Wash., were Friday dinner birthday cake and the mem­ band, Jim Westlow. They stop- • family of Brookings visited guests at the home of her par- ¡ bers having birthdays in the ped off at Beverly Beach and here with his mother during ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ro- first quarter were honored. on to Florence. It was a little ten. Additional guests were Those at the birthday table i windy, but otherwise the wea­ the weekend. Mrs. Roten’s parents, Mr. and were Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Mrs. Chris McDonald and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd of Mill Charles Dolezal, Mrs. Iola ther was beautiful and they J>J JJ J| -WL J M4 JTJBJ J.» AELEy daughters Mrs. Donald Teeters City, While here, the Morleys Hamilton, Percy Mulligan, enjoyed flying kites and pick­ and Mrs. Harold Longfellow visited his parents at Silverton. Mrs. Lang Stafford and Mrs. ing up driftwood. On Thurs­ day, Toni went to Dallas to were guests Wednesday, April Petitions have been filed for Luther Yates. attend the Fourth District of 4 at the home of another Sam Wallen, also Donald Kui- i Woman’s Club Federated daughter, Mrs. Don Stensland ken, an incumbent, for direc-| meeting. in McMinnville. tors at the Mari-Linn School. I Visiting at the home of her See Us For parents, Hollis and Catherine Michael Longfellow, wife Election will be held on Mon- Í ALL MEAT i Turnidge, was Carolyn Brejcha Ruth and daughter Kimberly day, May 7. They will also vote and friend Dawn Risner of were leaving Tuesday, April on the school budget. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fox of ‘ Beaverton. They all left bright 10 for Topeka, Kans, where he and early (and I mean some­ will be stationed after re-en­ Weiser, Idaho spent several days the first of the week with ¡ thing like 3:30 a.m.) for a days listing in the air force. ‘ relatives in Lyons. Thev were i [ fishing on the Ochoco. Their Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dun­ guests at the home of Mr. and ; I luck wasn’t overly good, but Building permits were up they had a real enjoyable trip. bar of the Senior Estates in Mrs. Earl Allen and Mr. and Woodburn were guests Sun­ Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Mrs. Fox in Linn County in February, day, April 8 at the home of is a sister of Mrs. Allen and 1973, compared to February, 1972, the U of O Bureau of Mrs. Jack Ryland. Mr. Bassett. Sunday morning, April 8, the Business and Economic Re­ Mrs. M. V. Frame returned Stayton youth group presented search reported. home Sunday from Lincoln a pageant at the morning serv- | In February, 1973, the total ¡ City where she visited several ices at the Lyons United Me­ was $592,500 ' compared to days at the home of a cousin, thodist Church. The entire $247,400 in the same month Mrs. H. C. Cadwell. service was under their leader­ the year before. ship with special music. The Texas Pinks pageant was written by dis­ Building permits from 148 Tax Returns Prepared trict superintendent, Cyril identical reporting centers in City Center i Dorsett. Oregon totaled $53,467,272 in Reasonable Rates | Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy February 1973. This was 6.1% We Give SAH Green Stamp- Santiam Tax Service I and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tufte- higher than the total in Febru­ skog of Salem were Sunday ary, 1972. Phone 897-2977 Box $4.90 502 2nd Ave. Stayton dinner guests at the home of In February 1973, $31,680,018 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. was for 2,087 new dwelling I Kenneth Lewis. Teachers at the Mari-Linn units, $13,349,899 was for new Good With Mayflower Whipping Cream construction, school are working on the nonresidential You Can Just Keep "ROLLIN' ALONG spring concert which is an an­ and $8,437,35 was for additions, nual event and includes the alterations, and repairs to ex­ Insurance on your car, SINGIN' A SONG on the new band and choir. It will be pre­ isting structures. home, business, health,® life and everything sented in the school gym on For the same month last 3 Pack Box............................. Monday night, April 30. year, the $50,373,778 total of I else you value. Wednesday, April 11, the permits was composed of, Jerry Pittam eighth grade class will go to $37,202,680 for 2,905 new Stayton where they will visit dwelling units, $6,633,060 for Insurance the Stayton Union High new nonresidential construe-1 Ph. 897-2413 School. tion, and $6,538,038 for addi-j 6Afi C.O or 897-2754 IMURANCI Mrs. Leonard Thoma of Le­ tions, alterations, and repairs j banon and Dick Thoma of to existing structures. Sweet Home were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt. 18 Ounce Cup .... The election for voting on Creme de menthe, Chocolate, Polynesian the Chemeketa Community College budget will be held at the Mari-Linn school on Thursday, April 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 16 Ounce Cup Plywood Paneling MEHAMA Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Only $4.50 a Year Read it Every Week Now Is The Time To Fertilize Your Lawn Lb. $1.09 Nebergalls Slab Bacon Nebergalls Wieners 12 oz. pkg. 69c Building Permits Weed & Feed Fertilizer Round Steak . . . Lb. $1.39 Country Style Spare Ribs Lb. 98c Fresh Frosted Baking Hens 59« SMILE, J YOURE"=a WITH SAFECO MILL CITY HARDWARE 2 Lbs. 29c Cabbage Grapefruit 13 „ $ 1 Radishes and Green Onions Bu. 10c 7 lbs. $1 California Navel Oranges 2 cups 89c Strawberries Blue Bell Potato Chips Archway Cookies all 49c pkgs. 2/89c Nabisco Premium Crackers lb. 39c New—Resers Mousse RQc bought during the ATLAS IRE SALE GOLDEN AIRE RADIAL.... 25% off PIUMB/NGató HEATING 50,000 MILE WARRANTY PLYCRON IV • 20% off • with exchange H. P. 70 Series . . 20% off with exchange SALE GOOD THROUGH APRIL 30, 1973 Mill Gty Chevron Service Highway 22 East Mill City, Oregon by Clyde Golden Firemen were called out last week to a fire in a pickup on S. W. Linn Place. The muffler ' was against the floor of the pickup causing it to catch fire. There was minor damage with two holes burned in the bot­ tom. Two trucks were sent out in different directions as we were not sure of the correct I address given. Safety Tip: carry one or two small dry chemical extinguish­ ers in your car or truck. This could save your vehicle in case of a fire. 29c Mayflower 2% Milk Cello Bag gal. 89c Firemans Corner with exchange Mayflower Cottage Cheese 77c Building Del Mar Panty Hose Reg. 99c Your Hew We Now Have Vegetable and Flower Home Now? PLANTS TREE ESTIMATE One Size Fite AU Ferry-Morse Packaged Seeds and Instant Plastic Seed Tapes Prices effective HiarB., thru Sat, April 12-14 on any and all of your plumbing needs. Moffatt Plumbing & Heating Co. Phone 897-2799 Lavender's Food Market Phone 859-2494 •015 Main fit t.yorw, Oregon