I Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Cub Scout Winners Clintock visited her grand mother, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson in Salem Thursday afternoon on her birthday anniversary. Betty Kelle P. J.’s Beauty Center 239 S. W. Broadway. Open Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carl 5:00 p.m. Operators on Duty: sen joined a group of eastern Barbara Davidson — Mon., star members of Washington Tues., Thurs. and Fri.; Dene on a trip to Reno, Nev. from Ann Hillesland—Wed., Thurs., March 16 to March 20. Forty — i and Friday; Pauline Jones — were in the group including Mon., Thurs., and Sat. Eve- the worthy grand patron and nings by appointment. Phone his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William 897-2137. 45tf Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs.' —__________ Charles Battin. Mrs. Battin isI Mrs. William Lyness has grand representative to Fiori- been confined to her home da in Washington. with the flu. I Russell Nelson, Jr. of Dover, N. H., was a guest last week at the home of his in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Melborne Rambo. Mr. Nelson Hew out to Oregon to be interviewed by several school staff members. He is Mrs. Darwin Raines and hoping to secure a teaching Mrs. Paula Jane Smith at- position in the state as the iended the recent ceramic young couple (she is the for show in Portland. mer Laura Rambo) want to re turn “home”. Mrs. Nelson is Overheard at THE MALT employed by the City of Dover SHOP: All children are angels, as a secretary and was unable but their wings grow shorter to make the trip with her hus- as their legs grow longer. ' band. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cree and Anthony, visited Sunday evening at the home of Don’s grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Dick inson and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dickinson. 5—The Mill City Enterprise, Thun«lny, April 5, GATES Patrick Krecklow »von first place in the Class A Pinewood Derby races last Wednesday night at the Scout Cabin. Stanley Walczak placed second and Gregg Harrison, third. In Class B, Patrick Bud ong won first and Leslie Urban was second. Awards for best cars went to Steve Fuller, first and Mike Stewart, second, in the father-cub division. In the cub on!y division, Gregg Harrison was first and Lucky Bonnett, second. ------ “^Sant i a m Track Team Mrs. Lowell Cree and Mrs., Mrs Donaid Cree Js atUnd. Holhs Turnldge will be host- ' j q CE two d a week dur . esses for the Mill City Garden Club dessert luncheon this lng the Spnng term' ' Mike Andermatt was award- ’ Thursday, April 5 at the Cree Presbyterian Church school ed first base with the bases home at 12:30. Those unable pupils, made up of 4th, 5th, loaded in the bottom of the to attend are asked to notify and 6th graders, will take part seventh inning to force in the one of the hostesses. in the morning service on winning run for Santiam. Palm Sunday, April 15, ac Mike hit the catcher’s mask' Announced at the Sunday cording to announcement by with his bat, which resulted The Santiam track team worship service at the Presby Mrs. Leroy Podrabsky. Others in an error on the catcher, to placed well in the Willamette terian Church was a 7:30 p.m. helping with the group, which force in David Plotts to defeat Relays Saturday, March 31. meeting of the Christian edu averages 18 students after Amity three to two in a non Santiam picked up two indi cation committee scheduled for school on Mondays, include league game at Mill City Mon vidual first places, three sec Thursday evening, March 5, at Robert onds, two thirds, one fifth and Hayes, Margaret day night, April 2. fellowship hall. A field repre Stromquist and Elsie Omart, Dick Gruver pitched a good, two sixth places. sentative of the Synod of Ore with Monty Megargel assist game. He struck out 13 bat- j In the __ __ relay events, _ Santiam gon will be in attendance. tors and only walked two. He ' picked up sixth Tn"the”mile ing. gave up only two runs and relay, fifth in the distance I medley and second in the Studio of Hair Design open three hits in seven innings. David Plotts was the out- i fastest heat of the 880 relay. Wednesday through Saturday. _ I Jerry Grant, who broke the Evenings b y appointment. standing hitter for Santiam Phone 897-2100. 41tf with three hits in four times , school record in the javelin at bat. two days before, won the sen Amity scored two runs in ior javelin competition. His Rev. John Phillips, who was accompanied by his wife, Ruth, the top of the sixth inning to , throw, which was 190’ 5”, and daughter, Willa, from Bea take a 2-0 lead. Jerry Grant marked his second best of his verton last Sunday morning, led off the bottom of the seven career. Also, competing in ja sang a solo, “Into the Woods th with a single to right field, velin was Frank Bryant who My Master Went,” during the Bob Fadenrecht grounded out picked up a sixth place in the and Bill Tippet followed with novice division. presentation of his sermon. a strike out. Jim Wright fol For the third time in two Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strom- lowed with a walk, then a years, Gary DeMain broke San- quist, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley walk moved the runners to j tiam’s high jump record. His Chance and Mrs. Gladys Lake second and third. David jump of 6’ 2” bettered the attended the Masters Festival Plotts then singled to right school mark by one inch and of Music at the Portland Coli center field scoring one run was enough to win the senior seum Saturday evening. Fea and putting runners on first high jump. DeMain’s jump, tured were Floyd Cramer, and third. Darrel Plo*ts walk which was exceptionally good for this early in the season, Boots Randolph and Danny ed, loading the bases for Den nis Corning who was hit by a was six inches better than his Davis. pitched ball forcing in Jim previous high for the year. In Mrs. Robert Busehman Wright to tie the score then, second place was David More, Santiam jumper. (Isabelle Mason) of Victoria, Mike Andermatt came up to another B.C., who spent last week here force the winning run for San- David’s jump of 5’ 7” was one inch off his seasons high. visiting her mother, Mrs. tiam. Ron Podrabsky won second Harry Mason, planned to in the discus in the senior di leave for her home on Mon Lake Lodge Now vision. His throw of 131’ 9” day. She has a daughter, Lin was 5’ 7” longer than his per da, attending Willamette Uni Under New Owners DETROIT — The Lake sonal high for the year. versity—the third generation Lodge and restaurant operated Santiam also did well in the in the family. for many years by Mrs. Ro long jump with a third and a By Frank Stromquist and son, Dude fifth place in the senior divis Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kelly re berta Lady With spring on the way turned last Thursday from a Alley, is now under new man ion. David Plotts got third here are some key points to trip to Washington, DC., agement. Taking possession place with a jump of 18’ UVi” remember for insect stings: where they flew after attend Sunday was Ruby McKinley of and Steve Fohl took fifth with Most sting reactions occur ing the wedding of their son, Salem. a jump of 18’ 3”. A grand opening is planned. at the site of the sting and Carl Hall, in San Diego, Calif. In the novice high hurdles, Live music will be furni-hed. Rick Lady, a freshman for there may be redness, swell Mrs. McKinley said the name Santiam, took third. In the ing, itching or pain. Special Home Extension baked food, caution should be taken in I plant and white elephant sale, of the club and cafe will be senior division, Kurt Carpen the case of bee stings. These 1 Thursday, April 12, at 9:30 a. changed to Lake Lounge. ter placed second. are the only insects that m. at the Gates Clubhouse. 15 An outstanding performance leave their stingers behind. ---- —- --------- —------ _ I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slater of was given by Matt DeMain in If you locate the stinger, be Earnest Preston from Long Ukiah, Calif, spent last Tues the 100-yard dash. Competing careful to remove it with view, Wash, spent a week and day and Wednesday at the against double A and triple A the edge of a knife or your ' a half at the home of his son- home of his sister, Mrs. Flor schools, he placed sixth. Last fingernail. Never try to : in-law and daughter, Mr. and ence Timm. year Matt competed in the grasp it out, for grasping Mrs. Richard Freeman. Mrs. state track meet. puts pressure on the venum Preston came the 20th. Dale Grant, a freshman at sacs and causes more venom SOC, in Ashland, recently to be pumped into the vic Dinner guests Friday at the placed first at Chico State Col PTC Names New tim. Ice packs and/or cold heme of Mr. and Mrs. Richard lege. throwing the javelin 215 Officers For 1973-74 compresses help slow ab- i Freeman were her uncle and feet g ¡nches, setting a record DETROIT — At the regular sorbtion of the venom and 1 aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles for meets between the two monthly meeting of the Dean- help reduce pain and swell Howe from Salem and her coueges ha Parent Teachers Club, Mrs. ing. Severe itching may be aunt Mrs. Leona Marks of t Lloyd Ketchum, Jr. was elect relieved by over-the-coun Centralia, Wash. They also Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree president for the ensuing ter products containing anti visited Mrs. Morris Howe, who went to Salem Sunday for a ed histamines, calamine, zir te recovering from a recent dinner party honoring her i year. Other officers elected were: conium, phenol and benzo bicycle accident. mother, Mrs. J. C. Dickinson I Mrs. Douglas Ableman, vice- I caine. Most severe reactions of Salem who celebrated her t president; Mrs. Robert Guerin, usually are marked by such Among those from Mill City 93rd birthday on March 29. secretary; and Mrs. Norman symptoms as headache, vom who attended funeral services The dinner was held at Mc Nightingale, treasurer. iting and diarrhea. These in Albany for John Howe, Sr. Nary’s Golf Course dining Installation of officers will symptoms are usually not were Morris Howe, Mr. and room. Others attending were be held April 26 at 7:30 p.m. serious and can be treated Mrs. Clarence Howe. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dickinson in the grade school library. All symptomatically. If the sym Mrs. Joe Lalack and Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gor past presidents are Invited to ptoms persist, a doctor Mr. and Mrs. Richard Free ton, all of Salem. Mrs. Dickin attend. should be consulted. Severe- man, Esther and Paul, Mrs son has the three children, Retiring president is Mrs. reactions are life threatening Leland Kaplinger and Charley seven grandchildren and six Lynn Williamson. emergencies which require Day. teen great-grandchildren. immediate medical attention. Mrs. Charley Day has been Such reactions may produce Mr. and Mr». “Doc" Garton Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rags confined to her home with a anaphylactic shock which, if returned home last Tuesday, dale, Sr., have received word severe case of the flu. not reversed, can be fatal following a two-month vaca of the birth of another great in minutes. If a sting kit is tion They spent a month in grandchild, a daughter, born to Dale Grant, son of Mrs. not available the victim Hawaii where Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ragsdale Paula Smith, has been in the shoold be rushed to a doctor Ray Nelson of Mill City spent of Oregon City on March 29. hospital at Ashland for four a week with them. They visit The little girl weighed seven days with a severe case of the or hospital. ed her son and daughter-in- pounds nine ounces and has flu. Dale is a freshman at SOC When your doctor prescribes law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wil been named Elizabeth Karen. at Ashland. liams and their two children in Paternal grandparents are Mr. the best, we do the rest, at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horner of San Jose, Calif., her niece and and Mrs. Joe Ragsdale of nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Tex Aurora. Gates, just received word from Morris in Los Angeles. Also, their son, Sgt. David E. Hom his sister. Mrs Helen Wil Spending the spring vaca er, who was with the 82nd liams in Denver, Colo.; and his tion at the home of Mr. and Airborn Div., Ft. Bragg, N. C. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Richard Freeman was Si for the past three years, that Phone 897-2812 and Mrs. Chuck O’Donnell in mone Zebedee from the Mar- he is now a civilian again. Fol Your Home Town Pueblo, Colo. On their return, i shall Islands, who was a house lowing his discharge, he was ¡ they stopped in Seattle where guest of their son Paul and married to Mary Ferguson. Drug Store ' they visited her brother-in-law their daughter, Esther. All They are living in North Caro and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill three young people are atu lina where he is now employ ed. fa*. ' dents at NCC at Eugene. What a beautiful week this is starting out to be. Sure hope it holds out for the next few days at least. This should chase away all the sickness bugs and make everyone feel real chipper. Thursday, April 5, will be a regular meeting of the Gates City Council, starting with a budget committee meeeting at 7:00 p.m. and the council meet ing to follow. Wednesday was the monthly Bunco party and it was held at the home of Janet Lewis. Attending were Wyoma Baechler, Sharron Harrison, Glenda Roten, Ruth Schroeder, Leonora Cutsforth, Dee Dee Jenks, Janet and Judy Hol man. Wyoma got high Bunco, Ruth had most games, Leonora low games, and Sharron re ceived the door prize. Sam and Lorraine Bibler and two sons spent a weeks vacation in California. They spent one day at Disneyland and really had a good time but impossible to see everything in just one day. They visited Sam’s sister in Yuba City, and a daughter in San Fernando, and two brothers in Torrance. Tney even managed to get one day in at Reno. AARP Welcomes New Members Over 60 members and duct classes in the area this guests attended the March month. meeting of Santiam Chapter The 4th of July float entry 394, American Assn, of Retired was discussed; however, no Persons, which was held at action was taken on whether the high school commons Wed the group would sponsor a nesday evening. princess. Clyde Bate presided at the Bill Beyer, vice-president, business session and reported announced that an Easter that five officers and commit morning breakfast would be tee members attended a district held at the high school com workshop in Salem recently. mons. He has tickets for sale He said several things were for anyone wishing to buy learned that would make the them in advance. local chapter a more product New members joining AARP ive one. AARP was primarily Wednesday evening were: Mr. founded to improve in every and Mrs. George “Sparky” way the lives of older people. Ditter and Jack Campbell. Mr. Bate appointed Orville Joining last month were Mr. Downing, Goldie Rambo and and Mrs. Helmet Kaestnor. Ben Saafeld to select a nom Several guests were also in inating committee for new of troduced. ficers for the ensuing year. Following the business meet They will be elected in April. ing, prize BINGO was played Steve Cahan, VISTA worker with small food items being in Mill City, was introduced exchanged. Bill Beyer was the and again urged any AARP "caller” for the evening assist member that was interested, to ed by Rod Pfoertner. The next meeting will be take an intensive training course of 81 hours. This would April 25 at the high school qualify the person taking the starting at 6:00 p.m. with a course to handle any emer potluck supper. Everyone is to gency arising from an accident come garbed in hard-time gear or illness. A qualified indivi and an evening of fun is plan dual from Portland will con ned. Places Well Pharmacy Topics MILL CITY LIONS CLUB Presents Ron Finne's Natural Timber Country An Hour Long Film On Early Oregon Logging Friday, April 13,1973 7:30 P. M. Admission Advance Ticket Sales Adults $1.00—Student 50c At Show Time Adult $1.25—Student 75c Santiam High School Mill City, Oregon Tickets May Be Purchased From Any Lions Club Member All The Profit from this movie will go to the Lions Sight Foundation