Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1973)
"YOUR LAND AND MY LAND" I Antelope Hunting — . MEHAMA Regulations Set For 1973 Season By Meral Teeters Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright for the week of spring vacation were four of their grandchildren, DETROIT — The Oregon Wade and Belinda, children of By Hazel Hayes Game Commission adopted af Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright of Sutherlin, and Anette and “No place is so dear to my ter a public hearing at its Cindy, daughters of Mr. and headquarters Friday, antelope childhood, as the Little Brown Mrs. Ray Sarvela of Coos Bay. Church in the Vale”—and it is 1 hunting regulations for 1973 Mrs. Sarvela was here for sev- ! similar to those of recent years. really brown! * eral days then returned home I don’t know why William J I It increased the number of tags and Mr. Sarvela returned with by 200 over last year, how Pitts used the word “vale” in ever. | her for a few days the last of I the week. The Leslie Wrights the song — central Iowa is A total of 1,615 tags were flat—but of course it rhymes came for their children the authorized for general ante with “dale”. lope season of five days, the I last of the week. Are you planning a June Guests last week at the home same as last year, beginning wedding? Then the Little August 18. The 185 tags more of Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDon Brown Church is the place. It than authorized last year are ald were brother-in-law and is near Nashua, Iowa, north of for Beulah, Hart Mountain, | sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ho Waterloo. Thousands of people Juniper, Malheur, Owyhee, well, and - grandson. Tommy visit this American shrine Steens Mountain and Warner Gray, ____ all of ! Denver, Colo., every year, and among them units. j when they came to attend are many couples who make A total of 65 tags were funeral services for Mrs. Ho this memorable 1' pilgrimage authorized for the Gerber Re well’s brother, Leonard Wal their sacred wedding cere servoir archery antelope sea- len. mony. I son of eight days, four days Additional out of state rela One Saturday afternoon longer than last year, begin tives here for the funeral were along about fifty years ago, a ning August 18. Only 50 tags Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Robert tornado tore through that part were authorized last year. The son of Akron, Colo, and Mr. of the country. The first thing commission changed the Ger and Mrs. Wayne Ba-s and we thought of when we heard ber Reservation boundary for three sons of Fallbrook, Calif. about it, was: “the Little better definition. Antelope Mrs. Donald Teeters was Brown Church — it is destroy hunters will have until May 1 hostess at her home Friday, ed?" It being Sunday, we pil to file applications for tags. March 23, for a family dinner. ed into cars and raced the 30 The drawing will be May 11. Relatives present were Mr. miles to see. Sure enough, Special tag applications and and Mrs. Wallace Robertson, there it stood, all unharmed, notices of antelope regulations Akron, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. but the village of New Brad- and filing and drawing proce- Carl Howell and Tommy Gray, ford around it was demolish- duties will be available at li Denver Colo., Mrs. Don Stens- ed. ' cense _____________ agencies within a week land, McMinnville, Mr. and We stood in awe, not believ- or ’ days, a commission Mrs. Chris McDonald, Mrs. ing our own eyes. Some tur- spokesman said, Mark Adler and Amber, Mrs. keys came wandering through Harold Longfellow, Mrs. Leo- with their feathers all gone. | --------------- nard Wallen and Mr. and Mrs. We looked at fence posts where couple and their attendants Teeters. straw was driven into the came to be married. They in Mr. and Mrs. Donald Calla wood, But there stood the vited us to join them, even han, Jr. and children returned church in the middle of all the though we didn’t know them. 1 home Saturday from Klamath debris! When it was all over and the Falls where they spent a wt°k One of my nieces was mar-1 couple had ...» gone, our son ' visiting at the Tyke Sherwood ried there and has had 25 Robert who was then about I home, happily wedded years. So the 1 eight years old said __________ in all ser- _ I .. A correction on ■ last _______ little church does tie the knot. iousness: “ They ' aren’t really I weeks story: Mrs. Kenneth securely. I and truly married, you know.” . Champ was one of the hostess- It’s not a fancy building — 1 “Why would you say that? | es for the stork shower given the inside is rather plain. The They had a' Minister, and for Mrs. Royce Longfellow. pews are hard; the windows pretty dresses” we told him. Weekend guests at the home are clear glass, and the pulpit; “Well,” he said, “There was no of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Teet is old-fashioned. The little old wedding cake!” ers were Ken Raber and Alice foot-pump organ still plays but Now, let’s all sing: Bruns from Seattle, Wash. it has been set aside and an “How sweet on a clear Sabbath Henry Jarvy has received electric organ has taken its morning, word of the birth of a new place. i To ‘list to the clear ringing grandson. The nine pound boy Out under the trees are some bell— named Kenneth David was picnic tables now, for the fam- It’s tones so sweetly are calling, born ______ to the Wendell Jarvys of ilies who bring their baskets. ‘Oh. come to the Church in the Sand Point, Wash, on March The last time we were there, a j Vale’.” 15. 3—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, March 29,1973 Velleda Wall Hosts fyu'ntour of Protection St. Patrick Club LYONS — The St. Patrick Club held their meeting Mon day night at the home of Velleda Walz. The usual busi- j ness was carried out and a dis cussion held on the landscap- 1 ing at the church. Attending were Sue Yost, Evelyn Van Agtmael, Mary Ellen Zack, Rose Schwlndt, Marian Frichtl, Katie Sieg, Anne Pietrok, Mary Voltin, Ann Holzfuss and Daisy Kuy kendall, a guest of the evening, and Father Bernard. JOHN SEYMORE HOWE, Sr. John Seymore Howe, Sr., 68, of Albany and a resident of Mill City for many years pass ed away last Tuesday, March 19 in a Corvallis Hospital from I cancer. He was born in Washington and moved to this area in 1925. He was a retired logger and Koffee Klatchers lived at 330 Pine St. He devot Name of Team W L ed his spare time to hunting Earl’s Chevron ....... 8 0 and fishing. Lower’s & Holm..... 7 1 Survivors include his widow, Riverview ............... 6 2 Lena, of Albany; two sons, Gene’s Meat Mkt. „5 3 John Jr. of Albany and Roger Bob & Bill’s ........... 5 3 of Roseburg; five grandchild Girod’s Mkt............ 4 4 ren and two great grandchil Ditter’s Mkt.................. 4 4 dren; five brothers, Clarence Team #12 ................. 3 5 Howe and Morris Howe of Mill Dick & Carol’s ........ 3 5 City, Warren Howe of Rose Ray’s Drug ............. 2 6 burg, Eugene Howe of Vaughn Jerry’s Tavern ___ 1 7 and Charles Edward Howe of Frontier ................... 0 8 TO THE EDITOR: Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Lena High individual game—Lou This will be a short but Guard your home with Mutual Marks of Centralia, Wash., and Jacoby 246; high individual of Enumclaw’s Rainbow of Pro» Mrs. Lucille Preston of Long series—Lou Jacoby 583; high sweet letter (I hope) concern tection! A Homeowners policy ing your editorial column en-1 view. Wash, and a number of team game—Lower’s & Holm with many extras, such as credit titled IT AIN ’ T ALL ROSES. I nieces and nephews including card coverage and liability for un» 994; high team series—Lower’s I like very much what you Mrs. Joe Lalack and Mrs. Dick & Holm 2864. registered recreational vehicles. have to say and the way you Freeman and Bill Howe of Converted Splits: Judi Swi say it, especially your down- See your M of E agent today. Salem. gart 3-7-10; Judy Holm 4-7-10; Services were held at 2:00 Bobbie Budlong 5-7; Pauline to-earth reasoning and know Insurance by ledge that any government o’clock Friday in Albany at Hansen 5-7; Joyce Nicholson cannot give anything until first the Aasum Mortuary with 2-7-10. they take it from the citizen Rev. Robert Oestreich officiat and taxpayer. ing. Interment was in the Wav Very truly yours, erly Memorial Park. Merchants Wednesday Night MUTUALOF HERBERT J. PECK Name of Team W L ENUMCLAW P. O. Box 746 BERT ELD Stayton Auto _____ 8 0 Mill City, Oregon Enumclaw, Washington Bert Eld, 80. of 1940 Warner Mill City Eagles__ 6 2 St. N. E., Salem, passed away N. Santiam R. E._ 5 3 last Thursday in a Portland Philippi Ford_____ 5 3 Hospital following a long ill Team #7 _________ 5 3 ness. He was the father of Mrs. Phil’s T. T. i A. Tax Returns Prepared 5 3 Clara Wirkkala of Mill City. Stayton Cannery .... 5 3 Reasonable Rates Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Eld was born in Minne Carpet Specialties 4 4 sota but was a Salem resident Stout Creek ______ 3 5 Santiam Tax Service 493 Third Street Stayton most of his life. He worked a Canteen Co. _______ 1 7 502 2nd Ave. Stayton number of years in the auto Thurstons Mkt ___ 1 7 Phone 769-6311 motive service department of Jack’s Coffee Shop 8 8 Valley Motor Co., now Skyline High individual game — Bob > Ford. Somek 225; high individual Survivors include the wi series — Gordon Dery 623; dow, Marie Eld of Salem, one high team game — Phil’s T. daughter, Mrs. Wirkkala of T & A. 984; high team series Mill City, and three grandsons, —N. Santiam R. E. 2779. Barry Drake of Mill City, Terry Drake of Gates and Tuesday Pin Pals Larry Drake of Reedsport. Al Name of Team W L so five great-grandchildren. Girod’s __________ 4 0 Services were held Tuesday Highland Trk....... ....3 1 Highway 22 — Mill City at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Pat’s Pill Box _____ 3 1 in Salem with interment in the N. S. Lanes_______ 3 1 ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES Cityview Cemetery. Rev. State Farm _______ 1 3 Howard Peterson officiated. Eddy’s Auto.... ........... 1 3 H a VE LOTS OF JUNK laying Girod’s Hilltop _____1 3 Expert Tune up and Brake Repairs around the house, in the gar Hagen’s ................ 0 4 age or in the attic. Why not High individual game — get the most out of it with Cecelia Lyon 188; high indi a convenient Want Ad in the vidual series — Cecelia Lyon We Pick Up and Deliver The budget for Detroit School for the fiscal year 1973-1974. Beginning July 1, 1973 as Mill City Enterprise. A call 505; high team game — Pat's detailed and summarized in the accompanying schedules was prepared on an accounting to 897-2772 will change your Pill Box 735; high team series basis consistent with that used In prior years. Major changes, if any, and their effects on this unwanted Items into cash. — Pat’s PiU Box 2113. budget are set forth in an accompanying statement. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p m at Detroit School. A meet ing of the Board of Education will be held April 10, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. at Detroit High School for the purpose of holding a public hearting on this budget. Any person may appear to discuss the budget, or any part of it LETTERS I TO THE I EDITOR MADISON & DAVIS MILL CITY CHEVRON SERVICE NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING ______________ OPAL LEMING (Chairman of Governing Body) Marion-Linn (County) Detroit (City) Total Tax Levy to be Certified to the Assessor on Fcrrm LB-50 This Tear Last Tear Next Tear Levy Within 6% Limitation_________________ Levy Outside 6% Limitation ........... $165,387.58 Levy Outside 6% Limitation (Serial Levy)___ Not Subject to Limitation ___ ________________ 34,906.57 Total Proposed Levy _____ __________________ Total Budget All Funds ___ _________________ $200,294.15 TYPE OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding July 1 $217,951.00 $237,058.00 35,915.50 36,153.50 $253,866.50 $273,211.50 This Tear (Actual) Next Tear (Estimate) $293,000.00 $268,000.00 Bonds ......................................................... with your picture JOHN J. ARMSTRONG MARY J. ARMSTRONG FUNDS REQUIRING THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BALANCE THE BUDGET I Py jS hr1 GENERAL FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs) .................... ..... $217,574.45 Total Materials and Services ...................... ... ..... 27.438.61 Total Capital Outlay ............... „..__ 7.613.75 Total All Other Requirements ......................... ..... 31.000.00 Total Requirements (Including Transfers) ...___ 283,626 81 174.404 69 Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied .. Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance ......... ..... 157,387.58 Estimated Tax Not to be Received ................. 8.000.00 Total Ad Valorem Tax to be levied ............. ..... $165,387.58 Levy Outside 6% Limitation ........................... ..... $165,387.58 BOND INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year Total All Other Requiirements ..................... ..... $ Total Resources Except Tax to be Levied .. Ad Valorem Tax Reouired to Balance ......... . Estimated Tax Not to be Received ................. Total Ad Valorem Tax to be levied _______ ._...$ Not Subject to Limitation _____ ___________ __ $ 35,426 25 519.68 34,906.57 34.906 57 34.906.57 This Year Next Year $245,385.00 14.400 00 1,425.00 49 000.00 310,210.00 110.259 00 199,951 00 18.000.00 $217,951.00 $217,951.00 $263,025.00 14.180 00 5,028.00 60.000.00 342,233 00 123.175 00 219,058.00 18,000.00 $237,058.00 $237,058.00 This Year $ 35.542 50 1.827 00 33.715 50 2.200 00 $ 35,915.50 — $ 35,915.50 ~ Next Year $ 34 642.50 1.775.00 32.867.50 3.286 00 $ 36,153.50 — $ 36,153.50 FUNDS NOT REQUIRING AN AD VALOREM TAX TO BE LEVIED Last Year This Year Next Year $ 11,900.00 11,900 00 $ 11,900.00 $ 13,700 00 13.700.00 I $ 13,700.00 I Last Year This Year Next Year Total Budget Requirements_________________ $ 28,625.64 Total Budget Resources __ ___________ $ 28,625.64 $ 34,200.00 $ 34,200.00 $ 34,880.45 $ 34,880.45 CAPITAL WORKING FUND OR PROGRAM TRANSPORTATION FUND OR PROGRAM Last Year Total Total Total Total Capital Outlay .......... ........... , $ 12.614.48 All Other Requirements________________ 3.025.19 Budget Requirements ...... ........................... 15,639 60 Budget Resources ___ _________________ $ 15.639.67 This Year $ 3,425.00 3,325.00 201 00 6678/1234 ANY CITY, ANY STATE 98765 19 « » PAY TO THE ORDER OF B2UAJM MOAOWAV WESTERN SECURITY WESTERN SECURITY BANK SAUM OtfGON s&?a«: o &«• less than 2C each at all offices and the bankmobile ‘IdentiCheck is a registered trademark ol IdentiCheck Corp. Available with any Western Security checking account. LUNCH FUND OR PROGRAM Total Materials and Services ________________$ 14,495.74 Total Budget Requirements__________________ 14,495.74 Total Budget Resources _______ ______________ $ 14,495.74 HIS DL 765432, HER DL 234567 500 STATE STREET PH: 432-2345 Next Year $ 4.700.00 4,700 00 12 & 13 State Street Office: State & Liberty Candalaria Office: 2715 Commercial S. E. Broadway Office: 2955 Broadway N.E. Bankmobile locations in A umsville, Lyons, Sublimity and Turner WESTERN SECURITY BANK Telephone 585-5512 Member FDIC