4—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday. March 22, 1973 I ! DETROIT COMMISSION NEWS will be required to return Reino staff Oregon Game Commis licenses IDANHA for 1. sion maintains sport catch THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE their P. O. Box 84« Phone «97-277? Mill City . Ore. 97360 Koski, biologist the salmonsteelhead by Puhlished at Mill City. Marion County. Ore. every Thursday Auctioneer. Inc. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter al the Poatoffice at Mill March who — Bud Crist, son City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. records on salmon and steel By Boots Champion Complete Auctions of DETROIT Mr. and Mrs Wayne Crist, head, today urged outdoorsmen The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility Driving to Siveet Home on to return their expired 1972 Phone 769-5466 who is a student at the Air for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint at Force Academy, Colorado Saturday for a family visit salmon-steelhead licenses as i r with «it charge or cancel the charge for that fxirtion of an Springs, is expected home on the home of Mr. and Mrs. rapidly as possible. advertisement which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault Chick Mason were their daugh- spring vacation about the 26th Catch records for the 1972 S+ay+on Appliance or An independent newspaper, dedicated to the development I ter Mrs. Fred Taylor and chil calendar year are urgently 27th of this month. of the timber industry and agriculture in this area. His mother said he plans to dren of Idanha. The visit was needed. Koski advised anglers, Repair stop over at Vale. Oregon for 1 in observance of Mr. Masons and asked that all licenses be MEMBER Serving the Santiam a bit of skiing before coming birthday which was celebrated turned in by March 10. Al home. Bud, active in sports, is | with a dinner. though the 1972 licenses bear Canyon Area. I Oregon LYON’S UNITED a ski enthusiast and his mother j College students home on the return date of May 1. Kos Newspaper METHODIST CHURCH says, "the wonderful moun spring vacation are Dorsey ki hopes anglers will cooperate I Publishers Sth and Ash St. tains in the Colorado Springs Smith and Mary Bittner, stu in returning them now so that a AMociabon - f-aunoon iMf> Ifc.Msiaii«« I Association Phone 859-2540 area gives him many advant dents at OCE. Dennis Tower. complete records can be com U of O. Eugene, and Greg piled by early April. Rev. Arthur Hansen ages in the art of skiing." Nut scription Rate« 242 E. Florence — Stayton He is also a member of the Slevden. Willamette U., Salem. Collection boxes are located Welcomes you to come as: Marion-Linn Counties, per year________ *4.50 , i academy's TV basketball team. Gary Lynn and his fiance, at all license dealers for the you are Outside Marion-Linn Counties, per year _ $5.00 Robyn Farago, students at convenience of fishermen. The Church Sendees — 9:30 am Outside Oregon, per year______________ »5 JO OCE. plan to spend the week licenses may also be sent direc Sunday School — 11:00 a.m. I end at the home of Gary’s par tly to the game commission, GEORGE LONG ......................... Editor and Publisher ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lynn. 1634 S. W. Alder, Portland, First Christian Church RAYMOND E. PRESLER ............. Printer Mrs. Charley Lichlyter, Oregon 97208. Minister Charles E. Fultz NORMA LONG _________________ Society and News Editor Idanha, was released from Sa Koski said that the license Bible School, 9 45 a. m. ROSE CREE ................ Local News Editor lem Memorial Hospital Sun should be returned whether Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. ; MARY KELLY........ ......... Local News Editor day. following major surgery, the angler caught fish or not. Youth meeting at 6:00 p m. CORRESPONDENTS and is now recuperating at Data obtained from the Licen Evening Services 7 p. m. Detroit-Idanha ____________ Boots Champion home. Her daughter, Mrs. Tom ses are used to compute the Bible Study each Wednesday Gates______ _______________ Betty Kelle VanCleave and two small dau statewide catch of salmon and , 10:00 A. M. and 6:30 P M at Lyons ______ ______________ Eva Bressler ghters of Beaverton are tak steelhead as well as the catch the Church. Senior High Youth Mehama ......... Mrs. John Teeters-Jean Roberts ing care of her mother through by individul stream. i meets 4 p. m. Junior Hign her first week of convalescing. Koski advised that to speed meets 3 p. m. The Deanha Parent Teachers up compilation of catch rec Club meeting for this month ords in future years, anglers I ST CHRISTOPHER MISSION As March winds sweep offering colorful posters illus Detroit has been postponed until Thursday, March 29. The 7:30 Saturday Mass at 7 p. m. In across open fields, the annual trating six kite flying safety pastime of kite flying be rules. p.m. meeting at the grade stead of 11 a. m. Sundays. "YOUR LAND comes popular. PP&L warns The PP&L kite posters are school will include the election I Holy Day and First Fndav that this spring-time activity is suitable for school bulletin of officers for the ensuing 5:30 P M. Detroit AND MY LAND" “only as fun as it is safe”. In boards or store windows and St, Catherine’s Catholic year. this children’s are available at the local The “Fun Night” held Wed I keeping with Masses Everv Sunday safety theme, the utiltity is PP&L office. nesday of last week at the 9:0» A. M. Because of the extreme dan school was reported to have Holy Dav and First Friday ger of youngsters flying kites been successful. The event, 7:30 P. M. near electric powr lines, PP&L sponsored by the Deanha Par urges parents to acquaint their ent Teachers Club netted Canyon Conservative Baptist children with the following Rev. Robert laithrop some $122. By Hazel Hayes 1. Always use a dry string, Mrs. Albert Snyder, Idanha, Services in New Church and paper in kites — not wire If I say to you "Green Moun Sunday school 9:45 a. m. who underwent eye surgeiy or matellic material. (Wire last week at Salem Memorial tains”, “Lake Champlain”, Morning Worship 11 a. m and metal are conductors of Training Hour, 6:00 P. Mm. Hospital has been released and "Ticonderoga”, what do you electricity and are hazardous.) Wednesday evening Bible is now recuperating at home. think of first? Would it be, by DETROIT — Some 18 stu- 2. Always fly kites on days Evening Service. 7 o’clock Sue Nightingale. Idanha, is any chance. “Ethan Allen and study ar.d prayer time 7 p. m dents of Detroit school attend- there is no rain, as wet string spending spring vacation in the Green Mountain Boys”? ed the high school youth can conduct electricity. Vermont had a bad time get- Portland with relatives. camp at Cannon Beach 3. Fly kites away from l ting born as a state. Everybody Mill City Presbyterian during part of spring vacation. power lines, TV antennas and i wanted that Green Mountain Phone 897-3139 country — England, France, Adult Bible Class_ 10:00 a. m. Debbie Quarry of Mill City radio aerials. New Hampshire, New York, Morning Worship_ 11:00 a. m was also in attendance. 4. Keep away from fallen ___ children ____ Students from Detroit-Idan- wires. i and especially the hardy, en- _____ Nursery __ for young • terprising young settlers them- under competent supervision. ^‘a area were Rick and Randy 5. Call the power company Roth, Sherry Williamson, ff the kite gets snagged in a ; selves. Can we wonder that | Sherry Hamper, Jody White SANTIAM PASS — There the youth banded themselves St. Patrick’s Parish power line. (Never pull the Rev. Bernard Neuman. Pastor ly, Ron. Colleen and Becky string or try to climb the are big plans by all of the together? Lynn, Sher, Georgine and power pole.) Among them was an up Lyons Oregon ski areas to serve the Mass: 1st. 2nd and 5th Sunday Eddie White, Jim and Joanne flood of skiers expected to take standing and fearless young 6. Stay away from busy Wiley, Martha Rogers. Kerry advantage of the new snow giant, Ethan Allen. The young at 10:30 a. m. streets and highways while Carter, Brian Smith and Don men trusted him and elected Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday a» ever spring shool vacation. At kite flying. Hiebert. I 8:30 a. m. Hoodoo Ski Bowl, manager, him their leader. Drivers included Don Hie- “ Well, what is the first Lee Foster, said ski lifts would be running every day. Willa thing we tackle?” he asked in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish bert, Mrs. Freda Hiebert, Mrs. Barbara Whitely and Mrs. The Most Comfortable Jordan mette Pass plans to keep all his booming voice. Regular $209.95 Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday al Jean Roth who also acted as Investment You'll Ever A British fort was not easy facilities open from Saturday. chaperones. March 17, through Sunday, to capture. And this one be day at 8:30 a m. About 250 high schoolers at- SPECIAL Make. in Lyons March 25. before reverting to tween the lower end of Lake Mass: 1st. 2nd. and 5th Sun- tended the camp which began Champlain and the upper tip weekend-only operations. Friday and ended Monday af- Hoodoo Ski Bowl was the of Lake George was well for lay. • ter breakfast. Forward and Reverse scene last weekend of the tified. But — if the colonies of Jesus Christ I Ron Jenson of Portland was Orgon Ski Patrols first aid were to stay together — were The of Church Latter Day Saints the main camp speaker. Briggs and Stratton Engine and toboggan handling con- tc prevent the British General George J. Rolfe Inclement weather (wet or test. It was anticipated a stiff Burgoyne from splitting off j 769-5417 I stormy) most of the time con TTiurs.. Fri., Sat, Only. March 22. 23 and 24, 1973 course would be set for the New England from the rest of Bi anch Phone —585-4442 fined most of the activities to Great Buy! volunteer patrolmen from the them, then Ticonderoga must Meetings President at Stayton Branch the gym or lounge. top to the bottom of the bowL | whandful - Westown How could the handful of Chapel Pripsthood Meeting8 Subdivison Luxuriously Quilted A report said the area has a ... 9:00 I---------------------------------------- Green Mountain Boys — and | Sundav School 6 total of 60 inches of snow, in Sunday School ..... 10:30 Springwall Mattress f.*. Rim ___ cluding several inches of new they were “green — take a qarrament t Mietine mattress or boxspring avail snow which fell over the week British fort, standing on the Relief Society Wednesday 10:00 able in all sizes. heights, with all cannon bristl- MIA Wedne-day OPEN — 8-5, Monday through Sat 7 «i end. Snow again fell in the Up- ing? Their only chance was to Primary Tuesday _ 4:30 Everything you could want in Phone 769-2563 per North Santiam Canyon do it at night when the moon 11 a mattress. Firm support over the weekend. However, < and —1 stars were hidden; cross ‘ Idanha Community Church plus cushioning comfort means 393 E. Florence I the fall was wet and light and the lake silently — keep their Arvin E. Johnson, Pastor a great night’s sleep. At this melted away in the lower ele-1 powder dry — and their hearts Sunday School, 10:0 a. m. low price you get Springwall's from pounding! Morning Service 11 o’clock. vations by late morning. edge-to-edge mattress construc Up over the walls they eas Evening Service at 7 o’clock tion. Rush in for this great ed each other — one of our Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 mattress buy. family ancestors being among p. m. Only them. In the small dark hours . . $99.95 they quietly surrounded the twin or full size mattress or Seventh I>ay Advent!« sentries, and took over the boxspring 8. W. 1'7 8t. Mill City fort. G. M. Richardson, Pastor —Convenient Terms— While General Burgoyne 11 a. m. Worship service came thundering downstairs 7 p. m. Wednesday prayer ANN'S FURNITURE pulling on his pants, shouting meeting. & APPLIANCE -What goes on here?” Ethan Mehama Community Church Closed Sundays and Mondays Allen said reverently, “We, in Santiam Chapel Frank Schultz wohl, Pastor Saturdays—Close at 4:00 p.m. the name of the Great Jehovah Amenibly of (rod Sunday school 9:45 a. tn. Highway 22 and the Continental Army, Phone 859-2644 Lyons Morning Worship, 11 a. m take over this fort!” Aumsville-Sublimity Jet. Warren H Cornelius, Pastor Evening Services 7:30 p. m General Washington sent PHONE 749-2975 Sunday School, 9:45 a m. words of congratulation, and Morning Worship. 11 o’clocK. said “I desperately need those C. A. (Youth) Service 5:30 p.m. cannon to take the City of Evangelistic Rally, 7:00 p. m. Boston. Can you get them I Midweek Services Wed., 7 p.m down there?” Well, the boys Anyone desiring counsel and PERSONAL STATIONERY ; had already done the impos prayer may call Pastor Warren sible; what was the mere mov H. Cornelius. ing of thirteen huge cannon LETTERHEADS across the rugged terrain? Detroit Church of Christ And thus it was that Ethan ENVELOPES Sunday School. 10:00 a. m. Allen and his Green Mountain Morning Worship. 11 o’clock. Boys provided the British can Come and Worship With L’s non which captured Boston for ENCLOSURES the American Colonies. Free Methodist Church ED LEWIN Bud Crist Home From A. F. Academy CHURCH HEWS Phone 769-3261 Go Fly a Kite... But Do It Safely Spring Vacation Sees Detroit Youth At Camp MAGNA TILLSMITH New Snow Arrives At Hoodoo Bowl 5 h. p. TILLER $16733 The Mower & Tiller Shop Neighbors fine Printing BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES & The Mill City Enterprise Phone 897-2772 Mill City, Oregon Visitor Recently At Jerry Lynn Home North Mill City Rev. John DeMain 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship DETROIT — A recent vis 5 p. m Evening Worahip. itor at the home of Mr. and Gates Community Church Mrs. (Bette) Jerry Lynn and Sunday School 9:00 a. m. family was Mrs. Lynn’s Worship service« 9:45 a. m. mother. Mrs. Arline Richelieu cf Rice, Wash. Calvary Lutheran Church Mrs. Richelieu spent the Stayton winter in Guadalajara, Mexico, i First Ave. and Fern Ridge Rd. where she completed a course Rev. Norbert Dey, Pastor in Spanish. She stopped here Sunday School ...... 9:15 a. m. for a few days visit before Worship Service .... 10:30 a. m returning to her home in Washington. Mill City Community Church While here, she and her. Rev. Donald L. Dishong, Pastor daughter Bette drove to Mon Full Gospel mouth one morning where Sunday School 10 00 A. M. they had breakfast with the Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Lynn’s son, Gary and his I Evening Service 7:30 P. M. fiance. Robyn. Gary and Robyn Wednesday Evening 7.30 P. M. are students at OCE. Everyone welcome.