Firemans Corner 1— The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, March 8, 1973 Cat Show Attended By Gates Residents The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements By Eva Bressler GATES — Saturday A family dinner was held at Sunday was the annual Cat I Expert Craftsmanship—Fast Service Too the Otto Weidman home Tues Show at the fairgrounds in day evening honoring Mr. Eugene. Kathy and I went Weidman on his birthday an down on Saturday and Mom "YOUR LAND niversary. Present were Mr. I went with me on Sunday. This and Mrs. George Neal and fa | AND MY LAND" was our first experience at mily of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. this type of show and it was By Hazel Hayes James Bash and family of Jef very interesting. There were Dear Editor: ferson, Kathy Neal, David around 200 cats entered and ail by Clyde Golden Neal and Mrs. Weidman. George Washington sat at Eight members of the Mill breeds, some I had never , breakfast, his elbow on the Harley Scott has been con City Volunteer Fire Depart heard of before. fined to his home due to ill 1 table, his chin in his hand We didn ’ t have any cats ment attended a three hour Highway 22 — Mill City ness. He is being replaced at thinking long, long thoughts. school in Gates. The session, entered in the show but were His soldiers were discouraged. People’s Telephon Co. by Ran given by Mr. Harris from the there as photographers and to What could he do to give them dy Budlong of Mill City. Koffee Klatchers ATLAS TIRES and BAKERIES state fire marshal’s office, In make up the photo pins. Sur a fresh incentive? Stockholders of People’s Name of Team W many people cluded slides and movies of prising how Telephone Co. will hold their “ We have no flag, ” he Lower’s & Holm ... 22 annual meeting March 14 at fire behavior and the princi wanted pictures of their cats thought. “No flag to be proud Ray’s Drug ............ 19 Expert Tune up and Brake Repairs the Mari-Linn School at 8:00, ples of extinguishment, Fol- and especially when they had of—one the soldiers could Earl’s Chevron ...... 18 won some of the trophies. I ( lowing the study, a test was carry before them, waving in Bob & Bill’s ............ 17% 10% p m. given. Several other area fire thought sometimes it was hard . the breeze.” Sevral colonies Team #12 ................ 16% 11%| The St. Patrick card party to get a child to hold still but departments attended. had flags, and there were flags Riverview ............ 14 14 ■ and fun night will be held on k/e Pick Up and Deliver Safety Tip: When calling in believe me a cat moves so very . for certain sections, but none Ditter’s ...... 13% 14% Sunday evening, March 11, at a fire, be sure you give the quickly its surprising. I seemed suitable for the whole Jerry’s Tavern ....... 12% 15% the St. Patrick Catholic hall.1 There were some really army .... correct street and house num Gene’s Meat Mkt.... 12 16 I The following committee will, ber. This will aid firemen in beautiful cats and I understand be in charge: Mr. and Mrs.; “But what would it be? Frontier 11 17 design? Now there was Girod’s arriving at the scene quickly. many of these people attend 8% 19% Florent Frichtl, Mr. and Mrs. ???0WSjal t^*e Y_a^. Betsy Ross, a good seamstress; Dick & Carol’s ........ 3% 24% Paul Voltin, Mr. and Mrs. Bill to Seattle * and down into Cali pQyjd sew anything, but High individual game—Fran Dober, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walz fornia. she must have a design to fol- Garsjo 196; high individual and Mrs. Anne Pietrok and low.” I series — Fran Garsjo 509; high Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue His mind went searching — team game — Lower’s & Holm something simple — in bright 964; high team series—Lower’s and Harlin Gibson visited Sunday with Mrs. Naue’s colors .... j & Holm 2780. By Debbie McLain “ The Washington Coat-of-1 brother and family, the A. B. Monday, the winners of the Culwell ’s at Bend. Arms, that was it! With its Tuesday Pin Pals Chess Tournament were an Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Butch) W L nounced. First place winner stars and stripes!” A stripe for Name of Team Anderson and family and Mr. each colony to make the boys Hagen’s ................. 21 7 was Floyd Peterman; second. feel and Mrs. L. G. Hannaford and they belonged. And stars! Pat ’ s Pill Box ........ 16 12 Jerry Grant; third, Zach Yes, there must be stars for 12 | family of Portland were week- Hampton; and fourth, Jacki inspiration — a star and a State Farm ............ 16 13 | end guests at the home of their Wilson. Congratulations win stripe for each colony. We’ll Highland Trk...........15 Girod ’ s Hilltop ...... 14 14 ' mother, Mrs. Effie Anderson. ners! put the stars in the upper cor N. S. Lanes .......... 13% 14% • Mr. and Mrs. Leland Man JACOBSEN, Tuesday, the Wolverines . ner. t Girods ............. 9% 18% ning were Sunday guests at ventured down to Stayton to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cur He made a drawing and took Eddy’s Auto _____ 7 TURBO-VENT 21 tangle with the Regis Rams. it to Betsy Ross and said, “Do High individual game—Mary tis Bennefiel at Lowell. The The J.V. ’ s came out the losers ROTARIES think you could make us Hampton 201; high individual Bennefiels plan to return to with a score of 34 to 26, but you a flag red and white series—Irene Klein 486; high their home here when school the varsity reigned victorious stripes? with really perform! Better make thirteen team game — Pat’s Pill Box is out. with a score of 63 to 57. You get; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm stars on a deep blue 772; high team series—Girod’s Thursday, the Salem Aca white • A Smooth Cut stead were in Corvallis Sun background. ” Hilltop 2122. Our standing goal Is Io make pay demy Crusaders came to San- • Better-Bagging Action The “Washington Arms” Splits—Rosetta Weston 6-7- day. They went to take Mrs. ment in full within 5 working days • Anti-Cloggirwj Assurance tiam all ready to whip the bas goes back to about the year Olmstead’s mother home who from the time Safeco'» adjuster gets • Futl Width Cutting ketball court right out from 1600 in England. Lawrence ' 10. your claim. We usually succeed. had spent the past week at the and under our feet. Well, it seem Washington, the great, great | Olmstead home. • Pace Command variable Stayton Invitation»! Safeco. Insurance on your ed the Wolverines were think great grandfather of George tpeecf drive on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fox of Name of Team W L car, home, boat, business, ing the same thing, and they power-propelled Salem were Saturday visitors lived at Sulgrave Madison & Davis .19 0 health, life and everything were the right ones. i. wnen ____ mei i Washington models. MaROr> north of London in the Holm Three .............17 at the home of Lula Cory. 11 else you value. buzzer rang at the end of the “Midlands.” It is the only Word was received in Lyons 13 game, the Wolverines were de-! place in England where the Lairds Ins................. 15 of the death of Bertha I 13 Mel Round Trk ........ 15 dared the winners with a American flag flies contin Vaughn who passed away Sa N. Santiam R. S ...... 15 13 score of 49 to 38 over the Cru uously today, except at the turday in Portland at the age G&B Trucking ....... 15 13 saders. This meant that we will American Embassy. of 89 years. She was born In 15 Lierman ’ s Ins .......... 13 play the winner of the Salem I And this is surprising, consi Lyons as Bertha Myers. Her 17 Team #3 .... 11 / 21" Deluxe Phone 897-2324 or 897-2754 Mill City, Oregon Academy—Kennedy game be dering that is was a Washing husband, Arthur Vaughn, pass 17 I Turbo-Vent ing played the next night ton who defeated the British. Jaycraft Original ....11 ed away eight years ago. Serv H Power 19 for first place. Unfortunately, Bob asked the caretaker at Commack Ins........... 9 Propelled High individual game, Betty ices were held Tuesday at Lin the junior varsity Wolverines Sulgrave, “How do the British coln Memorial Chapel in lost to the Crusaders Thurs feel about that colonial vic Wallace 219; high individual Portland. Mrs. Evelyn Mor series, Betty Wallace 599; high day night. The final score was tory?” His cautious answer man is a step-daughter and Catcher included 51 for the Crusaders and 44 was “Well, if we had given team team game, Team #3 523; attended services. high team series, Team #3 for the Wolverines. the colonies a little better deal, Well, Saturday night, the they might still be a part of ( 1517. Wolverines met the Kennedy the commonwealth.” Trojans at the Stayton Union When one of the descendants [ High School for the playoff for of Lawrence Washington mar second place and continuation ried a daughter of Lord Spen- ’ TO THE' on to the regional playoffs. The ’s family, it seemed timely Wolverines were the victorious cer they should have a “coat- party with a score of 60 to 48. that cf-arms”. They chose a shield j So now it’s on to the regionals, with three stars, and four' Building permits were up in Mehama then STATE! Ph. 859-2240 _ I stripes below, topped by a Linn County in January, n 1973, TO THE EDITOR: Raven. But evidently George compared to January, 1972, the I would like to take this op ¡3 didn’t think much of a Raven, U of OBureau of Business^ and portunity to thank a very fine , Economic Research reported. woman who has performed a ! and chose an Eagle instead. In January, 1973, the total social service for many in this I Lawrence of Sulgrave is I buried under the Chancel of was $355,500 compared to canyon and with whom I’ve ' Brington Church with this $175,500 in the same month the really appreciated working and befriending for over six shield over his grave. Some year before. Building permits from 148 months. i of the Washingtons must have Opal “Granny” Hilton work | attended the nearby Fawsley identical reporting centers in Church, for in five of its stain- Oregon totaled $45,297,222 in ed until Wed., Feb. 28, with 1 ed windows we saw this design Jan., 1973. This was 5.5% the SOC (Senior Opportunities I of the shield with its stars and higher than the total in Jan., and Services) program of the 11972. 4x8 sheet council on aging as a senior stripes. In Jan., 1973, $24,625,882 was citizens aide in assisting many George Washington himself was never in England. His for J,’^2z,2c,ne?' Jwelllng unlt®> elderly people, particularly the great grandfather, Augustine, $14,612,653 for new n°nresi- elderly poor, with their prob UmiAMtlllCAH migrated to Virginia. I’ve been dential construction, and $6,- lems, in a concerted attempt trying to find the date, but 1058,687 for additions, altera- at overcoming hassles and im J b ronnirc tn PYlctinP haven’t succeeded. If any of I tions and repairs to existing proving their lot in life. structures. When budgets are cut, it is you know where to find it, For the same month in 1972, usually those individuals who would you tell me? George was quite a man — the $42,949,398 total of per work in the field with the peo a descendant of a notable En mits was composed of $25,395,- ple who are in the need of 048 for 1,868 new dwelling services, who are the first to glish family. ' units, $9,351,990 for new non- be cut. So is the way with residential construction, and Lyons Extension Holds i 88,202,360 for additions, alter- Opal. However, now with all KELLY LUMBER SALES the cuts (and perhaps more to ■ ations and repairs to existing come) in federal social pro MILL CITY. OREGON 1 Potluck Luncheon grams taking effect around | LYONS—The Lyons Exten- structures. Phone 897-2610 the country, the entire SOC I sion Unit held their meeting program is treading on shaky 1 at the city hall Thursday, ground as the elimination of | March 1 beginning at 10:00 a. the whole program appears im • m. Lesson of the day was minent. I “Freezing Prepared and Pre Electronic Servicing And Sales at What is happening is that cooked Meals”, with Mabel Bank debits for the sixteen some good people like Opal Reasonable Rates Downing and Lucille Huber reporting in Linn Coun- Hilton lose their jobs. But the the project leauets. ...... ° banks --- leaders. At the noon hour, a potluck ty were up in January, 1973, most disheartening effect is compared tn to .Tanuarv. January, 1972. 1972, the on those peope who were giv luncheon was served r___ A with 1 ■ r-nmnomd each one bringing a prepared U of O Bureau of Business and ing a service, depending upon Economic Resarch has report it, and then had it suddenly dish. taken away. Attending were Thelma ed. Debts for January, 1973, to Opal Hilton did not receive PHONE James, Willa Gilson, Eleanor PHONE LaMunyan, Mabel Downing, taled $130,069,000. For Decem the level of cooperation she Dorothy Downer, Helen John ber, 1972, the total was $114,- needed to carry out her job SALEM GATES ston, Jone McPheeters, Lucille 459,000 and for January, 1972, as effectively as she wanted, 581-4047 but I think we should at least 897-2777 Huber. Pat Blum, Alma Olm the total was $95,347,000. Oregon with 411 banks re recognize her dedicated effort. stead and her mother, Mrs. Bertha Young of Corvallis, porting had a percentage in I’m glad that such a friend crease of 3.0 in January, 1973, will be in the Gates-Mill City who was a guest. compared to December, 1972, area for a while longer. and a 30.2 percentage increase Sincerely Gates Man on 8882 State Street Salem, Oregon 97301 in January, 1973, compared STEVE CAHAN with January, 1972. U. S. S. Enterprise Total bank debits for Janu Navy Senior Chief Petty Of- ficer Jerry O. Truhill, son of ary, 1973 came to $7,425,785,- I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Tru 000. For December, 1972, the Canyon Area Every Thursday hill of Oak St., Gates, is in the total was $7,207,969.000 and From Mehama To Idanha western Pacific aboard the nu the total for January, 1972, clear-powered aircraft carrier was $5,701,930,000. SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES U.S.S. Enterprise. I The Big “E” was on station HAVE LOTS OF JUNK laying around the house, in the gar in the Gulf of Tonkin when age or in the attic. Why not President Nixon announced the Of New or Used, Color or Black and White TV’» at get the most out of it with cessation of hostilities in Viet a convenient Want Ad In the nam. h really uptight about Mill City Enterprise. A call He is a former student of to 897-2772 will change your routing here, you aee—” Jordan High School in Sandy, unwanted items into cash. Utah. MILL CITY CHEVRON SERVICE Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Only $4.50 a Year youYewitfi Sdfscou JERRY PITTAM INSURANCE RAYMOND BRANCH Equipment Co. Jan. Building Permits Increase Plywood Paneling Linn County Bank Debits Up CAPITOL SERVICE No Mileage Charge GOOD SELECTION REASONABLE PRICES LETTERS EDITOR