* TD IY. LIL 704 tGENCY FfFPAI Pretidfnl Il W 42 C did* »«cv, II »»e« Mon-Fr Î50 47 ÉAYROn~MGR~T» In» f i)P, tilt«, th Î0MN KB WHITE GAL ’rife, kiln. In- GÀ-1-SZMto BLUE LUSTRE not only rids , 6—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, March 8, 1973 carpets of soil but leaves , PAYftOil Cl! pile soft and lofty. Rent [ electric shampooer $1. Mill City Hardware. Phone 897- CLASSIFIED RATES 10 ETCHED BRASS Social Se­ Churches. Bazaars. supper», Wanted Miscellanous 1 2977. curity Plates in case $1.75. bake sale, etc., will be run WANTED—Any kind of bottles ALUMINUM [ Screen Doors THIS ’N THAT, Gates, Ore. under special announcements complete with hinges, latch By Meral Teeters for recycling. No safety or I 10 classification with a mini­ car glass Will pick up load . set, grill and door closer, Helen Anderson went to mum charge of 75c per in­ or can be delivered to 19221 $12.50. Sublimity Building AVAILABLE NOW . . . 1973 sertion. 20th Lyons. Ph. 859-2835. 4tf i Supply. Phone 769-2174. tf Directory of Oregon News­ Klamath Falls Friday, Feb. 23, , Fifteen cents per line each papers. This list includes and visited during the week­ YOUR RECYCL- YOUR MILL CITY Western Insertion. No advertisements WANTED names, addresses, staff per­ end at the home of her Auto Store has the Pipe and ABLE pop and beer bottles and sister, Mr. accepted for less than 75 cents sonnel, rates, and other in­ brother-in-law Fittings to supply your and Mrs. Donald Graham, and and cans. Also gallon jars per week. Minimum charge for formation on all Oregon sister, Betty Davis. or jugs. Will pick up. Call I plumbing needs. On the San­ Cards of Thanks $1.00 daily and weekly news­ another tiam Hiway, Mill City. 5tf Mrs. Edward Walz was hos­ Count five words to the line 897-2979. lOp papers holding membership tess at her home Wednesday in ordering your ad. Tele­ j IT'S WHERE YOU BELONG in the Oregon Newspaper evening, Feb. 28, for a turkey phone 897-2772, Mill City or Our services are available Publishers Association. The dinner honoring her son, Dar­ mall your advertisement tc to the residents of the Stay­ directory also includes ac­ Miscellaneous who left Friday to return The Mill City Enterprise, Mill ton area and up to and in­ credited county and state rell, to the army base at Illesheim, City, Oregon. 97360. cluding Idanha. We are cur­ maps, market statistics, Geramny. Present for the din­ NUMBER ONE prefinished rently paying 5% interest demographics by county, ner were Mr. and Mrs. Dave paneling. All 4x8 sheets | compounded quarterly with plus more. Send $10 to. Keasey of Corvallis, Scott Wil- Automotive $2.69 and $3 49. f Sublimity i limited life insurance on Oregon Newspaper Publish­ son of Eugene, Joanne and Building Supply, Sublimity ; savings. We invite your par­ MOTORCYCLE SERVICE and ers Assn., 610 S. W Broad­ Carol Walz from Salem, Dar- Phone 769-2174. 46tf ticipation. Savings insured way, Suite 305, Portland, rell, Mike and Mr. and Mrs. repair. The Mower and to $20 000. Call today for Oregon 97205. 12 Walz. Tiller Shop, 393 E. Florence, INCOME TAX SERVICE — Bring your income tax ma-' particulars—North Santiam Stayton. 10tf I Harold Teeters of Seattle, Federal Credit Union, Matt terial to me for fast, accur­ was an overnight guest Tues- ate preparation on your re- j Martin. Secretary-treasurer, For Ren+ I day, Feb. 27, at the home of Ph 769-2144 42tf Real Estate turns. Mabel Yankus. North ---------------------------------------- I his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Don- Santiam Real Estate Office. FOR RENT — 2-Bedroom aid - - Teeters, — and visited with 623 N. E. Santiam Blvd. BUYliRS we have W ANT TO BUY TIMBER Home in Mill City from other relatives and friends on Phone 897-2497 3TF I Small or large tracts Listings we need April 1 to June 1. Call Ver- Wednesday before returning to We have self loader Office* Coast-to-Coast lyn Aerni in Monmouth at Seattle. LET US do your glass work ' to haul your . logs. __ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mon­ 838-4609. $105 per mo. lip National Advertising brings We cut window glass to your _____ ——-A-., roe and their granddaughters, BUYERS from everywhere measurements We will in- STOl T CREEK LMB. CO. I Marcy and Jenny Robl, of stall the glass in frames HMlle West of Mehama, Ore. Call Today > Stayton were dinner guests Strout Realty, Inc. brought to the store. Mil) Help Wanted ' Saturday evening, March 3, at Vivian M Kealen, Manager City Hardware, Phone 897 I t BARN and FENCE Redwood Gates. Oregon 97346 2977 31tf | stain $1.98 gal. White in HELP WANTED — Opening the G. D. Bilyeu home in Le­ terior Latex wall finish BOB McDONALD—Stayton for night custodian at Mill banon. P O Box 516 $2.99 gal. Sublimity Build The congregation of the Me­ FOR SALE — Used 16” Boys City Elementary School, Phone 897-2124 GENE SYKORA—Stayton Bicycle, just fixed. $25.00 | ing Supply, Sublimity. Ph commencing the end of hama Community Church en­ 769-2174 17« LOANS on Heal Property on joyed a potluck dinner follow ­ Phone 769-5378. 10 March or sooner. Salary $3 MARSHALL POWELL—Lyons Homes up to $5,000. Ph per hour, plus health insur­ ing the morning services Sun­ FOR SALE — SAWDUST — Top NOW IS THE TIME to apply Stayton 769-6377. Evening? I day, March 4. After the dinner, JERRY COFFMAN—Mehama soil.—May inspect anytime | your Lawn Fertilizer. We I ance. Submit applications a congregational meeting was 769-5848 48« to Wesley Jahn, Supt., San ­ also have a good supply of | between 8 a. m and 4 p m i MARK M c KAIG—Salem tiam High School. Phone held. —4-bedroom, full basement, Delivered or U-Haul. Cedar I weed and feed fertilizer in 897-2311, Applications will 2-story home, commercial Lumber, Inc. Phone 859-1 stock. Western Auto Asso­ JERRY GROVE—Stayton be accepted until March 15. 6tf zoned. Mill City. $16,500. 2111. 45tf | ciate Store, Mill City. 10 CHUCK MORTENSON—Albany Financing Available on Above I KEYS MADE WHILE YOU CONSOLE SPINET PIANO. Whether It’s Like new, assume low mo. WAIT. Better get an extra pyts. Also ORGAN with key made for your house Automatic Rhythm. Phone or automobile today, Bring & collect 206 - CH3 - 9270 your key with you. Mill or write Credit Mgr., 612 S. City Hdwe., Mill City. tf or NOTICE OF BUDGET Stayton, Ore. Ph. 769-2126 W. 152nd, Seattle, Wash. MEETING WESTERN AUTO now has 98166. 10 | The Budget Committee for Cuprinol Wood Stain and I the Mill City Rural Fire Pro­ Preservative. Good for SEE OUR NEW SUPPLY of Lawn Mowers and Tillers. I I would like to thank all my tection District will hold its houses, lawn furniture, etc. think of Eight models to choose from wonderful friends, neighbors meeting at 8:00 p.m., March See the samples at your mìe DRUSHELLA’S at your Western Auto As­ and relatives for the many 12, 1973, at the Fire Hall for City Western Auto Store. 10 sociate Store, on Highway flowers, cards, their visits and work on the 1973-74 Budget. Drushella Real Es+a+e ORDER NOW—Bumper Stick­ 22,Mill City. 6« other kindnesses since my ac­ Any person wishing to speak 1005 N. First Ave., Stayton ers . . . your choice of word­ for or against any or all of the ROOFING cident and during convales­ items on the Budget may at-1 ing $1.25. Stock Stickers 50c. GALVANIZED Elydia E. Smith 897-246(1 cence. 2%” corrugated, 4V corru­ THIS ’N THAT. Gates, Ore. Salesman — Gates, Oregon tend this meeting and express Viola Hirte 10 his or her view. gated custom cut to length. I Mail orders welcomed. 10 Call day or evening. Ask about our new lower A copy of the Budget will be i prices, Sublimity Building CARD OF THANKS available at 149 N. E. 5th St. j The family of Hugh E. Jull Gates Supply, 769-2174. DELORIS GILLENWATER; wants to thank their friends i 2 BEDROOM 10x57 Mobile Home on 100 x 175 lot for WATCH YOUR KIDS GROW! for Budget Officer their prayers, cards, and (Published GRAVEL in the Mill City $8500. Carport with storage and utility building in­ Straight heels means a acts of kindness in the recent OF ALL KINDN JOHN W. REID, M. D Thursday, March 8, cluded. Owner will carry contract. straight back. One Day Serv- loss of their loved one. God Enterprise Call HUGH JOHNNTOW 1973.) ice. Mill City Shoe Repair, . bless you. ns-223B Mornings or PLEASE Call 897-2111 anytime .. St., — — ... City. _.. Mrs. E juii Physician and Surgeon 135 Wall Mill Evenings Mr. and Mrs. William Jull Mobile Phone 8SS-21M No. 12242 SEPTIC TANK and drainfield Mill City, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull IN THE CIRCUIT COURT installation. Gravel, Topsoil, Mr. and Mrs. William OF STATE OF OREGON Bulldozing Free Estimate Shepherd and family FOR THE Real Estate THE COUNTY OF LINN Ix>w rates L M. Walker, 528 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Mill City, Ore. Probate Department SOtf CARD OF THANKS Lyons. 859-2436. RALEIGH HAROLD In the Matter of the Estate The family of Ida Fleetwood FLORIST * NURSERY OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT— of 319 W. Washington Ht. $3.25 per gallon. Sublimity wishes to express gratitude to HARRY HARMON, Deceased Weddle Funeral Home Ph. Stayton TtW-SVM Building 6upply. Phone 769- our friends for their thought­ NOTICE TO Modern Funeral Servier 2174. 19tf fullness at the time of her INTERESTED PERSONS passing away, especially to the I Flowers NOTICE IS HEREBY 1089 First Ave. Stayton. Oregon Rebekah Lodge for participat­ FOR SALE Oregon Stayton For GIVEN that the undersigned ing in the services, to Marion SALESMEN Used has been appointed personal All Occasions Dorothy and Donna Podrab- VACUUM CLEANERS John Roton—•897-2653 Glenda Roton 897-2653 i sky, whose assistance with representative of the above TABLE AND Open 7:30 A. M — 7:30 P. M gifts of food was particularly I estate. All persons having FOUR SWIVEL CHAIRS LYONS—Cute 2 bdrm, house, carpet in living room, DATSUN SERVICE claims against the estate are helpful, as well as to those Franklin fireplace, double carport, single stall. Shop New who sent cards, notes and required to present them to bdg wired for 220. Fenced yard. $10,500. Stayton Septic Service AND REPAIR SOFA AND flowers. All of these were the undersigned personal rep­ AB Work Guaranteed and you resentative at the office of Bell MATCHING CHAIR SEPTIC TANKS MILL CITY—2 Bdrm house on 1% Acres. Has rental much appreciated. & Bell, Attorneys at Law, P. SAVE 30% on Salem Price« TWO STEP STOOLS unit for Mobil Home for extra income. $9,900. Terms. Lois and Ben Beisell CLEANED O. Box 497, Stayton, Oregon ONE COFFEE TABLE Edward J. Andersen Call 897-2062 97383, within four months af ­ $199.00 Lowell and Evangelyn ELMER TRIPP ter the date of first publica­ Fleetwood, Willard Used tion of this notice. EDGE OF MILL CITY. Approximately 2 acres, 10x50’ and Mary Gay We will meet all competit­ BUNK BEDS Dated and first published Mobile home, furnished. City water available. $11,000. Fleetwood ive Prices and servi«* complete—$89.00 this 1st day of March, 1973. Lyle and Jane Fleetwood WE SELL BETTER Satisfaction Guaranteed SEVERAL LOTS Available in Mill City and Gates. Lorena Buren lOp Mahogany Starting at $1,100. Personal Representative Ph. 769-6659 Sta.vton CARS FOR LESS DINING TABLE 2 leaves Route 1. Box 194 CARD OF THANKS CHAIRS Lyons, Oregon 97358 I would like to thank all my with matching many friends for their kind BELL & BELL CHINA CUPBOARD We Sell A expressions of sympathy dur­ Attorneys for Complete Line of Personal Representative SOFA the loss of my beloved ing Phone 897-2497 Days or Evenings. P. . O. . Box _ 497 with matching husband. A special thank you o _ . Mabel or Al Yankus LOVE SEAT to the Rebekah Lodge and , ®!?y‘,on; ?regon 97383, 120 West Hollister Street $279.00 623 N. E. Santiam Blvd. Eastern Star ladies for the i (Published in the Mill City lunch provided at the Gates ®nterPrise Thursday, March 1, Phone 769-2126 ROCKING LOVE SEAT Pipe and Fittings clubhouse. |fi and 15> 1873 ) $139.00 STAYTON, OREGON Ruby Brisbin 10! ---------------------------------------- American Standard Beautiful View of Surrounding Mountains RECLINERS Fixtures Approx. 5 Acres, fenced and crone fenced. Fish pond Sealed bids will be accepted IT PAYS TO BUY from $79.00 up to and not later than 11:00 and lovely landscaped yard. Like new, two bedroom AT HOME a.m., March 29, 1973 for main­ New and Used home, Fireplace with heatolater, l*/2 baths, electric For Plumbing Income Tax Service tenance of lawns and grounds MAPLE ROCKERS heat. Dream kitchen with natural finish cabinets and More than 35 years continuous at the Detroit Ranger Station built in stainless steel combination oven and range plus Service Call New Maple service and experience in this for the approximate period a combination auxiliary kitchen and utility room. Fruit CHINA CUPBOARDS April 1, 1973 through October area. room, breezeway and attached single garage. Fruit trees 897-2799 42” and 49” widths 31, 1973. To obtain a copy of 1971 recorded over 1,500 and garden area Tool and garden shed with cement starting at $149 and $199 the invitation for bid, contact Guaranteed satisfied clients. —Convenient Terms— floor, bam. feeder room, shed and woodshed. Priced Willamette National Forest, P. Call 769-5757 Courteous satisfaction assured. Your BankAmericard at only------------------ ------ ------ ------------- ------ $28,000 Workmanship O. Box 1272, 210 East 11th Welcome Here Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97410 Chuck Osborn I EDW. J. BELL MANY BUYERS for homes with small acreage. and request IFB No. R6-18-73- ANN'S FURNITURE LIST NOW. PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICE 26. Further information can Rte. 1, Box 466 & APPLIANCE 247 North Third Avenue be obtained by calling the De­ Aumsville, Ore. and Heating, Inc. Stayton, Oregon 97383 Closed Sundays and Mondays troit Ranger Station, 854-3366. Highway 22 Phone 769 2265 (Published in the Mill City Licensed Plumbing »nd Aumsville-Sublimity Jet. Why don’t YOU subscribe Enterprise, Thursday, March 8 Ph. 897-2124 Vivian Kealen, Mgr. Gates, Ore. Heating Contractor PHONE 749-2975 and March 15, 1973) I to The Mill City Enterprise ? Mill City, Oregon Advertising in The Mill City Enterprise MEHAMA Brings Results—Try It Every Week You Don't Have To Go Any Farther Than Stayton For That Better Used Car or Truck, or That Better Deal You Are Looking For On A New Car or Truck Seven Salesmen to Serve You: Buying Selling CARDS ■ 0FM THANKS JOHN LUCAS Chevrolet BUSINESS« PROFESSIONAL —i DIRECTORY 4— DAVID M. REID MT. SILVERWOOD REALTY Prompt Service North Santiam Real Estate JOHN LUCAS CHEVROLET INC Plumbing Supplies . Towing Moffatt Plumbing STROUT REALTY, INC.