s s Feb. 18, at the home of Mr. • and Hattie Cole. 7—The Mill City Enterprise, Thunday, March 1, 1973 and Mrs. Grant Smith. i Sunday the Rush’s went to Mrs. Wesley Helsel is con­ Corvallis to visit their son and Mrs. John Teeters Betty Relic FOR SALE — Rubber Stampe By Eva Bressler daughter-in-law, Bill and Guests Sunday, Feb. 18, at valescing from major surgery . . . made to order at The Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Helsel she underwent Feb. 19 at Vera. Thursday, March 1 will be a the home of Mr. and Mrs. * Mill City Enterprise. Come from California have pur ­ Salem Memorial Hospital. regular meeting of the ciiy Mr. and Mrs. Bede Gray of chased the Jack Roy home. John Shafer were Capt. and in and see us or call 897- Mrs. E. J. Hughes, Mrs. M. council at the city hall at 7:30. Klamath Falls called on her The Roy’s recently moved to 2772. Mrs. Ron Evans and daughter, 1 ’ iV. Frame and Mrs. G. V. Last year’s forest fire record Tuesday, Feb. 27, second aunt, Mary Stafford, and Prineville where Mr. Roy is Lisa, from Tachikawa AFB in! . Christensen were guests dur- grader Greg Mowry will be others In the canyon last Sa­ employed. showed an increase In both Japan. turday. Mrs. Gray is the for­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dun- I ' ing .. the weekend „ . , at , the home celebrating his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett man-caused and lightning fires bar of the Senior Estates In he* SOnS A weekend guest of Jere mer Genevieve Bevier. spent several days in Long­ on all lands coming under the Woodburn were guests Sun- the D’ C' Hughes- near KnaP’ South was Miss Janice Kropf Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. view at the home of Mr. and jurisdiction of the Oregon of Whidbey Island, Wash. She Louis Myers and Mary Staf­ Mrs. Dick Hasemann. They al­ State Forestry Department and day, Feb. 18, at the home of , Mrs. Jack Ryland. I Am,ong t?uose„frT ™ehama arrived Friday afternoon and ford spent the day down at the so visiited at the Dale Bassett the U. S. Forest Service ac­ cording to the Keep Oregon Jere took her on a sight see­ coast at Newport and Lincoln home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Titze and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clason Stockmans annual banquet ing trip up as far as Detroit. City. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roy Green Assn. Wednesday evening the spent the weekend in Prine­ I There were 1,737 man-caused were in Prineville Saturday and meeting at Randalls res­ On Saturday they went to taurant in Salem Friday eve- Gates Fire Department was ville at the home of their son fires and 1,501 lightning fires, Hoodoo skiing for the day. It Feb. 17, to attend a house ning, Feb. 23, were Mr. and was Janice’s first try at the called out for a grass fire be­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack making a total of 3,238 fires. warming at the new home of Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, Mr. and sport, but she enjoyed It tween the highway and county Roy and daughters. Acreage burned during the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers visited Mrs. Lee Pinkston, Mr. and thoroughly. It sprinkled just road in front of the This ‘N Mrs. Orville Downing and past year was a total of only with relatives here this past Mrs. John Shafer, Mr. and a little, otherwise, it was great That Shop. Mrs. Kate Skillings from 7,592. This was considerable Mrs. Giles Wagner and Mr. skiing weather. Saturday, March 17, Darlene Lyons and Mrs. Leonard Todd less acreage than the 1971 sea­ weekend. Mrs. W. Branch visited Sun­ and Mrs. Elmer Taylor. Mr. i Arriving Friday for a visit of Ruby was married to James from Jordan, were among son when 2,280 fires burned __ days at the home of Gingrich and the couple left those taking the Marion Coun­ 13,657 acres. Prompt reports day, Feb. 18, at the home of Sletto is treasurer of the as- several Mrs. 0. “ " Vll ' W, . Gesteon VIVOVOVll for Colorado where they will ty extension tour to Portland of these fires by a rising her brother-in-law and sister, I sociation and Mr. Shafer is a Mr.^and” AVAA be making their home near Thursday. There were two awareness on the part of the director. were Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Mr. and Mrs. William Holfuss, i Mrs. J. J. Doerfler of Salem Fcuts of Cott age Grove. vunagc . . Denver. in Portland. bus loads, 90 in the group. public of fire danger through­ the state made it possible Dinner guests last Wednes-I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spoelstra I was at their place here for the Thev visited the 7-UP Bottling out works, Pier One Imports, and for fire suppression crews to of Salem were callers Sunday, I weekend and visited with day"77he7;™ ¿f^aVy Staf- I . quickly extinguish the fires fr*eJlds- 1 ford were Mr. and Mrs. George ! the Sierra Trailer Home fac­ while small. Mrs. Allan Choate and three Funer( Carolyn, Rebecca, Cry- I tory in Forest Grove. I A stepped-up fire prevention Thursday, March 1 i Kathleen Tyler of Sublimity and Stephan. In»u, ar:ce on your car. home, /¿ix is being undertaken business, during the weekend at the Etal On Thursday, Mrs. Stafford j Turkey Dinner is substituting for the first program health, life andrXS] this year by the Keep Oregon home of her parents, Mr. and entertained with a noon lunch­ Income Tax Service everything else you value. 'v_Z Whipped Potatoes & Gravy grade at the Mari-Linn School Green Assn, according to Al ­ Mrs. Leonard Wallen. More than 35 years continuous Dressing . replacing Mrs. Viola Helsel, bert Wiesendanger, executive eon for Mrs. Bessie Bassett, Sunday guests at the home Edith Kanoff, Ruth Vining and service and experience in this Hot Rolls and Butter who underwent major surgery secretary. He also gave loggers of Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDon­ Margaret Thomas. area. Cranberry Bars the first of the week. in Jackson County a pat on the ald and visiting with other , Walter Thomas received Ice Cream The third grade students at back 1971 recorded over 1,500 for their fine fire preven­ relatives here was their daugh­ word Sunday of the death of Milk Mari-Linn School went to tion record. satisfied clients. Jackson County ter’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Don his brother-in-law, Theodore Friday, March 2 Stayton Tuesday for the eye Courteous satisfaction assured Stensland and son Ted of Mc­ 155 fires caused by ciinic which is sponsored by reported Adams, of Portland. Ted had i Weiner and Buns activitiy of man but not a Minnville. French Fries the Stayton Lyons Club and is single been in the hospital completely EDW. J. BELL Mm City, Oregon one by logging or other Beets held annually. PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICE NEED JOB PRINTING?— paralyzed for over two years. [ Harvard 897-2413 or 897-2734 Ph. forest Industry activity. Purple Plums Dave Miley from the C. B. Funeral services will be Wed­ 247 North Third Avenue Oatmeal Cookie base at Port Heummel, Calif.' See The Mill City Enter nesday at 3:00 in Portland. Stayton, Oregon 97383 Milk spent the weekend at the home Visiting the Flea Market on prise. Top Quality Printing Phone 769-2265 of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. priced right. Fast service I Sunday were Barbara Free- (Monday, March 5 Meat Hash Luther Miley. man and John and Gladys too. Phone 8H7-2772. I Corn Emreco, a magician, present­ Savage. Oatmeal Hot Muffins ed an assembly program at the Last Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Mari-Linn school Tuesday, Nelda Johnson, Geneta Huck­ Upside Down Cake Fruit February 20. aby, Mary Stafford and Fay I Milk Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Free Moore attended a stork shower In Tigard for Cindy Case Tuesday, March 6 from Fairfield, Calif, were Highway 22 — Mm City Regular Hamburgers weekend guests in Lyons. Binchus. About 20 guests were trench Fries They were Saturday night i present including Mrs. Art Tomatoes I Hempeck and daughter Judy guests at the home of Mr. and ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES Fried Crisp Mrs. Ernest Garsjo and Sun­ I of Sweet Home. After the Ice Cream day dinner guests at the home 1 opening of the gifts, refresh­ Milk of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and ments were served and then Expert Tune up and Brake Repairs the group was entertaind at a ■ (No Other Hamburgers) Mrs. Andrew Sieg. Additional luncheon at the home of Mr. Wednesday, March 7 Sunday guests were Edwin Lasagne Siegs family. and Mrs. Wilbur Case in Bea­ Peas The meeting of the Womens verton. The Cases and Hem­ We Pick Up and Deliver Activity Club of Santiam Val­ pecks were former Gates resi­ Pumpkin Bread Applesauce ley Grange was well attended dents. Gingerbread Cake Monday night. Work was done At the Case home, Mrs. Staf­ Milk on quilts and plans were made ford was surprised with a Thursday, March 8 for a “Tasting Tea” to be held birthday cake and greetings. Meat Loaf March 7 at the home of Mrs. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Homemade Bread & Butter Clifford Babbitt fcr the bene­ Kent Dunagan, the former Green Beans fit of the March of Dimes. Diane Rush) visited at the Applesauce-Oatmeal Mrs. Naomi Mouser of Me­ home of her grandparents, Mr. Cookie Bar hama has moved into the Art and Mrs. Clare Rush. Milk Saturday evening Clare and Baltzer house which she re­ KELLY LUMBER SALES Margaret Rush were hosts for Friday, March 9 cently purchased. MILL CITY. ORESON Submarine Sandwich a birthday dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jobe Soup Hattie Cole and Glen Henness. returned Friday after a two- Phone 897-2610 Fruited Jello Present were Joe and Beulah week visit at Garden Grove, Milk Bows, Glen and Lola Heness 1 Calif, where they were guests at the home of their son, I Robert Jobe, Jr. and family. A senior citizen group has been organized at the Santiam Chapel. Devotions will be held in the morning with a potluck dinner at the noon hour. Paul Nebergall's Schiewek will be the leader of the group. They will meet the first and third Friday of each month. Members of all other Lb. churches are welcome to at­ tend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zander from Issaquah, Wash, were weekend guests in Lyons. They were guests at the home of his sister and husband, Mr. JOHN J. ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Wilson Stevens. MARY J. ARMSTRONG HIS DL 76S432, HE They also visited the Albert SOO STATE A0’ Stevens while here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olm­ uu^’8' stead visited Sunday in Cor­ vallis at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Young. They then went to Philomatth for dinner at the home of her sister, Mrs. Irene McEldowney. The occasion honored the birthdays of Mrs. Olmstead and Larry McEldoney. Mrs. Young returned home with them for the week. Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard were the Misses Pam Acsission and Large Sweet $3.49 Box Lorna Turner of Bend, and Miss Rollin Tegin of Albany. They were guests of Miss Jerralette Mays. All four 3 Bag Box.............................. WJ girls are students at the Mer­ ritt Davis School of Commerce in Salem. • MEHAMA g ul L Forest Fires Up In State Over 1971 j Smile, you’re with Safeco. uluvc School Lunch Menu Jerry Pittam Insurance MILL CITY CHEVRON SERVICE Plywood Paneling TAKE HOME THESE Smoked Picnics Picture yourself 59‘ Boneless Beef Stew Lb. 98c Pork Steaks (lean) Lb. 83c Nebergalls Sliced Bacon lb. pkg. 79c Bananas (Chiquita) 8 Lbs. $1.00 Celery . . . Stalk 23c Potatoes No. 2 20 Lb. Bag 89c Cal. Navel Oranges u 10* on your personal check Blue Bell Potato Chips 10 Ounce Bottles WESTERN SECURITY BANK plus deposit Standby Tomato Juice 46 oz. can 39c M El X) WEST Mild Cheddar Cheese 2 lb. block $1.89 gal. 89c •IdentiCheck is a registered trademark of IdentiCheck Corp. State Street Office: State & Liberty Candalaria Office: 2715 Commercial S.E. Broadway Office: 2955 Broadway N.E. Bankmobile locations in Aumsville. Lyons, Sublimity and Turner Btls. for 49c Sprite Western Security Bank has something new to make check cashing easier ... and safer. IdentiChecks. Your picture appears with your name and address for instant identification. For added protection we print your driver's license, social security or charge account number, too. We take your photo right in the bank and it's ready for your approval in 15 seconds. IdentiChecks are available exclusively in Salem at Western Security Bank, and cost less than 2< each. Picture yourself on your personal checks, soon. EQc Telephone 585-5512 Prices effective Haars, tiara Sat, March 1, 2, 3 Member FDIC “Shall I hold off practice ’til after the game?” Lavender's Food Market Phone 859-2494 1015 Main St Lyorw, Oregon » i