¡i: 2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Feb. 22, y973 Daughter Arrives At Mike Wilson Home 'UJatnatú. PcUfñ Cards Played at Local Eagles Lodge Rainbow Girls Attend' Jefferson Installation $anfjam RlßßleS By Debbie McLain A group of Rainbow Girls Santiam received from Mill City went to Jeffer­ Tuesday, but new stu- old, son Sunday afternoon where an Berry, a freshman dent. Mike Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson they attended the installation Five tables of cards were In are being congratulated on the play at the weekly pinochle of Santiam Chapter Order of returned to us from Detroit. night Santiam birth of their third child, a party last Thursday at the DeMolay at the Jefferson Ma­ Tuesday whomped Colton, again. The baby girl, born February 14 Eagles Lodge. sonic Hall at 2 p.m. scores were: for the JV’s, 47 Phone 897-2772 Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor at Salem General Hospital. Installing officers were mas Highlight of the afternoon Janine Michele weighed ter councilor, Tod Cooper, de­ to 27; and for the varsity, 76 seven pounds, six and one-half was when Dorothy Arthurs, puty state master councilor, to 40. Wednesday, the Wolverines ounces at birth. She joins with John Swan as a partner, Officers Attend Reception Äs Marilyn Chapter Honors Rose free Oregon State Council Order of brother Kevin, four years old, held 1500 trump. DeMolay; senior councilor, Jay sent out good wishes to all, in­ Gloria Urban won the pin­ and Jennifer who is three. Schofield; junior councilor, cluding some of the teachers We hope Grandparents are Mr. and ochle prize and Lorraine Bib- Bob Battin; chaplin, Tom Roll­ and office staff. Mrs. David L. Mattson of ler had high score for the wo­ man; and marshal, Jeff Utter; everyone had a nice Valentines Day. Portland and Mr. and Mrs. El­ men and Ruby Brisbin receiv­ all of Salem. Friday the student body vot­ lis A. Wilson of Yoncalla. ed low. Robing ceremonies were by Mel Rambo received low for Great-grandparents are Mr. Acacia Assembly, Order of ed on a queen for the Sweet­ and Mrs. Nat Wills of MiU the men and high score went Rainbow for Girls, from Stay­ heart’s Ball. to George Arthurs. City. ton: Carol Hopper, Sandy Gil­ Friday night, Jefferson visit­ bert, Nancy Plane, Sharon ed Santiam and we beat them. Newkirk, Lynn Coker, Sandy The final scores were: JV's 56- Newkirk. Anita Dorman, 31 and varsity 80-44. Way to Cindy Bass, and Sue McClin­ go Big Red! Saturday night, the Annual tock: and Corliss Archer; from Marilyn Assembly, Mill City. Sweetheart’s Ball sponsored by Special music was provided the sophomore class was held. by Zack Mclain and Bob A band from Salem, called The Successions, furnished the Keith. Patty McClintock of Marilyn group with music. One mem­ Assembly gave the flag tri­ ber of the group, the lead bute. Officers installed were: singer, is our own Spencer master councilor, Tom Pilcher; llillesland’s nephew. Doyle senior councilor, Wesley Jorgi- Hillesland really swung with son: junior councilor, Stan it and put all he could into Torgison; senior deacon, Zack each song. Other members of McLain; junior deacon, Greg the group were: lead guitarist, Bishop; senior steward. David Tod England; bass guitarist, Plano; junior steward. Kip Dan Clem; p.a. system adjus­ Underhill; scribe, Ed Krauser; ter, Jerry Blakely, tape re­ corder operator, Ken Miller; Pictured above in the front row, left em; Shirley Babcock, Publicity, Estaca­ Chaplain. Jack Craig; marshal, ( and the leader of the group, McClain and standard to right is Ethel Conant. Appeals and da ; Velma DeWeese. Apjieals and Griev­ Tony I the drummer, Roger Evans, bearer, Steve Hart. Grievances Committee. Albany; Phyllis ance Committee, Dallas; Gordon Barker,, The new master councilor, ¡The guys did a fantastic job Pilcher. Estarl Committee. Jefferson; Past Grand Patron and Budget Comm., Tom Pilcher, introduced his and everyone enjoyed the Mildred Burton, Chairman Estarl Com­ Salem ; Viola Mattox, Grand Electa, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom music and danced ith it real­ mittee, Oakridge; Rose Cree, Estarl Dayton; Muriel Field, Past Grand Ma­ Pilcher and his sister and ly great. Committee, Mill City; Lowe.’l Cree. Jr. tron, Grand Lecturer and Chairman of brother, his relatives, dad ad­ During the time of the the Sweetheart Court Past Patron. Marilyn Chapter 145, Mill the Leslie S. Parker Scholarship Fund, visor, Kenneth Purdy; mem­ dance, was introduced, and the queen bers of the advisory board, City; Karl Wipper,* Jr. Past Grand Pa­ Salem; Charles Dodd. Jurisprudence for 1973 was announced. Gloria tron. Turner. Back Row: Walter Esp’in, Committee, Salem, all of the Grand past master councilors, past Poole, the senior princess, was worshipful master of the ma- Cancer Research Fund Committee, Sal- Chapter of Oregon. | sonic lodges, past matron and crowned queen. It was a good week! ! patrons of the Eastern Star, past worthy advisors of Rain ­ Round Robin Club George bow, and his mother, Mrs. Wilbur Harlans Visit Entertained Monday Tom (Phyllis) Pilcher and Thursday, February 22 I The Round Robin Pinochle Mrs. Rose Cree both of the Friends in Portland Washington Turkey Gravy | Club members were enter­ estarl fund of the Grand Chap­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harlan Whipped Potatoes tained Monday evening at the ter of Oregon. OES; Mrs. Zel- went to Portland Saturday Marilyn Assembly, Interna ­ Homemade Bread & Butter Special I home of Lu MacGregor. The tional Order of Rainbow for ma Plane, grand representa- I where they were overnight Mixed Fruit I hostess served cherry pie top- Girls, held their annual Valen­ tive to S. Dakota in Oregon, guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Snicker doodle ■ ped with ice cream before the tine Dinner for their “Secret OES; Patty McClintock, grand Humphreys. Ice Cream evening of cards. Saturday evening a dinner Dads” last Wednesday night outer observer. International Milk Winning high prize was before their regular meeting. Order of Rainbow for Girls; party was held at the River Friday, February 23 1 Marilynne Drynan with The masons presented their Karl Wipper, jn past grand Que?n Restaurant honoring Regular Hamburgers Agnes Carlson winning pin- secret daughters with a cor­ patron, OES; Rex Hartley, Mrs. Harlan whose birthday French Fries ' ochle and Goldie Rambo re- sage and a gift and the girls past grand patron. OES; Chris­ was Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Peas i ceiving low. Mabel Yankus gave their secret dads a gift ty Spurgeon, worthy advisor of Humphreys 30th wedding an­ % Orange ' drew the door prize. ■l Marilyn Assembly and Carol niversary which was also on | and revealed their name. Oatmeal Cookie Bar Guests for the evening was Following the dinner the I Hopper, worthy advisor of Sunday and his birthday which Milk Carmen Barnhardt and the girls invited the masons to at- Acacia Assembly, Order of was February 15. Monday. February 26 next party will be March 5 at tend their meeting with Chris­ Rainbow for Girls. Attending were: Mr. and Spaghetti the home of Wilma Moore. He presented each installing Mrs. Wilbur Harlan, Mr. and ty Spurgeon, worthy advisor Buttered Carrots officer and the girls taking Mrs. George Humphreys, Miss presiding. Homemade French Bread During the business meeting part in the robing ceremonies Dorothea Humphreys, Earle Mixed Fruit Surprise Birthday j ; four girls were installed. Ver-1 Ver- i a gift. Humphreys, Mrs. Pauline C^ncolate Chip Cookies Party » for Mrs. Lewis ’ reception followed with Mays, Mr. and Mrs. Mapes, i . lene Peterman as recorder, I | j A * Thursday and Friday Only Milk Mrs. Virgil Lewis was hon- Suzy Wilson religion, Kathy • his aunts serving. formerly of Idanha and now Tuesday. February 27 ord Sunday with a surprise Lyness love and Clary Peder- Attending from Miill City from Portland, and Mr. and Chicken and Noodles ORDERS TO GO . birthday party at her home ar­ son, musician. were Christy and Patty Spur- Mrs. George Rhindflesh of Buttered Peas ranged by her mother, Mrs. Oregon City. Verlene Peterman, junior Cinnamon Bread Paul X. Smith. past worthy advisor, signed Diced Pears Phone 769-5311 Arriving at the Lewis home the Bible. Sugar Cookie geon, Lynette Hughes, Corliss Community about noon Sunday were her Joe Bowes was chosen Rain­ Ice Cream Archer, Sue and Patty Mc­ Stayton, Oregon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, bow Dad of the year. Milk Clintock, Mrs. William Mc­ Mr. and Mrs. John Roten and Chalres Kelly presented the Wednesday, February 28 Clintock and Mr. and Mrs. Calendar of Events Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest girls with a check for $75.00 Scrumpdillyishus Chili Burger Lowell Cree. Schroeder, all of Gates. A from the sale of lightbulbs, Lettuce Salad I birthday cake, decorated in, which were sold at the hilltop Peaches shades of lavendar, was serv­ store. Applesauce Bar ed to guests and Mr. and Mrs. | Patty McClintock, grand Thursday, February 22— Milk Virgil Lewis, Suzie and Paul. outer observer and Debbie Me- ■ I.O.O.F. #144 meets at the (no other hamburger) j lodge at 8:00 p.m. Lain, grand choir member, will I | Pinochle party at the Eagles Thursday, March 1 be honored at a reception on Turkey Dinner Bid or Bunch Club Whipped Potatoes & Gravy Holds Regular Play Dressing The Bid or Bunch Pinochle Hot Rolls and Butter Club met Monday evening at ern Stars and Masons are most Cranberrv Bars at 8:00 p.m. the home of Hattie Fencl with cordially invited to attend. lee Cream all members present. The The girls will have a bak­ Friday, February 23— Milk Mill City-Gates American hostess used the Washington’s ed food sale on March 10, Friday, March 2 birthday theme in decorations place and time to be announc­ Legion Post #159 and Aux- Weiner and Buns ! and refreshments, serving ed later. ! Sally Jenkins and [ la5y m?®ts at the I.O.O.F. French Fries cherry pie before the evening Patty McClintock are co-chair- at P-m- Harvard Beets of cards. Monday, February 26_ Purple Plums men. Joyce Trout won both the Lions Club dinner meeting Oatmeal Cookie Attending the dinner Wed- ------ -------- pinochle prize and high score. nesday night were Leo Russell, at the Frontier Inn at 6:30. Milk Carol Brosig received low and Walter Kay, J. C. Kimmel, Ladies night. Gladys Podrabsky won the Lowell Cree. John Roten, Don Womens volleyball at the door prize. Carlson, Charles Kelly, Joe grade school gym. 7 to 9 p.m. Why don’t YOU subscribe The next party will be Bowes, Don Moffatt, Stanley Tuesday, February 27— to The Mill City Enterprise ? March 5 at the home of Carol Chance. William Lyness, Vern Marilyn Club will meet at Brosig. Peterman, Don Jenkins, the home of Mrs. Cecil Lake Virgil Lewvis, Al Yan­ with Mrs. Edward Cruson as kus, Sally Jenkins, Sue co-hostess. Noon potluck McClintock, Clary Pederson, luncheon. Electronic Servicing And Sales at Jill Krecklow, Nancy Lalack, Wednesday, February 28— Reasonable Rates Denise Muise, Debbie McLain, ■ Marilyn Assembly #60, Or­ Verlene Peterman, Patty der of Rainbow for Girls, ! ilot your boat under Mutual of Spurgeon, Susie Keen. Nancy meets at the I.O.O.F. Hall “ at Enumclaw s Rainbow of Protec­ Shary, Patty McClintock, 7:30 p.m. tion: A Boatowners policy that Lynette Hughes, Colleen Rainbow Mothers Club protects your boat, motors, trail­ Grant, Jackie Wilson, Suzy meeting at the IOOF Hall at ers and accessories, gives you lia­ Wilson, Kathy Lyness, Shelly 7:30 p.m. bility coverage against injuring PHONE PHONE Richards, Natalie Wills, Linda Santiam Chapter A.A.R.P. others. Talk to your M of E Long. Christy Spurgeon and meeting at the Santiam High agent today. Corliss Archer. GATES SALEM School Commons at 7:30 p.m. Mothers helping with the Charter night. Insurance by 897-2777 581-4047 dinner were Mrs. Morgan Thursday, March 1 — White, mother advisor; Mrs. Mill City Garden Club des­ George Davis, associate mother luncheon at 12 noon at the advisor; Mrs. Scotty McLain; sert j I Mrs. Joe Lalack; Mrs. Wm. home of Mrs. Kate Doble. Mrs. mutual of McClintock: Mrs. Harve Keen; Muriel Phillips, co-hostess. 3882 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97301 ENUMCLAW and Mrs. Don Jenkins. j Sponsored as a public service Enumclaw, Washington By School Lunch Menu Rainbow Girls Have Valentine Dinner Cherry Dilly Bars 22 ftoafourners CAPITOL SERVICE i i i * i 1 No Mileage Charge Canyon Area Every Thursday From Mehama To Idanha SYLVANIA and ZENITH SALES GOOD SELECTION Of New or Loed, Color or Black and White TV’s at REASONABLE PRICES Historical Society Meeting This Sunday MADISON & DAVIS MADISON & DAVIS A meeting of the Linn Coun­ ty Historical Society is sched­ Insurance Agency, Inc. Insurance Agency, Inc uled Sunday, Feb. 25, in 493 Third Street, Stayton Albany Remember us when you are 493 Third Street Stayton The meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. t at the ______ Bureau of in need of life, health and ac- See Us For Mine/Building, No~2,~in” the ciden,t insurance. We are your recreation room. (Complete insurance agency. All General lines of The program will include a ®ee Gs ^or Insurance colored film to be shown by General Lines of Insurance Mr. Wright and Mr Yenne of, OL , . _ . _ , Corvallis. I Pnone 769-6311 Phone 769-631 I