Steve Cahan Speaks At Junior Woman's Club 2—The Mil) City Enterprise. Thtirsda.x. Dec 14. 197' Ghiotti Pa^e. Carol Frichti Honored A* Br'da: SLo»er Card Party Today gue*t ar a s- wer he d F--v right. Dece—her 8 at the C’,k'c'.e C---- - ~ rv u v ' A’ ~e Boucle. V-lleda W ’z K.’thleen Marr -ig and Rose S?~?* - ■' ' 's • - Afxer ope- rs: ?f the ir/ts. cake 3nd crff**e were «e’-ved t tue b-r rV:s’ Frichtl. and P Ä-- **-- v JS- ---* J ->» Kokst:*. L-“r K kst - M r ■ F Bressle* Sue Y-^t Lou p yrr$ W '.z Bouch-' M-s '•• n. — _ Mrs Scrwindt. and Carei Walz. >e-d ng gift« were Evelvn V’ k"-- and L p . -- .- B“d“' e' V S - Wirt 7 - - and Sue Walton Christmas trea*< Spec door pr:2’es and a rin^cu’r jrven * ■? prize u a t the Ea.¿’.cs' Auxiliary Pin- c'^le oar’ ’ -.t t^e Ha. Thurs- A snec1 day at 1 a W p.m invitation is extended to a’ pfrvor cit::zens to attend th party* At -he N vetr^r 30 nartv :Aere were six table? of cards a’ d u inn e-s were P-u1 C—c high sc ’■ e and Walt Brisbin ’ *.v f or t " e men. iiazek won hieh for ..nd Dorcthv Peter- the v. **■ ved low score week’s party. Laure • '*n r.' tTr. prize ano r* n C* ee received l^w F >r the men. Paul Cree won h s'- -n -J ■ v;? Johnson was Ion T*’' 5 v..;V he thi last party r Christmas Norma J. Long Vornan $ Page Editor Santiam Shrine Members Attend Portland Ceremonia The December meeting of the Mill City Junior Woman's Club was held .it the home of Mrs William Bogle. Co-hos- tesses were Mrs Terry Morris and Mrs Ed O’Drnne’L Gues' speaker was Steve Ca- han. local VISTA worker Mr Cahan spoke on various ideas : in helping the area with trans- i pcrtation for senior citizens better medical facilities and how, as a club, the Juniors c 'uld help cn these projects Fellow ng the a gift exchange was held and re­ freshments were served. The January 2nd meeting »ill be at the home of Mrs Dale Brosig. 897.2t1 E-caae^ent Announced li a er Protection -ns*—a$ cana es. « Cand e V ednesday. Dei ember 2« >— R“hekih Lodge Santiam meets at the IOOF Hall at 8t00 p.m. Newcomers Club potluck dinner at the Gates Clubhouse at 6:00 pm Mill City Elementary grades one thru eight. Christ­ mas program at the High School Auditorium at 8:00 p.m £ fe 8 2 £ -n Î Î ? s á a’.e 01 >r ai Oregon ber f Kaw» He works 3 Parlor in Cor- rs. J red to A s graduate igh School the Urhver- sity of Oregon. She is empicy- g art wedding is being v the young couple. Librarian Christmas Luncheo" CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS ft v ft J 98 dfc ■■ To Ship'n-Shore Blouses In a variety of stvles and colors syoo _ sjjjoo ft From ft sex ft To $12» Ladies quil+ed and I ned Car Coats and Jackets I t a varctv of colors and style» ”19 To s s15» ft L C, s15” SQS! To From ■■ I Belts $175 SW p:°" .a B-* Mrs. L^rr^rr 3n*c d*5 it ?hter. and Cathv ard h’shand m Zaklan reeentlv ’ur- a new home the H’v- dge area h“’ween Fu­ nd Sor:ng*ield. S-» at Santa Clara Grade in Eugene anJ he is in the Springfield Junior ÎSgSSS-SSSS u i i 6 I i il i Î i aft Phone 769-63 I I tz. ssäSP®;Ä5W5JC?:jar Buying A Piano or Organ for the Holidays? LESSONS for adults and school age students DORIS DAVENPORT 351 N. W. .Vider Street Mill City, Oregon Phone 897-2743 Member Oregon Music Teachers Association » Ä BSS BSÍ BS SSSS » s« IÄ » 0S£ Mr* S d..ey Brewnstcn» M-s Else Allen. Mrs. O. K De­ Witt. Mrs Elsie Girod. Mrs Inez Flanders Mrs Wendell Heller. Mrs Dena Brandt, a guest and the host<**s«>s. Mrs Dorts Rogers Mrs Ve’r-a Har­ rison. Mrs Waiter Thomas. Sr -'d Mrs Water Th-mas. Jr. Authorized Catalog Sales Merchant Store e FREE Turkey Bonus Offer Appliance or Televis on through our Store DECEMBER 15 through 23 For The Holidays Minimum purchase of $100.00 Red. white and pink SAVE - - ON SALE PRICES TOO sgoo $E00 Also Corsages and with a minimum $20 order placed on Arrangements December 15-16-18 Brunner's Flowers To From 344 N. E. 4th St To BAL DWI Ave. 493 Third Street Stayton Remember us when you are nsurance Agency, Inc. tn need of life, health and ac­ 193 Third Street Stayton cident insurance We are your complete insurance agency. Is F ur See Cs For All General Lines of AU General Lines of Insurance insurance Phone 769’63 I I Many Beautiful Ideas For Home Decorating and Christmas Gift Giving To $000 ft Billfolds From S V ft »» ft 151 N. Third MADISON & DAVIS FREE — I Lb. BOX CANDY *10” $1 00 From Insurance Agency, Inc. Azaleas Short or Long Sleeve. Ast. Patterns and coiors Men's Sox MADISON & DAVIS Lnjmoaw, Washington he i Hp î and Mums ,T MUTUAL OF ENUMCLAW * W I’iam Lamnman r.f «hure Wash., forme: ■lv ;«a a , ier in th“ M:” Ci*v H ”h I r»1 a rurr'*-*0” r»f v«*ar'^ sp ,| -$ ir »he Cureicu’" L",''.l Poinsettias Men's as From Sponsored as a public seme» By FREE Turkey with the purchase of A Major Nykm Quilted—Pile lined. Asserted styles and Colors ft V flannel—Terry Cloth and Velour To ft Editor Is School Teacher The ¿ill Citv Garden Chib Thursday at ’h® Fel- lrwshi© Hal! fr~ 3 12:?0 Chr st. mas dessert luncheon and par- tv. ’S©' Mrs Ervin dent nres'di bi,~ rrteetus. The P^d^r- at’on Convention next Jur.- „.nc discussed Hostesses for the lunch“ - we'e Mr*. D'r.- Rogers xr-s Velma Harr:son Mrs Waiter T- mas Jr and Mrs Walter Tn-mas. Sr. Christmas decorations were ?,sed th^ou?ut th** rooms and Mrs Jennie Cauble n'aved Christmas C='ols on f-e p ane At each place at the table were Ch'. =tmas tree favors and a gift from the hostesses, a nair of salt and pepper s.nak- ers. The January 2 meeting will ->e held at the h~ne of Mrs. E’se A’.’.er. w:th Mrs Kennet- Grmning as co-hostess The February 1 meeting will b“ at •he b.—» tf Mr* Mart's Han­ sen w:‘h Mr* Louis Verbeck a* co-host ess Attending the Chihetmis Party were Mrs. Harvey Tol- h“rt. Mr* Jennie Cauble. Mrs Frv n Petersen. Mrs Larry Doble Mrs Charles Dole’s!. Jr.. Mr* Elizabeth Cyr. Mrs K“_n“'b. Corning M's Louis Verbeek. Mrs Al Yankus Mrs Martin Hansen. Mr* H^lli* L/iw“ l C'e» ft F-OTI Thursd.iv December 21— The Mill City advanced El­ ementary Band. High School Chorus and Band Christmas program at 8:00 p.m. Former Local —■ cL Ir. rbursdav. De