The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 21, 1972, Image 1

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Santiam High School Representatives
Up and Down
i The Avenue
B> Don Moffatt
Were You There ?
Wolverines '
Top Sherman i
County 5014
___ $4.50 a YEAR — 10c a Copy
Council Lets
Drainage Bid
The Bid for drainage sys­
tem remodeling in the amount
of $10,480 on Circle Drive in
Mill City was awarded to
Scharff Brothers of Salem
at last Wednesdays City Coun­
cil meeting. The project in­
cludes construction of approx­
imately 1,800 feet of drainage
tile, three septic tanks and a
pumping station. Construction
to begin this week and will
serve 21 homes in the Circle
area. An ordinance was passed
raising the sewer maintenance
fee in the area to $4.00 a month
as of October 1st. The fee
is now $2.00.
A twenty year franchise
with Pacific Power and Light
for electric service was accept­
ed by the City.
In other business, a permit
was granted to Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Swanson for the open­
ing of a gift shop on Highway
22. The shop will be known
as “Hedge Toad Gifts."
In a census taken by Port­
land State University in July
the official census for Mill
City effective September 29,
1972, is 1500, an Increase from
last year.
The Council authorized pay­
ment of bills in the amount of
$10,050.21. The police report
included 19 traffic citations
and 18 traffic warnings and
one municipal citation issued,
There were 29 court cases, 25
complaints, 61 incidents and
one accident reported.
I have always wondered
about all these claims of “co­
The Santiam Wolverines
verage” by television. Every
smashed the Sherman County
once in a while, you hear, via
Huskies, 50-14 in a non-league
TV, about the millions of
contest last Friday.
viewers they have. This is sup­
Santiam took control of the
posed to impress their adver­
game early in the first quar­
tisers. which they need as well
ter. Their first score came on
as newspapers need adverti­
a 10 yard run by Craig Black­
sers to make both ends meet.
burn. Then David Plotts con­
Then not long ago, came a
nected with Ron Podrabsky
report about all these re-runs
, for a 22 yard touchdown pass,
of programs. It amazed me to
i Sixteen seconds later, Ron
Part of the three hundred persons enjoying a
read about a TV official who
Podrabsky tackled the Husky
was plugging for more re-runs,
, quarterback in Sherman Coun- home-cooked turkey dinner with all the trimmings last
' ty’s end zone for a safety and Saturday owning at the 33rd Annual Santiam Valley
heaven forbid, that about only
13 percent of the people saw I
two points. Santiam then came Grange Fair. At one point, the line extended around
the show the first time around.
back with a one yard run by the hall and out the door. Unusual for a news picture,
Craig Blackburn.
That statement seems to re­
everyone is so busy eating, no one watches the camera­
The only score in the second man. —Enterprise photo.
fute their claim of all this
“coverage” for their adverti­
quarter was a 3 yard run by
Craig Blackbum again. David I
sers. Another thing, many peo­
Plotts was 4 for 4 in kicking
ple head for the refrigerator,
Hunter Safety Course
or the bathroom every time a
conversions in the first half,
Set for Sept. 26, 27, 28
Leroy Shepherd and Linda the Junior Citizen Committee ! and Santiam went to the lock­
commercial comes on the tube.
The fall Hunter Safety
Where then does that leave all Long have been recently se- at Linn Benton Community er room with a <---- *—
lected as Santiam’s candidates College. On October 20, the i 30-0 lead.
course will be held Tuesday,
these claims?
Now these actors who ap­ foi the annual Linn County nominees will attend the I In the third quarter, San- i LYONS — The 33rd annual Wednesday and Thursday eve-
______ Valley
___ ______
o_ ___
! , breakfast meeting of the Al- tiam’s first score came on a Santiam
Fair ning, September 26, 27, and 28
pear on these TV shows are Junior Citizen Award.
Leroy, a senior at Santiam banv Chamber of Commerce 43 yard pass from David Plotts was held Saturday afternoon 1 st the Mill City Grade School
complaining about the re-runs.
They claim that they are being High School, is the son of at which time each will re­ i to Ron Podrabsky. Plotts’ kick and evening, September 16. i from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Students
exploited by re-run use. and Mr. and Mrs. William Shep- ceive his or her framed cer- was good. With 6 seconds left The annual turkey dinner was | must register prior to attend-
probably they are. Thing is, 1 herd, Jr. He has distinguished tificate. The winners will be in the third quarter, Ron Po­ served beginning at 5:30 to ing class.
if the TV companies put on any himself in his school, commun- announced and presented with , drabsky had a punt blocked 7:30 p. m. and after serving 303 , Instructors will be Frank
more of this type of entertain­ ' ity, and church. He is current- the $300 Savings Bond. Sena- I and Jon Richelderfer recover­ dinners, their program and Stromquist and William Bo­
ment, they will lose much of ly the varsity center in foot- i tor Mark Hatfield will make ed it in the end zone for a drawing for prizes was held. gle. Registration forms can be
touchdown for Sherman. The
the interest of the people who | ball, a member of Intra-School, the presentations.
Music was furnished from obtained at Mill City Phar-
Then, on October 23, the 2 point conversion pass was 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. by Mrs. Cal- I macy or at the Sportsman’s
seem to think the tube is the Council, Vice-president of
only way to go. I know that a 1 FTA, President of the Honor nominees and the winners will, good.
|Vin Culbertson at the piano and Center.
lot of people are too lazy to do Society, and youth co-ordina-. ride in the Elks Lodge “3591 In the final quarter, Santiam ' son Bob on trumpet, assisted
' train in the Veterans’ Day scored two touchdowns; one by Wilbur Porter of Stayton.
anj’thing else, but then that is tor for his church.
their business and I certainty | Linda, the daughter of Mr.! Parade held every year in on a 6 yard run by Roger Dav- j Elmer Taylor gave the wel- Detroit District
like- - ' Albany.
idson and the other a 17 yard come to the guests with Ed
am not going to judge them for and Mrs.
— George
----- ---------
Mill City Weather
what they like to do
' wise has been actively invol- [
pass from Bob Bennett to Gary Bell of Stayton acting as Mas- Personnel Honored
Compiled by Rod Pfoertner
Taylor. Only one of the point ter of Ceremonies,
Max. Min. Pep.
after attempts was good. Sher- | Reigning as Queen over the
On September 9, 1972 Mrs.
The big headline recently ! munity. She is currently a v™:
man County scored their last Fair was Lynn Backman, Linn- Jo Whitsett, Personnel clerk, September 13 85 44 0.00
stu- , _ _
was telling about the Senate of , . s'ty cheerleader, an honor Stu-
touchdown on a 30 yard pass Benton Dairy Princess, who of Mill City and Glen Reinke, September 14 87 50 0 00
the U.S.
U S passing a $33.6
$33 6 billion I dent with a present cumula-1
q Up
95 rprorder
from Nesbit to Smith. The | gaye a short talk. Mrs. Olene , Forestry Tech, of Detroit were September 15 85 48 0 00
revenue-sharing bill. v-j
Big _ deal! I t^e CPA
GPA nf
of 3 3.95,
recorder in
m I v
lllipi UVCU
£>irectorg of
of point after failed.
' Smith sang 'God Bless Amer- honored with cash awards for September 16 79 45 000
I still think the government is . Rainbow, and a C*
’*'? Fire I -pyje
Outstanding offensive per- | ica” followed by the Flag Sal- their excellent and diligent September 17. 70 56 0.10
missing the point entirely. Why I Girls group leader,
| Linn County Administrative
work during Detroit Ranger September 18 63 49 0 40
do they have to clip us for such |
y*81- there has been a School District 129J held its formances in the game were ute.
September 19 54 4« 0.70
a chunk of our pay in the first significant change in the Jun- i regular meeting at 8:00 p. m. David Plotts, Roger Davidson, I Guest speaker of the even- Station’s busiest season.
Auuisuay. ¿»cun.cuiud
-., <..
place? Why don’t they let us,ior Citizen Award Program, i Thursday,
Semtember a 14,
atj and Craig Blackburn. David-; ¡ng was W. C. Harris, State
keep some of this money for Each Junior Citizen nominee, Santiam Hieh School The fol Is0«« and Blackburn combined Grange Overseer and State De-
' for 192
192 yards
David puty,
puty. followed
followed by
yards rushing.
rushing. David
by Johnny
Johnny Hale,
own use’ We earned it, didn’t | one boy and one girl for each iowing“items of b^inei were
conver-- a magician from Salem, who
we? Why pump these billions
the eight Linn County High passed or approved by the , Plotts kicked 6 for 7 conver-I
sions, a vast improvement ov- furnished the entertainment.
into the government general i Schools, will receive a U.. S. goard.
1. Since General Services Ier las* week
Drawings for various prizes
fund for them to piddle away Savings Bond. Money for this
in the first place? Now they i purpose has been donated by Administration did not approve I The Santiam defense was were held throughout the even-
- - mo­ 116 commercial banks and sav- , the district application for the 'splendid. They held Sherman! jng. Mrs. Lyle Wilt of Stayton
want to send some of - this
vacant houses owned by I County to a minimal of yard- 1 held the lucky number for the
umvm . to
vu the states and ' ings and loan associations two
iww vavailv
ney back
cities That might be all right. | throughout Linn County. From the Forest Service £t j00% age. They only got 33 yards basket filled with household
Then others say they think , the 16 nominees, a Junior Cit- I educational discount .the Board rushing J” _th,c„ of,”2
l?°ds an<L_fancy. W°Lki
i Bl
that the cities might fritter it j izen boy and a Junior Citizen (jecjcjeci that the district would compared to 172 for Santiam.. Florence Moore was the win-
away on useless programs. At girl will. be selected by the nO{ pUrchase these houses out-
least they could keep up with ¡Junior Citizen Committee.¡The . right; therefore, they will pro- I defense, especially on kickoffs. | cajf and was awarded a watch.
This week Santiam will play. Her guess was 103 pounds and
our big government which, to , two winning Junior Citizens bably come up for public auc-
~ ’—
a — j -----
_* Salem, the calf weighed 104% pounds.
, Salem
my way of thinking is the big- ¡will receive a $300
tjon 111
jn LI the
near A future,
- , Savings
T • I ■ LlvJIl
1 tj HCul
U4 t L4 4 •
2. The fire detection system Last year Salem Academy; The Shetland pony was won
gest “fntterer” of money pos­ ■ Bond. Selection of the Junior
| Citizen will be accomplished | has
instaned at Santiam finished second in the league,‘ by Ricky Holifield of Sweet
I certainty am for more local •
_of thu
1!'' High school, MiU cRy and but this year are off to a slow Home and nephew of Mrs. Jim
start, losing their first two Withrow who was a guest at1
re-1 Gates Elementary Schools.
“ .
control of our money, but I commendations, character
3. It was decided to remove games, 7-0 and 8-0. This the Withrow home.
still will stick to my original ferences, and by a point sys-
statement of let us keep some j tern interview with the Junior a portion of the breezeway league game could be decisive I Many interesting articles
were on display at the Fair
partition between Mill City for Santiam.
of the money ourselves. Maybe . Citizen Committee.
and prize winners will be an­
we’d have a dime or two to I On October 12, the candi­ Elementary and the gymnas­
nounced next week.
spend, thus helping the eco­ dates will be interviewed by ium, for better bus-loading
no longer needed, since the
cafeteria has been moved to
How many of you people
the Santiam Auditorium.
realize that summer is just
Linn County Administra­
4. During the summer of
about gone? The miracle of
I 1973 the football bleachers will tive School District No. 129-J
Autumn will take place this
be enclosed on the back, or has reduced its tax levy for the
STAYTON Santiam Mem­
month on the 22nd, at precise­
south, side for more comfort 1972-1973 school year by orial Hospital has five appli­
ly 5:33 p.m.. EST. when the
of spectators. Permission for $15,000. The reduction was cants, including some “very
sun will cross the equator on
this action was obtained by made possible because of an . good ones,” for the post of hos-
its journey south. The Fall sea­
Fred Van Domelen, Portland additional amount of money re-, pjtai administrator, according
son will then be with us, and
By Fran Bradac
An opening tea for the Mill
I er," said Kirsch. We plan to
ceived from Public Law-874 to Board Chairman Gus Kirsch.
this is one of the nicest times City area Junior Miss Pageant | structural engineer.
Dale and Mary Kirsch, new add more furniture and appli­
. „ nn
„ C_A
■ 5. The budget calendar for funds ’.ate in the fiscal year.
The hospital has not adver­ owners of the Mill City Wes­ ances as we go along, in ad­
of the year. Many of us who
This means that the actual tised the upcoming vacancy tern Auto store on Highway dition to our regular store
have been fortunate enough September 23. at the Santiam i
to live in the North Santiam High School Auditorium. The 1 6. Wesley Jahn, supennten-; levy sent to the county is on­ and does not know if it will. 22, in a special Enterprise in­ stock and the items in the
Present Administrator, Gale terview early this week, said special Weestem Auto sale
Canyon, probably never ap­ pageant this year is open to dent, will again represent the . ly about $2,000 more than the
preciate the beauty we have all senior high school girls at Board of Directors in teacher- levy for the 1971-1972 school M. Christensen is leaving on they were very happy to be catalogs,” added Mrs. Kirsch.
year. The District is happy to October 1, after 11% years, to finally settled here in Mill
right here at home. A trip up Santiam and Detroit High i board consultations.
The Kirsches plan to be open
7. Charles C. Kelly was ap- be able to reduce the levy to take a similar position with City and liked the area very everyday, Monday through
the canyon will show you a Schools.
taxpayers by this amount. Malheur Memorial Hospital, much. “But it's not all that Saturday, from 8:00 a. m. to
blaze of color that is unequal- This years Junior Miss, Kar. ' pointed to a three year term the
I >/VWVWWWWWWl/VV , Nyssa.
different,” said Mary, ‘•be- 6:00 p. m. A grand opening,
led anywhere in our country
Davis, will show slides of on the budget conenittee.
8. The Board Mas notified !
No deadline has been set for cause both Dale and 1 were with special sale items and
It is possibly my favorite
favor: e lgst years state Pageant. Ques-
hiring a new administrator and brought up and went to school surprises for customers and
Doctor Schedule
regarding the pageant that the total school enroll-1
the staff can handle matters nearby in Stayton. But we did visitors is being planned for
ly stems from my early child­ will be answered and a sched­ ment had now reached 570 stu­
until one is found, Kirsch said. have a little trouble finding a late October.
hood spent on a North Dakota ule of the events will be re-' dents after two wfceks of school
Santiam Memorial Hos­
Following a board meeting place to live here in Mill City.
farm. It was the harvest sea­ leased. All mothers and their - -a few more than were enter­
Emergency Unit re-
"In the meantime, we have
this week, Kirsch noted the We’re now in the Stafford
son- a time of gathering In na­ interested daughters are in- j ed at the same time last yea».! pital
a complete stock of house­
hospital is continuing to seek homo right next door.
ture’s bounty, and a reward for , vited to attend. Girls should I 9. The current bills were ap- [
for the week of Septem-
needed area physicians, but
the toil and sweat of the sum­ try to have their applications proved.
Kirsch was for some years wares, plumbing equipment,
ber 20 through Septem-
10. The meeting adjourned at
might change its tack slightly. a refrigeration engineer with electrical supplies, sporting
mer months. In that country, in Saturday.
ber 27.
10:10 p. m., after which board
“M any doctors specialize USP Corporation in Salem, gear, paint, garden supplies,
it gets cold in the winter, and
The Pageant this year is be­
days and don’t want to and Mary Kirsch still works nails, wire, tools all the usual
it was a time to “batten down ing sponsored by the Mill City members inspected the new
September 20, 21 and 22
go into an area without another various shifts as an X-ray housewares and hardware it­
the hatches” and prepare for Junior Womans
- Mrs. ‘ lighting on Allen Field.
Doctor in hospital 6 p.m.
in their field. When they take technician at Salem Memorial ems most people want and
until midnight.
the snows
Rich Moore as chairman. As­
time off, they want to be able Hospital. Dale’s father, Ira, a need. If we don't have what
of the land.” It was, and still sisting her will be Mrs. Tom Camp Fire Asking
September 23 and 24
to refer patients to another retired logger, lives in Meha- a person wants, we'll gladly
is a good time of year. We Grant.
special order it,” said Kirsch.
For Deer Hides
Doctor in hospital from
specialist," Kirsch said.
love it, and hope to be around
______________ _ —.
Midnight to midnight.
“It appears we are going to The new Western Auto ' We’ll even try to get special
for many years to enjoy the
The Mill City Camp Fire
blessings that the good Lord i Detroit Dam-Weather | Leaders are again asking suc-
have to recruit doctors in Store owners have five child- equipment parts that are not
September 25 and 26
the We.,t>rn Auto line, if
pairs,” he noted.
has given us.
, cessful hunters to save their
ren: Bryan, 15; Kim, 13; Tim, in
Doctor on call.
we can.” “And don't forget the
Max Mln. Elev. Pep , deer hides, roll them and de­
September 27, 28 and 29.
of the Bank-
'Sept. 13 74 48 1546 52 000 posit them either at the
A spot in the brain that op­ the children are in schools in convenience
Doctor in hospital 6 p.m.
Americard service,” his wife
“I’m sorry we won’t be able
to midnight each night.
' from overeating has been found
“We’ve spent most of our added.
to use you any longer.” said Sept. 15 M 50 1544.50 0.00 market in cans provided In
Former owners, Jim and Iris
I by two members of the Brook- first week just getting to
September 30
the boss, “but it should give Sept. 16 82 50 1543 72 0.00 front of the stores.
— N. V
A/Tnointa. ­ know the stock and finding Rose plan to stay on in town,
Mrs. Tom Murphy is chair­
Doctor in hospital Mid­ i j--
Y. Untnrono
Veterans Adminis
you a great deal of satisfaction Sept. 17 78 49 1542 93 003
tration hospital staff, Dr. Al­ things in the store. It was a while Jim is employed at U S
night to midnight.
to know it’s costing us $200.000 Sept. 18 63 51 1541 93 0.00 man of the project this year.
bert Debons and Dr. Isidore [ little hectic at first but now Plywood In Idanha, according
to replace you with a com- Sept 19 58 56 1540 56 036 Anyone not able to deposit the
39 hides can call 897-2942
things are going much smooth- to the new owners.
puter ”
1 • —
- Pep . for Week.......
r h ^¿<1
Two Santiam Students
Candidates For Jr. Citizen
Grange Fair Has
Large Attendance
Football Bleachers
Dale and Mary Kirsch New Owners
Of Western Auto Associate Store
Junior Miss Tea
Scheduled For
Saturday Afternoon
Tax Levy Reduced In
School District 1294 Santiam Hospital
Gets Five Applicants