The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 14, 1972, Page 2, Image 2

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    2__ The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday. Sept. 14. 1972
Peggy Cooper
Guest of Honor
At Bridal Sho*er
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
Host Presbyterian
Officers Meeting
An enthus-astic meeting of
Mus Peggy
officers interested in the raes’. tsf honor
Presbyter.aa Church was held sbcwer be Id m
at the borne of Mr and Mrs. of the Chr-utun
Carl Kelly Last Thursday even­
ing. September 7 All elders
and deac-oas wbc were in
town at the time, were in at-
Spcescred by the New Lafe
Coms-ttee. c.-sc-_ss>oc was
held at the meeting coocera-
mg a pregram of future pla ns
for the hfe ef the church.
Beth Rev and Mrs Luther
Kurtz attended the affair.
At the h-Oke of the evesung
refrtkhmenu were served by
the beet and rastess. Carl azi
Deame Kelly
%'omank ßaxje.
at a be
the bases:
churo?. Sa
Norma J. Long, Woman s Page Editor
John Kelly Married
Saturday, Sept. 9
-a. ..ii
Method ¡st hv'o~e"
hec' Committee
Reports at Mee* -g
£ r
The Mill City Garden dub
met Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Elsie Girod on Highway
22 west of town.
The group met at 12 noon
for a complete luncheon.
Mrs Dorothy Peterson, pre­
sident presided at the business
For the program Mrs. Elean
or Coming gave a talk on daf­
fodil bulbs and each one pre­
sent was given a bulb.
Attending were Mrs. Else
Allen. Mrs. Jennie Cauble.
Mrs Eleanor Coming. Mrs.
Elizabeth Cyr. Mrs. Nell De­
Witt. Mrs Phyllis Dolezal
Mrs Pauline Hansen. Mrs Isa-
bell Heller. Mrs Dorothy Pet­
erson. Mrs Elsie Rogers. Mrs
Goldie Rambo. Mrs. Toni
Thomas. Mrs. Marie Tolbert
and Mrs. Mabel Yankus. Guests
were Mrs. Tena Graham and
Mrs. May Marshall
Phone 897-2772
Eastern Star Here
- :: :
Lyle Cutsforth Wed
Grand Matron Visits
Moffatts Feted at
Party Friday Night
of Protection
Daffodil Bulbs Topic
GATES — Suzanne Joyce
Turner of Bend became the
bride of Lyle Wesley Cuts-
forth. Sept 9 tn a 2:00 p m
Karen Doris Sho*s
ceremony a: the First Church
ef God tn Bandoc
Slides at Meeting of
Suzanne is the daughter of
Mr and Mrs Vernon Turner
Junior Womens Club
of Bend, formerly residents of
far 20 years
Nc Hi Bandon,
Lyle is the son of Mr and
OES held their first meeting Mrs Gail Cutsforth of Gates
of the Fall with Mr and Mrs I and was a graduate of Santiam
William Lynes*. Worthy Pa­ High school
tron and Worthy Matron pre-
The ceremony was perform­
ed by Pastor Earl Bissett with
r a ;-
The bride’s gown, made by
her mother, was a floor length
organza lace over crepe with
an elbow length veil. The
bridal bouquet »-as of white
carnations and yellow roses
¡with baby breath.
The was given in mar­
riage by her father Her honor
attendant was Patti Lindquist,
wearing an empire style gowr.
of yellow dottted swiss. She
carried a yellow and orange
rose bouquet Her bridesmaids
were K thy Smith ar.d Judie
Wilson, carrying bouquets of
yell w carnations and baby
orange rises
Best man for the groom was
• Art Bierijr. groomsmen were
Chuck Akin and Carlton Her­
ron and ushers were Brian
Turner and Lynn Cutsforth.
S~e'¡e Horne’ and
with Briar, and Lyttn lighting
the tapers.
Dona a Barc,’Cii‘ Wed
The bride’s mother wore a
lavender double knit dress
with beige accessories, and a
corsage of yellow carnations
and orange baby roses
The bridegroom's mother
after&x c
wore a dress of lavender and
;e hoes
white with black
■ Homer
and her corsage was yellow
«laid Das.
and 'range flowers.
The reception was held in
the church
k Tib
degrees was
' Co-
Mrs. Carol
cuiLe. and
punch bowl
Sw th r d '
Anita Young and
Mr and Mrs Doc Moffatt
were bocored guests Friday
eve-. ng at a surprise d inner
party held at me dome of Mr
and Mrs. George Leng Assist­
ing with arrazgemeEts was
Mrs Mei
Joyce Turner and
v ~
At Garden Club Meet
Phone 769-531 I
S+ay+on, Oregon
Calendar of Events
mg as
an Seagraves, with Tedi
ux ani Jeff Papas as
Crees Attend Star
Meeting at Astoria
Presbyterian Youth
To Meet Sunday
A get-together cf teen-agers
of tne Presbyterian Church
and their frt-ends u bemg an­
nounced for five o'clock. Sua-
dav if-.emocn. Sepkember 17 -ater on a snort
m the FeLcwstip HaL cf the
ohurcr. acecri-ng to Rev Luth­ Colorado After
temper X they
er Kurtz.
Rebekahs To Meet
«1« held tr e--
Irsurance Agency, Inc.
Local Folks Return
Fro— Vacation Trip
493 Third Street Stayton
See Vs For
AU Gene nJ Lines of
Phc-e 769-631 I
Mr and Mrs Wiiiam Ly
- ‘
Studio Of Hair Design
Pa+ McDc-ga
-as beer added to o-' s*a"
1 ey
r at-
She has 3 yea's excer e_ce.
On Duty: Y'ues. Thurs.,
Lyons Extension Unit
Has Get Acquainted
Meeting at Hall
a-o Sa'-'aay
Special on Permanent Waves
Th^ougn Sec*e-"cer
Fall Pinochle Parties
Start at Eagles Lodge
The weekly p.n«.-—e parties
of the fa
fad ?eas.;c tega.-. Last
Thursday at the Lidge
The parties tegut at 1 p m.
each Thursday and are iper.
X anyxt* enjoys playing
cards Light refres-tmeets eom-
Perm. rta>cut
Ac d 3a arce R’-se
Vitamin E Facials
Studio Of Hair Design
B*tty Jean Klutte—Ov**r
LYONS—The Lyons Exten­
sa» Unit ted their get ac­
quainted meeting at the City
Hall Thursday at 10 a m. They
punned the trigram for the
year bock and the next lesser,
will be New Clothing Coc-
structcoe T-i.tmq-ies' with
Mary Leu Henning and June
Ktcst-J the project eaders
The meeting will be held at
the C.ty Ha Thursday. Octa­
ter 5.
Present for the meeting
were June i<.<jtu. Lu Brews.
Mary Lou H-ming. ?-bse Cui-
wed. FreuL Ku-ken. Carol
Gccdrtcm Hiroth7 Downer
Mabel Dew...- g Lucille Huber
Dera Gustaf*: a. Shirley Stia-
ko . Deicru
Banks. Helen
..te McPheeters.
Alma Olmstead. Lmn County
temm-tteew ..ten Mrs Emma
Kuiken frern Scio and her
Marta Girrsir..
who u vtating from Denver
Friday, September 15—
Santiam Booster Club meet-
Mr and Mrs. Lowell Cree ing in Room 3 following the
were in Asxna Saturday Mero-Santiam football game
night where they attended the Refreshments will be served
reception for the Worthy
Grand Matron. Mrs. Mary Ris- Saturday September 14—
XLa and the Grand Warder.
Installation of officer*. Mari­
Mrs. Henrietta Hacker, of the lyn Assembly. Order of Rain­
Grand Chapter of Oregon bow for Girls. I OOF hall. 7:00
Order of the Eastern Star
p m Verlene Pe’erman, Wor­
The recepucn was given by thy Advisor-Elect.
Fem Chapter =38 OES of As­ Santiam Valley Grange Fair
toria at the Asteria Junior at Lyons. Afternoon and even-
_ng. Turkey dinner starts at
High school
AL at the grand chapter of­ 540. Program to follow.
ficers. except two. were pre­ Monday September 18—
sent Also present was tie
Lions Club dinner
Worthy Grand Matron of the 6 30 at the Frontier inn.
State of Washington, from
AF&AM =180 meets at 8.-00
Olymp-a. the Worthy Grand p. m at the I OOF hall
Patron of the State of Wash-
Bid or Bunch Pinochle Club
-ngxn from Raymond and meets at the home of Edna
three other grand officers. Gordon at 7:30 p. m.
Many Grand Committee Mem­
Round Robin Pinochle Club
bers Grand Representatives. meets at the home of Marie
Worthy Matrons and Worthy Stewart at 7:30 p. m.
Patrons and Past Grand of­
ficers. members of the Order Tuesday. September 19—
and friends attended. Between
Mill City Woman’s Club
3CC and 44C in all
meets at 8:00 p m. at the
The welcome was given by home of Mrs Roger Lundquist
Astoria’s Mayor, Harry Stem­
bock. wh was a neighbor and Wednesday. September 20—
Santiam Rebekah Lodge
classmax of Mrs. Cree when
meets at I OOF hall at 8:00 p.
see was a girl and lived in m.
Newcomer’s club meets at
Addendums were given by
Fem Chapter of Astor-a. Rain­ Gates Clubhouse Potluck at
bow Girls, and the Worthy 9X/C p. m.
Matrons and Worthy Patrons
Good lock Santiam Wolver­
Mrs. Ristola and her hus­ ines on a successful football
band were each presented Lafe season
Membership« in Fern Chapxr Sponsored as a public service
Mrs. Cree u a member of the
Estarl Committee of the
Grand Chapter of Oregon.
Following the program re­
freshmen’s were served st Insurance Agency, Inc.
xng tables tn the gymnasium
493 Third Street Staytan
Mr and Mrs. Cree spent the
Remember us when you are
Eight Ji Seaside and returned
-n need of life, health and ac­
to Mill City Sunday
cident insurance We are your
complete insurance agency.
Subscribe to The
Mill City Enterorise
See Cs Fee
AU General Lines ef Inavanee
Phone 769-631 I