The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, May 01, 1969, Image 1

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    The Mill City Enterprise
Up and Down:
Avenue j I
By Don Moffatt
I often wonder about the
city schools of today. I think
we have a real good school
system here in Mill City,
don’t believe we have teachers
who are too permissive with
discipline, such as was reveal
ed in the newspapers Sunday.
Over in Portland It appears
that many students
are ” allow-
ever it may be. J5«™6 ^ve
hard^ Mudeni, and have
to other stuaems,
little or no resp«^
law in favor of the
or the off-beat student, ai teac
time comes when thereth i some
g3od solid support for dece
discipline, our city
in bad shape. Now to get Dacs
to our own schools. I just don
think we have any
school who would act in this
manner, and I am ^nMent^Lf
ihw did they would be caiiea
Xi tor lheir
Xl .0
by ft. ™jj.
or else! There must be dis
cipllne and respect for rules
or education is lost.
This week the journalism
class at Santiam is taking a
page in The Enterprise to pub­
fish Santiam Highlights, their
Xol newspaper. For some
time now, two or three stu­
dents would spend one period
a dav with the crew at The
Enterprise, to get a better un­
derstanding of the ^°rkl^
of a newspaper. I might add
that these young students
been fine to work with. They
seemed to have a real desire
to learn, and were Interred in
the methods we use. Whether
or not they ever go on to
make newspanering a career,
it does give them a chance to
see if they like this type of
work. I feel that ycwng peo­
ple should be exposed to busi­
ness of every type so theyritave
- better understanding or
problems faced In the business
Krecklow To
Head Lions
Next Year
The Lions club Monday
night elected a slate of officers
to serve for the coming year.
Fred Krecklow was named
president; Bill Lewellen, 1st.
vice president; George Long,
2nd, vice and Gale Larson,
third. Jim Wettergreen was
re-elected as Secretary-Treasur­
er, Boger Mink was again
named Tail Twister and Verne
Rush Lion Tamer. Burton Bor­
oughs was named as a director
for a three-year term.
President Bill Metteer an­
nounced that there will be a
joint installation ceremonies
with the Auxiliary at the Riv­
erview in Mehama, Saturday
evening, May 10 with the din­
ner being served at 7:30. There
will be several guests that
night and anyone planning to
attend is urged to contact Mr.
Metteer at once.
Paul Wilmeth of Salem Tech
was guest speaker for the even­
ing. He gave a talk on the
need of forming the Mid-Wil-
lamette Education district,
which will take the burden of
supporting the community vo­
cational college away from
Salem, and spreading the ex­
pense over a three-county area.
The counties involved would be
Marion, Polk, Yamhill and a
part of Linn county, this area
being made up of Detroit-Idan
ha, Mill City-Gates and Mari-
Mr. Wilmeth said: “at the
present time the Community
Colleges in Oregon are not do­
ing a full job for the post-high
school students. There is a real
need to expanded facilities and
courses at Salem Tech, so it
can perform this service for
those students of the area who
do not wish to attend the four-
year college. Right now there
are some 42,000 people in the
18 to 29 year age, who are pos­
sible students for community
vocational colleges, and they
need training after high school
to fit them with he necessary
educational tools to assist them
in becoming self-supporting
Mr. Wilmeth said that if the
district is formed it will be
governed by a board of direc­
tors picked from seven zones
within the boundaries of the
district. He said forming the
district could come up for elec­
tion late in August.
Officials Enter Beautification Contest
Foresight Needed
Will the party who took
the IJons Auxiliary money
can from the bookshelf at
The .Mill City Enterprise of­
fice Monday evening, please
return the money. These
funds are used for sight
conservation and other pro­
jects. If the party is in need
of money please contact the
Auxiliary or Mrs. Rambo
at The Enterprise office.
$4.00 a YEAR — 10c a Copy
Serial Levy Vote Set for
Monday, May 5; One
Director To Be Elected
The voters of Administrative
School District 129J will be
asked to cast their votes on a
five-year serial levy at the
annual school election Monday,
May 5.
Balloting will also take
The Mill City Lions club an­ place for election of a school
nual White Cane Sale is now director for a five-year term.
underway, according to Fred Bill Morgan, is running un­
Krecklow, incoming president. opposed for the 5-year-term,
“Every bit of the money we representing Zone 5.
receive from the sale goes to­ The request for approval of
ward sight conservation,” he a five-year serial levy in the
amount of $38,000.00 per year
Through the years the Mill is intended to continue the
City club, along with others district’s prepaid financing for
throughout the world, have future building and site needs.
had sight conservation as their The current year marked the
main project. They have also termination of a serial levy
provided numerous necessary voted in 1964, which has pro­
eye examinations and glasses vided the district with $245,000
to school children whose fam­ interest-free dollars. Since Ad­
ilies were unable to buy them. ministrative School District
Members will be selling the 129J is current’" debt free and
canes and cannlsters have also has a very favorable tax struc­
been placed in business houses. ture, the serial levy becomes a
natural and economical form
for providing for future ex­
Idanha Couple Will
pension needs.
Have Three in Service
The Board of Directors and
IDANHA—Terry and Larry the Budget Committee feel
Lyon, twin sons of Mr. and that the utilization of the ser­
Mrs. Leon L. (Link) Lyon of ial levy method of financing
Idanha will report for Inserv­ will insure that the district
will not be forced to resort to
ice training May 7.
The Lyons older son SP/4 expensive bonding in the fore­
Michael entered the armed seeable future, said Adminis­
service last November and is trator Bill Lewellen. He said:
currently serving In Vietnam. “it is interesting to note that
Mike is assigned to the 101st that just-completed serial levy
Battalion and recently was as­ has produced funds totalling
signed to driving the Battal­ I approximately $245,000.00 at a
I net saving to the taxpayers of
ion Commander’s car.
Lions White Cane
Sale Underway
Pictured are Mill City officials and two members
of the Jaycee organization who plan on going “all out”
on the ABC (Area Beautification contest). The coun­
cil members will be assisted by the co-ordinating
Jaycee group. From left to right are Dale Howell, city
councilman; Herbert Peck, Mayor, Joe TerLouw incom­
ing Jaycee president and Virgil Trout who is just com­
pleting his term in that capacity. Improvements have
already started on some bad spots in town with “be­
fore and after” pictures to be entered in the contest.
City Enters ABC Contest;
the school district of almost
$83,000.00, wnen compared to
raising an equal amount by
bonding.” It is also important
to take note of the fact that
a large percentage of the tax
valuation of the district is in
timber resources. As this re­
source is depleted, more and
more of the tax burden must
be borne by the small property
Polling will take place at
Santiam High school between
th hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Monday, May 5.
Flags Stolen at
Fairview; CpI. Drynan
Says Serious Offense
Tom Drynan, state patrol­
man, said this week that three
American flags had been stol­
en recently from the Fairview
cemetery at Gates. Two of
them were plastic and ona was
These flags are purchased
and maintained by WWI veter­
ans barracks in Mill City and
cost them considerable time,
effort and money. CpL Dry­
nan said he had “passed the
word around” that officials
were l .oklng for the juvenilles
that had taken the flags and
two of them had been returned.
He said if the other one is not
returned soon further action
will be taken and federal auth­
orities might be called in.
While those performing this
“prank” may not realize it,
the offense is a felony and a
possible prison term could be
faced if charges were pressed
and those stealing the flags
CpI. Drynan said police felt
that as this was a first offense,
arrests would not be made for
the two returning the flags
but warned that leniency
could not be expected in the
It has been frequently said
that any civic project started for a city park, on the banks
after Easter is a “lost cause” of the Santiam near the new
Jaycee A-frame community
for that particular year.
But Mill City mayor Herbert building.
Peck and city councilmen, oth­ Consensus of opinion seems
er residents and organizations to be that this is the year that
“Mill City will really improve”.
here think otherwise.
In early April Mayor Peck
officially entered the city in
the ABC (Area Beautification
Contest; which started in Jan­
uary and ends in September.
Incorporated cities and unin­
corporated communities in
IDANHA - U. S. Plywood-
Benton, Douglas, Lane and
Linn counties may participate. Champion Papers, Inc., was
There is “new blood” among apparent hirh bidder for an
council members this year, estimated 1,800,000 board feet
some not so steeped in local of Willamette National Forest
traditions and sentiment that Timber in the Short Mountain
they go along with the com­ Overstory timber sale conduct­
ment of “we like our town ed at Detroit Ranger station
April 23.
just as it is.”
the final bidding Douglas-
Mill City is in the heart of a fir In (only
species bid on) and
recreational area and with the other coniferous
species logs
many tourists that not only and peeler blocks went at $116.
pass through, but stop in the per M. Advertised rate was
Chairmen of the various also be purchased at The Mill Ci+y To Vote on
city with perhaps and eye to $64.40 per M.
retiring here some day, a beau­ The sale included an unesti­ committees arranging for the City Enterprise or the U. S. $17,545 Budget
National bank in Mill City.
tification project is timely.
mated amount of Douglas-fir North Santiam Memorial Day The holder of the lucky ticket
Mill City resident will vote
The city council members special cull logs and blocks,
(Wednesday) on a
have been taking picturs of and 51 acres of substandard Tuesday evening at the con­ for two which includes three $17,545 budget levy for 1969-
some of the “eye sores” around timber which sold at $1 per ference room of the U. S. Na­ days and two nights, food lodg­ 1970 municipal operations.
" Mdi City, along with many
town and then when improve­ acre, the advertised rate, if tional Bank. Ed Davis, general ing and $100 expense money.
Polls will be open in the
other cities in our country is
chairman of the event presided Proceeds from the tickets help city hall from noon until 8 p.m.
ments are made they will be included in the sale.
being confronted with a real
shown with their new look. A
Three other qualified bidders
The proposed budget ex­
defray ct»i of the river run.
problem—that of garbage dis­
scrapbook will be made for the were present at the auction. mittee reports.
the 6 per cent limitation
posal. At the present time we
The princesses now have
contest entry of the “before The stand of timber is located
anyone wishing to make the by $7,455. It includes a $45,-
have been doing all right, but
approximately 11 miles south-1
run in any type craft. 770 general fund, a $27,300
will not be for long. Recently
outfits and will be making a river
The new Mill City Jaycee west of Detroit.
Safety rules of a coast guard street fund, a $3,900 sewer dis­
Rud Cline of Mill Citv Dis­
president, Joe TerLouw and
approved life preserver or wet trict fund and $1,200 for equip­
posal received a letter from the
tional Airport and to the Ice suit
immediate past president, Vir­
must be strictly followed, ment purchased.
Mirl-Willamette Valley A i r
Follies on May 11. They will be however.
DETROIT — Two positions gil Trout will be assisting the
An estimated $1.50 will be
Pollution Authority, that
accompanied by chaperones.
as members of the co-ord­
Princesses include Anita Fox required per $1,000 of true
after Mav 15. this year, he are open for school board di­ city
Aplet and Laurie Monn- cash value for the tax levy in
cou’d no longer do anv open rectors in the Detroit district, inating
are scheduled including a visit Rose
They are urging all citizens
inger from the Stayton-Meha­ excess of the 6 per cent limi­
burning at the Mill Citv dumm which will be referred to the
of Mill City to enter into the
ma area, Linda Roth from De­ tation.
For that reason the Disposal voters May 5. Polls will be spirit
They will also ride in parades troit
of the contest, whether
The total levy is up from the
and Patricia Moore from
romnanv can no longer nick open at the grade school li­
in several valley town celebra­ Mill City.
it’s only a small clean-up job
$16,186 assessed last year.
nn tree limbs, stumps, or other brary from 8 to 8.
Candidates running for the
refuse of this tvne. which has
successful bidder on an esti­ Chaperones include Gloria
heretofore been burned at the two-year term are incumbent of some old, dilapidated and mated 1,010,000 board feet of Paulsen, Nancy Girod and
Humn. There is a $1,000 fine
Visitors View Santiam's Springboard Protect
The City is expected to pro­ timber on the Bugaboo No. 3 Joyce Trout.
Hiebert. Running for the five-
for disregarding the law.
Now—iust what will the an­ year term is incumbent Robert
their recently purchased land troit Ranger station Tuesday ticket sales to the May 23
swer bo to this latest directive Young.
Queen Coronation be stepped
from the government author­
Douglas-fir was the only up if expenses are to be met.
ity Dn first imnulse T would
species bid on, and sold for The girl selling the most tick­
feel like telling them where to the six percent limitation.
per M. Advertised rate ets will receive a $100 Savings
The total levy is up from
go. but after thinking about
was $69.60 per M. The sale bond.
it for a caunle of minutes it
was awarded on a sealed sub­ There will be out-of-town
tbn wav to handle it. This with most of the increase due
mitted bid with no oral bid­ judges for the talent contest
directive, however, mav cause
„ .. on the night of the coronation I
more air pollution here than
The stand of Willamette Na­ and the princesses will be
♦be wav it is now handled
tional Forest timber is located judged on their poise, appear­
Ordinarily. Mr. CHne niles un
about 17 miles southeast of ance and talent.
ttw limbs, stumns and
Detroit. It includes and unes­ Last year’s Queen, Madyln
pftwr burnable refuse to one
A Rummage sale which will timated amoung of Douglas fir Smith of Detroit will crown
side of the dttmn and then
augment the Santiam Canyon special cull logs and blocks the new Queen.
burn« it throe ®r four times a
Scholarship fund will start on and 230 MBF of western hem­ The North Santiam River
voar. mb'" nrebnblv causes less
Thursday, May 1 at the build­ lock and other coniferous spe­ Guides will be in charge of the
Mr pollution than on® hurn’n®
ing adjacent to the U. S. Na­ cies of logs.
actual river run with Gene
Hold or a forest slash f’re
tional Bank. The sale will run
Included in the sale (option­ Teague assisting boats on the
What will happen now when
through Saturday, May 3 and al bid> was 27 acres of all spe­ river and Jerry Coffman at the
oaeh homeowner burns his
There will be a meeting of those in charge say there are cies logs substandard because launching site above Gates.
dobris on hi« own property the Archery club formed here some good used clothing, dish­ of defect or size. This sold
Fred Krecklow has made all
The local schools hosted 43 out-of-state visitors
first of course, getting a ner- recently on Monday night. es and miscellaneous items. at the advertised rate of $2.50 arrangements for the Memor­
mlt for a fire Tt would appear May 5 at 8 o’clock at the Jaycee These will be sold at low, low per acre. There were three ial Day dedication ceremonies Monday. Visitors from as far away as Venezuela, Flor­
that there is iust so much hall.
other bidders.
which will be held at the ida, and Connecticut, as well as many other states,
tmnVn Ip a <Hv®n n’le of robie®
Glen Bigness and Jim Rose
Goal for the Scholarship will
There was no award made bridge in Mill City at 11 A. M. visited libraries, instructional materials centers, and
TT1,»»or where it 1« burned have been spearheading the soon be reached and the sale, on the South shore Thinning The court will be introduced at classrooms. Primary interest was centered on the dis­
Ob. well this is lust the Price forming of the club and said if well attended, should put it No. 2 timber sale conducted at this time and drawing for the trict’s outstanding audio-visual and library program.
«MviUration" and more about 30 people had indicated “over the top”. Through the the Ranger Station Tuesday grand prize will be held. Tt is The visitors were on a field trip sponsored by the Divi­
<mvornm®nt control. W»*U 1”«* an interest in joining.
cooperation of area residents morning, due to duplicate bids not necessary for the holder sion of Audio-Visual Instruction, which is holding its
have to wait and ®ee what the
The club will be officially it was not necessary to make submitted, with no oral bid­ of the lucky ticket to be pres­ annual convention in Portland this week. Sue Poole, in
rnmom® will he Tn the m»”’- named at the Monday meeting, a house to house drive this ding Th® stand of timber with ent.
the above photo, is showing a small group of the visi­
time don’t get m»d at Rud officers will be elected and year.
North Santiam Chamber of tors one of the audio-visual aids to education in the
an estimated 500 000 board feet
when he f’Hs to n’ck un this more people are urged to come
Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson is is adjacent to the Sportsmen’s Commerce members will also Mill City Elementary school—The Mill City Enterprise
♦i-ne of refuse. Tt is no fault of out and sign up for member­ general chairman of the schol­ club and is 2.5 miles from be selling tickets as will some
Highway 22.
Jaycees and others. They may photo.
arship drive.
U. S. Plywood High
Timber Sale Bidder
Detroit School Dist.
To Vote May 5
Young and Morgan
High Timber Bidders
Rummage Sale This
Week To Augment
Scholarship Fund
Archery Club
Formed Here; To
Elect Officers
Whitewater Princesses
To Visit Governor; Make
Other Appearances Soon