The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 24, 1969, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mr. and Mrs. Bill Koch of|
4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 24, 1969
I Mrs. Ruby Brisbin
Clatskanie were Mill City visi­
tors ast week. He has been in
President of
construction work since they
left here and says he has a
Marilyn Club
real go:d job coming up later
this month. While here they
By Boots Champion
Mrs. Wilson Stevens was
operated Iles’s Tavern and he
DETROIT — Eagles have or dead fish cast up by whirl­ hostess at her Lyons home
Spring and Summer Fabrics
owned Shirley’s beauty shop, been
sighted by several people pools or tides. It also steals Tuesday for Marilyn Club
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Peterson now operated by Barbara Dav­
were in Portland over the idson and known as Barbara’s recently in the South Blow­ from the Osprey when the with Mrs. Verne Clark as co­
weekend where they visited Beauty Lane.
smaller bird has caught a live hostess. A covered dish lunch­
ported to be young birds, and fish. He will attack the Os­ eon was served at 12 o’clock.
with relatives and took in the
Golden Spike Centennial Ex­
Following the luncheon Mrs.
Terry Coryell and David are presumed to to bald eagles, prey in the air, tormenting it
position. Mr. Peterson said it Shrives students at OSU went since the bald eagle has been until the Osprey drops the fish, Sylvia Duncan, president pre-1
Phone 897-2141 227 S. W. Broadway Mill City
was very interesting to see the fishing with Terry’s grandfath­ previously sighted in that area, which the eagle catches in the sided at the business meeting. I
old steam locomotives and oth­ er, Cecil I kike on opening day.
A card was signed by all.
area, in recent years.
er displays and added that
The bald eagle’s nest often present for Mrs. Mabel Need-1
According to Funk & Wag­ is built in the top of a tall, ham Freen—n a former Mill1
there were huge crowds at­
Mrs. John Swan was in
tending the visit of the special Portland and Woodland, Wash, nails Encyclopedia, Eagle, is dead tree. A pair of birds may City school teacher and Past>
name for a number use the same nest year after Matron of Marilyn Chapter
four-car train to the city.
to attend funeral services for a of common
the largest members of the
OES who has just had a ser­
a cousin. Her son and daugh­ hawk family in the order Fal- year.
Weekend guests at the home ter-in-law, Mr. anti Mrs. Ron­
Because of the scarcity of ious operation in Portland.
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alban ald Swan brought her home coniformes. The term is loose­ these birds in the United States
Election of officers was held
ly used; some buzzards of the people are being asked not to with
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert on Wednesday.
the following elected,
same family and some hawks shoot them, especially the President, Ruby Brisbin. Vice
Hibbard and son of Vancouver,
Mrs. Pearl Lawson is back are larger than the smaller young of the eagle which are President, Mary Kelly and Sec­
home after spending two weeks eagles. Like other members of not usually recognized because retary-treasurer. Dorothy Pet­
The Rainbow Advisory Board in the Los Angeles area where the hawk family, the eagle is of the dark color.
715 First, Stayton
will meet on Thursday, May 1 she visited with relatives and characterized by a hooked beak,
Some other interesting facts
Mrs. Wilson Stevens asked
at the lnme of Mrs. William attended the wedding of a and by well developed legs the Encyclopedia disclosed was to install the new officers at
feet with the toes equipped the eagle gold coin of the Un­ the next meeting. May 27th.
Lynness at 8 p. m.
granddaughter. Mrs. Laws n and
long curved talons. Its ited States in value of ten dol­ Mrs. Wilson Stevens drew
makes her home here with her
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence son-in-law and daughter, Mr. keenness of vision and the lars, so called because it tore the door prize.
strength which it displays in a representation of a bald eag­ The May 27 meeting will be
Wickham of Salem were Sun­ and Mrs. George Ixing.
PHONE 769-5729
flight are remarkable. The bird le, the U. S. emblem. The coin held in Salem at the home of
day evening guests at the home
Farm Insurance Companies
of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
was first minted in 1795 in ac­ Mrs. Alice Rupp.
Mr. and Mrs. Donavan Mof­
Home Offices: Blommington, Illinois
Present at Tuesdays meeting |
fatt have purchased the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duggan ly to seize its prey either in ed by Congress in 1792, estab­ were Mrs. Alice Rupp. Mrs
Mrs. Cecil laike accompan­ The Duggans plan on building
lishing the coinage system of Mildred Wiley. Mrs. Nettie
From ancient times the eag­ the United States. Half eagles, Pepper, Mrs. Bertha Charlton
ied Mrs. Elsie Völkel and Toni a new home in Central Oregon
Newberg to Salem Friday even­ where he has been employed le has toen regarded as a sym­ or five dollar gold pieces were all of Salem. Mrs. Estelle Spiva
bol of courage and power be­ also minted for the first time Mrs. Leola Delker. Mrs. Sylvia
ing where they attended the for a time.
cause of the altitudes to which in 1795. Quarter eagles were Duncan. Mrs. Helen Kleihege,
wedding of Mrs. Volkel’s niece
Miss Catherine Jane Wright
Mrs. Ed Calkins of Dallas it flies, because of the great coined from 1796 to 1931. A Mrs. Gladys Lake, Mrs. Mary
and Thomas C. Blair at the was in town one day last size of the larger species, and single double eagle, now in the Kelly, Mrs. Ruby Brisbin, Mrs.
because of the inaccessibility collection of the U. S. Mint, Fern Shuey, Mrs. Marie Bur­
Halbert Memorial Bap t i s t week visiting with friends.
of the mountain heights in was coined in 1849. Double rell and the hostesses, Mrs.
Church at 8 P. M. Miss
Wright is the daughter of Mr.
eagles were first coined for is­ Stevens and Mrs. Clark.
Recent visitor»; at the home which some species nest.
The sea eagles or erness in­ sues in 1850. After passage of
and Mrs. Donald L. Curry of of Mrs. Hannath Catherwood
Brooks. Mrs. Völkel made her were her brother-in-law and habit coastal regions and the the Gold Reserve Act of 1934,
neice s gown and veil and also sister, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman shores of lakes and streams, the Federal government with­ Gun Ammo May
the attendants gowns and head­ Stratton of Paisly. Frank Ca­ and live mainly on fish. One drew all gold coins, including
therwood, student at OCE was of these Ls the bald eagle, also eagles, half eagles, and double Now Be Purchased
home to visit with his mother known as the American eagle. eagles from circulation, and
By an act of the Second Con­ the minting of gold coins was With Proper ID
Sunday dinner guewts at the and his uncle and aunt.
tinental Congress in 1782 it discontinued.
home of Mrs. Tena Graham
Hunters and sportsmen need
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mora­
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Balt­ became the official emblem of
identify themselves to be
vec of Oregon City and Mrs. imore were in Mill City Fri­
able to purchase ammunition
Graham’s sister, Mrs. Bess day where they visited briefly species, or southern bald eagle,
under the 1968 Federal gun
Vandermeer. A Saturday even­ with friends. They were en­ has a range extending from
control law, the Internal Re­
ing dinner guest was Mrs. Gol- route back to Redmond after southern Canada into Central
venue Service said Friday.
da Martens.
visiting with their son and
There are no forms to fill
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. size of the golden eagle. The
out, but a person must show |
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis Jim Baltimore at Sheridan. He female, slightly larger than the
some identification such as a
and Karen were in Aumsville teaches at Sheridan high sch<x>l male, attains a. wing-spread
driver’s license to indicate he
Saturday where they visited and the Annual Achievement of seven and one-half feet. The
briefly with relatives.
Day was held Thursday.
ger subspecies widely distribut­ DETROIT—Saturday, fish­ forth in the gun law.
Phone 897-2610
The 1968 Gun Control Act
Wld Hoeye, who wns 91
Mrs. Hannah Catherwood ed in Alaska and Canada.
season opened officially. It limits the sale of ammunition
Winter migrations bring it ing
years old in March, was tak­ has received word of the birth
was a cold, wet blustry day,
en to the Marion Home in of a grandson, Remi Bridges into the northern part of the but it did not seem to dampen for pistols, revolvers and other
Sublimity following a stroke at a Fresno hospital. He Ls the United States, sometimes as the spirits of hundreds of fish­ handguns to persons 21 years
last week. His daughter, Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard far south as Connecticut, ac­ ermen who flocked to the area of age and over. Amunition for The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements
Byron Davis said he was in Bridges of Fresno and has a cording to the Encyclopedia. to wet their lines. Bank fisher- rifles and shotguns may be
Expert Craftsmanship—Fast Service Too
serious condition as he hits sister, Elizabeth. The new ar­ The bald eagle migrates only ing was much in evidence, purchased by persons 18 years
developed pneumonia.
rival weighed 8 pounds and 1 from the coldest section of its , while others launched their of age and over.
range. The bird is not bald, boats at Mongold, the only
The Mill City Garden Glob ounce.
but when three years old de- public boat ramp available due
will meet May 1 at one o’clock
Mr. and Mrs. Ix*o Burnell velopes white feathers on the to the low water level in the
at the home of Mrs. Clara
in Canby last week where head and neck, and also a Reservoir. For Detroit Lake
Swan with Mrs. Hollis Turn- were
attended funeral services white tail, contrasting with the resort and Slayden’s resort on
idge as co-hostess. Roll Call will
Wallace, f irmer resi­ rest of its plumage, which is the Breitenbush arm of the
lie answered by naming wild
Russell was one of blackish brown. The young are lake, the low water presented
entirely dark. Un-like the gold­ a greater than usual problem.
the pallbearers.
Each one attending is to
en eagle, the bald eagle has no It was necessary to drag the
bring her own miniature ar­
feathers on the lower legs.
rangement. A miniature ar
Comparecí to other eagles, the rental boats across the marina
area’s to the the waters edge.
rangement is one under 6 Inch­
home of his brother-in-law and bald eagle is clumsy and in­ Angler numbers appeared to
expert in hunting and fishing.
Members who do not plan to sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. It depends heavily on Injured be much lower at popular De­
troit Reservoir than have been
attend are to call the hostesses Mrs. Stickney spent Monday
counted in previous years at
in advance.
and part of Tuesday in Port­
the opening of trout season.
Dinner guests Friday even­ land, taking in the* races at
For most the catch was gener­
ing at the home of Mr. and Portland Meadows. They said
ally considered poor.
Mrs. Ixiweil Cree and Don they had a very enjoyable
Most business establishments
did a brisk business however,
were Mrs. Cree’s mother, Mrs. time.
J. C. Dickinson, her niece. Mr
especially on Saturday.
Mr. and Mis. Ru-<s<*ll Nelson
and Mrs. John Wehrli, Bar­
Detroit Lake State Park with
bara, Mathew and Joe all of visited briefly Sunday evening
some 236 camp sites was re­
Salem and Miss Carol Rags­ at the home of her parents.
ported to have been far from
dale. Mrs. Dickinson mained Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rambo. They
being filled to its capacity.
at the Cree home where she had spent the weekend at Twin
There were only four U. S.
David R. Jessup, a forester
will spend some time visiting Lake, near Bend. Mr. Nelson formerly employed by the U. Forest Service camp-grounds
plans on working for the For­ S. Forest Service, has accepted open for the week end. These
Mi’s. Dorothy McHorlcy from est Service there again this a new post as assistant manag­ were Hoover, South Shore, Up­
Juneau. Alaska and her daugh­ summer.
er of the Oregon Forest Pro­ per Arm and Piety Island. Ev­
ter. Mrs. Harold Muncie from
tection Association, according en these still had some snow.
Mill City friends will I m * in­ to an announcement by James All other Forest Service camp­
Eugene were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Wil­ terested to learn that Marilee B. Corlett, OFPA Manager.
grounds in the District were
son April 16. Mrs. McSorley Teller is continuing her edu­ OFPA represents Oregon’s still closed with from one to
was a friend of the Wills fam cation at (X'E where she is a private timberland owners in three feet of snow on the
ily when they lived in Sweet junior. She is a graduate of the state’s unique forest-pro­ grounds, forester Al Gardner
Santiam High school and tection system founded on a said.
worked a year in a Salem cooperative relationship be-
Sunday was sunny and a
store before going on to school. tween the state and private much warmer day than Satur­
landowners. In his new post, day. There were still a lot of
Mrs. Edith Parish has re­ Jessup
will help represent 12 people around, who appeared
turned to her home here after regional district
associations to he enjoying their week-end
spending the winter with her
of indus­ outing in spite of the blustry
san and family in Springfield
trial and other private forest conditions Saturday.
A spokesman at the Ranger
Weekend kuc M m at the home landowners in their areas.
said Monday Whisper­
of Mr. and Mrs. James Swan
were Mr. and Mrs Orville Od located in each forest protec­ ing Falls Campground will be
erman of Gold Beach. Mrs. tion district in Oregon partici­ o|x>n by Wednesday. There will
Oderman h.xl spent the week pate in protecting 11 million be no charge on any of the
in Portland attending a bank­ acres of private forest kind and camp grounds until after the
ing institute. She is employed five million acres of state, fed­ first of May.
at a Gold Beach hank. Also eral and local governmentally
visiting with the Swans were owned forest lands through co­ Too Lot* to Classify
You can always trust Mr and Mrs George Gillen­ operative agreements between FOR SALE—Shetland pony, 1
water of (told Beach They the state forester and the as-
relatives in Salem and sociatioas. Corlett said no oth­ samel 3-year-old mare 1
in our experience!
brown 3-year-old filly. 1 sor­
I enroute home attended funer­ er state has achieved this de­
rel year-old colt. Virgil Lew­
We fUl your preNcrip- al services in Eugene for a forest protection.
is. Phone 897-2131.
long time friend of Mr. Gillen­
tlon» carefully for the
lands arc funded through an FOR SALE — Three bedroom
home 100x100 lot. $12,750.
assessment on private forest
utmost in effectiveness.
FHA 5*4% can be assumed.
given at the home of Mrs landowners totaling approxi­
Strou’ Realtv, Gates. Phone
Fred Puffy Saturday evening mately $2.7 million annually.
Ruby Benson was the fashion Aikiitional funds for emergen
Prescription* Our
show director Hostesses for cy fire control are provided FOR SALE — 16 foot White­
the event were Linda Ohmart. through a severance tax on pri­ house boat with 60 h. p
j and Ev.i Puffy Coffee and vately owned timber. Each dis­ allelectric motor and de­
cookies were served Present trict is administered by a dis­ luxe tilt trailer $800.00. Ph
were Elsie Ohmart. Edith trict forester responsible to the
| Meader. Rhonda Meatier. Ann state forester.
Jessup, 33, was with the For­
MEI. EIDE, Owner
Clark. Mary Ann Johnson, est Service for 10 years, his
Phone 897-2772
Mill City .Oregon
Ph. 897-2812
Mill City Belle Heller, Hannah Gather- last post being the Detroit
wood. Eleanor Coming. Barb ranger station He is married
i Johnson and Pelores Pishtmg and ha< four children
Eagles Seen In Upper Canyon Area;
Their Heritage Revieved
Cotton House Dresses
Ada’s Needle Shop
For Auto, Life, Fire, and Health
Insurance, See
Small Opening Day
At Detroit Lake
Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise
this week. If the figure following your name is
Dave Jessup Now
your subscription has expired.
Protection Assn
Why not send in a check for your renewal today.
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NEW Subscription Rates
Beginning September 1,1968
In Marion and Linn Counties................... $4.00
Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon . $4.50
Outside Oregon............................. $5.00
Mill City Pharmacy
The Mill City Enterprise
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Mill City Enterprise