2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Oct 10, 1968 Lloyd Knights Honored Bid or Bunch Club Meet at Gordon Home On 66th Anniversary WrunarA Page Married Edna Gordon entertained members of the Bid or Bunch Pinochle club at her home Monday evening, serving a des­ sert before the four tables of cards were in play. The fall Goldie Rambo, Woman's Page Editor, Phone 897-2772 theme was used in decorating and for table favors. Guests for the evening were Jayceettes To Attend Donna Podrabsky and Bobbi Budlong. High prize was won Meeting at Canby by Elsie Ohmart, with Mary Wright winning pinochle and The Mill City Jayceettes held Nadine Duggan low. their meeting Thursday even­ At a business meeting fol­ ing at the home of Laura Wil­ lowing the party, Linda Bastu- son. Main topic was the forth­ scheck was named chairman of coming visitation to be hosted the group and Susie Stewart, by the Canby Jayceetes there. Prich- LYONS—Mrs. Larry secretary-treasurer. LYONS—Miss Gloria Jean Meeting place for the next ard, Miss JoAnn Prichard of Most of the young women plan Brown became the bride of QUALITY JOB PRINTING on attending. Rick Stan Weitman Saturday, Phone 897-2772 or 897-2930 party will be announced later. Lyons and Mrs. Luther Miley Program for the evening will October 5. The couple exchang­ of Mehama were hostess for a bridal shower honoring Miss be Tips on Self-defense with ed their vows at the Church Valerie Chytka daughter of Lt. Bill Brooks and Sheriff Joe of Christ in Stayton, with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chy­ Shobe, the guest speakers. Byron Pickering officiating During the Thursday even­ the 5 o’clock ceremony. tka of Lyons. The event was Starting October 26 with held at the Mehama Club house ing business meeting the girls The bride is the daughter SUE FERGUSON, instructor Monday evening, September 30. worked on favors for Colum­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown bus Day which will be used on Games furnished the entertain ­ Lyons and the groom is the Entire Six Lessons only ........... -.................... $10.00 ment and after opening of the trays at Santiam Memorial hos­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Plus $1.50 for text material many gifts refreshments were pital. Weitman of Aumsville. The Learn, posture, diet, exercise, vocabulary, make­ served to Miss Chytka the Pam Morris was welcomed bride coming down the aisle up, personality, wardrobe, etc. honored guest, and Mrs. Pearl to the Jayceettes as a new on the arm of her father, wore Sponsored by Mill City Jayceettes Schmidt, Miss Janet Schmidt, memlier with Shirley Bigness a floor-length cage style Miss Anita Fox, Miss Due Fit­ and Karen Loser, guests. Ph. Nancy Girod at 897-2700 gown of white crepe with lace ting of Stayton, Mrs. Vivian After the business meeting bodice and long sleeves. A de­ Clason, Mrs. Myena Wilson Marlon Frichtl demonstrated tachable floating train of Chan­ and Miss Becky Clason of Me­ paper flower making. tilly lace edged in crepe fell hama. Mrs. Margie Watters, from the shoulders. Her bouf­ Mrs. Bertha Jenson, Mrs. Vio­ Door prize for the evening fant-tiered nylon veil was held was won by Linda Sanders. let Gilbert, Mrs. Leona Wilson, in place by a headpiece of lace Mrs. Billie Mann, Mrs. Joyce petals and seed pearls. She Call Us Any Day For Miley, Mrs. Maud Riley, Mrs, Miss Patricia Eastwood, carried a bouquet of yellow Mildred Gillespie, Mrs. Sharon daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd roses and for something old No Mileage Charge on Route Calls Between Lindstrom, Mrs. Glenna Blake­ she wore her grandmothers’ Eastwood became the bride of Stayton and Gates. ly, Miss Sandra Miley, Miss Roger L. Tuers, son of Mr. and wedding ring. Mrs. Arlo Tuers, Sunday after­ Connie Watters, Miss Chris ON OR OFF THE CABLE Miss Charlene Cole was the noon Valdez, all of Salem. Mrs. El­ September 22 at a chapel maid of honor Bridesmaids in Carson mer Culwell, Mrs. Ernest Gros­ City, Nevada RCA VICTOR were Miss Marjorie Henning so, Mrs. Roy Brown, Mrs. Don ­ Mr. Eastwood gave his dau­ of Portland. Miss Janet Mc ­ The Best TV for Cable or Fringe Areas. na Asmussen, Mrs. Effie An­ ghter in the double ring cere­ Donald and Miss Gloria Nye. derson, Mrs. W. W. Carter, RCA WHIRLPOOL LYONS — Members of the They wore yellow floor-length mony with the bride wearing Mrs. Lawrence Chytka, Mrs. Womens Society of Christian dreses with empire waists and a white linen dress, accented The Best Laundry Equipment Esther Emmery, Mrs. Alvin Service held their meeting carried topiary balls of white with detachable tunic trimmed Palmer, Mrs. J. G. McGuffin, Tuesday afternoon October 1st and daisy chrysan­ with wide Irish lace. Her veil Mrs. Leonard Blum, Mrs. in the fireplace room of the carnations themums. Best man for Mr. Frank Spellmeyer, Miss Sharon Methodist church with Mrs. Weitman was William Kergil Round Robin Club and Miss Ginger Spellmeyer Alex Bodeker as hostess. Meet­ of Stayton, and ushers were Carter all of Lyons. Sending ing opened with devotions by Robert Adams, Marvin Fery gifts were Mrs. Irene Clason, Mrs. E. L. Roye. The usual and Marvin Wourms of Stay­ Has New Member Mrs. Willa Gilson, Mrs. Jean- business was carried out and A reception followed in Round Robin Pinochle club ne Owens. Mrs. Ethel Fox, Mrs. a report was heard from Mrs. ton. Appliance — Radio the church parlors. members were entertained on Joyce Longfellow and Miss Freda Grugett who attended Following a honeymoon trip Monday evening at the home SALES — SERVICE Lorraine and Karen Clason. the Sub-District meeting held to Canada the young couple of Agnes Carlson with the host­ 503 N. Third Ave. Stayton Ph. 769-2154 at Trinity Methodist church in will he at home in Toledo ess serving dessert before the Salem. An invitation was read where the bridegroom is fore­ evening of cards. to attend the annual tea held man for a construction com­ The fall motif was used for at the Methodist home in Sal­ pany. the attractive table settings em Sunday, October 13. Plans and the card favors. were made for a work day to Lx>ra Mason, of Salem, a be held on Tuesday, October 15. Jehovah's Witnesses former member, was a guest to cut quilt blocks and see for the evening. Winning high about paint for the church To Meet in Corvallis prize was Frances Alban with are The Mill City Jayceettes basement. Attending were Mrs. You Can Have going to sponsor a self-improve­ Freda Grugett, Mrs. Paul Pen­ Among those planning to at­ Irene Podrobsky winning low ment course starting October nington, Mrs. E. L. Roye, Mrs. tend the circuit convention of and Lu MacGregor receiving pinochle. 26, place to be announced later. Glen Julian, Mrs. Leonard Jehovah ’s Witnesses in Corval­ Following the evening of Sue Ferguson of the Cinder­ Cruson, Miss Lula Cory and the lis this week-end are Loyal D. cards Evelyn Davis, president, ella School of Self-improvement hostess, Mrs. Bodeker. and Walker, an associate minister conducted a short business will be the instructor. In the Stayton congregation, his meeting and announced that There will be six lessons in wife Mildred and daughter the course which would nor­ Mrs. Gifford Honored Judy, all delegates to the three- Ruth Tohl was resigning from the club. Club members have mally cost $5.00 per class but i day training sessions. extended an invitation to Wil­ by a special agreement Mrs. Commenting on the import­ ma Moore to join in her place. Caused by Accidents Ferguson will teach the entire With Farewell Coffee ance of the seminar the minis­ The next party will be Oc­ course for $10.00 plus $1.50 for DETROIT—Detroit Ranger ter said: “The program Is really tober 21 at the home of Lora text materials, Station was the setting Friday extension of and a, refresher Mason with the group having Anyone interested in this morning when the office per­ an for the regular training pro­ course which includes posture sonnel honored Mrs. Eddie gram conducted in all congre­ dinner at a Salem restaurant and walking, standing, sitting, (Donna) Gifford with a fare- gations of Jehovah’s Witness­ earlier. stairs, dieting, health exercise, well coffee. es”. Designed to stimulate the personality, conversation, See Us for ALL Your Insurance Needs Following the coffee the preaching methods of the Wit­ Reception Held For speaking, vocabulary, makeup, the Corvallis program hair-styling and wardrobe, may group presented Mrs. Gifford nesses carries the theme “Sharing ful­ Lt. Col. Sims at with a going away gift. On We Give Personalized Service call Nancy Girod at 897-2700. in Preaching the Good The checks for the course must Thursday the girls at the of­ ly Marc Sims Home ”. be sent in advance and should fice honored her with a lunch­ News All regular meetings of the eon. A reception was held at the be made out to the Cinderalla are canceled for Marc Sims home recently to School of Improvement. Any­ Mrs. Gifford, who has been congregation J. C. Kimmel - Ed “Bud” Davis, Owners week-end in favor of the honor their son, Lt. Colonel one between the ages of 13 and employed for the past one and the Billy G. Sims on his return Phone 897-2345 Mobile Phone YP 2-2600 80 may attend the sessions a half years at the station, was Corvallis event. from duty in Vietnam. This Mill City, Oregon first employed in the Engine ­ and the checks must be in by was his second tour there. October 19 for a person to be ering Department and later ser­ Cole-Rush Marriage He was commander of the ved as a receptionist. eligible. G8th Assault Helicopter Her husband E/4 Eddie Gif­ known as the Top Tigers ford arrived home Friday even­ Held at Jefferson stationed at Bein Hau. His ing following a 12-month tour Mr. Burnett Cole and Mrs. brother, Don his wife and two of duty in Vietnam. He was Virginia were married sons drove up from Bakersfield with the 529th Transportation Thursday, Rush October 3 at Jeffer­ Calif, to join in the festivities. Co. Following a 39 day leave son. Accompanying the couple This Is Your Invitation here he and his wife Donna were four of their children, Don is a Master machinist for will leave for Fort Lee, Virgin­ Charlene, Brent and Mike Cole a California firm. Others helping Lt. Col. Sims ia where Mr. Gifford will re­ and Dianne Rush. celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. port for duty. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are both Alex Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Succeeding Mrs. Gifford at in Salem but will Ralph Knight, Mr. and Mrs. the Ranger Station is Mrs. Jan- employed live in their Lyons river front Ross McCombs and Mr. and eta Huckeby who took over the home. Mrs. George Thompson. receptionist duties Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight of Corvallis celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James McCallen in Eugene. A catered dinner was enjoy­ ed by those attending, leaving the family free to visit and re­ minisce. Going from Mill City were Mr. and Mrs. Phyl Knight, from Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Amacost and Julie, from Grants Pass, Lincoln Knight and from Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Sexaur and Kay. Valerie Chytka Honored At Bridal Shower Recently Gloria Jean Brown Marries R. Weitman At Saturday Rites Self-Improvement Course TV, Radio & Appliance Service Christian Church Ladies Plan For Improvements »Vi d Hunt ers! Jayceettes To Sponsor Self Improve. Course $15,000 Life Insurance $1,500 Medical Expenses Three Days $2 30 Hill Insurance Agency SEE was a gift of a long-time friend. Mrs. W. E. Buchanan of Le- banon. For “something borrow­ ed”, she carried a bible belong­ ing to Mrs. Jack Scott. Maid of honor was Miss Kathy Duggan and serving as best man for his brother was Frank Tuers. The bride attended Oregon State University before her marriage and the groom is a junior at OCE at Monmouth. Both young people are grad­ uates of Santiam High school. Following the wedding a re­ ception was held with others attending besides those in the wedding party, Mrs. Leo Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duggan. The young couple are mak­ ing their home in Indepen­ dence. Community Calendar of Events Wednesday, October 9— Order of Rainbow for girls at hall 7:30. Thursday, October 10— I.O.O.F. meeting at hall 8 p- m. Home Extension Unit at Gates Clubhouse. Monthly, October 14— Marilyn Chapter O.E.S. at hall 8 p. m. Lions club dinner meeting at hall 6:30. Tuesday, October 15— Mill City Woman’s club at home of Mrs. Roger Lund­ quist 8 p. m. Home Life pro­ gram. Wednesday, October 16— North Santiam Chamber of Commerce noon luncheon meeting at Riverview Cafe. All members urged to attend. Sponsored as a public service HILL INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 897-2345 J. C. Kimmel - Ed L. Davis Owners DIORAMA Alice Rupp Hosts HEAR: R. G. Letcher Present The Fall Lecture Series on Marilyn Club at Her Salem Home Coming World Events As Foretold in Bible Prophecy SATURDAY: "Coming Soon — One United Church" SUNDAY: "Armageddon! How Near Is It?" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 7:15 P. M Seventh-Day Adventist Church 501 S. W. Ivy Street Mill City The Marilyn Club members met at the home of Alice Rupp in Salem last week with a pot-luck luncheon served at noon. This was the first meet­ ing of the season for the club with Sylvia Duncan conducting a business meeting when plans for the year were discussed. Guests for the day were Emma Brown and Mildred Wiley and others attending were I^ora Stevens, Gladys Ixike, Sylvia Duncan, Maud Clarke. Mary Gulliford. Ruby Brisbin, Mary Kelly, Marie Burrell. Hallie Toman, Helen Kleihege, Gordette Garton, ( Dorothy Peterson and the hostess. The October meeting will be held at the home of Sylvia Duncan. Time for Anti ■ Freeze Western Auto Permanent Type gal. $1.99 Also in Quarts Prestone Spray Windshied De-Icer gallon $2.49 55c and 75c Western Auto and Rose Hardware Highway 22 Phone 897-2785