The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, April 13, 1967, Page 2, Image 2

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    2—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, April 13, 1967
Reception Honors
Rainbow Officers
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, April 12
Order of Rainbow for girls
at hall, 7:30.
Thursday, April 13
IOOF lodge at hall, 8:00 p.m.
Note date change.
Garden Club at Gates, wo­
man’s clubhouse, 12:30 dessert
Monday, April 17
Bid or Bunch Pinochle club
at Nadine Duggan home, 7:30.
Round Robin Pinochle club,
Irene Podrabsky home, 7:30.
Lions club dinner meeting
at hall, 6:30.
AF&AM meeting at hall,
8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 18
Drive for Canyon Scholar-
ship Fund. House to house,
7:00 until 9:00 p.m.
Woman’s club meeting at
home of Nell DeWitt. Special
Program, 8:00 p.m.
Sponsored as a public service
Debbie Chance and Teresa
Metteer were honored at a
Reception at the lodge hall
Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
Kenneth Chance and Mrs.
William Metteer assisted by
Rainbow members acting as
hostesses. Mrs. Metteer is mo­
ther advisor for the girls.
Miss Metteer is serving as
Grand Nature this year and
Miss Chance is a grand choir
Miss Mary Knapp of Salem
Cherry Assembly was a vis­
itor at the Reception. She is
grand service for her assem­
Mrs. Metteer and her sister
Mrs. Dean Benning of Prine­
ville and Mrs. Chance served
at the Reception.
Decorations for the hdll and
serving table carried out the
theme, Garden of Flowers.
The honored members re­
ceived many gifts from the
Rainbow members and visit­
ors attending the reception.
Pre-School Mothers
To Have Dinner
The Mari-Linn Pre-school
mothers will have a “Night
Out” on Friday, April 14th
according to Mrs. Dennis
Mumey who is in charge of
All present and past mo-
there’s associated with the
J. C. Kimmel - Bud Davis pre-school group are invited
to attend the 7:30 dinner meet­
ing at the Red Lantern res­
taurant in Salem. Mrs. Mumey
Phone 897-2660
said they may be there at
Mill City, Oregon
that time or meet at the
Mari-Linn School at 6:30.
If you're a good party line neighbor you de­
serve a crown. Use your line sharingly, keep
calls brief, space calls. Suddenly you'll feel
like royalty.
Valley Telephone Co.
Serving Mill City, Aumsville,
Detroit-Idanha, Silverton. Turner
J^sJElavi M
R««/ a natural
M ■■ •
gas wall furnace!
Don’t tie up your cash in expensive heating equipment
unless you have money to burn.
Rent the heating equipment you need —pay monthly
along with your natural gas bill. No hidden or extra
charges, ever!
Members of Marilyn Club
prepared and served dinner
to the Cree family at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Cree following the services
for his father.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur O’Rourke, Mrs. E.
Dickens, Eddie and Bobby
from Hoopa, California, Kath­
leen O’Rourke, Berkeley, Cal­
ifornia; Mrs. Dick Cowden
and Darla from Madras; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Cree and
Scott from Redmond; Mrs.
Mae Sorahan, Mrs. Jim Cuth­
bert, Jimmie and Lauri and
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nelson
from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ike
Burton, Lawrence Burton,
Rosemary Burton and Eldred
Burton from Scio, Carol Rags­
dale from Monmouth. Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McMorris, Don
Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree.
k/SCS Officers
Are Re-Elected
LYONS — A 12:30 dessert
luncheon preceded the meet­
ing of the Womens Society
of Christian Service with
Mrs. Freda Grugett as host­
ess. Devotions were by Mrs.
Ethel Huffman, who also pre­
sided over the business meet­
The report of the nominat­
ing committee was heard and
accepted with all officers to
be re-elected for another year.
The budget was also read and
approved. It was voted for
the society to finish payments
on the organ for the church,
and also to send 50 copies of
The Upper Room to service
men at Vietnam.
Attending the meeting were
Mmes. Glenn Julian, W. E.
McMahan. Paul Pennington,
Wilson Stevens, Elmer Wil­
son. Lenard Cruson, Clyde
Bressler, Mrs. Ethel Huffman
and Mrs. Freda Grugett.
“A little knowledge is a
dangerous thing”—thus goes
the old adage and if that is
the case I am a loaded bomb.
Since my enforced vacation
I have been indulging in my
favorite hobby of reading.
At the present time my
choice ranges from a Chris­
tian Agnostic to a real thrill­
ing Who-dunit. All those little
odds and ends that I might
have done while worrying
around walking on crutches
remain undone. One thing I
want to learn—how to knit,
Is there anyone with a lot of
patience who would like to
teach me the art?
As I have said before there
is something about the news­
paper business that really
gets in the blood—and after'
a much needed (as well as
enforced) rest I find that the
old plant really looks good
to me. With so many of the
small papers going off-set,
those not working in “old-
fashioned” plants lose a cer­
tain amount of a feeling of
fullfillment on Press Day —
but progress is here to stay!
To the many of you who
have had accidents and in­
juries it is unnecessary for
me to say this—but to those
who have never been slowed
down, let me tell you that you
may feel sorry for the other
guy but until you walk with
his crutch, you never know
the frustrated feeling. How­
ever, I think sometimes these
things happen for a reason
and slowing down gives one
a chance to get a little per-
spective—and sort out the
things of real value from the
Goldie Rambo, Woman's Page Editor, Phone 897-2772
3123 Broadway, N.E. — Salem
Santiam Rebekahs
Welcome Member
Myrtle Hellman was wel­
comed as a new member into
Santiam Rebekah lodge at
ceremonies held Wednesday
evening at the lodge hall.
She is formerly of Yucca
Rebekah lodge in Victorville,
Santiam members voted to
sponsor a princess and enter
a float in the annual 4th of
July parade in Mill City. Mel­
ody Barnhardt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barnhardt
was selected for the honor.
The Rebekahs and Oddfel­
lows will again serve a pan­
cake breakfast before the an­
nual Whitewater Challenge
on Memorial Day.
Delegates appointed to at­
tend the Rebekah Assembly
of Oregon at Grants Pass in
May were Antonia Thomas
and Ruby Brisbin. Alternates
were Ida Fleetwood and Ann
Presiding during the busi­
ness session Wednesday was
Irene Lewin, noble grand.
Following the business
meeting refreshments were
served by Gertrude Weidman
and Carmen Barnhardt.
Lynda Lindemann
Marries David Tunnell
LYONS—Miss Lynda Linde­
mann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lindemann of
Lyons, became the bride of
David Tunnell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Tunnell, also of
Lyons, at Elko, Nevada at
the Court House on Saturday,
April 1.
Miss Lindemann wore a
white knit suit with a green
orchid corsage. Their attend­
ants were her brother, Rich­
ard Lindemann and Mr. Tun­
nell’s sister-in-law. Mrs. Mar­
lene Tunnell. A wedding din-
your name
on it.
Woinank Page.
There is one gal here in
town that never lets anything
get her down—and like every-
one else she has no doubt
had things that could have,
Also, something that a lot
of people may not know—she
made news quite a number of
years ago all over the nation.
I am speaking of Irene
Podrabsky who was featured
in Ripley’s Believe It or Not
(Remember when?). Then
known as Irene Palon (before
Arey caught up with her)
she was quite a basketball
player at Scio high school
and nad scored 346 points in
Honored On 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Members of Santiam Re­
bekah lodge and other friends
honored Mrs. Walter Olm­
stead on the occasion of her
60th wedding anniversary,
Tuesday, April 4th.
Mr. Olmstead was unable
to be present for the Recep­
tion at the lodge hall because
of poor health.
Mrs. Olmstead was escorted
to the center of the lodge
hall by Claude Lewin, noble
grand of the IOOF order. She
was presented a corsage and
a lovely “wedding” veil of net
and flowers placed on her
Mrs. Claude Lewin, noble
grand read a prayer and later
many old time songs were
sung by those present with
Mrs. Walter Brisbin at the
Decorations in the hall and
dining room were attractively
arranged and a large anniver­
sary cake, punch, and coffee
were served.
Furnishing entertainment
for the evening were several
tables of cards in play and a
table of Bingo.
New Club Formed
In Lyons Area
A group of women in the
Lyons, Mehama and Mill City
area have formed a Lyon’s
Junior Women’s Club.
The club is to unite women
between the ages of 18 and
40, who enjoy putting their
talent and time to work for
causes that benefit their fam­
ilies and communities, and to
gain new friendships.
Members of the Lebanon
Junior Women’s Club have
met with the women to help
them organize. The Lyons
Junior Women will be a mem­
ber of the Oregon Federation
of Women’s Clubs, which has
83 clubs in Oregon.
Mrs. Walter Rich of Port­
land is President of Oregon
Federation of Women’s Clubs.
Mrs. Richard Schaefer of Leb­
anon is Oregon Junior Di­
Women of the area inter­
ested in becoming Charter
Members of the group may
contact Mrs. Robert Franklin,
F. H. A. Girls Attend Golden Wedding
22nd Annual Meeting To Be Observed
On Friday, March 31, F.H.A.
members Susan Deuber and
Janet Schulz travelled to Cor­
vallis with their advisor, Mrs.
Charlene Slack, to attend the
22nd Annual State Meeting.
Theme for the two day meet­
ing was Space Age F.H.A.
Friday afternoon the girls
heard Mrs. Joan Wood and
Mrs. Priscilla Crabtree speak
on “Leisure Time—Construc­
tive Time.” Later on speeches
were heard entitled “Every­
one Else Is Not Doing It”
From a
and “Plain Talk —
Pocketbook.” The girls re­
turned Saturday afternoon
from a very rewarding time.
By Clarence Reeds
Of interest to Mill City
friends will be the Golden
Wedding Reception to be giv­
en for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Reed by their children Sun­
day at Silverton.
Friends ot tne couple are
invited to attend the recep­
tion which will be held at
Silverton Methodist Church
from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m.
Mrs. Reed (Elga Hawkins)
was raised in Mill City and
has kept in touch with her
friends here through the
New Assortment of Buttons
Handbags .
Ada’s Needle Shop
Phone 897-2141
227 S. W. Broadway Mill City
Our experienced mechanics spot the trouble
before expensive damage sets in. We assure top
performance with the best of tools, and materials.
Fast Service, Too!
Have a Check-Up Today.
• Exhaust System
• Transmission Maintenance
• Complete Tune-Up
• Steering Check
• Wheel Alignment
12 games. She has a number
of clippings on the pictured
article and said at the time
Our Body Shop can make your Car Sparkle
she had letters from people
all over the country. Well, no Inn at 8:00 p.m.
with New Life.
Leaving for Elko Friday
wonder—thats really rolling
’em in.
Miss Lindemann were her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
This is the time of year Lindemann, Mr. and Mrs.
when people get out their Richard Lindemann of Lyons,
travel folders or at least Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cramer
THINK about where they of Sublimity, and Mr. and
hope to be spending a quiet Mrs. John Tunnell attended
(?) vacation this summer. from Elko.
Camping—so called, has be­ The young couple are both
come one of the most popular
Phone 769-2126
ways to spend the summer. High School and he is now
In fact some who actually employed with Stromberg
live in even smaller areas Telephone company at Elko.
spend a considerable amount
of time “camping out” and
driving to and from work,
What a difference now than
the way it used to be. Getting
back to nature now may find
you listening to the camper
next door rockin’ and rollin’
with a transistor — even
though you are 50 miles from
electricity. Then there is the
status symbol — a portable
TV. Yep, that’s the life, sit­
ting around the campfire and
watching Bonanza.
Then there are folding
chairs, hiking shoes, electric
lanterns, air mattresses, ice
chests and camping fees! Oh
well, I can hear the younger
generation saying—you mean
thete was another way?
Guess this must be old age
catching up with me—it’s i
easier to remember something
that happened years ago than
what I did last week.
On the lighter side, there
was this woman whose hus-
band was an extreme hypo-I
chondriac, and she had just
about reached the end of her
Thinking of some sure-fire
method of curing him she (
decided to pretend to be ill
herself, hoping he might be­
come so concerned about her
that he would forget his own
ailments. One eveniog she
greeted him with a recital of I
how miserable she felt. The
husband was very quiet
through dinner and the wife
elatedly thought her ruse was
working But she was soon to
be disillusioned
"I don't know what’s wrong
with me.” he groaned. “I |
think I must be coming down
with what you’ve got." • I
The Mill City Enterprise
Phone 897-2772