2—The Mill City Ent*rprfe*e, Thursday, Febniarv 4, 1965 pftpp ENGINE L If LL ANALYSIS ■ ■ with your groato ood oil ehoogo H Womattk Pacfñ Goldie Rombo, Woman's Page Editor, Phone 897-2772 Get top performante now, avoid costly repairs later P ixh (SS nulcafe’ Rough idle? Dung oil’ If you're not getting new car" performance, come in now and we'll give your car a complete checkup, absolutelv free, on our new Dvns-Vision elec­ tronic analyzer Our trained mechanic will quickly locate the source of trouble he actually sees it on a TV-type screen The whole test takes only about 13 minutes Do it today—avoid big repair bills later. BASSETT CHEVRON STATION Hivvay 22 Mill ( tty Ph. 897-2786 This Offer Good Until February 28th I 500 Trump Again Officers of Presby. B,idal Sho wer Held For Miss Gail Learning Women Are Named 1 a <1 A ( RO AM Toga - Lake Bullet Fragrant wood Mole war Miss Faye Proverb Submat ge 10 11 13 ¡4 3 Bitter vetch i« Chinese mile IT Close to IS lie posit 20 Com (Jap i 21 Ancient 22 Ice hock« > disc 23 M ultiple. birth siblings 27. Wavy (her. 1 2* Narrow Inlet 2» Wine ra- re pixel« 30 Lived 31. Earth as goddess 33 Pronoun 34 Youth 3fl Hecognlae 37 Arab « camping ■nt ■( 39 Make amends for 40 A folklore dwarf 41 Parts Of the body Vat« CROSSWORD IS Bore 43 Extra- ordinary prraon < slang 1 1H1VV N « llrklndl« I 2 Nora«* got 3 Fortitude 4 Baton 5 Flrr parti* lr o Kolla of money (slang1 * art' X Izavr undone llouac < I' II Kläcken« High lnini » Petition Floating animal ■nd plant life Clam Not intciiilrd Mias Fvmalr Lupino aherp Pastry >4 llranth deaaeit Foundations 3« Not any .1* Coin 1 Fr I (loomed Filmiate prison »••pol t (<1 rospoiklenei' The treasurer’# Snyder baked and decorated ty Pittam wag her assisting rvyxvrt was given by Mrs. Arlo the cake. partner. >-r- TUers. Following tlx’ opening of tlx* n Mrs. W right received th«' Mrs Clyde Rogers used the many gifts received by Miss • • J<1 7T high prize. Edna Lady, low and theme, "Loving Service." for 1 .earning, refreshments were Darlene Ruby, pinochle. the devDtkmals, ivading fnxn served to Bonita Loop, Yvonne Die next party will b«» held the Scripture, as well as sev­ Gillespie. Mary Dm Schroeder, ■ at th«' home of Gloria Goforth. eral poems and quotations. Regina Sarff, Rosemarie De­ 1 » k Dedication of appointive of­ vine. Ellen Howell, Mrs Ma­ /// w ficers was given by Mrs. Rich­ llei Devine, Mrs. Daw Ward«*. tn » / ard Cole, who gave an impres­ Alice Wanle, Nancy Learning. Pastoi from Rome *•' sive talk. Those so dedicated Phyllis Devine. Ikxiita Graham, »- included: secretary of education Mrs. William D*aming, Sharon Speaks ai Idanha ■ i— 4t 4 1 and action. Bemadine Flatman; Snyder and Cindy Snyder. __ ITiose sending gifts were IDANHA A guest speaker at missionary educaton, as well as education. Mnliel Gladys Lake, Mrs. Lestvr John­ the Idanha Community church Christian Sunday ami Monday was Rev. Schro«*der: spiritual life, Dora son. Janeta John-.in. Judy Se­ She laiy« >|Uick-c>M>king fuod« from the Rogers; and membership. I.et- vers. Mary Stubbs, S h n r y Bernie Oxenham which hrlp her put «linnet on tie Swan. Stubbs, Christine Story. Mrs. Bible Institute of Rome Italian the tablr in k) minutes. Mean­ It was announced that the Everett Lake, Diuru Rambo, Sunday evening h e Italy, while Mr C plays with his show ed some very interesting program hail to be changed on Bev. Dichrcm, Lynda Parker s<«i Sh«* cleans «-vrnlngx while short notice due to unavoidable ami Samira Duggan. slides of his five and a colored her hualwtnd stiulira at th«" half year term of missionary absences and illness. In place It» lU-rnlcn Straw n library. of the planned program, a film­ work in Italy. 4 vtrnslnii llomr Mannsriiicnl ’no« 1« Ju»t another examfde Monday evening he chose as strip concerning Martin Di­ Salem Church Women S(M*ciallst Oregon State ther. D m ' Great Reformer.” >4 how g«««I home manxg«*m«*tit his text, a quotation from the Slate Antique Show University adds to family liwssne ns well Bible. “Unto the Uttermost.” was shown. Die women «if the First Pres­ A short discussion concerning as giaal family rvlntiI«- s lie« to save Refreshment hoatesaes were 11th. The show will tie held in derful work the missionaries atiiMit six inches above tin* heat­ energy. the social hall of ths* church at are doing, and portrayed the Daisy Geddes and Clara Swan, th«- draperies the corner of Ch<*mekcta ami ing unit Top Who Isn't lnterc«t«'d in Mote ' religious asjx'cts of th«' country who served a dessert at the de- Winter Streets from 11 n. m. stuaild be at least an inch be­ Family Income ami Pnwjwrity’ cor.’ted table. I and its needs. hi 9 p. m. t»th days. Sixteen low th«' ceiling Die reascXl is You might isit have t is sight Tuesday evening Royal Peck, dealers from the Northwest will tills. If draperies coni«' down about it thi» way but Incrv-wd «»ver th«' baseboard unit, heat director of the Italian Bible In­ Lions and Wives Have exhibit. mtiiTintion.il trade can for I' S ami Oregon famllle». rie and thr window rather than audience. Sweetheart Pcrty open all during the show. There So »ays Dr Marguerite lluakr, will lx* a small admission flowing out into nwn Hiere­ Rev. Oxenham and Mr. Peck Mill City IJons club members t’nlv«*rsity of Mlnm-aota «*nm- left Wednesday morning and entertained their wives at a charge .tickets good for Ixrth in« ire much of th«' h«'at escapes omist. who >|«ikr on the Ore­ to th«' outdoors day«. will travel extensively in the Sweetheart's dinner party at gon State University campus United States and Canada, be­ the Highwayman Inn Monday A Working Wife With a 3- recently. fore returning to Rome in July. evening. Ye.irXlld Hoy and a student Foreign trade isn't Just Rev. Oxenham is a native of Folkwing tiie buffet dinner Jayceettes Had Buffet huxtiand doesn’t worry about something for ttir officials tn Canada Lee R.iss. club president, pre­ Dinner January 27th what to do in her spare time Washington to worry oìmmm sided as master of ceremonies The Jayceettes had a buffet Such a homemaker is Mrs. C. Homemakers ate Inwdved too and introduced Wally Carlson, dinner at the Highwayman Inn an idYlce worker. Mrs Atterta J<4mslon. OSlJ's a member the West Safom Wednesday, January 27. Mr. and Mrs C start to work Extension family finance spec­ IJons club and an Internation­ Attending were Diuunn Cof­ 20 minutes early in order to ialist. j«nnts that if Otegun al Counselor. There was a fin. Paula Grant. Carol Smith. leave young Terry with the sell« more wheat, pears, lumber large group of Salem Lions Judy Anthony, Veryl IJndsay, baby sitter. Living in a 4M«ack meeting for January at the [Jons Youth Center re- I cently. The troys In their cos­ Light Assessment tumes, put on a pageant de­ picting the month's theme, Nea'iy Paid Up "American Trail Blazers." MEHAMA Mrs. Ed Castle Cubs receiving awards in- and Mrs. B. L. Kirsch were cluded Oiris Solburg, Nels Sol­ hostesses for the meeting of the berg, Vernon Golden, Bruce Mehama Women's club at the Lunsford. Jerry Grant, David club house Diursday evening, Mare. Floyd Peterman, Randy January 28. Mrs. Joseph Spenc­ Moberg and Gary Moberg had See Us. er, vice pesident. presid'd at earned awards but doe to the I' lowers b\ Win* Servk-i* the business meetnig. fksxiing of the Salem Scout of- l.«Miii ami station Deliver) The Street Light committee ice their awards will be given reported that all but a small later. amount had been collected on Assisting With the pack meet­ the 1964 lights and that pay­ ing were the Den Mothers and 230 -V E. Illi st., Mil! City. On*. ments could now be made on Cubmaster Ole Olson. Pimm* 8:17-2453 the 1965 lights. Mrs. Don Calla- had brought the now flag which the club had purchased for the Glen Sheltons Guests club rooms. A committee from At Surprise Party he club is to take a census of Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Shelton the Mehama Water district be- were honored with a surprise for.- Thursday of this week. party Friday evening when a Bingo was played at the social groun of friends arrived with a hour and the hostesses s«*rved wedding cake and a gift. Eoi- pie and c«rffoe to Mmes. Jo­ Raving an internal evening cake seph Spencer, D. L. Teeten», and coffee were served. Don Callahan, J. M. Teeters, Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lilly Wolfkiel and thi- Glen Shelton, Mr. ami Mrs hostesses. Jesse Hayw«iod, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett, Mr. and Mrs. Q. V. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hor­ Pinochle Club To ace McCarley, Mr. and Mrs. LtAvell Cree, Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ Enterta.n Husbands gene Gregory, Mrs. Rudy Tohl, The Round Robin Pin«xhl«! Mrs. Florence Ressler and Mr. club members were entertain«*«l and Mrs. Daniel Kleihege. Monday evening at the home of Tearly Muir, who served a des­ sert before two tables of canls were in play. AMT THING compie o Winning high prize was D»u N£ VZ IN tifw BAßY MacGregor with Evelyn Davis OtAr-THIfKÖ? DOLLS AT winning pinochle an«l Margaret rut PtsruME + up io $100,000 in cash for loss of sight, life or limbs Boroughs low. C ounter Club mem tic rs will entertain + up to $5000 to pay full cost of medical expenses their husbands February 1.3 with + up to 75% of your present salary in •'paycheck protection' l a dinner at the Highwayman mny b, purcho„d ----- n,. n Inn and then the group will go to the home if Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabsky for an even­ call us ing of cards. The dinner will be served at 7:30. today The next regular party will Ph. 879-2413 or 897-2751 ■AF«CO i tie F«*bruary 15 at the home of INSUMNCI , < loldie Rambo. Mill City, Ore. in «< w « a r,r.n Nof Harder HOW MUCH BUSINESS DID YOU LOSE BECAUSE PEOPLE COULDN'T REACH YOU? If a busy signal keeps customers from reaching you, too often they'll go elsewhere. Make sure your telephone service can keep up with your business demands. Let us survey your business telephone efficiency without cost or obligation. © Valley Telephone Co Serving Mill City, Aumsville. Detroit-Idanha, Silverton, Turner ■fir Her FIOWIIK Brunner's Flowers MHS I Nr ORMAI ION Jerry Pittam INSURAN^t