The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, March 26, 1964, Page 4, Image 4

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    4—The Mill City Enterprise, Thursday, Marell ?(>, 1961
Why l»«>n't VOI Subscriba ••
Fill Cracks And
Holes Batter
Handles litt putty Hardens like wood.
Qornjin« - Accapt No Substitute
or just
Democrats Lead • 1
Linn Registration
The strength of the political
parties in Linn County has been
determined by personnel of the
Linn Cbunty Clerk's Election
Department as
March 6. 1964.
This tabulation shows a total
of 22,807 legally registered vot­
ers. Party-wise. the Democrat*
continue to lead with 12, 334 reg­
istered voters, while the Repub­
licans list 10.167 and 306 are
registered as Independents. Pro­
hibitionists. Socialists, or other.
The individual strength of the
precincts produces few notice­
able changes from the last elect­
ion. however, a considerable in­
flux in voter registration is ex­
pected between now and the
time registration closes on April
Persons desiring to vote in
the Oregon Primary in Linn
County, must be legally regis­
tered by not later than 8 P. M.
April 14. Any registered voter
who has changed his name, ad­
dress or political affiliation
should re-register to avoid the
possibility .if a challenge at the
polls. Registration may be made
at the Linn Cbunty Clerk's of­
fice or in Mill City at Tom's
Shell Service or at the home ot
Mrs. Charles Dolezal. 236 S. W
Ivy. On the Marion county side
of the river voters may registei
with Goldie Rambo at the Mil
City Enterprise.
L. C.
Davis and Eloretta
Young. Idanha, registers Rock
Creek precinct voters and ir
Lyons Dale Prichard and Bil
Smith are registrars. Gates reg
istrars are Ruby Brisbin am
Dick Parker.
Mrs. J. Hollingshead
Hostess To WSCS
LYONS—Mrs James Hollings­
head was hostess for the meet­
ing of the Women's Society of
grade and tiza ta fBI every needl Christian Service held at the
See vs fee all jtai
home of Mrs. Mac Mormom on
Tuesday afternoon with a small
baildiqg aMterial needs.
attendance due to spring vaca­
tion and illness. A short business
Phone 897-2610
i meeting was held followed by
the program of the day "Gods
Son A Witness To The World",
with Mrs. Wilson Stevens in
I charge The next meeting will
be on Tuesday. April 7 at that
meeting plans will be made for
o w r a o ►
the sub-district meeting to be
Week Day Hours
held at Silverton on April 28
8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. IL Attending the meeting were
Mmes E. L. Roye. Wilson Stev­
ens, Norman Williams. Clyde
8:30 A. M. to 12:30
Bressler. Mac Mormon. Mrs.
Mill City, Oregon
i Alice Huber and the hostess,
I Mrs. Hollingshead.
... thara'i a West Caaat habar
Sizes 2'/2-8
Sizes 8'/2-4'/2
Phone 897-2785
MiU City, Oregon
Emerson Teague Says
and you'll buy the
'64 DODGE!
Compare Our Deal
You Pay Only
2 Door Sedan No. 290
Total Price tfjEl 1 *1 Down
Per Month wlal£
DODGE 880 You Pay Only
No. 296
Price Delivered
2695 D0W"
Teague Motors
1. Are content
with leas
2. Has Volume
Han lower
4. Can arrange
Low month­
ly payments
Teague Motors
'We Don't Meet Competition-^eMake It"
High & Chemeketa
Phone 3 4-01 KI
Is Low During
Past Month
t r
•» a
i •
Pa •c
7 o
Hattie Fend
Entertains Club
imi nr n ¡nr 'ffl¡(niw¡¡mitaii8i[i
er and Mrs Bonnie Wagner
were hostesses for flic meeting
of the Mehama Women's club
at tile ciub.iouse Thursday ev-
■ ening. The entertainment tor
the evening was furnished by a
’ group of pupils of Merry Jo
Cruson's dance
Tlie "near Average" outl>x>k gave a short program of tumb­
for the Willamette Valley of one ling. tap dances. and song and
month ago has been dimmed dance numbers
slightly, according to a n*i»r<
Mrs. James Owens. president,
released today by T. P. Helseth. presided at the business meet-
State ConservatuHiist »4 the Soil J mg when several money mak­
Conservation Service (USDA), ing schemes were
cooperating with Oregon State and it was dechlc.i to fill ll
University, Orvg*m State En­ basket with linens and sell
gineer and others Clear, cool. chances on it. Mrs
February weather brought little Wagner will be in charge of the
precipitation and greatly reduc­ basket.
A nominating committee eom-
ed streamflow to the basin.
Water content of
snowpack pos.-d of Mrs. Ed Castle. Mr*.
increased at a kwvor than aver­ Grant Smith and Mrs. Bonnie
age February rate, but is still 93 Wagner was appointed. It was
percent of the March 1 average [ also decided to hold the next
Last year at this time it was on­ meeting on April 23 instead <4
the 16th. Mrs
ly 10 percent of average.
Watershed soils are well pri­ | wns the winner
med and are expected to absorb drawing
little snow-melt water from
spring runoff.
Willamette Valley reservoir»
are below last year's storage on
March 1. but are expected to fill
according to a pre-determined
1 have become exasperated at
flood control plan designated by
the conduct <4 and the trends
ine Corps of Engineers, as
in our government I lielicve
spring run-off progresses.
the voters wishes haw lieen
Forecasts of streamflow in the
Five Years Ago
bypassed time and time again.
Willamette Basin dropped 2 to 9
The Mill City Toastmistrvss It seems most «4 our laws are
percent as a result of below av­
had won first place in the enacted to favor special inter­
erage precipitation over most
of the watershed during Febru- ‘‘club <4 the year" contest which ests. to forwurd sumconas |xe
Marion hotel in litical career, or to build a
was held at the
monument to someone hired txtt
Streamflow forecasts vary Salem.
Al Nesbitt hx»k a group of 16 with someone else« money
from 88 percent on the North
Nearly everyone is represent­
Fork Santiam to 96 percent on Boy Scouts on an overnight
the Row and Middle Fork Wil­ camping trip to Camp Morrison. ed by a k4jby except the voters
who arc t<*> itusy earning erxiugti
lamette for the April-September which is in the Jordan area.
Motorcycle races had been to pay taxes to do anything lait
period. The flow on the Middle
Fork Willamette was 68 percent held here with well over 1.000 hope.
Our department* ask for more
Jerry Morris and
of average last month (from attending
preliminary data furnished by David Jennings were second money than they need because
U. S. Geological Survey. Port­ and fourth place winners in they feel they will ba cut tack,
then spend the excess for fear <4
lightweight class
land, Oregon*.
Nancy Pittam of Roseburg future cuts. Some to justify
The Clackamas is expected to
flow 97 percent of average at was visiting at the Jerry Pit­ their existence dream up n«*w
ventures so more |>aper. more
The McKenzie is tab borne that week.
Alan Vail <4 Seattle had spent taxes ami more pe»>ple on pay­
forecast at 91 percent of aver­
age for the .April-September per­ the weekend with his parents. roll until we have to stagger
quitting hours at th«* State House
ind Mr* Stanley Vail.
Mrs Albert Toman was re- to ease the traffic probl«*m at
The Willamette at Salem is
expected to flow 4.855,000 acre cuperating at her home from quitting time The xu>'» paying
feet at 89 percent of average for throat surgery
Ten Years Ago
Engagement Told
Mr and Mrs Wallace Hoeye
Mrs F. A Eastbum of Ridge­
State wide, clear, cool, Fe­ had celebrated their 55th wed­
bruary weather brought near ding anniversary at their home field. Wn, is announcing the
(ac­ with a quiet family get-together I engagement of her daughter,
Pat Reed, to Gary L. Whitsett
cording to preliminary data
Champion spellers from five
furnished by the U S. Weather elementary schools had con­ of Mill City
The E.ikttiurns ore former re­
Bureau and other cooperators I. verged here for the semi-finals
which has slightly
"dimmed” of the Statesman-KSLM s [ m -11- sidents of Mill City and Pat
the satisfactory water .supply­ ing contest at the grade school ) Attended high school here She
outlook for the spring and sum­ gym. Taking top place was is a senior at Ridgefield l this
mer of 1964. Although the out­ Cara Lee Whitten 12. daughter year.
look is still satisfactory- for this o< Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Whtt- I Gary is the son of Mr and
irrigation season, stored water ten at Idanha, now of Mill City Mrs. Bonnie Whitsett and is sta­
tinned with the Air Force ut
in a few reservoirs is short of
The PTA had held their an­
the amount needed for an ade­ nual election of officers with Chanute AFB. Hi. He Is a
quate crop season
the following being elected
The next report on snow sur­ President. Mrs Howard Means; school and attended OCE
No date has been set for
veys and water supply outlook First Vice President. Mrs. Al
will be issued about April 8. Nesbitt: Second Vice President. the wedding.
Earl Loucks; Secretary. Mrs.
i Roy Epperson, and Treasurer.
Mrs Lee Bassett
Robert Creo Now
Stationed In Korna
Santiam Memorial
Gets Letter of Praise
For Splendid Service
Fifteen Years Ago
Key Positions Open
> Key personnel of Consolidated
I Builders Inc., were laying out
plans and
This week Gale M. Christen­
, studies for the construction of
sen. administrator of Santiam
■ Detroit dam.
Memorial hospital at Stayton
At Lyons the PTA had a panel
sent the following letter to The
discussion on “what Our Child­
Enterprise. It shows what peo­
Though summer is still more
ren are learning Outside at'
than three months away, the
ple think of the service given by
School." On the panel were Mr. I
this area's community hospital.
Oregon State Employment Ser-
and Mrs Merril Brassfield. Mr. 1 vice had already started its
The letter in part, follows:
and Mrs. Wilson Stevens and
"You already know- how I feel
annual recruitment of
I Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux.
counselors and camping »pecia-
about the remarkably fine at­
Mrs. Lee Bassett had hosted
„ , . lists for the 45 summer camps in
tention my very dear mother re­
a meeting of the Kilowatt club
EMon Qjnc
ceived in Santiam
at her home.
Oregon State Employment Ser­
R. L. Faust was recuperating
"However, I want to write you
vice, has announced.
from surgery that week.
The Employment Service has
to tell you again of my feelings
Marilyn Chapter OES
an agreement with the Oregon
of gratitude and deep apprecia­
feted Valley lodges at their
section of the American Camj>-
tion. It is not easy to turn
Mill City meeting. Fern Shuey
ing Asaociatum to which nearly
one's aged mother over
and Wilson Stevens presided.
all the Oregon summer camps
strangers; but every nurse, ev­
belong. The Employment Ser­
ery L.P.N., and every aide
vice had already had requests {
treated my mother, and me,
for camp personnel. Cone said. '
with gentleness, tenderness, and
He urged college students and 1
others with camping experi-
"At all times, from the time
• ence, c impcraft skills, or even
mother was admitted to the hos­
a strong interest in the out-of-
pital, I had complete confidence,
and the secure feeling that she
doors. to apply at local Oregon
1 State Employment Service of­
was in the best of hands and
that everything was being done
fices now. While some <4 die key
LYONS—The meeting of Linn positions may not be filled un­
to help her, where help was
needed, and to make her com­ County Pomona Grange was til late spring,
the majority
fortable, if she was in any pain held Thursday, March 19 at the arc expected to be filled within
or distress.
the next six or eight weeks.
"Again, thank you from my with approximately 150 in at­
In addition to regular camp
Washington counselors, who are usually as­
heart, and may God abundantly tendance
bless you, and the wonderful
signed a group of younger
work you and your staff are guests. Other members were children to supervise, instruc­
doing to alleviate pain and suf­ present from Benton, Marion, tors are also needed to teach
Clackamas, and Multnomah a variety of camp subjects:
counties. Grange official* pret­ swimming, riding, nature study,
ent were Glenn Simmons Linn arts and crafts canoeing, music,
County State Agriculture chair­ rWlery, athletics,
Well Child Clinic
and others.
man; Ted Sims State Deputy; Person* with extensive camp­
To Be Held at Gates
Chester Sickels, County Deputy; ing background and adminis­
The Marion County well-child Roy Law, Pomona Master from trative ability may qualify as
immunization clinic will be held Benton County Eight resolu­ program director, or camp di­
at the Gates Women's club­ tions were acted on, and com­ rector.
house on Tuesday, March 31. mittee reports heard. Two Po­
Besides the program special­
Hours will be from 10 A. M to mona executive members were ists and counselors, a number
noon and from 1 P. M. to 3. elected, Beryl Kiezer and Mrs. <4 others will be needed for ad­
Anyone desiring a doctor’s Krebs. For the lecturers pro- ministrative-type jobs such as
appointment should call Mrs. gram Hill Billy music was camp nurses, dieticians, cooks,
Dave Barnhardt at 897-2675 An furnished by Mrs. Harold Hom kitchen help, groundsmen and
appointment is not necessary and her group of musicians. Al­ maintenance people. The aver­
for immunizations. This clinic so a picture film was shown by age length <4 camp operation is
will be serving children of the the Washington State Grange from eight to ten weeks, and
Mil) City, Lyons. Gates and featuring Washington activities ranges as short as fwt w'erks,
Idanha areas.
and community service projects. to the entire summer.
For Summer
Camp Counselors
the bill <l<> not have this problem
because they «<tcn work until
everyone else is in lu'tl so no
traffle problem
As their number» Increase
attitudes change
public servants to (Hibllc mas-
ter» 1 resent the attitude prev*-
lent among our pollticlsn* that
all you have to do to la1 a g«»«l
citizen I* to »tart a newspaper
or Moir other surefire business
then »It back, watch the money
roll m and pay more taxes with­
out a whimper.
Our tax department 1» loaded
with men whose function 1» to
try to find any way in which
'.axes can be increased There Is
no department nor any man
trying to find a way to decrease
I have talked with people who
arc connected with our schools
and their attitude seems to be
"We orc going to get more
money but no matter how much
we get It won't be engouh." ’nils
predatory leaning is deplorable
It has taen proven thru the
ages thut big government is jxs>r
government and that excessive
taxes have lulled many a gov
eminent to an everlasting sleep
If we are as smart as we think
we arc we will not allow th it
to happen to us.
I believe thut we all must be
more active In the affair» of
our government and that the
voters in order to have a k4>-
byist to protect ttielr interests
will have to elect legislators
who arc known to have the vot­
ers interests forvfnott in their
Niw one of the easiest things
to do in this life is to criticize
and one <4 the hardest things |
to do is to make it contsructlve.
cntlsicm by being able and will- I
ing to do something about it
decided to protect my right as a
critic by running for Represent­
ative <4 the 11th district.
"tats represent the voters tor
n change."
7th liifuntiy l'iv KOREA
Ariny Pvt Rota li J Crcc. 23
whuae wlfe, Samlra. live» al ititi
Michigan ave. On4im>. Idntio.
was assigmal to thè 7th Infantry
Divixion in Kore*. Marcii '2
Crec. Inst stationed ut Fort
Sani Houston, Ics , ls n>»w a
medfcal rrcords clrrk In llend
qiuirtei» and t'om|siny A <4 thè
divisi»«)'* 7th Medicai Battalkai
He entrred thè Army in Aug-
ust 1963 nixl <suil|>letrd tasle
training («• F«>rt Onl. Cnlif
Uree w ix grantlunted frotn Gr­
ufino ildaho) High S c I hxi ) in 19M)
uml wurked for Ila* Bruces-Eddy
l’ole Co In Orotino tiefure rn
tering thè Army.
Ili* parent*. Mr ami Mr»
Paul J Crec live In Mill City
Stick, Roll on
or Cream
i’rrMtripUoriM Our Specialty
Mill City Pharmacy
MEI. EIDE, Owner
Ph. 897*2812
MIU City
Linn County Pomona
Meets at Santiam
Valley Grange Hall
T V & Radio Service
No Mileage Charge Between Stayton and Gatee
Ph. 769-2154 or 859-2480
VICTOR — The Rest TV For Cable
or Fringe Areno.