Ml»» I hmhiii Ixttuli mid Mr». Pat Bjorn of Portland »|M*nt the weekend nt the horn«* of Mr and Mrs. Don Moffatt. While her«* they drove up to Marlon Forks to see th«* snow. Many people were sliding on sl«*«ls and play- ing In the snow at Mongol«!. PAINFUL CORNS? AMAZING IIQIJIO Kt l II VI SPAIN AS C IT DISSOIVI SCORNS AWAY ni dir hit. r««y way *lili I «rrimx I iqunl iirr/<>nr ir hrvri |'4in iinmily, woikt |<|«>w ih« »kilt linr tu tinnii«« l'ifin 4w«y in |u»t d«*« <»«•« I *»«/■••»» •< all diug i nunirii. Complete Bowling Outfit • Keg. LUM (kilumWu -'SOO" I m II rbol.Mi of wrlglit ami color. Howling Ixtll l>ug A. M. F. Howling SI khw Hog. 1‘rkxi 94S.M Yours for only $34.95 No Money Down -CASCADE MERC - It SO Hrdwy N. E. Brunner’s Flowers » Flowers For All OCCASIONS Wire Service W«M*k<tor of t h e Mill City Presbyterian church. spent several days lust week In Eugene when* he at­ tended th«* Preacher’s Parlia­ ment held at Northwest Chris tian college Mr. ivnd Mr». !x«we|| Cnw wr<* dinner guests Sunday in Lyons at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Cruson. Milady's DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS Let ui help you with the timple building project». Build »helve», benches or tables with workable West Coast Lumber... we ll help you. Phone 897-2610 otfu«-r» of Marilyn