Grade School Gallops PAIUlNTN MK TO NfUOOI. By Mikl- lx>giui On the night <»f November 20, the parrnfi <>( grade echooi atu- denta visited tin- rooms «rf liu-ir ■ hililim to see th«- work the students hint ilone, unit also aee displays they had made. Whi n tin- parents walk«x| into Mrs. Parker's room they might have thought tht-y were seeing double, I nk they soon found out that thia was wrung, when the klda showed them what they did Hwy had painted paper plat«-» and |>ut shirts and sweaters on llii-oi llu-v 111. ii put Ilii-Mi- on *hel ■ chairs at each desk. Mra. Norriv'a second grade did poems anti other writing. Miaa Grim- atud'a room ulao did much paper work. TTa-y alao had a pine display. Miaa Jksme'a room had many Interesting things. 'Hwy hud a Ustth from a very large female baleen whale and un interesting collection Mra. Williams' filth grade also .1 displ.iv .iniiniiaci i|>! (Mipera and Individual allhouet* tea. The sixth grade had a die- ¡•lay ig hand-writing and had a tumbling exhibition T) ii - ii teachmera are Mra. Wright and Mr. Ila yes. The seventh grade hod many kinds <4 lailletln board display« and original ¡«em». The eighth grade hud folders, lailjetln tsmnls, and science ex- liibits Alaait 1X9 patents were pre­ sent. The rixwn mothers served ixstkies and coffee in each room. We werr glad to have our par­ ents attend, and hope they will return toon. The added color in orange peelings Is not harmful, so use tiawr |>rrhngs to candy for die Imllday season ahead The Food and Drug Administration keeps close tab on these food addit­ ives A few years ago, some colorings were banned and new ones substituted which have government ««¡»proval. Two Locations Brownings A 8- Coni'l Capitol and llood Where the Food is Good Watch th» fireworks wh»n his wife comas bock." You'll Like Our Food Steaks, Chicken Sea Food Chinese Food Orders To Go. Live Music Every Friday and Saturday O. K.—you win! We've got the best food in town at the most reasonable prices. Furthermore —our service is prompt and friendly. You eat in a pleasant atmos­ phere that makes you want to come again. W! * LOUMré Chriii Campbell, Owner Phone 859-2801 Up and Down The Avenue lly lion Moffatt • ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • • • • ♦ • 0» • « « « « Tin- events from Friday Ihmugh Monday will go diavn In history us one of the black perkala for the United States. ■ hiring this time our president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy win assassinated In the- prime of his Ilf«- and political career 46 years old und nt a time when In- was doing his beat to pre­ serve peace in a troubled world. The accused assassin not only killed our ¡ircsident but u ¡xe licemnn. wiio was acting in line of duty. Had It not been for a faulty cartridge, or gun, he could very well have been charged with yet another mur­ der, when he was apprt-hended In tlie Texas theater. Then on Sunday, a self-appointed "god" decided to ¡mas judgment on Ute accused Oswald He shot him «town In cold bkiod ns he was being taken from the Dallas city jail Isilldlng. 'Dtus is the outline of the chain of events which made history «»ver this black weekrnd. It makes one wonder just what al) our religious training, or lack <»f training, over the years has accomplished for us. What has ha|»pcncd to the belief that we should love one another’ It is possible that we always will have fanatic and emotionally untmlsnccd men and women in our world. The killing of our president is the fourth time this has occured in our history. It doesn't s«^-m to register with us when other countries murder tfK-it- l«-i.i<-is They d»» it so often that it becomes common­ place but hen- in America we have thought w<- werr more civilized We cannot condemn a whole nation, though, for the dnstardly acta of the frw, we can. and must continue to work for the betterment of th«- world. 1 have never believed that this was a concerted attempt to dis­ rupt our government I felt this young man had the feeling that he had been persecuted or pick­ ed on all thnxigh his life. He was a loner, and used this me­ thod to "get even." Anyone who docs attempt to overthnnv our nation in an act of this type, will find that it only tends to bring us closer togehcr. It brings us to the full realization that trouble always knits us into one "family." In times like these, all political and religious differences arc dropped and we meet on the one common ground ■ g profound grief that our pre­ sident has been taken from us by cither a political crackpot or one who is unstable in his think­ in,: The killer of Oswald solved nothing. It may have acted as a brake to the Justice which would have been meted out to him by <»ur duly elected courts of law. Surely all evidence pointed to his guilt, but if there may have been some underlying and planned reason for Oswald kil­ ling our president, we had a better chance of finding it out with him alive. Juck Ruby probably did what he though was right, but it solved nothing, only put another black mark against justice. People should learn not to act upon emotion ak»ne. 1 do not think that we are becoming a nation <»t "toMta" i>ui i do think that this wanton killing <4 three men should certainly have a sola-ring effect ujx»n each one of us Maybe each one of us nt some time or another has had enough hntre«l in our hearts to do some terrible deed, tmt somewhere along the line there has la-cn some training which has served to bring us to our senses la-fore we went that far. W< now must to? ¡»nought to the full reaiizatktn tout as usual we never appreciate the good things we have until we lose them. In this instance, President John F. Kennedy, a man who! was doing his job to th«- best of his ability has been taken from us. 'Hie reaction of other coun­ tries around the globe gives testimony to th«» high esteem in which he was field by all peoples. He will be greatly missed by all of us, and each of us should hang his head in shame that in this day and age. and in a country which is sup­ posed to he highly enlightened, a terrible deed of this type could have been perpetrated. Our deepest sympathy goes to Mrs. Kennedy and her entire family in this hour. We also offer «mr prayers to our now President Lyndon B. Johnson who has had the ter­ rific pressure of governing this great nntion dropped upon his shoulders without any warning. He is a man <4 integrity and political experience, and w-ith cooperation from both political parties, he is certainly going to do his best to carry on. It is with rather heavy hearts that we go into the Thanksgiv­ ing season. The assassination of Presi­ dent John F. Kennedy will dnmpen the spirit of this usual lay of thanksgiving and feast- • Ing. However each one of us 3—Th«- .Mill alwaild pause, and give thanks to < list for our many blessings. We must la- thankful that w<- live in u country where we have a wraith of great men to assist In YOUR G i GTER-IN- LAIN conducting «sir business of gov­ CAME TO SPENO THE ernment. We slioukl la- thank HOLIOAYG WITH VOU ful that we have President LAGT CHRISTMAS — Johnson, a man of considerable ex|M-rlence in government W<> have many blessings, even though we have lieen dealt a severe bk»w. However, the sun will shine again, and It Is a belter world by far in that w<- have had th«- services of John F Kennedy for three years. W<- must use then- trying times to strengthen ourselves and to s«-e that these foul acts are not com­ mitted again. City EnU-rpriw, Thursday, .Nov. 28, l!Hi3 IT NEVER FAILS I'M GO MERRY { GLAD YOU . <( CHRISTMAS/ \COULO COME/ ) < .____ __ > / MAMifc j & Ji'll 'Í de Milady's DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS Let us help you with ths simple building projects. Build shelves, benches or tables with workable West Coast Lumber... we ll help you. -—A nd she ' s still The ll«|uid in canned vege­ HERE./ it LOOKS AG table.« contains about one third , THOUGH YOU'LL HAVE of the soluble fcxxl value. It’s TO BURN THE HOUSE important to save. DOWN TO GET HER OUT------ Don't overdry those stretch nylon garments Ib-peate«! over- drying will make th«- Obers j bril tie ami incapable of spring­ ing iMck into shape. Turn gar­ ments inside out and wash only Tss.b Ion;; enough to get them clean. ton Use ii gentle action to avoid ♦v • pilling. Phone 897-2610 r© M »W • Festival of Harmony ‘ MILL CITY ♦ Grade School Gymnasium 8:00 P. M. » r Thursday, December 5 The SALEM SENATE-AIRES 50 Member Chorus Singing Songs You Love to Hear Top Notchers Quartet The Capitol Chordsmen Singing Barber Shop Numbers You'll Enjoy Winners of the Forest Grove Show An Hour and a Half of Musical Entertainment For You Sponsored by the Mill City Lions Club Adult Admission: $1.25 Students Admission: 75c