The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 28, 1963, Image 1

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South Salem
High Dec. 7
★ ★★ • ★★★★ ★ ★★★★★★★
Head Gxirh Burien Horought
of Santiniii High Illi« week li«t:
bin 19ii3 4»l baakctuall players
In tlx* (’npliol
lenguc, the Santinm »ehrduli
allow* tin- Wolverine* will o|»-i
piny at the annual Jambore«
which will lie belli in South Sn
letn hlgti Saturday, Decembei
7. Till- first league game wil
In* i«luy«l Januury 3. nt Scio.
‘Die Wolverine lettermen an
Larry Drake, Don Podrabaky
.Mark Sheythe, Ron Cannon
Mike Glennon. Ilumly Marshall
ami Irnnnfer letterman Ellb
Other* trying out for the tenn
are luirry Conover, Grunt Mer
rill, Fred Hannett, Joe Cogar
Douglas Hill, Ron Obmari
Robertson. Ralph Walker
David Haley, Gralg Bennett
Frank Cathcrwood. Mike pen
nington, Den Rue. Rickie Schnr
bach. Roger Tlrem, nnd mnn
agera Thomas Etzel and WaHnc
Toni Koayitur in Junior Var*
ity coach.
Die folkavtng Freshmen squat’
m'-iidicrn are reached by Rich
ml Ricketts Hili BsMett, Und
wry Davenport, Dennis David
«m. Gory Garrison. Harlan«*
<e»>lrich. Carlton Herron, Stcvi
IPnvton, Kenny Kindred, Gar-
Meaner. Scott McCurdy, Put
Maun, Rarwly Richards. Fran'
Then«. Michael Gene Wnlker
Paul Wards, and manager Er
neat Freeman.
The brut Frosh game will l>
plnycd nt I p nr. December 1
at St lylon
Three Named To
Santiam Memorial
Nominating Com
Ihe Board of Directors of the
Santiam Memorial hospital met
Thursday night Committee re­
ports were heard, nnd the board
aiiprwved t h e Improvements
made at the laxpltal this past
summer. Among main Improve­
ment* were installation of room
thcrmoBtats. which adds great­
ly to the comfort of the patients.
Heretofore the h<«pttnl heat was
<<witroUcd only by two thermo­
stats. Administrator Gale Christ­
ensen said it was a "little rough
when we had a 30 year logger
in one room and an 80-year old
patient in an adjacent room,
(inc would want It cool, the
other warm ” This condition
has ixsv been taken cure of.
New oil Um's from the storage
tanka to the boilers were also
put in this summer, which
eliminates another source of
The hospitnl has completed
plans to hook up with the city
sewer system which will not en­
tail ripping up the blacktop
parking area.
The hospital administrator1
provided financial sheets for the
directors, which allows the hos­
pital is coming nlong all right in
tha’ department, even after al­
lowing for the large amount of i
free care given to needy pco- j
pie during the year.
Ix-e HigMierger, Noyes Whit- '
ten nnd Paul Geraths were np-
pointed on the nominating com-1
mittec by President Lloyd.
Girod Hu y arc to select ennd-:
idates from Mill City, Stayton |
and Sublimity and have the
names lirforc the executive
hoard the fon part of next |
iew Piywood
.ompany Formed
:or Mill City
A few short years ago, a new president, John
Fitzgerald Kennedy, dedicated himself to the leader­
ship ami service ol our country. The younguat man in
the history of the F. S. was elected president and Mon­
day, all Aiut't leans, regardless of political affiliation,
irrespective of race or creed, or religious Belief bowed
their neads n w>rrow is this honorable and courageous
young man was laid to rest in Arlington National c. me-
There is little to be said now that has not already
been laid about «.his man. Those who .’aw television
taiws of his final speech saw a young man in the pnnte
of his life, doing the job for which we had elected him.
He was making speeches of reassurance that our way
of life is the right way. His ready wit had endeared him
to Americans in all walks of life. Abroad he leaves his
mark as a man who has worked untiringly for peace and
betterment of people all over the world.
The Assassination of President Kennedy on Fri­
day, the killing of a policeman in Dallas, and then the
murder of the accused assassin will go down in history
as one of the dark times in this modern world.
All government office:! were closed Monday in a
day of mourning, and here in Mill City, as in most other
cities of the country, union memorial services were con­
ducted at 1 p. m. in the Presbyterian Church.
Top Advertising Award
Detroit Dam To Be Ùnder
"Attack" November 29-30
By OSU Raider Detachment
Salem Senate-Aires
Coming Here
December 5th
Linn County ASC
Mails Out Ballots
Last Chance For
Deer Hunters •
Firemen Draw Fair
Crowd for Benefit
Saturday Night
District To Vote
Monday, Dec. 2
An election will be held on
Monday, December 2 at the
fire hull by the Mill City Rural
Fire Protection district when a
fire protection Code will be
voted on.
A director for a five-year term
will also be elected at this time
with the name of Otto J.
Koeneke appearing on the bal­
Main provision of the code is
to require persona owning or in
custody of buildings and land to
remove fire hazards and cut and
remove grass. It is also to pre­
vent the unguarded burning ot
trash without a permit.
Coming Events
i<«-> Na,ional Association of Travel Organizations
l.H>,{ top award for intra-state advertising was present­
ed to Oregon State Highway Department this week in
San brancisco. ( harles Thorn (left), vice president
Popular Science magazine and chairman of ¡he NATO
awards committee, presents award to Jack L. Sugg,
vice president of Cole & Webber, Inc., the Portland ad­
vertising agency which creates the Highway Depart­
ment’s advertising.
$3.00 A Year — 10c A Copy
A n< w plywood firm was or-
aniziil thin week with offices
nd plant at Mill City. The new
irm. called Mill City Veneer
On the 29th and 30th of Nov­
lompany, will carry on opera- ember Detroit Dam will be cupied by an Aggressor Nation.
lons at the site of North San­ "under attack" by the Oregon While Allied Canadian and US
ant Plywood company just I State University "Raider De­ I military forces are supposedly
/cat of Mill City.
tachment.” a special unit of organizing an offensive to oust
A lathe will be installed to the Reserve Officers Training the Aggressors, the Raider De­
•eel veneer, it was learned here I Corps. The detachment!* made tachments executes behind en­
up of students who devote part emy lines guerrilla type actions
Listed as owner* of the new ■ of their military training to to harass the occupation force.
xxnpany are Robert C. Young, I study of unconventional war­ The mission of Raider III is to
Lal ph V. Morgan. Scott C. fare techniques. The operation, . deprive the Aggressor of the
fixing, Claude Morgan. William , designated "Raider HI." is the hydroelectric power generated
lorgan, Rex Gibson and Walter third field exercise in which the ' at the dam.
I unit has participated.
| On the 29th of November the
Officers for the new company
Raider ni will be played un­ dam will be "occupied" by the
lave not been named.
der the assumption that the Aggressor, a unit of specially
northwestern US and parts of selected ROTC cadets who wear
British Columbia have been oc- official Aggressor uniform and
have been trained for this role.
The Aggressor will set up a
typical guard force at the dam
and await the RaideT attack.
On the morning of the 30th the
Raider Detachment will strike.
Blanks and demolition simu­
GATES A Gates City elec­
lators will be in use. but there
tion and Gates Rural Fire Pro­
is no cause for alarm. The ex­
tection District election will be
ercise will be surpervised by
held Monday. December 2 from
Regular Army Personnel and
2 to 8 p. m. at the Gates Fire
be given another opportunity to a representative of the Portland
City offices being voted on hear the Salem Senate-Aires. Engineer District.
While access to certain areas
are two three-year terms ex­ when they make their second
piring December 31, 1963. in­ appearance Thursday, Decem­ will be restricted during the
5th, at the Mill City Ele- manuever. the parking areas
cluding that of Mayor, now held I ber
mentary school gym, under the
will be open and the public may
by Walter Brisbin and that of
city councilman held by Mrs. l sponsorship erf the Mill City watch. However no time sched­
ule is available due to the real­
Homer Williamston. Mrs WiE
Last year only a small crowd istic nature of the problem.
iamston has been filling out
the term vacated by the re- took advantage of the opportun-1 The Raider Detachment is
ity to hear this group of singers. part of special, voluntary
■ignation of Richard Parker.
More than 50 men take part in counter insurgency training
Offices for Fire District of­
iciáis being voted on are one the program and those who did made available to cadets who
ive-year term for district di- come last year said it was the are interested in special as­
ector expiring December 31. best entertainment of its kind signments when they go on
active duty.
1963 tww held by Robert Oliver. ever to come to Mill City.
Tickets for the event are now
>ne office of director expiring
December 31, 1965 held by Rex on sale by Lions club members. I
Iritton who was appointed to
:he ofice following the death of
Floyd Völkel, one office of di­
rector expiring December 1966
held by Eugene Jacobson, who
was appointed to fill the vacan­
A few deer hunters who have
Ballots have been mailed to not obtained permits for any
cy created by the resignation of
Robert Blumenstcin.
eligible farmers for the selection special hunt on either-sex hunt­
Also being voted on is a fire of new Linn County Agricultural ing area will have one more
Memorial Services
prevention code to regulate Stabilization and Conservation chance to score this year. The
Held Monday for
opportunity exists in the Wald­
burning and reduce fire haz­ community committees.
The votes will be tallied at port-Mapleton hunt scheduled
ards. Petition blanks are avail­
Slam President
able at the Gates General store the ASC office here Dec. 2 for the next week end. Novem­
Impressive Memorial services for anyone wishing to run for Community chairmen will elect ber 30-December 1.
were held at the Mill City Pres­ I any of these offices. The signa­ the county committee Dec. 9.
Requirements for this hunt
byterian church Monday at 1 tures of 15 regular voters are re­
Nominees include:
include hunting license, unused
o’clock for the late President quired.
Crabtree — Glenn Densmore, deer tag and Waldport-Maple­
John F. Kennedy.
Judges and clerks for the elec­ Kyle Folusm, Guy Johnston, ton permit. Bag limit is set for
The ceremonies were in tion are G. C. Bamhardt. L. F. Raymond Kalina. Otto Leever. one deer.
charge of the Ministerial As­ Allen and I
Robert McNnown. Virgil Reeves.
According to the game com­
sociation with the Reverends
Troy Utley.
mission. a few permits are still
Donald Dishong of the Com-
Lebanon — Gale Burkhart. available for the Waldport-
munity church; Jack Meuser of
Ethan HuU, Dee Mitchell, Ed Mapleton hunt, but will be is­
the Christian church. and Rich­
Pape. Cifford Robertson. Nor­ sued only to those hunters who
ard Cble of the Presbyterian
man Steckley, Claude Swanson. still retain their permit appli­
church participating.
Robert Wilson.
cation received with the pur­
Mrs. ‘Thomas B. Scott played
Lyons — Robert N. Carpenter, chase of the general season deer
organ music and Mrs Eugene
Edwin James. Fred A. Linde­ tag. Hunters who filed and re­
Davenport sang. There was also
mann. Vera Nydegger. Mike ceived permits for other special
congregational singing.
Schwindt, James Toomb, Ben deer hunts or either-sex unit
Clifford Swift, general chair­ Voltin.
The prayers of the ministers
permits are not eligible to
and those attending the serv­ man of the 19th annual Fire­
Scio — Milford Bell, Bernard apply.
ices joined with thpse of many men's Benefit held at the fire­ Bentz. Aaron Halle. Haskel
Waldport-Mapleton p e r m i ts
nations and faiths throughout hall Saturday, said this week Huntley. Carl Limbeck. Anton will be issued upon application
that the turnout was better Petrok, Wayne Staats.
the world.
of eligible hunters.
than anticipated. Final tabula­
ion of proceeds has not been
made, but the fire laddies will
show a good profit.
Proceeds from the benefit as­
sist the department in improv­
ing and maintaining their equip­
Albert Toman Sr., won the
main prize, a $100 bill.
Gates To Hold
elections Monday
Gates Soldier Now
Training in Texas
GATES Army Pvt. Marvin
D. Edwards, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin L. Edwards com­
pleted six-wceks ot advanced
combat training at Fort Hood,
Texas, November 16.
During the course, Edwards
received instruction in firing
weapons, chemical, biologicnl
and radiological (CBR) warfnre,
map rending, squad tactics nnd
close order drill.
The lX-yenr-old soldier enter­
ed the Army in July 1963 and
completed basic trninlng nt
Fort Ord. Cnlif.
Edwards is n 1963 graduate
of Santinm Union High school
nt Mill City.
Wednesday, November 21
Order of Rainbow for Girls at
hall. 7:30.
Thursday, November ?8
Union Thanksgiving services
at Christian church 10 a. m.
Friday, November to
IOOF lodge at hall. 8 p. m.
Monday, December 2
Round Robin Pinochle club at
Mabie Yankus home, 7:30.
Bid or Bunch Pinochle club at
home of Betty Pittam, 7:30.
Police Find Stolen
Tractor in Pit
The bulldozer owned
Athol Savage and leased to
Donald Crumley of Salem,
which was stolen recently was
found by officers last Wednes­
The thieves apparently dug
the hole with the bulldozer,
then drove the machine into the
pit and covered it with a tarp,
branches and small trees.
It was taken October 13 from
the McCoy Creek area north of
Grange Conference
To Be Held at Lyons
The Linn County-
Conference of the Pomona
grange will meet Saturday, No­
vember 30 at the Santiam Val­
ley grange hall in Lyons.
Registration will be from 1:15
to 1:45. At 1:45 Pomona Master
David MacPherson will open
the meeting. At 5 pm. group re­
ports will be hoard. A pot luck
dinner will be served at 6:30.
after which the meeting will
tie resumed.
The public is invited to attend the Union
Thanksgiving Service at the First Christian Church on
Thanksgiving Day at 10 a. pi. This service is being spon­
sored by the Mill City Ministerial Association. Special
music will be provided and there will be a special
Thanksgiving message.