The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, August 29, 1963, Page 4, Image 4

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    PP&L Urges
Use Caution
Irrigators are being cautioned
anew this week to exercise ex
j treme care in moving large
J metal pipes or sprinkler system
equipment in the vicinity of
electric power lines.
■Regardless of how many
' times tiie pleas for this safety
precaution an* repeated there
has rarely been an irrigation
season pass without a tragic
again the need for constantly
remembering to be careful when
moving the metal pipes." ex­
plained Wayne Goin. PP4L k>
' cal manager.
system pipes
1 should never lx* upended when
I near power lines."
"And when mobile sprinkler
I equipment is to be moved from
| one field to another the power
’ in overhead lines crossing the
! fields should lx« turned otf or
the equipment dismantled so it
. will not brush against or be
entangled in live electric ser­
vice lines,” he added.
Another source of hazard is
tiie electric motor which pow­
ers the
pump, it was stated.
"Be certain that the motors
I ire properly grounded,
I make a check of all insulation
j to be certain it has not become
i worn off.” he added.
The PP&I. manager said sum-
| mertime help or new ranch
i hands should be instructed about
i .he location of power lines on
i each farm.
Mrs. Mel Rambo Now
Member of Hire The
Handicapped Com.
Mrs. Mel Rambo has been
I appointed on trie Hire the
Handicapped committee from
> this area according to word she
received this week. This pro-
I gram is being handled by the
i state department of employment
in conjunction with President
Kennedy’s national program.
Next meeting of the group will
be Sept. 18 in Salem.
Subscribe to The
Mill City Enterprise
New Optional Payment Schedule:
Choose Your Program
For Better TV - Support Your Local
Two Plans To Choose From :
(I) $45.00 Initial Translator Club Membership,’ and $18.00
per year annual Maintenance Fee.
(•Receiving Antenna or Convertor May Be Financed if Needed)
SALEM New Pacific I \iwrr
X Light *’«> rate •cla«<iulea for
waler systems supplying Al­
bany. l-elianon. Mill City, In
dependence and Prineville have
tiren suspended by atule Public
Utility Commissioner Jonel <’
Hill said the suspension was
nr «til'd I« jruvlde time tor fur­
ther investigation of the pro-
tsiard rates and to hold hear­
Mary Ann Bassett
Gets College Honor
Nofl »not 4H Servlte Commit Itt Hofo
Milhin the nevi decade about 30 million womea are expected to lw holding down jobs, My« the 1 S.
Dr|>artincnt of labor. iioinrn now make up about one-third of the total labor force ol 75 million.
Stodera invention and technological advances will add new job« to the wide »pan already being tilled
by women. Many poiilion« are and will lie in the home economics field. Employer» indicate that more
professionally educated women are neerled, and I how trained in specific »kill» M well.
¡the projects in which 4H Club I will give six $500 scholarships
members participate
1 to top ranking dub member» in
They start in 4-H us young as the 4 II foods nutrition progtam.
9 years of age, and many re­
Chicago Delegates
Today educators urge stu­ main for as long as 10 years
Arms will bring to Chi
dents to complete high school, Volunteer adult and junior 4 11
cago as dclegstcs to the week­
and make an early choice of leaders supervised by the Co­
career so that later training and operative Extension Service long National 4 11 Club Con
gress state award winners from
education can be planned ac­ head the local clubs.
Helping to encourage these all 50 states and Puerto Hiro -
cordingly. One group of young
102 in all. Here they will be
women who have a head start, future home economists, scien­
by their hosts at ele­
reports the National 4 H Service
and business women are two gant parties and banquets
Committee, are 4-H members.
During the week long con­
corporations that annually con­
1.3 Million Girls
tribute funds, educational liter­ gress these talented teens will
At some time during club ature and technical assistance hear prominent educators and
membership, nearly every one to the national 4-H clothing and noted speakers. Along with 1300
of the 13 million girls now the foods-nutrition programs.
fellow All ers they will partici­
enrolled in 4-H receives some
pate in several challenging and
Scholarships Help
training in her dual role of
inspiring events For most, it
future homemaker and career
They are Coats & Clark Inc, will be the first trip to a big city
which this year will help 12
Coats A Clark and General
Sewing, meal planning, nutri­ girls with their college educa­ Foods are but two of hundreds
tion, home management, in­ tion by way of $500 national of private enterprises helping
terior decoration, fashion and clothing scholarships.
the youth of this country
consumer education are among
General Foods Corporation achieve future goals
Educators Urge
Early Career Choice
Rev. Harold Roth. Paator
f w iiai m a
"The Coming UHF Boom May Push Out VHF Altogether.
The Military and other public and private agencies, starved for
spectrum space eye present VHF TV allocations hungrily. As
now constituted, the FCC tends to regard their eventual aband­
onment by TV with favor... Translators hold bright promise for
all." (Quoted from Electronics World Magazine - June 1963)
There are now already 450 UHF Translators alone Licensed and
serving about 21/} million people. Experts in the Electronics
Field have conceded that this system is by far the best from a
technical point of view.
Golden Rule Translator
(Offices With Golden Rule TV Service)
Phone 897-2446
Adult Choir Saturday at 7 M
p. m.
Corne fellowship with us.
Jenn Roth. S. S. Supt.
Omnnunlty 1'rrwbytrrian (hurch
Sunday School 10.00 a m
Mehama. Oregon
Morning Service. 11:00 a rr.
Youth Fellowship 6 30 p m Rev. Ame V. Magnuaon, I'aator
9 45 a. m. Crurch school.
Bible Study Wednesday 7:30
p. m.
(Classes for all ages)
Junior Choir and Bible club
11 00 a. m.—Worship scricve.
Richard I’. Còle, Paator
Thursday. 4:00 p. m.
Everyone is welcome.
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
Nursery through Adult classes
Morning Worship Service at
11:0O o'clock. Sermon topic :
"In Partnership With God."
SEVENTH DAV adventist
8. W. Ivy BL Mill City
9:30 a. m. Saturday Sabbath
11 a. m Worship service
7:30 p. tn. Wednesday prayer
Visitors welcome.
North Mill Cttv
Rev. Geoe E. Davtdeoa, Paetct
9:45 a. m. Sunday School.
11a.m. Morning Worship.
6:15 p. m. Teen Tune.
7 p. m. Evening Worship.
m. Wednesday prayer
Rev. Bernard Neunuui, Pastor
Mass: 1st, 2nd and 5th Sunday
at 10:30 a. m.
Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday at
10:30 a. m.
(2) $4.00 Initial Membership Fee for first month, $4.00 every
Month Thereafter, or $3.00 PER MONTH IF PAID QUARTERLY
($9.00 per quarter)
Hike In Water Rates
Not Coming Yet
I—The Mill City Enterprise Thursday, August •’!>, 1963
6th and Cedar
Sunday School. 10:00 a. m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m.
Evangelestlc Service, 7:30 p-
Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Bible
study and Prayer.
A church with God's answer
tor your problems.
Mary Ann Hiinnctt. who nt-
tetuh'd the University of Port
land Inst year has received a
»|M-clal commendation from the
Rev. Paul Waldschmidt. CSC.
president of the school for tier
outstanding academic work
Mary Ann is the daughter of
Mr and Mrs Earl Bassett and
a graduate of Santiani Union
High school
The new rate schedules, un­
less sus|M-n<led, would have
In-ell effective August 33
Starts Aug. 30
More to do... More to view
(Utsi open 10 00 s m daily
See dazzling floral splendor m the
nee floret exhibit building Other
buildings bulge with eicdinj di«,
4 H end F f A Lnestock
taste tempting foods
| •
crafts end hobbies
it» <4»t to< the Rt'.Uf 7eice ■•»- ,
* Rod« H o ' m »ho« lMn ne«i I
* Hon« H» n< d«>ly («Kept i.
-1 00 p m
All Or«* -fl til.-! it • < freoi
B*od cooctrti daily (free)
fun filled ciicv. <<’*•1
Golden Rule Translator Co.
Special 30 Day Offer!
Throughout the month of
SERVER made by the International Silver Co., (Retail Value
$4.50) as our advertising gift to you in appreciation of a few
minutes of your time, and without cost or obligation! Here's how:
We are now prepared to show reception in your home.
Call for a Free Demonstration of Translator TV in your
home, and we will give this lovely Silver Gift to you
Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.
Morning Worship, 11 o'clock.
to keep without cost or obligation —Yours to keep
Anacmbly of God
whether you
Lyons, Oregon
Douglaa Mentze, Paator
Phone 859-3364
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.
Morning Woahip, 11:00 a. m.
Evening Service, 7:00 p. m.
Midweek Service, Wednesday
7:30. p. m.
Christ Ambassadors (Youth
Service) Saturday, 7:30 p. m.
Slngspiratlon Every 4th Sat­
urday, 7:30 p. m.
sign up for the Translator or not?
(Offer Limited To One Per Family)
For Better TV - At Lower Cost - Call
Full Geepet
Rev. DaaaM Dfaiwwg, Pastes
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship, ll 'OO a na
Golden Rule Translator
Evening Worship 7:30.
Thursday evening 7:30 P. M
Everyone welcome.
(Offices With Golden Rule TV Service)
Phone 897-2446
M¡|| c¡|y Oregon
Mill City, Oregon