Enterprise ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY - OREGON’S FAST GROWING VACATION WONDERLAND NIMBER 13 THE MILL ( ITY ENTERPRISE, THLItSDAY, APRIL 11, IMS Scouts Have Award Dinner Saturday Nite ..a Time of /(/ hope and ' happiness Alxiut 125 Scout», parents ami I frlcmls attrndrd an Award» Potluck dinner at Falluwshlp hail Saturday evening Toni Drynnn is scoutmaster for the Mill City boys and 1« uiilsted by Grurge Davis and Burney Scott. Other oommittre member* include Gregg Stev | ens, Irv Steers, George Hum- j phrey, Francis Bodckrr and Tom Kanotf, who actrd as ' master <>t ceremonies tor the evening's program Guest speaker was Judge Joseph Feiton. Marton County Juvenile Judge, and also pre­ sident of the Cascade (Yxincil of Hoy Scouts, lion Meacham, Mid City Police Chief was ul»o a guest for the evennlg. Mrs Atfxil Savage and Mrs. Ikxi llaucter were in charge of dinner arrangements and the Rev Richard Cole gave the in­ vocation Receiving Tenderfuot iMdges wen- Ron Johnson. Gary May. Wayne Rosamond, Joe illnce, I jury Eide, David Pit tarn and ttonald laite Secund class badges were received by Fred Alban. Ikmald latte, lx-r Olmstead, David ; Pittam, Wajn.- Rosamond, Da­ vid Ruby and Pat Vail. Hugh Easlbum. l-arry Rugs I dale and Craig Shaw received I first class badges Star scout awards were re- I ceived by Lee Bodcker, Steve I Pearce and Alan Yankus Ute Scout awards went to ‘ Jack Johnson, Greg Pearce, j Terry Savage, Mike Worley and Wayne Bartow, 'horn Dryn- 1 an said that he hoped these i boys Wixiid be ready to receive I their Eagle scout awards next 1 year. There were 53 merit badges ! given with George Humphrey j presenting them to Pat Worley, ' Ryan Swan, Mike lxtgan, Joe lly Jean llotx-rta Hince, Pat Vail, Wayne Rosa­ MEHAMA "Snowed Out" of mond, Fred Alban, tairry Rags­ the wood» on the opening day dale, Alan Yankua, Jack John­ of fire season 1» the predica­ son. lx* ikxleker. Steve Pearce. ment faced by logging con­ Terry Savage, Wayne Bartow. cern» in tin* North Santiam Mike Worley and Greg Pearce. area. Fire »enson officially opened April I. but »nowfall the last Father of Local two days of March, halted log­ ging operation» that have been Woman Killed in In full »wing all winter. Few Construction Mishap day» of work have been lost Mrs. Delbert Goforth received by logger», due to bad weather word of the death of her step­ thia year as January, Febru­ father, Adam «Joel Bean in a ary and March have seen good construction accident at Oak­ weather with very little rain ridge last week. or »now. l-ogging operation* usually Hr was fatally Injured Tues­ day afternoon when his crawl­ ■low or »top during the»«- three er-type tractor turned over, months. [tinning him beneath it. He has State forestry official» will owned a construtcion company soon be inspecting fire equip­ for the past five years, work­ ment owned by kx-al logging ing on the lxxtkout Point and concern* to see if they are in Hills I'tii-k iliinu la that area. readiness when needed. He was a native of Nashville, A few year* ago fire <*quip- Tenn., anil had lived in Ore­ ment was required 'on the Joii' gon for 16 years, seven of them although snow might be on the nt Oakridge. ground Fire truck, fire warden, He was bom January 6, 1911 fin- box containing tool* were to and wax married to Mary lx1 on every landing. Fire ex­ Shockley in Vancouver, Wash., tinguisher*, shovels, and water i iecembi r 31, It 16 l>ump were required to be car­ Besides his wife he is sur­ ried by each set of cutters, in vived by a son, Jerry of Al- spite of rain or snow. Iwiny; two step-daughters, Mrs. "Forestry officials of late are Delbert (Gktria) Goforth of Mill taking a more common sens«’ City and Bonnie Voelike of attitude toward fire equipment,’ Chicago, III ; three grandchild­ state* Dale Crandall, bookkeep­ ren. and a brother, Walter, of er for Ercill Wilson Logging, Nashville. one of the largest concerns in Mr Bean was a member of this area. Fire equipment must the Oakridge Ixxlge No. 205 A. tie in readiness but not requir­ F 4 A M ed until the snow is gone. Funeral services were held at the Chapel of the Woods mort­ uary with vault interment fol­ lowing. Snow Falls as fire Season Opens April 1 Plaques Received Gates Board Rehires By Simpson Timber Teachers; Each Get Plant At Idanha $300 Pay Increase Bill Gleason, principal at Gates stated at a recent meet­ ing of the Gates board the pre­ sent teachers were given con­ tracts for another year. Along wiih the contracts went the annual $300 increase In pay. Their pay schedule is set up on the merit system, which has been used by Santiam Union High school. Glcnson said no new teachers were hired, as he figured this was the duty of the new re­ organized board. IDANHA Simpson Timber Company at Idanha celebrated recently. Reason was 1000 acci­ dent free days. The 1000 days ended last Monday night. Th«» company received two plaques, one of the State In­ dustrial Accident commission, the other from Simpson comp­ any, showing appreciation to the men for their fine record. Coffee and doughnuts wore served and Phil Saner won the cake in a drawing. Bruce Wright, who retired after over 16 years with Simp­ son's was honored with the gift of a gold watch and a transist­ or radio. In U m - Easter min-ale, there is h<»|H- and inspiration to lift the heart and reward th«- spirit. Share the joy of Easter with your family, friends, neighbors . . . attend the church of your choice Easter Sunday. Senate-Aires To Sing Here Friday Night Music lovers in the area are being given an opportunity for an evening of choice musical entertainment Friday when the Senate-Aires of Salem will ap­ pear at the Mil) City Grade school gym in a concert which they say will last for over an hour and a half. With the group are the Cap­ itol Chordsmen and the Top Notchers Quartet. Those who have heard these fine singer* have been loud in their praise and one party here who heard ¡them in Stayton last year said: "it is a musical performance you must hear, as it is well worth your time." The "Festival of Harmony’ is being sponsored by the Mill City Lions club, and funds de- . rived will will go towards pay­ ing for the removal of stumps i from the city park. All the stumps from the general park area have been removed this winter, arid this will aid in keeping the park in better . shape this summer. Jaycees to Have Easter Egg Hunt At Park Sunday The Mill City Jaycees are I sponsoring an Easter Egg hunt ; at the City Park Sunday, April j 14. Starting time will be at 2 p m. and there will be four age brackets; youngsters to 3 year* of age; 4 to 6 years; 7 ot 9 year* and 10 to 12 years. Any youngster in the area in those age group* is invited to attend. ———— — Boat Race Discussed at Board Meet Main topic ot discussion at ! North Santiam Chamber of Commerce board meeting was the upcoming first annual North Santiam Whitewater Challenge which is scheduled to come off 1 April 28. Starting point for the boats will be three miles east of Gates on the beautiful North Santiam river. Boats will be put into the water starting at 9 a. m. with Sam Wizer the of­ ficial starter. They will make the 13-mile run to the Mehama- Lyo.is bridge. Trophies and prizes will be given for the fastest trip down the river. Plan* are being made to have bands play at the Mill City Holy week services will tie bridge and also at the Mehama- i held Wednesday. Thursday and Lyons bridge sometime during th-» day. Friday evenings at 7:30. President A. L. Barker of This year's services will be at the Presbyterian church. Spe­ Detroit reported he is getting cial music will be provided by price* on signs from several church choirs and soloists. sign companies in the area to Communion will be celebrated see how much it will cost to Thursday. On Friday night the get proper signs placed on the outstanding film "The Glory of highway directing traffic up the Resurrection" will be North Santiam Highway No. 22. The Chamber will med» Wed­ «hwn. An Easter Sunrise service nesday, April 17 at Gates when is planned with a car caravan Art Brown of file Stayotn forming at the high school Branch of the U. S. National j parking lot at 6:15. The Rev. bank and Jerry Butler of the , John Moll will speak at the Stayion Chamber of Commerce j service. will be present. Everyone is invited to all ; these services. — Ministerial Assn. Sponsors Special Holy Week Services Wettergreen Heads Jaycees; Joint Installation Held The MUI City Jaycees and Jaycettes held joint installa­ tion ceremonies following a banquet at the Recreation Center In the city park Satur­ day night. Jim Wettcrgrcen was in­ stalled as president of the Jay- cees; Maynard Smith, vice- president; Ron Lindsay, secre­ tary; John Janis, treasurer and Bob Carson. Verne Shaw. John , Will* and Jim Grant a* direct­ ors. Jim Hoover wa* elected to serve a* state director. Paula Grant, outgoing presi­ dent of the Jaycettes, installed the new officers with Joanne Wcttergreen to serve a* presi­ dent; Carol Smith, vice presi­ dent ; Veryl Lindsay, secretary; Shirley Hoover, treasurer, and Octa Will*, historian. Corsages were presented to the new Jaycette officers and to the out-going president. Give Awards At Hospital Open House Over 200 people turned out Sunday for an open house hon­ oring addition of a new wing to Santiam Memorial hospital at Stayton. Visitor* toured the hospital from 2 to 4 p. m. The $97.000 expansion and remodeling pro­ ject was recenty completed. Ten-year employe* of the hospital were presented pins during a brief ceremony, pre­ sided over by Administrator Gale Christensen They are: Mrs. Thelma Tomlinson. Mrs. Yvonne Crandall. Miss Agnes Kirsch, Mrs. Mabel Overholts. Mrs. Lucille Bums. Mrs. Ma­ bel Sayre. Mrs. Ixiraine Watts, Mrs. Kathleen Erickson. Mrs. Agnes Stupka. Mrs. Opal Lav­ ender. Mrs. Vemell Martin, Mrs. Opal Spenncr, and Mrs. Dorothy Bowen. Cancer Crusade Is j Lions Nominate Slate of Officers Progressing Says Monday Night Mrs. Clifford Swift Mrs. Clifford Swift, chairman ; of the American Cancer So-' ciety Crusade in Mill City said ' this week that the annual cru- ' sade in April is progressing on 1 a hopeful note. "By the end of the year, about 1,100,000 Americans will lx« able to say they have been cured of cancer.” says Mrs. Swift. "This is nearly seven times as many people as were cured of the disease in 1937." The American Cancer So­ ciety urges all adult Ameri­ cans to do two things to pro­ tect themselves against cancer: (1) have a health check-up an­ nually; (2) know cancer's dan­ I ger signals and go to the doctor 1 if any of the signals last more i than two weeks. The Society ' also urges support of its April Cancer Crusade so it can con­ tinue its life-saving programs of research, education, and ser­ vice. “Your contribution is one of i the greatest investments in the world." said Mrs. Swift today. Kimmel Improving— Friends will be glad to learn that J. C. “Doc" Kimmel who has been hospitalized at Salem Memorial for the past 10 days is considerably improved. He is expected to be able to return home shortly. Lions members Monday night nominated a slate of officers for the coming year. A report was read from the committee, then nominations made from the floor. Nominated for president were Barney Scott and Dick Cole. First vice president. Fred Berg. Second vice president. Lowell Fleetwood. Third vice president, Mel Rambo. Secretary-treasurer, Jim Gor­ don and Shields ReMine. Tail twister. Carl Kelly. Lion Tamer, Gregg Stevens. Director for three years, Lee Ross. Nominations will again be received next Monday night in case others are chosen to run for these offices, and Monday, April 22, the election will be held. Forest Service To Start Stream Clearing The Mill City Ranger station received word this week that they would be doing a consid­ erable amount of stream clear­ ing work in the next two months. Irv Steers said they would be interested in hearing from those in the area who had cats or tractors to rent. They are asked to contact the the Mill City Ranger station for more details. Lyons Area Gas Service Authorized Bloodmobile To Be At High School Today Residents are reminded again this week that the blood- mobile will be here. Thursday. April 11 (today) for anyone in the area who wishes and is able to give blood. Mrs. Jim Grant, president of the sponsoring organization, the Mill City Jaycettes. said she is counting on area residents re­ sponding to this worthy cause. Co-chairman with Mrs. Grant is Mrs. Myrita Davis, with members of the Mill City Woman's club also assisting. The blood drawing will be held in the teachers room at Santiam Union High school from 2 until 6 p. m. LYONS—The Lyons City coun­ cil has granted a franchise to Northwest Natural Gas Cb. to distribute gas in the commun­ ity-. Percy J. Hiatt. Ly< ns mayor, announced the decision after a recent council meeting. Northwest Natural's engin- I erring department announced that a feeder line consisting of 4-inch pipe would be- installed at an approximate cost of $81.000 This line will cover over 10.4 miles. In addition, distribution fa­ cilities. including services and meters for industrial accounts will entail an additional invest­ ment of approximately $3f..OOO. Well Child Clinic Also at the meeting the fran­ chise at Santiam Sanitary Ser­ Slated for April 17 The Well Child Immuniza­ vice at Stay-ton was approved. This firm has been serving tion and Health clinic will be held at the teachers room at Lyons for some time. Santiam Union High school. Wednesday. April 17 at 9:30. Those wishing appointments with the Marion county health doctor are asked to call Mrs. T. H. Baughman at 897-2629. New Money Orders Now Issued Here Charles Kelly, postmaster at Mill City and his crew are now­ issuing new- yellow' tint colored money with the new postal money order issuing machine. The Department had these machines designed for Post Of­ fice use in order to speed the money order service for pa­ trons and also for protection of the amount the orders are writ­ ten for, as these amounts are printed in the amount columns of the money order blanks, on the same principle as a check protector printing machine. Weather, Detroit Dani ? A M. Daily Weather Reading and Lake Elevation Max. Min Pep. Elev. 34 49 0 23 1546 39 April 3 40 48 0.59 1547.58 April 4 42 55 0.21 1549.39 April 5 42 55 1.22 1552.44 April 6 41 52 0.22 1555.88 April 7 38 53 0.24 1558.31 April 8 38 51 0.42 1558.51 April 9 $3.00 A Year—10c A Copy Don Walker Heads New School Board The new five-man board of the newly formed administra­ tive school district No. 129J was sworn into office at a meet­ ing of the elemenetary school board last Wednesday night. Mr*. Edna Ros*, clerk, gave members their oath of office in the absence of William DoL myer, Linn County superintend­ ent and clerk of the Rural Re­ organization board. Don Walker was named chairman of the board and oth­ er members are Bill Pennick, Homer Williamston, Martin Hansen, and Don Westrick. The new board will meet Wednesday, April 10 at the high school faculty room to plan the budget for the district. The board will convene at 7 45 to appoint a clerk. Mrs. Edna Ross ha* served for a number of years as clerk of the Mill City Elementary and High School boards. Those serving on the budget committee are Mrs. Jack Reid, zone 3; Mrs. Albin Cooper, zone 4; Verne Shaw, zone 5; Floyd Völkel, zone 1, and Bob Oliver, zone 2. The present administrators. George Stovall, Bill Gleason and Larry Brent will also be pre­ sent at the meeting. Area Men Get Simpson Service Pins Recently Among area men recently re­ ceiving recognition for years of service at Simpson Timber Co., were Adolph Brunner, Henry Shimanek, Don Sieg, Nick Gustafson, Ernest Kadin, Cyrus Perry, Robert Suerwood, Marvin Neperud, Don Hassell, Sr.; Harold Adams, Lewis Let- son, Ernie Gars jo, Al Lantzer and J hue Johnson for 10 years of work. At Idanha Veneer, A. C. Mc- craven received the 10-year award. Walter Gregory receiv­ ed a five-year award at Lyons and E. L. Emmerson at the Idanha Veneer plant Coming Events Wednesday, April 10 Order of Rainbow for Girls at hall. 7:30. PTA at SUHS library. Pro­ gram on mental retardation. 8 p. m. City Council meeting at City Hall, 8 p. m. Thursday, April 11 Firemen's Auxiliary at Fire­ hall, 8 p. m. Style Show at Meier & Frank. Benefit Santiam Memorial hos­ pital, 3 p. m. Bloodmobile at SUHS Teach­ er's room, 2 until 6 p. m. Friday, April 12 IOOF lodge at hall. 8 p. m. Monday. April 15 Lions club dinner meeting at Fellowship hall, 6:30. Bid or Bunch pinochle club at Darlene Ruby home at 7:30. Round Robin Pinochle club at Rose Haywood home, 7:30. AF4AM lodge at hall, 8 p. m. Tuesday. April It Woman's Club at Nadine Duggan home, 8 p. m. Speaker from state sanitary commis­ sion. Enter The North Santiam Whitewater Challenge 13 MILES OF THRILLS - PRIZES FROM* Three miles east of Gates TO: Mehama-Lyons Bridge RULES: No motors in competition, no entry fee. Every passenger must have an approved life jacket. Decision of Tuning Committee will be final. The North Santiam Chamber of Com­ merce is in no way liable for personal injury or damage to boats. I “I wish to enter the above contest and under- | ' stand the rules.” | NAME - ----------------------- ---- ------------------ I | ADDRESS ........... - - | I Names and addresses of passengers —.......... | | Mail to: Jerry Coffman, Mehama, Oregon. |