GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Donald L. Robson, Minister Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People’s Class 5:00 p. m snd Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob son. Adult Bible Class 5:00 p. m. • os COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN ST PATRICK’S PARISH CHURCH MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Lyons, Oregon Full Goapel Mehama Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at Rev. James Hardy, Pastor Rev. D. B. Armstrong, Pastor tOiJN» a.m. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:46 o. tn Mass 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. • Bible School, 10:00 a. m. Worship Hour, 11:00 a. tn. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Rev Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor A friendly welcome to alt Morning Worship 11 a. m. - Evangelistic Service 7:45 o. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8T ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH • • • 8. W. Second Street, Mill City Mrs. Helen Daria, Pastor BT. CATHERINE CATHOLIC Sabbath School, 9:80 a. m. Sator Sunday school 10 a. m. CHURCH. MILL CITY day. Morning worship 11 a.*. Father Hugh Gearia Morning service^ 10:45 Saturday Evangelistic Hour, 7:45. Mass at 9-15 a.m. every Sunday Visitors weæome. • • • Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Meet Confessions heard before Mas». ing, 8:00 p. m. • • • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE see Devers Real Estate Building, Gates DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST FREE METHODIST CHURCH Glen Lyda, Minuter Sunday, 11 a. m. North Mill City Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes Sunday school at 10:45. Rev. Gene E. Davidson, Paster Morning Worship at 11. day at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:46 a.m Morning worship 11 a.m. Evening service 7:80 p.m. Young Peoples Services every Sun day at 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:80 pm. »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE TH I BSD VY OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS Largest Display of TOYS HOBBIES TACKLE e e Z Stayton, Oregon Winterize Now and Be Safe We have ANTI-FREEZE ALSO HEATER and RADIATOR HOSE Let us FROST CHECK your car before it's too late. Cold Weather may be here to stay and a freeze-up could be costly. SEE US FOR TIRES—WE HAVE 'EM. Open 24 Hours a Day DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WE GIVE S & II GREEN STAMI*S Highway 22 To help keep a small child occu pied during a church service or moat ing, take along some colored pipe cleaners. They are fun to play with and are completely noiseless. Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Today.. $3.00 per Year Read It Every Week e Mill City LIMITED TIME OFFER e FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Benjamin A. lawrence. Minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 10:56. Evening Sendee, 8:00. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. Camp’s Sporting Goods Phone 7442 e hama church will hold their Decem ber meeting Wednesday December 10 instead 'ft Thursday 11 due to con flicting dates on Thursday. The meet ing will start with a 1 o’clock dessert luncheon at the church with the pro gram and business session following. The Mehania church is scheduling a Congregational meeting the even ing of Thursday, December 11. There will be a pot-luck supper at 6:30 with the business meeting at 8. All mam- bers of the congregation are urged to attend. If you use an electric mixer A lot. cut a slit in a rubber spatula. Slide blades of the beater through the spatula for easy cleaning. OUR LADY OF LOURDKS PARISH Jordan. Oregon Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Vass: 1st, 2nd, and Sth Sunday at 8:80 a.m. Mass: 3d and Ash Sunday 10:30 a.m. SPORTING GOODS SCHWINN BIKES 185 First St. e Mr. Chevrolet Wins at Cow Palace A tot of good publicity has been received for Oregon and this particular area by Gene Teague and his prize-winning parade horse Mr. Chevrolet. In a recent show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco Mr. Chevrolet was again judged top parade horse in the Western United States. In the picture above, Teague can be seen receiving an award at one of his appearances this summer. ■ • • SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS day night at the D- L. Teeters home. Jay Beebe, Pastor Thursday morning the Teeters, Stens- Sunday School 9:45 a. as. lands and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long Church Services 11:00 a. m. By Mrs. John Teeter» fellow and sons all went to Tumalo Evening service at 7:80 p. m. Visitors at the Jack Ryland home j Young People’s service, Thursday from Friday, November 21 to Satur where they spent the day at the j evening 7:80 p. m. Jacqui« Walker, day November 29 were Mr. Ryland’s Chris McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze and I president. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ar Prayer meeting and Bible study nold of Dalton, Ohio. The Arnolds ar Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richmond and j daughters were Thanksgiving day I Friday evenings 7:30 p. m- rived here from California where they • • • guests at the Bert Bailey home in ' . had been visiting a son and left for LYONS METHODIST CHURCH ' Washington for a short visit before Springfield. Sunday guests at the Tietze home were Mr. and Mrs. Or-1 Rev. Cotton, Pastor returning home. ville Downing of Fox Valley. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m- Mr. and Mrs. Keith 'Phillips and Worshlp servic«, 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe were I family were in Washington from Womens Society of Christian Ser ’ Wednesday to Sunday when they vis- hosts at their home Thanksgiving ’ vice meets 1st and 3rd Tussday of ■ ited relatives in Mt. Vernon and day and had as their dinner guests,' each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens * Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bilyeu and Mrs. I as president. Addie Thayer of Lebanon, Mrs. Em-i Mr. and Mrs. Art Anderson spent • • • I several days recently visiting with na Monroe of Albany, Mr. and Mrs.* FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the Jack Anderson family at Brook Scott Brown and Lirda Monroe. Mill City ings. Bruce Sims left Portland by plane Rev. Robert Roach, Pastor The Edward Walz family spent last Thursday evening for Tyler, Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Thanksgiving day in Salem at the Texas where he was called by the Morning worship 11:00 a.m. home of Mrs. Walzs’ parents, Mr. and death of his mother who has been Music by choir. in poor health for some time. Mrs. Joseph Walz. Midweek service» Wed. 7:80 pun. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Kirsch I Mrs. Fannie Howard of Portland • • • Lei Lonnie and Mr. and Mrs. was a house guest of her niece's fam IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH ily the Ray Roberts from Wednesday Kirsch and chidlren were Thanksgiv Morning service 11 a.m. to Monday. The Roberts’ and Mrs. ing day guests of Leo Kirsch’s par Evening service 7:00 p.m. ents in Bend. The Kirsch’s spent the Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 ?0 'Howard went to Eugene Friday to visit Mrs. Roberts’ mother, Mrs. May rest of the week visiting in Bend p. ns. and with the Chrks McDonalds of Quier. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook anti Tumalo. Mrs. Eva Crook were Thanksgiving Lovena Helsel and her roommate. Good ventilation, dry atmosphere, day guests at the home of Mr. Crook’s Caroline Barnard, whose home is in and cleanliness are the weapons sister, the Hubert Seamsters in Sa- . California, spent the Thanksgiving i vacation at the home of her parents, I against closet mildew. If your house lem. Thanksgiving day guests at the the Wesley Helsels here. Both g iris.' has excessive moisture and poor cir culation an electric light bulb burn W. M. Woodridge home were. Mr. and I are students at Lewis and Clark co!-' ing in the closet will help dry the air. Mrs. Max Kingery and children of lege in Portland. Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Owen Thanksgiving day guests at the R. and family of Newberg, Pete Owen , O. Adams home were Mr and Mrs. and sons and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kincheloe and family of New Woodridge. berg, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams Weekend guests of the Woodridg and children of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. es were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waisei- Ivan Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Bill man and son and Mrs. Walt Mattson Holtorf and children all of Stayton j and two children all of San Francis and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rychard and co, Calif. son. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Hughes and* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cole and daughters Bettie and Brenda and family returned home Sunday from , Matt Paul were guests Thanksgiving a vacation trip to California when. day of Mr. Coles sisters family, the they visited a short time in Klamath Kenneth Widemers of Sprinfield. Falls and San Francisco and with the, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stensland of Carl Hughes family in Niles, Calif. Cloverdale were guests last Wednes- The Women’s Society of the Me-' FREE TV ANTENNA CHECK-UP . . . . . just for letting us show you the 195» W i n e g a r d Color'ceptor TV Antenna advertised in LIFE. I MEHAMA No obligation. Call u* now. This chock-up would normally cost you $5.00. but it’s FREE For a limited time only. FIRST TIME EVER! GU a « ant EE0 best on C^ t ,O n 3 QN rO(jR Winegard Written Factory Guarantee of 100% satitfacfioa T»w»r YsdT Msptsr 114.44 LIFE Stayton Radio & TV Phone RO 9-2236 1414 First St., Slayton, Ore. PERSONAL STATIONERY LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES ED EEV Scenic Oregon TUMBLERS| ■ I > E E • YOUR CHOICE OF 8 SCENIC VIEWS •» ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS z BOOKLETS ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SEND THEM AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS (\xuptotr Seta on Pictured Above are Available with Your Purchase«* of Pride of Oregon < tw. One Tumbler with Each Ten Gallons. Aak About Tray and Decantenr at YOUR SETS ARE FREE! P & L SERVICE — PRIDE OF OREGON GASOLINE Mill CITY — ‘TETF." HARRIS and I-ARBY I RBAN, OWNERS ADVERTISE OREGON—“ IT PAYS” PRIDE OF OREGON PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTED BY MERRITT TRUAX OIL COMPANY, 205 COLUMBIA, N. E. SALEM. OREGON PHONE EM ?-1169