3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE them horn- for s visit. Earl Hen­ THURSDAY, DECEMBER i. 195$ ness and Mr. MX^oy of Portland were late evening guests, and Mrs. Earl Henness returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wrr.. Pennick, Pat­ sy and Billy had Thanksgiving with Mrs. H. N. Wilaon her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness took, ___ ( Elmer Currie in Salem, who are re- their Thanksgiving dinner and drove cuperating ’ i.l„ nicely following their to Dallas to share the day with her V — ar _______ accident Th. . -ie Pennick’s also had parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor.' a late evening lunch with her par­ Mrs. Gwenn Schaer and four1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson children were hosts on Thanksgiv­ in Salem. • ing for her immediate family Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Pennick entertained Frankie Johnson and son Royal; Mr. with a birthday dinner and slumber and Mrs. Robert Levon and daughter party last week for her son Bill’s Lori; and an aunt, Mrs. Dollie 11th birthday. Invited to share the Reams, of Roseburg. happy event were Louis Kelle, Joe James Carey, who flew to Pitts- Hirte, Carlton “ Herron and Mike Durgh, Pa., on a business trip, ar­ Gleason, and Patsy Pennick assist- rived home in time to spend Thanks­ ed. ONE FOR THE ROAD giving with his mother, Mrs. Velma AMCKVAH ttKUJIVN MkXT c Allan Vail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carey. Also present for the day was C ncw óbrese*.ns map rue mitnsh Eugene Carey, wife and daughters Stanley Vail visited old friends* in ¿jeteare mtt rajrweo « a aartv « as a «« «u8R»> a iua ¿axiAi. aarrue Di»ne and Beverly, of Portland, Mr. Gates over the Hcliday. He is em­ ployed in Seattle. It’s May. Just chock pò « sew • kmkotx umTeACjp cuaeu >*» and Mrs. Donald Carey, Jon, Tommy amo oesTwov^ rua oamAteo Amtcra the directory before calling and Steven of Stayton and Carl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson rues spent rue cw mmcws amo That way you aave the time of a call to Chance, of Mill City. and baby son of Salem, arrived to “information” or avoid the annoyance of a Mrs. Jack Gulliford and two sons ____ spend Thanksgiving with their par­ french underground “wrong number”. shared Thanksgiving with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. ‘vfejpeces, rue xvoabts uaAMasouM* ' •^-ts.ercn. m cmtam nurr» ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lucas in Word has just been received that Checking the directory brat is the smart way to J* c«v*;a,ocv» ANPiowriMes Aumsville, and visited other rela­ two former Gates residents, Mr. and make your telephone service even better. **■ ueco TO JUT Tue.« MABlTM tives in that area, also. Mrs. P. C. Mulligan were in a car Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brown and accident on Nov. 26th, in California, three children of Salem, arrived with Mrs. Mulligan being hospitalis­ Wednesday to celebrate Thanks­ ed with a back injury. Their address Serving Mill City-Gates, Aumsville, Detroit- giving with his grandparents, Mr. is now 702 3rd. St.. Hermosa Beach, and Mrs. Ned Richards. Additional Calif. Their daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Idanha, Silverton, Turner guests on Thursday were Mrs. Newberg and family reside here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gleason and Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ four children enjoyed Thanksgiving est Nelson of Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergholz of Mill day with relatives in Aumsville, the City spent Thanksgiving at the C. E. Lewis family. Now is the Time Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Larson and Gordon Ward home. The two ladies little daughter of Moses Lake, Wash., are sisters. To Build That Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowes were spent the Thanksgiving holiday with in Portland for the holiday, guests his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. miles of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Brisbin. Other guests for the in Oregoh. In all about 900 kids to HELP SOUGHT big dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar were covered (nice way for weather Schobert. learn geography) and good Mrs. Glenn Henness and Mrs. Osterhout and Mr. and Mrs. George cooperated all the way, for a good Wm. Pennick and two children were Arthurs. The Larsons returned to trip. Around Your Farm. in Portland Saturday, and Mrs. Earle his base on Sunday. Gates School News Ruth Hess, who assists in the Henness of Newberg accompanied Don't forget the white elephant postoffice part time, and her grand­ Your Farm Co-Op Store in son Dickie Hayward spent the holiday sale at the Gates Elementary school Friday, December 5, (to raise funds in Portland at the home of her Stayton Has Everything You Need for the Student body council.) It will daughter. To Build That New Fence or Repair Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and three, he held from 9 a. m to 5 p. m. children were guests of his parents, I A school play and Christmas pro­ The Old One. Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler in'gram will be presented December 18 Lebanon over the Thanksgiving holi­ See Us For day. STEEL POST Members of the Gates Women’s To drain canned pineapple slices Club will be hostesses for a miscell­ BARBED WIRE aneous bridal shower honoring Mrs. neatly and thoroughly, slip them on FENCING TOOLS Rex Herron, on Friday evening, the handle of a wooden spoon. Place December 12th, at 8;00 P. M. in the the spoon over the edges of the bowl IV e have a large selection at attractive prices. to catch the juice. clubhouse. Everybody welcome. Come in Today and Let Us Help You. The Robert Levon home was the Warm lemons yield more juice than setting for a jolly party Tuesday ev­ ening, it being their daughter Lori’s cold ones. Drop lemons into warm first birthday. Her birthday cake had water for a few minutes before white frosting, one tall candle, and a squeezing. circle of pink roses, the center of Oregon Centennial asks help If you want chilled cookie dough of persons who have pictures ' each holding a baby face. Balloons of Jesse Applegate, Oregon and noisemakeFs added to the fun, in a hurry, divide the dough into sev­ Phoaae RO 9-2186 Stayton, Oregon pioneer. * as well as gifts. Guests present for eral smaller portions and place in the freezing compartment I the evening were Mrs. Frankie John- 1 son, Royal Johnson, Mrs. Dollie Reams of Roseburg, Mrs. Gween Schaer, John, Rodney, Roger and Carol Schaer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelle and two children, were hosts for a family dinner on Thanksgiving. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kelle, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, and Mrs. Kelle s sister, Caroline Brejcha, of Portland. The Arthur Blackburn home was the scene of a family gathering on Thanksgiving, each contributing for a bountiful dinner. Present for the 1 day were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball and Carol Sue; Mr. and Mrs. Clare RALEIGH Henness, Kandee and Gary; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blackburn; Mr. and Mrs. HAROLD James Briles and Terri of Salem; and FLORIST There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blackburn and Ph. «6H4 son Craig, of Mill City. have your PRINTING done. The Enterprise can do it right Mrs. Rosa Roten of Portland and her granddaughter-in-law, Mrs. Phyllis Romey of Waldport, are here here at home. The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all for atF mdefinte stay and visiting old friends and relatives in the area. YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Mr. and Mrs. William Hutcheson Jr., and four children of Anderson, Calif., arrived to spend the Thanks­ TRY US HRST AND BE CONVINCED giving holidays at the home of his father. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson were hosts for a large family dinner Thursday, whicji included their Cali­ fornia guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kadin and daughter, Judy, Mrs. Mattie Root and Glenn Boswell. The younger Hutchesons left for their California home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rosamond and two children drove to Prineville to with spend Thanksgiving at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and three children of Eugene arrived just « • in time to join the family reunion dinner at the Bob Kelle home Thurs­ day. Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Kelle are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Herron and five Do it yourself in 1 afternoon children had Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Herron for as in Mill City. Others present were John B- Herron, Mr. and Mrs. Ray low as Arthur of Eugene, Mr and Mrs. Bud­ dy McCary of SaWm and the Herron’s Anyone can insulate the «vers great grandson, Rickey McCary of age attic in one afternoon foe Salem. as low as $67.60 with ZO\O< Mr. and Mrs. Vic Herron and five LTTE. Do it yourself and uvS children were Saturday evening din­ as much as $100.00 in installs« ner guests at the home of Mr. and tion costs...cut fuel bill’ up to Mrs. Richard Cox in Lyons. 40%. Pour it, level it, leave id Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelle and It’s 1OO% fireproof, rotprooC two children left Friday morning for permanent. Come in today foe a short vacation trip. They were ac­ a FREE estimate' companied as far as Renton, Wash., by Mr- and Mrs. Louis Kelle, who remained there for a longer visit with oldtime friends they once knew in Montana. The Kelle's then visited relatives and a former service buddy in Seattle, more relatives in Belling­ Open Saturdays ham, then drove to-Custer, Canada for a stop with relative«. They then |drove to Vancouver, B. C- where they Ph. 6803 Mill City. Ore had breakfast, back into Washington for lunch, ending up with late supper GATES How to make y$ur telephone service even better VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY FENCE Bridal Bouquet Santiam Farmers’ Co-Op. Let The Enterprise DO YOUR PRINTING ZONOLITE VERMICULITE . INSULATING FILL 60 Ruled Forms • Envelopes • • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Home of Good Printing Kelly Lumber Sales Phone 6651 or 7605 Mill City, Oregon