THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — : VOLUME XIV V * \ rr> THF' HF AR r OF NATT TIE’S FMPTPF NUMBER 4*» Scio Loses Two M.0« \ YEAR 10c \ COPY They Assemble New Lockers Tuesday Night Floyd Johnsons To Open Grade A Dairy Here Citizens of Month Chosen at Gates School Citizens of the month for Gates elemenetary school were chosen by fellow students recently. Jamboree Here Thursday Night Santiam Union High poured on By Rodney Schaer Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson have the coals in the first two periods Thursday December 4, the local been busy this summer getting ready here Tuesday night and then coasted fans will get a chance to observe all to open their new firm which will be to a 49-38 victory over the Scio Log­ I 13 Marion County “B” League teaua 1 called Johnson’s Grade A Dairy. In gers in a non-league basketball game. in action. Jefferson's last year*! the beginning the Johnsons submitted The contest opened the season for I champions w ill probably have anoth­ plans to the state department. These both teams. Scio took a 13-12 lead in er chance to repeat if their young were approved and during construc­ the first quarter but the Wolverines I players produce. They will have a tion this summer an inspector has .’ame back to notch 19 tallies in the new coach this year, Allord from J been making periodic checkups to be second quarter while holding Scio i Oregon State college. Su-an Rynearson i sure that everything met with the Phil Bumgarner to five. This gave the Wolverines a Santiam will have a veteran team ' high standards which are set up by 31-18 bulge at halftime. They are Susan Rynearson, a 5th , the state for dairies. Larry Kanoff and Dorman Greg­ grader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I returning, graduating only two Mrs. Johnson who called The En- ory each hooped 12 points for the Above can be seen Jim Putman, principal of Santiam L. L. Rynearson, and Phillip Bum­ starters off last year’s team, Foot- I terprise today stated “a* our supply garner, also a 5th grader, son of Mr ¡»all injury will keep Gary Bevier -winners while Byron Eastman and , Union High and a group of girls at work assembling the I leading scorer and veteran guard OB j of milk is limited we would appre­ and Mrs. B. D. Bumgarner. Dave Manley were getting an equal ; new steel lockers at the school. The school has been the bench most of the season. It 1* ciate having those who wish to have amount for Scio. awaiting delivery of the lockers for a long time and these doubtful at present if he will be milk delivered, or those "’ho wish to One of the outstanding players , able to play this season. girls volunteered their assistance in getting them erect­ pick it up at the Dairy at 1252 S. E. ■of the game was Tom Fencl who, Santiam’s starting lineup look* 4th street, to contact me at once.” ed. In the group, left to right are Mr. Putman, Judy though he gave 3 inches and 25 | like this at the present but it may The Johnsons have a complete bot ­ pounds to Eastman, he did an mar-1 Harris, Jean Kelly, Karen Marshall. Judy Logan and Sus­ ¡change: forwards, James Baughman, tling set-up, and will also sell milk velous job controlling the backboards. an Jenkins.—The Mill City Eenterprise Photo. Bob Gordon, center, Dorman Greg­ in gallon lots. They do not plan to Scio38—F: Bennett (7); Dalktns | ory; guards Larrv Kanoff and Louin handle cream. (5); C: Eastman (12); G: Manley, M organ. Other boys showing well are They now plan to have the dairy (12); Wells (2). i Toni Fenci, Brian Moffatt, Ron 1 completed within the next two weeks.1 Santiam 49—F : Gordon (7); ____________________ > Kuhlman, Don Howe and Bob Bor- Baughman (2); C; Gregory (12); . oughs. G: Kanoff (12); Morgan (3). Re-1 The games will start at 7 p. m. serves scoring: Moffatt (3) Fend The 10-minute pairings «re: I In accordance with the Bash School (10). 1. St. Boniface vs. Valsetz. 8 12 38 Scio ..................... 13 5 Support Act. the State Department 2. Maclaren vs. Siletz. of Education has sent the November Santiam ................ 12 19 7 11 49 Harley Bell, student at Mill City 3. Jefferson vs. St. Paul. Officials; Bates and Evans. 15 payment of the 11*58-59 apportion­ Elementary school, ami son of Mr. 4. Detroit vs. Chemawa J. V’s took their game 45-34. Bob ment to the schools of the county. and Mrs. Albert Bell, lost the sight 5. OSSD vs Colton. Morgan was high scoring man tor The total amount for Linn county of his left eye Monday night while 6. Falls City vs. Santiam. •was $457,547.00. This. in general, the victors. ■ districts, cities experimenting with gunpowder. He 7. Santiam vs. Perrydale San-!_.The ^iou. fire O4i Tuesday December 9th, represents with the August payment, ’ and water districts of the Canyon area also The Pep Squad and Yell Leaders tiam meets Chemawa for a non-league L be^ld elections Monday afternoon.. but received injury to his left hand, approximately 50% of the total to no permanent injury will re­ be paid this year. These warrants will be competing for a traveling game. The J. V. game will start at J Some places had good turnouts, but suit in this case. . . were mailed to the districts in Linn trophy, a change from past-years. 6:45 P. M. and the Varsity tlpoff | as usual not nearly all eligible voters It lias been told here that Harvey . The ------ Rural Electrification Ad- .i-uuniy icounty rsovemoer November ze 24 irom from tne the oirice office Only one trophy will be awarded this will be at 8:00 P. M. turned out to cast their ballots for was making an experiment using ministration announced today (Dec- Iuf the Count Superintendent year. Any Pep squad winning the tre- . — ......... 2, ineji 1 candidates of their choice. gunpowder, He was stirring the ember phy three years can retire it from 1958) si,-» that it k... has _ approv- ¡n ^n,any Up at Gates in the City election, powder which was in a glass jar, with I e«i a $1,175,000 loan to the Valley ■ Amounts received in Mill City were competition. Willamette University i W. R. Hutcheson received 20 votes a metal file, when the explosion , Telephone Company which will en- Mnj cit School Dibtrict No 129J yell squad wil do the judging. and Jack Gulliford 21. Both elected. occurred, the glass flying into his *ble the Vailey company to budd new Grade School Jamboree an(J ^antlan, Union Hi#[h I In the fire district there si-emed to face and lacerating his left eye. On Friday night, beginning at •dial telephone systems at Mill City, • yj ¿14 qo be more interest. For the five-year He is now in Salem L Memorial — | Gates, and,Aumsville and to mak^ Xiao’at thia time the State Depart- 7 o’clock the grade schools of the GATES — The Gates Volunteer term, Bob Oliver received 14 and Red hospital, and will be confined there' needed additions at Silverton and nient of Education sent the following area will hold their basketball jam­ (' , f.>r several days. Detroit-Idanha. Firemen's Auxiliaiy are having a 1 Rynearson 11. For the three-year | amounts a* approximately one-half boree at Santiam Union High gym. Lowell Brown, president of Valley, of the School Property Tax Relief as Ise«» Poole states teams playing will drive for good used or outgrown tel-ni, Harry Harmon re eived 11 j said that he was v«ry pleased with prov'ided" ‘ under' ORS > 327.038; Mill be DeCTwit, Gates, Mill City, Mari- clothing and other articles for child­ votes. For two-year term, Floyd Vol- the loan approval after a year of City Schoo| Dlstrict No t2,035. Linn, North Santiam ab Ke’iy eac-i got 10. Others & --------- Exchange receiving votes were Willard Howell work. He pointed out, however, that SaIlt|,m Union High w ^,)5 Sublimity. «■pen a ’Little Budget — Shop” on Friday, December 5. Hours •. and Bill Pennick 8. it time - - until actual The total amounl amoullt IO for r Linn bounty County .. would ----- - be - some ............. ---- ------- ine LOlal Here •- in Mill 1 City i construction can be started because • waa will be from 1 to 4 p. m. and the use <*" only a few turn­ of the library room in the old Gates ed out. There was only one name on • ¡the loan still must be approved by | Rural School Funds (combined ac the ballot, that being Jack D. Col­ High school has been granted. .“r..®i!count> were »b*° 4ent from Do!- burn, who was elected to a five-year I Oregon and ‘ the necessary - switch All articles will be sorted as to “ ............ «- ­ myer>s office as follows: Mill City boards and outside plant materials No. 129J, $14,352.98, and Santiam size, etc., and a small charge will term on the Mill City Rural Fire dis­ must be ordered. be made for each item, to create a trict board, with 15 votes. UHS 9J, $4.182.54. Down at Lyons, there were four |------------------------- fund to be used by the school faculty, The total amount for Linn County or the auxiliary at their discretion, on the water board ballot. For >i a $389,233.83. QQ was the five-year term Bob Walton won I for items they know are particularly Postmaster Charles Kelly said to­ The County School Fund (Forest James R. Henry, apprentice petty needed. It will be possible to bring over Bob Moore by a 43 to 23 vote. ■ day that he believes the Christmas Funds) will be apportioned to the officer second class, USN, son of Mr. items one could no longer use, and Fort the two-year term, Frank Spell- mail this year will set an all time various elementary districts In Linn meyer won over E. L. Roye 45 to 24. record, exceeding the number of exchange for things necessary. county early this month. This will be ' and Mrs. Robert W. Henry of Mill Percy Hiatt was elected to a five- I pieces of mail handled tn the pre-1 City graduated October 31 from Re- Pickups will be made anywhere, if ¡in the amount of $148,175.28. The ! I cruit Training at the Naval Training you call Mrs. Bob Oliver, 7102; Zeda year term on the Rural Fire board. i holiday season season of 1957. I j amount last year was $178,225.45. Leming of Idanha was elected | The lne postmaster expressed his I Center, San Diego, Calif. Rynearson, 4507; Mrs. Bob Kelle, L——, I thal,]< for the exicellent response' 702; or Principal William Gleason at • to serve a five-year term as Rural , .i.«...ks Apprentice petty officers are choa- director Monday Early’’ appeal thus far, I sometnini Something new in the way of en- the Gates school, 7125. inay Fire district - , • at - the u u> hjg ms «-Mail •»•«n r-any uuu I««,: en from the ranks of the seaman re­ .'•Iso be brought to the Gates school Idanha fire nail. He «as the only one I warns, that only by stepping up tertainment will be staged cruits to assist the Company Com­ ___ at the Monday, December 8, or any Friday , whose name appeared on the ballot r «i mailing of f ---- ------ 1----- ' next PT ----- A meeting to be held Wied- manders. The selection is based on all Christmas packages ‘ . '..«J Dill« IVfma thereafter, and articles can be sent and succeeds Rilla Shaffer. Mrs. and greeting cards immediately, can nesday, December 10 at the library individual aptitude and leadership I Shaffer will continue as secretary this year’s re ord mail load be pro-'jn the high school. President Humph- with the schoolchildren on busses. qualities. They say it may take a little time I of the rural fire district Her term cessed and delivered before Christ- reys will be in charge of the meeting, Children from Detroit, Idanha, Mill mas. to get this worthy project operating expires July 1. and Rev. Helen Davis will give the City, Gates, Lyons and Mehama were Other board members are Joe Ar­ He went on to say, “It's later invocation. -moothly, but it is thought this will present at the well child conference I senault, Harold Champion, 1 Harry fill a real need in this and surround- than you think!” We all have a This meeting will be in the form and immunization clinic held here I Scaf- . ng communities, and the coopera­ Spencer, Warren Stoll and Rilla tendency to wait until mid-Decem-1 of a Christmas party, and each per- . November 25 when Dr. Stone and fer, secretary. tion of everyone is hoped for. ber comes before giving our Christ- : ; son coming is asked to bring a white nurses Mrs. Wills and Mrs. Bower mas mailing plans much attention; •alephant gift, Christmas wrapped. I were present to give their services to . whereas, by taking a little extra care Do not buy a gift they ask, but men 192 children. Girl Scouts To Assist in New Floor Laid at All of Oregon’s 36 counties, 41 i with Christmas mailings right now, are asked to bring a gift for a man j The following services were per­ states, all U. S. territories and 42 Civil Defense Program This Week at Bakery you'll avoid disappointing friends and ladies a gift for a lady. A good formed: 10 to see Dr. Stone; 20 small­ other countries are represented thia Pearl Harbor day, December 4 t Muir's Bakery was closed over the and loved ones at Christmas time.” turnout is hoped for. It is planned pox; 32 polio, 27 DPT and 7 tuber­ year in the record 7981 student 1958 will be proclaimed Civil Defense weekend while a new floor was being The postmaster asks your special to play games also at this meeting, culin. enrollment at OSC. Day by the President of the United laid in the retail part of the building. | cooperation to be sure that your re-' The sixth grade mothers will Assisiting at the clinic were Jackie Listed from Gates are Doug I States of America. The Girl Scouts The timbers had rotted away, caus­ turn address and the recipient’s ad­ serve refreshments. Farrier, Ethel Hutchinson, Winifred Hirte, John Oliver, John Bernhardt f the USA are cooperating with the ing the floor to weaken. dress are plainly typed or written Moore, and Phyllis Mulse, Mill City, and Daniel Romey. Lahny Podrab- ffice of Civil and Defense Mobiliza­ New lineolum will be laid soon. | on all labels and Christmas cards. and Health Chairman Patricia Knopf sky is registered from Mill City and tion by distributing wallet sized Use zone numbers, and it’s a good of Idanha. Joyce T. Pemberton from Mehama. a rds, “Civil Defense Preparedness,” i idea to include an extra label inside Weather at Detroit Dam to all school children. All Brownie, your packages and to place a piece Intermediate and Senior Girl Scout 7:00 A.M. Daily Weather Readings of transparent cellophane tape over And Lake Elevation Advertising Oregon Centennial troops in the jurisdiction of the San­ Max. Mia. Pep. Elee. the address portion of the label on tiam Girl Scout Council of Oregon your package■> to prevent defacing Not to outdone by other commun­ will be distributing these cards in November 19 52 33 3.84 1487.33 in transit. ities, the service stations of the Can­ 20 1.30 43 34 1 M 11 Linn, Benton, Mahon, Polk and Lin­ November Partel post size and weight lim­ yon have lowered their price* to meet coln Counties to all school children November 21 47 42 0.03 1507.80 itations vary according to destina­ all other competition in the western in public, private and parochial November 22 50 43 0.00 1509.62 tion. Be sure to ask about them when part of the country. This gas war, November 23 49 42 0.22 1505.76 schools on Friday, December 5. ! you go to the post office to buy which has been going on for some These wallet size cards will be November 24 51 45 0.14 1500.00 stamps. ‘ time, reached here last weekend. November 35 0.35 25 51 1496.18 taken home by all the school children. Speaking about stamps, the post­ Just where the prices will end, no 0.00 November 26 47 32 1490.41 They teach each family how to pre- master said, “ Use 4-cent postage on one seems to know, but it has been pare a family shelter and an eva­ November 27 43 30 0.00 1482.66 ■ all your Christmas Cards. In this stated gasoline prices may go still 0.00 43 November 30 28 1473.68 cuation kit in case of disaster. They way, they will be delivered promptly lower. Just who, with the exception tell what to do if there is an attack November 29 45 n 0.00 1465.99 J and forwarded or returned, if neces­ of the motoring public is going to November 30 45 35 0.07 1462.93 alert. 51 ; I 0.18 1459.69 sary, provided you include your name gain, no one knows. This service project for the Girl December 1 It appears at present the station 58 44 0.18 145645 and address on your Christmas card Scout organization is going on na­ December 2 envelopes." Christmas cards sent by operators are saying “if you can’t tion-wide and is an example of the First Class mail enable you to include whip ’em, join ’em.” many community service projects hand written messages; thus, making performed by the girls. “Be pre­ your Christmas greetings more per- pared” is the motto. One of -he laws Report From Santiam Memorial ■ zonal, and by including your name that the girls learn and practise in , and address on each Christmas card Hoapital their daily lives is, “A Girl Scout is Born November 25 to Mr. ahd Mrs. envelope, both you and your friends to be useful and to help others.” Ernest C. Brown of Sublimity a can keep your mailing lists up-to- daughter, Evelyn Rose, weighing 7 date, Error in Enterprise— Be aure to separate your Christmas pounds 5% ounces. Funeral services were held at 11 a. P & L service station in Mill City, along with other Bom November 27 to Mr. and Mrs. cards into two bundles, using free m. Wednesday, December 4 at the This past week an item appeared .n Pride of Oregon stations in Oregon are doing their part The Enterprise stating that Mr. and Gerald V. Kintx of Stayton a daugh­ lab«ls that you can get at the post First Christian church of Silverton advertising the coming Oregon Centennial celebration. Mrs. Barker were moving from the ter, Kathy Ann, weighing 7 pounds office which reads, “ALL FOR for Annie Weddle Burson, 80, former LOCAL DELIVERY” and “ALL resident of Mill City. She passed Perry Clipfell place in Fox Valley. I 154 ounces. Merritt Truax Oil Co., Salem is sponsoring a movement FOR OUT OF TOWN DELIVERY." away in Portland Sunday. She was Mr. Barker called M nday morning' to give away a set of eight glasses, a decanter and tray The ---- r postmaster asks the coopera- . born at Marquam March 18, 1888. stating this information was false, | The Mill City Firemen's Auxiliary of Oregon wood with the purchase of gasoline from the and they had no plans to move. We. will hold a no-host meeting next tion of all busineaa firms to post-1 The deceased was an aunt of Mrs. stations. Above Pete Harris can be seen giving Mayor . are sorry this error occured, but itl Thursday, December 11 at the fire pone mailing of circulars and catalog» Curtia Cline. Doc Kimmell a set of the glasses—The Mill City Enter­ Burial was in Lone Oak ceme- :s just one of those inadvertent' hall. All member« are asked to bring until after December 25 to keep the prise Photo. • i mails clear for the Christmas rush, tery, Stayton. cookies. things that happen sometime« Canyon farle Experimenting y Bel1 Los®s Left r C1 A Area .j | j Eye . Government tIeClIOnS ne’C With Gun Powder Loan Insures Monday P. M Dial Telephones Basic School Support Funds Are Sent Out ; Mail Early to Insure Delivery By Christmas Jim Henry Graduates From Recruit Training At San Diego Base P. T. A. Wednesday Feature Something New at Meeting Attend Clinic Here Record Enrollment at Oregon State College Local Service Stations Join in Gasoline War New Arrivals Former Resident Here Dies in Portland