Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1958)
HON «4M* fcHTL » Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Today.. $3.00 per Year Read It Every Week Automotive & Industrial Maintenance Welding, Diesel Engine Service Shop or Field Delco Batteries Factory Equipment Ignition Parts Dealer for Alrco Welding Products Hoover's Repair Jim and Veryl Hoover Phone 2602 Mill Qty SURGICAL SUPPORTS Legal Notices “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stampe Real Estate 34 mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See J The Mill City Enterprise. Top Quality printing, priced right. Fast service too. Phone 8651. Nights 7605. Furniture ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CARPETING and LINOLEUM r i Penny Saver Stamps MISTAKENED idenity is often costly, you will make no mistake when you call I <■». SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City MOTOS TUNEUP8 and BRAkE WORK AUTO SUPPLIES 367 3rd St. Stayton WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Nursery and Florist Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. n. Including Sundays lVi Blocks West of Stayton Highway Phone Stayton BO 9-2534 319 W. Washington St. I I s I t I I i BUILTTOLAST BODIES Six modern short-stroke V8s oiler high horsepower ratings ranging from 160 to 230, new wear-saving thermostat control and new durability! New Fleetside pickup, (or example, offer» double-walled sides, select wood floor, steel skid strips! seMng I ? I » POWERMATIC TIRE SAVING MEM AXLE DESIGN FIRST FULLY AUTOMATIC HEAVY- DUTY Axles "track" on curves. hikeG.V.W. to 36,000 lbs.! I We Give and Redeem RALEIGH HAROLD more efficient 7i IW. N b Hmdu- TW. o» Hmd Mo» AW A Kg Sotordoy Kg»* * Sign Up Now For Free Drawing Free Thanksgiving Table Arrangement. Drawing Tuesday, November 25th Be Sure and Register. Take trucks that have ihown themselves to be the biggest savers and biggest teller». Add important engineering development» that mean »till greater efficiency and endurance. You've got truck» that promise unparalleled reliability and economy. Here's how Task-Force 59 solidly backs up that promise to stay and save on your job! Situations Wanted n Invited out for Thanksgiving Dinner? t You can make yourself a popular guest by taking flowers from us to your hostess. Chevrolet Task-Force 59 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. WORK WANTED—By day or hour, also baby sitting. Genevieve Kester son. Phone 924, at George Crees, 3 houses west Silver Saddle. Ser vice Station, Mill City. 44p I Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Best yet of the best sellers! New Might, New Models, New Money Saving Power! Small or large tracta Eitiier ciXh or stumpage basis I PORTER ä LAU j month. Write to C. Pesterfield, Rt. 2, Box 109B, Tillamook, Oregon or see Bob Draper. 47p WANT TO BUY TIMBER NEW and USED SILVER SADDLE UT AHO TCvLS NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in L- R- COVILLE, REAL ESTATE accordance with Chapter 6, Section Nelson, Salesman Phone 1957 23 and 24 of the Charter of Mill City, Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City Oregon, that on the 16th day of On Highway 22 December, 1958, there will be held | LIST WITH US a three-year term of office on the j Common Coun il, of the City of Mill City. 2. To elect one councilman io : serve a two-year term of office on iOS DEVERS REAL ESTATE W R Hutcheson, Salesman For Rent the Common Council, of the City of Phone 451b Gates, Oregon. Mill City. FOR RENT—Two bedroom house The election will be held at the between Mill City and Gates. Has City hall December 16, 1958, starting Business Opportunities TV cable installed. See Mrs. Bob at 2 p. m- and will continue until 8 Rash. 40tf o’clock P. M. RELIABLE PARTY The judges and clerks of said elec I FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat tion are as follows: Altha Grimes, Must be capable to operate and man age a business. W’ork consists of tresses, rollaway beds and mat ! servicing route of cigarette ma tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Jennie Davis, and Lettie Swan. I Witness the hands of the Mayor chines. No selling. Full or part We gave Penny Saver Stamps. 367 time. Route will be established for 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804 33tf and Recorder of the City of Mill City, together with the seal of said operator. At least 31,100.00 to |2,- City, upon the 14th day of November, 200.00 cash investment required. Miscellaneous 1958. This is a very profitable business J. C. KIMMEL, Mayor of your own that can be started ELECTRIC ORGA/J—Want responsi (SEAL) on a small scale and be built up to ble party to assume small monthly G. C. RAMBO, Recorder. a very large profit annually. Write payments. Also spinet piano. Write Posted at: giving phone No. to American Vik credit manager, Tailman Piano Red and-White Store I ing Mfg. Co., 5009 Excelsior Blvd., Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. 49 City Hall Suite 152, Minneapolis, Minn. 48 | Hilltop Market Sawmill LOGS WANTED Toman’s Hardware 46-7 Top prices for Second Growth THE MILL CITY ANNUAL ELECTION STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. NOTICE OF FOR DIRECTOR ENTERPRISE 34 west of Mehama, Oregon 54 ts Notice is hereby given that pur- < Entered as second class matter No suant to the provisions of Section ' POWER MOWER—Repairing and vember 10, 1944 at the post office at Sharpening. See Greenough’s Saw 99-3010, O.C.L.A., an election will Mill City, Oregon, under She Art of Shop at Gate« for a good job. be held on Monday, December 1, March 3. 1879 Phone 7351. On the highway at 1958 for the purpose of electing a' Gates, Oregon. lOtf. Í director of said district for the term Marion-Linn Counties, per year 33.M expiring December 31, 1958. Outside, Marion-Iinn lountiee 33-M STRAYED—from home. 80 pound Polls will be open from 2 p. m. un white male pig. If you see him, til 8 p. m. NATIONAL tDITORIAl plea.-e notify Herschel Clark. Phone At T meeting of the Board of Di 5952, Mill City. 47p rectors of said district held Novem ASSO ber 3, 1958, Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mrs. OFFICE FURNITURE »nd equip John Swan and Mrs. George Stew ment. typewriters, acting machines, calculators, cash registers, duplicat art, were selected as Judges of the ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, election; the place of holding said | rent, «w»p and repair. Bargains in election will be the city fire hall. Dated this 3rd day of November, used machines. Roes Typewriter 1958 and published in The Mill City Exchange, 456 O-irt St., Salem, tf Enterprise November 13, 1958 and Telephone 6651 or 7605 LOST—2 hounds, 1 black and white November 20, 1958. JACK D. COLBURN. Secretary. DON W. MOFFATT, Editoe-Publiahei male, 1 red female. Lost in the vi cinity of Rock Creek country. Re ward. Joe Fencl, Rt. 1, Box 100, Lyons. Phone 3907 Mill City. 47 Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms You get new camshaft design, new valve tram durability, high horsepower and torque! TRUCK TRANSMISSION Extra-cont option Senee 50 through Hitt. positraction L tt , Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT __ cabs Sturdy new cross sill, new interior trim, easy Nu-Flex seat, High- Levei ventilation, coo- cealed Safety Steps I New brake» in lightweight», new huskier clutches, new rear axle durability in bigger Chevies! / ✓ Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Stayton Phone 2125 durable, confo»table CVV^S1S REF7^ New rear axle helps give sure-gripping traction. Extra-cost Option, Serie» 31 and 32. Between Portland-Salem-ldanha all way points Household Moving ’vítrtrÁí» jaM-ianmSLs. «,< >*«>. U.J i>*B tattatatY t 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED RATES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 195« Church bazaars, suppers, bake sales, etc, will be run under “Special Announcements’* classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per HOMELITE insertion. CHAIN SAWS Ten cents per line each insertion. No advertisement accepted for leas Sales and Servlet tiaa 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in GR EENOU GH'S ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to SAW SHOP The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon. Phone 7351 . Gates, Oregon . surance VW. A\ your local authorized Chevrolet dealer __ Gene Teague Chevrolet 120 W Hollifter Stayton. Oregon Phone RO 9-2126