The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 20, 1958, Page 4, Image 4

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Womack Page.
Liz Moore, .«-'ear-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moure is i 1 at
her home with the mump«. Tony
Mary Kelly, Woman's Editor
Oran'., f.rwt grader, and »on of Mr.
_______ N.
and Mr-. Janus Grant, ,» also con­
«! •• ■< >•• i rn THE MILL CITY
fined to his home with the same
. Y~. HCaft
Showing of the film, “The Valiant
Heart,” depicting the results of a
child contracting rheumatic fever,
was the highlight of the evening’s
program at the P. T. A. meeting in
the high school library last Wednes­
day night. Mrs. Wills, school nurse
from the Marion County Health De­
partment, and Dr. John Reid, local
physician, were present to answer
que tions of those present.
The meeting opened with the flag
salute, headed by a group of Boy
Scouts. Invocation for the opening
ceremony was offered by Rev. Robert
Roach of the First Presbyterian
George Humphrey presided over the
business meeting, with Mrs. Dellis
Hince reading the minutes of the
previous meeting. A complete report
was given of the recent session of th»
executive board whose recommenda-
ition for the starting of a “Welcome
Wagon” was accepted unanimously
' hy the group.
Approinted by the president to be
I in charge of the new project were
| the following committees: to set up
the directory, Mrs. Ollie Muise, Mrs.
Robert Harris, Richard Freeman,
and George Humphrey; welcoming
committee, Mrs. Edsel Croan, Mr».
Clarence Meader, and Mrs. George
Announced as winner of the room-
count for having the most parents
present was Mrs. James Wright’s sec­
ond-grade room.
Mrs. Robert Veness, kindergarten
chairman, stated that the money from
the recent cake-walk had been used
to purchase a paper-cutter and ed­
ucational games for the kindergarten
Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yost, who were
married Saturday forenoon at the St. Boniface church in Sub­
limity. The bride is the former Judy Randall, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Randall of Mill City and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yost.—Photo by Stanley Ogden.
Firemen’s Benefit
We'll be Closed Saturday Night
It was announced that the next
meeting of the executive board would
, be held on the first Thursday of next
month, December 4, in the grade
At the close of the evening, de­
licious pumpkin pie was served by
a group of seventh-grade mothers,
headed by Mrs. E don Hutchinson
1 and Mrs. James Putman, assisted by
Mrs. Frank Moore, general refesh-
ment chairman for the year.
Mill City Drivein
Louie and Mary Rada
Mill City Fire Hall
• V
November 22
19 5 8
Door Prizes
Tu rkeys
' >
Presbyterian Circle
Meets at Arlo
Tuers Home
Phone 625 *
At PT A Meeting
Married Saturday in Sublimity
Music By
Oregon City
I Instead of a “come as you are”
I party last Thursday morning, Mrs.
1 Arlo Tuers was impromptu “hostess
'as you are” to the morning circle
I of the Presbyterian Church when
through a comedy of eraors Mrs. Jay
Mason failed to be informed that she
i was the announced hostess. When
' five cars drove up to the Mason home,
I their occupants were met by a sur-
I prised expiession from the “so-call­
ed” hostess, who had forgotten what
special day it was, due to illness in
the family.
The ladies re-entered their cars,
upon the invitation of Mrs. Tuers,
and drove on to her house which was
near-by. Although she had been up
' since five o'clock that morning to:
help one of her sons get started on
the first morning of his newspaper
route, she managed to entertain her
guests royally with hot coffee and
forgetful member of the group and
going after her. Oh yes, as secretary
of the group, she read the minutes
of the pievious meeting, too.
During the short business session,
Mrs. Melbourne Rambo’s name was
suggested as the new chairman of
the circle. She accepted.
The program from "The Spirit
Speaks to the Church,” a guide to
study of The Acts, was interestingly
presented by Mrs. Barney Scott.
Some excerpts fnyn Norman Vin­
cent Peale’s "Confident Living.” were
given by Mrs. Rambo.
Next meeting the group will be
held at the home of Mrs. Scott on
Thursday morning, December 4 pro­
viding all goes well.
Others attending the “surprise ses­
sion,” besides those mentioned above,
included Mrs. Doris Morris, Mrs.
Robert Roach, Mrs. Martin Hansen,
and Mrs. Charles Kelly.
As the women were leaving the
Tuers home about noon due to the
late start, the hostess casually re­
marked that she was attending a
dessert luncheon of the Santiam
, Memorial Hospital Auviliary in Stay­
ton that day—which was the reason
| had suggested post-poning the meet­
ing from its regular time on the
previous Thursday in the first place.
Evidently, the meeting in Stayton
had also been changed. There are
times when a person just can’t win,
but Mary Tuers certainly made the
I very best of a bad situation.
Mrs. Bernard Bumgarner
Honored at Shower
GATES—Mrs. Bernard Bumgarner
! was honored with a delightful Pink
and Blue shower in the Gates Wo­
men s Clubhouse on Friday evening,
given by members of the Santiam
Canyon Extension Unit. Most ap­
propriate decorating was done by
Mrs. Elsie Völkel, the buffet table
; especially attractive with tiers of
pink crepe paper, covered with star
dotted blue net to resemble a bassi­
net. Mrs. Jerry Rosamond was in
charge of the games, and served the
dessert. Mrs. Wm. Hutcheson poured.
Present for the opening of the
many useful gifts, were: Mms. Bert
Morris, Burrell Cole and Darlene
Cole, Harold Hostetler, Arnold SjT-
verson. and Jess Haywood, all of Mill
City; Mrs. Alice Dougall and daugh­
ter Betty Meirose, Mrs. Susie Rey­
nolds, all of Lyons; Mrs. C. L. Gandy
Albany, Mrs. Maxine Johnson, Jef­
ferson, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Lake­
view; and Mmes. Clare Rush, Henry
Henness, Clare
Henness, L. L. Rynearson, Wm. R.
Hutcheson, Walter Brisbin, G. C.
Merle Devine, Frank
Novack, Joseph Bowes, Robert Kelle,
W. F- Meyers, Ruth Hess, Lewis
Hampton, Harold Wilson, Richard
Parker, Jerry Rosamond, Floyd Vol­
ke!, Toni Newberg and Susie Rynear-
son, all of Gates.
Sending gifts, but unable to be
present, were Mmes. Wm. Pennick.
Clarence Bal), Charles Tucker, A. T
Barnhardt, Gwenn Schaer, Ed. Ker­
shaw, Clyde Oliver, Ed Kadin, Harry
Harmon and Oliver Watson, all of
Gates; Mrs. Stanley Vail, Mrs. Dell
Smith and Barbara Pate, all of Mill
City; the family, Albany, and
Mrs. Ceci) Haun, of Salem.
Be comfortable now and prepared
for the really cold weather to come.
Spark Oil Heaters always give
you just the temperature you want
w hen you want it. See them today.
Spark deluxe Oil
H-aters give bot*’
circulating and
radiant heat. For
complete comfort,
you need both.
Spark heaters are available with
Spark Air Mover for additional
heat circulation; also available with
thermostat for automatic heat con-
We Give S&H Green Stamps
Telephone 2206
Our store is full of new merchandise for
The Big Event of the Season
Christmas Gift Shoppers
Plan to Attend With Your Friends
Come in and Shop Early
227 S. W. Broadway
Phone 2243
Mill City