Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1958)
SHOP LYONS A Century In Linn County I I—THE MILL CITY ENTHRPRISETHl RSI)AY, NOVEMBER 20. 195-> Bv Eva Breaaler By Judi Hoeye The regular meeting of Faith Re- bekah lodge was held Wednesday «V- Hello all you parents, Are you ening with Zona Sischo noble grand resting? You better because we presiding. The usual routine of busi nave another vacation coming soon, ness was carried out and second By Doria Gunderaen A shocking incident in the shop Granite from Linn county ¡8 a nomination of officers was held and j has ceme to view. Seems they have ?art f the Washington Monument election of officers will be held at the a real “shocker” down there, The for your every day in Washington D. C.It came from a next meeting. Plans were made for electronics class built it. It is a coil hi t at Liberty near Santiam Ter an all day meeting of the Three Links that when held causes the muscles needs Club to be held at the hall on Friday to cantract. Bob Gordon tried it out race Rd. The monument towers 555 feet to December 5th beginning at 10:00 a. and as he let go said, “This sure is share the skyline with the National m. The day will be spent In quilting a shocking business isn’t it?” Ev Kellom's Grocery and anyone liking to quilt is welcome eryone got quite a "kick” out of it. Capitol. to attend. A pot luck lunch will be Your Neighborhood Finally! At last! The GA A found served at the noon hour. out what miscellaneous is and held String small washers and nuts on Grocery The Past Presidents of the Ameri- its sale. It's carmaled apples and a laige safety pin or shower ring. can Legion Auxiliary of Post 58 of popcorn balls and fudge. Very good. Mill City, Oregon They’re easy to find in the tool box J Stayton held their annual Past Pres- The Senior® recently selected from or drawer. ident breakfast in the Fireplacv their midst the three girls elegible room of the Lyons Methodist church I for the DAR (Daughters df the Am served by the members of the Lyons erican Revolution) award. They are NOW STEPPED-UP FOR THE '59s WSCS. A business meeting followed | Shereen Muir, Connie Stewart and ...nota "Red Cent" more in price! with election of officers the main I Sandra Olson. New Blue Chevron Supreme Gives You feature. Elected were Mrs. Joe Span- iol president. Mrs. Clara Lau vice I The school stands shrouded in silence, • Extra high-octane aircraft fuel ele president and Mrs. Marion Hunt i We did not win the game Friday ments for silent, smooth power secretray-treasurer. This is a annual | night and an ache fills each heart. But f A New blue aviation anti-knock fluid to get together affair for the ladies I still we are happy, too. We have vaporize engine deposits that cause and a very enjoyable time was held. won the championship of our league. goes the engine knock Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garton spent And to the football team They have 9 Carburetor-cleaning Detergent-Action the week end in Boise, Idaho. They highest congratulations, school and them- represented their were guests at the home of his broth to give you longer mileage er Judge James F. Porter and Mr. selves well. Music filled the gym Friday night and Mrs. Leroy Ohrt in Caldwell, as the Magazine Sale Dance got Idaho. They were accompanied by I Mrs. Dellis Hince of Mill City who underway. Suddenly the record was ing in the Women’s Clubhouse on stopped and everyone gathered visited her parents in Caldwell. Wednesday evening. Rex Gibson of around to see who was going to win Salem was the speaker, and it is Loren Hargreaves of Seattle, the radio. The slip was drawn and ER CARE OF YOUR CAR Mr*. H. N. Wiben hoped that Gates and other towns I Washington spent several days at the all stood breathless, waiting for the which represent the Canyon, ean get and Mrs. Jerry Rosamond I home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. name to be read. "Will it be mine?” Mill Qty, Oregon Phone 2408 together on a combined celebration Ed Hargreaves. Sunday he with his Slowly it was read, “Sharon Wit- two children have moved to parents were guests at the home of sett”. Sharon let out a shriek. It Gates School bungalow, formerly for Oregon’s 100th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wall in Salem. couldn't be her. But it was. Sharon’s used by Prine. Wm. Gleason and fam- Mrs. Wall is a daughter of the Har soooo happy! , By greaves. Word has been received that Ross Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and ‘ Ball, 70, who is a patient at Veter Mrs. J. H. Johnston Mrs. Earl Allen were in Newport Dr. Rector Johnson, district superin an’s Hospital in Portland, is re The snow Friday morning caused Monday where they attended fun tendent of Salem presiding over the cuperating nicely and apt to be re eral services for Harley Norton fath meeting. The time was spent in hear leased in about six weeks. What was the log haulers on some of the high * er of Mrs. Cecil Basssett who was ing of reports and the progress on I first reported as a hip fracture, shows to lay off work. Several in ches of new snow was reported in Like Good Food? | killed in a land slide near Valsetz. the work at the church, also plans . turned out to be a set of torn liga- the mountains. Only an inch or a Mrs. Pearl Hudson has returned Like Good Dance Music? for the rest of the conference year. I ments only, which he incurred in a little more covered the ground 'here home after spending some time at Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tietze and I fall at his home here recently. Come and Hear in Fox Valley. the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Lora, of Turner were Sun Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison of JIM IHOI.TZ Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Parson and Gordon Hudson at Medford. day dinner guests at the home of his i Lakeview, former Gates residents, Playing your favorite modern Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burmester sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Down | called on old friends and relatives family were Salem visitors at Salem General hospital to see George Par dance tunes. and daughter Janet of Scio were Sun ing. | in this area the past week and were son Sunday. It is expected he will not You’ll enjoy dancing to hie rhythm day dinner guests at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens and Thursday evening guests at the home be able to leave the hospital for some brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burm his mother, Mrs. Henry Stevens were of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rush. Always the best in food here, too! I ester. Sunday dinner guests at the home of j About ten people have been at- time as he has a badly fractured leg Try one of our choice steaks Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye with their ' their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. tending the Spanish Class held at which is in traction as yet, and will or a plate of chicken. daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. A. W. Toman and sons in j the Gates Schoolhouse tach Tuesday be put in a cast in a week if it con Laddie Pesek and daughter Leslie of Salem. | ¡and and Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. tinues to heal satisfactorily. He hax Sea Foods too. .Lebanon went to Portland Sunday Mrs. George Keeley of Portland Mrs. Lewis Hampton is the teacher, been in the hospital seven weeks now. Hugh Johnston was in Corvallis where they had Leslie baptized by spent the weekend at the home of and good progress is reported, Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week I Dr. James Aiken Smith. Dr. Smith her mother, Mrs. Alice Huber. She, john Ruby jg a new member of j Friday and attended the sheep auc tion. I who is an old time friend married also visited with her brother, Don- tbe Kindergarten this week, The new home of Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Roye and there two aid Huber and family. , with his family he recently moved Jerry Wilson has a “quite finished j children, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grimes who have u, Mill city. where his father is em- exterior” look but they still have a and Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek and spent the last two and a half years p]oyed by Fred Moore. inside. However with th* Phone UL 9-2171 Mehama, Oregon has baptized al! five of their grand in Honolulu while he was stationed Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stafford and lot to on do and the walls finished anil children. , there with the U. S. Navy have re-|jbree children of Springfield visited I roof I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue with their turned to the States. He will be sta over the weekend at the home of his painted, work on the interior can b« son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Howard tioned at Astoria for a short time parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Staf done during the winter. It is among the homes in our vicinity. Sev Naue were Sunday dinner guests at before leaving for Virginia where he ford, and other relatives. eral older homes were remodeled and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald will attend school. From where 1 sit... /y Joe Marsh There will be a joint meeting of Naue and sons at Sweet Home. Don Mr. and Mr*. E. L. Roye, accom the Santiam Canyon Extension unit, I newly painted during this year. It all gives our locality a brighter and ald is also a son of Mr. and Mrs. panied by Mr. and Mrs. Arch Eber and the Gates Women’s club Thurs Naue Sr. hardt of Silverton were Sunday day, November 20 (today) In the more prosperous appearance. Whitey Mr. and Mrs. Clair Humphreys Mrs. Van Prichard with her daugh guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ter Mrs. Herbert Mays and two Peter Zirr in Tillamook. While there a Gates Women’s clubhouse. Time 10 and daughters, Claryce and Judy of m.—Pot luck dinner at noon. Topic "Au.o" Not Sell Now daughters went to Olympia, Wash they visited the Pioneer Museum. , a. , “Christmas Decorations” wit!) de Myrtle Creek were recent visitors » is with the J. H. and Hugh Johnstons ington, Thursday of last week, where Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger by Mrs. Jack Gulliford here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston Folks thoufht II mm a bit from where I sit, thine* aren't they attended the wedding of a niece went to Warrenton, Sunday to take I monstrations u „ Illr and Mrs. Stanley Vail. An exhibit of accompanied the Humphreys home Joke when Whitey Fisher— always what they are at first of Mrs. Prichard, their Gail Prim-j , _ little .. granddaughter, , , , . , i Christmas''ta'bi? or mantle decora- where they spent three weeks visit who owns • chicken farm up (lance. “More than meet« t*ir Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis return W ■». W«m- ing relatives. Mrs. Johnston was in on Murphy Hill—bought an ed from a vacation trip to Cali two eye” I* often true whether her - - grandparents. - weeks ---- with — - • _ < en s club, and anyone ean enter, I Medford a week with her sister and fornia. They were guests at the Sp4 Wilmer H. Downer, son of i Guests are welcome. eld taxicab. vou’re lalkins about Whitey * home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phelps at Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Downer arrived | The hunting season is just about I niece and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh "cab.” or a new neighbor dow n “Bought it mainly to haul Johnston, Kathryn, Tommy and Carmicheal, who are former resid- home last week for a 62-day furlough eggs,” Whitey told me "Take the street. Give thins* a chance over and an "ad” says the "hinting” Bobby went to Myrtle Creek, and to after .«pending 13 months in Korea . ents of Lyons and at the home of his out the rear seat and there's as to be proved ... give every man Cave Junction to visit their son, Ken- I neice, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bennett near the 38th parallel. Following his season is about to begin! much room as a truck. Put it a chance to be heard. Sit dow n Mr. and Mrs. David Bamhardt ton the past weekend. Hugh’s par- furlough he will be stationed at Mo , at Eureka. back, and I can take all the over a glass of beer or butter Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom of jave Desert near Engelwood, Calif., have a new baby daughter, Lisa ents returned home with them Sun- kids on the HUI to school. milk and get to know each I Ixah, born Friday, November 14 at day evening. Klamath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. where he will be tank instructor. "In warm weather,” he con other. It'* the American way... ' Salem General hospital. Grandpar was- Thursday, November 13 Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and George Meilke and daughters of Al tinued, "I can slide back the a road of "tolerance" we all daughter, Mary Lee and Mr. and ents are Mr. and Mrs. George Staf Kathryn Johnston's birthday anni- bany were guests at the home of roof and get sunshine And might to ride on. their parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ly Mrs. Glenn Julian were dinner guests ford and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bam |versary. Her mother entertained when I go hunting. I’ll wind up at China City in Salem Sunday even hardt. Two older sisters, Melody and I honoring her daughter with a turkey ons on Veterans Day. the glass partition and the dogs The first quarterly conference 1 ing. The occasion honored the birth Debra welcome the new arrival this dinner. Present were Mrs. Ethel can't lick the back of my neck!" Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston. meeting was held at the Lyons Me day anniversaries of Mrs. Wright week. I The Gates Camp Fire Girls, Blue Kathryn’s grandparents, Mr. and and Mr. Julian. thodist church Sunday evening with pinchi I mied States tireurs Foundation i birds and Cub Scouts plan to make Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Tommy and ' Christmas decorations and corsages Bobby. Earl Thayer of Stayton was again this year. These will be on sale an evening caller. Kathryn received early in December. Anyone wishing a number of useful gifts. A birthdaj to place an order can do so by call cake was enjoyed with the dinner. ing either of the leaders, Mrs. Wil liam Pennick, Mrs. Bob Oliver, Mrs. Jean Rosamond or Mrs. Bob Kelle. I Mrs. Laura Joaquin, who has been YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER quite ill at her home recently, was ( Report From Santiam Memorial Hospital Wednesday pleasantly surprised IS A REAL CONVENIENCE! % Born, November 17 to Mr. and when several friends arrived with packages and things to wish her a Mrs. Michael V. Lackner, Rt. 2 Scio, happy birthday. Present were Mmes. a son, Ahomas Michael, weighing 7 I Mane Herron, Alice Hershberger, Pounds 13*4 ounces. A wonderful way tor a busy young mother to Mildred Hostetler and Rosella Hay wood of Mill City; Mrs. A. Bailey, save countless hours is by shopping the ads in Violet Bailey, Emeha Keiser and her hometown newspaper By knowing, before Bessie Novak of Gates. Sending I gifts were Mmes. Alice Watson, I she goes to town, which products she wants and Mary Howell, Sarah Rain» and Mary I where to buy them she can do an efficient job of , Wilson. marketing While the housewife spends her time Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Velma ’ iCarey and Mrs. Harold Wilson of becoming an expert nurse laundress, cook play ithe Women’s club, and Mrs. Joseph I mate. and bookkeeper the local newspaper is Bowes, attended the Centennial meet-1 KELLOM'S GROCERY Bassett Chevron Station GATES FOX VALLEY 'fifa® The Riverview Cafe > To The Busy Housewife ... New Arrivals See Us for Priotìng The Mill City Enterprise bringing her the shopping news It tells her about the latest products and services that will help her accomplish her work most efficiently it tells her where to find the best prices offered on items she needs It saves her many long hours cf shopping around" SHOP THE ADS IN YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER! The Mill City Enterprise OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION. INC >11 till* Hill A© • O ■ »11* I •• I HI. OIIOON HERE IS You Find the Best in MEAT and GROCERIES when you snop shop regularly wnen z at our meat and grocery store. See us about a Locker Today. Order one and have it ready for fall. Open 7 Days A Week. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Phone 2642 Mill City, Ore. a