8—THE MILL LITY ENTERPRISE THI RSD\V, NOVEMBER IS. |*W Campfire Golden Jubilee To Be Held in 1959 fl You Always Get Your Best MEAT DEAL AT HILLTOP MARKET We're ready -fo -fake your ORDER NOWh NEBERGALL'S POLISH Sausage 2/89 NATE'S Crab or Shrimp 2 for 49* COCKTAIL HILLTOPS 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 85* It's turkey time again! And we have ¡ust the kind you love ... plump, tender and delicious . .. sure to be the star of any Thanksgiving feast! Order in advance! fatter! '///, Yuban or Maxwell House COFFEE SWEET POTATOES or Yams 2 lbs. 25* Cranberries 2 lbs. 49* NEW CROP PINK Grapefruit 4for45* Lemon or Chocolate BETTY CROCKER Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb. can 79* 5 Pudding Cake Mix L piigb. ¿K/C NALLEY'S, Plain or Kosher Dill Pickles ALBERS 24oz.jar39c Flap jack Flour 4 lb. bag 49* FISHER'S BLEND 28 ounce S & W OVEN Baked Beans 4 4 cans $1.00 LIBBYS or ELSINORE CRUSHED No. 2 10 lbs 89* Flour DEL MONTE BREAKFAST Prunes 2 lb. pkg. 45c INSULATE MEHAMA By Mrs. John Teeters Reltives here received word the ( first of the week from Pvt. and Mrs. I Allen McDonald that they had arriv- l ed safety at Monterey, Calif., and ' were settled in an apartment there, j Pvt. McDonald, who was previously' stationed at Fort Bragg, North Car-1 olma will be attending language | school at Monterey. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson and I daughter, Doris Ward, were in Port- I land Saturday to attend the dog show at the Portland Armory. Doris' chi-1 huahua. Tiny Tim, won a second ; prize in the show. F. S. Helsel, who makes his home with his son’s family, the Wesley | Helsels, i received ---- * word the first of | * lo aF ......L .. C A I 11 • death . • • I last week of the sudden of his brother in Colorado. Jack Ryland is recovering from | surgery on his right eye. i The 1 he Rev. and Mrs. James Hardy I and children spent Sunday afternoon and evening with his uncle and fam ily the C. B. McCalls of Pratum. i j Mrs. D. L. Teeters and Mrs. Harold Longfellow visited Monday with Mrs. I W anda Love and children in Lebanon. | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Griffiths visit-) ed Sunday with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boring I and children of Eugene. I Mrs. Chris McDonald visited re-1 | latives and friends here several days the last of the week. Mr. McDonald came Saturday and they left for their I place at Tumalo. Geraldine Longfel- - ■ ■ »*? with ___ ZONOUlf VERMICULITKg INSULATING FILL Do ft yourself m 1 afternoon for as low as 60 Anyone can insulate the aver* age attic in one afternoon foe as low as $67.60 with 7* ‘ O- LITE. Do it yourself a .are as much as $ 100.00 in ••»na tion costs...cut fuel bill up to 40%. Pour it, level it. leave it? It’s 1OO% fireproof. rotproof, nermanent. Come in today toe a FREE estimate! Kelly Lumber Sales Open Saturdays Ph. 6803 Mill City. Ore CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Now is the time to use our Layaway Plan to get your Christmas gifts and toys. Come in today and make your selection. Phone 2206 3 pkgs. 25c ZEE PAPER Giant Size Rolls Pineapple 4 «ns $L 00 Towels roll 29c HILL-TOP MARKET Prices Good For November 13, 14, 15 Receiving the-initiatory degree at the meeting of Marilyn Chapter, No. The Campfire Leader’s Association 145, Order of the Eastern Star, at the met at the home of Mrs. Delbert Go- lodge hall Monday evening were Mr. I forth last Thursday morning, with and Mrs. T. H- Baughman (Sid and ' Mrs. Wendell Heller presiding. Mrs. Shirley) of Mill City and Hugh James Minty, Field Director for Wil Johnston of Lyons, Presiding over lamette Council of Campfire Girls, of the occasion were Julia Kemp, wor Salem was present and presented thy matron, and Walter Brisbin, worthy patron, of the chapter. “Christmas Craft” for the girls to Special guests for the evening were make if desired. a group of eight members of Victor that the Lions It was announced Club would assume the maintenance ia Chapter of Turner, headed by the for the Scout cabin where the groups worthy matron, Leona Dimbat, and the worthy patron, Karl Wipper. of Campfire Girls meet at present. During the business session, plana Mrs. Minty discussed the “Golden Jubilee” of Campfire which is to be were discussed for the Christmas observed in 1959, the theme to be party to be held at the December meeting. “Conservation.” The Mill City girls Serving on the refreshment com- are to plant a commemorative tree ‘ mittee Monday night were Fern at the new high school grounds in the Spring, the date to be announced I Shuey, Ethel Wills, and Viola Hirte. j The chapter rooms w%s beautifully later. Another excursion for the with autumn leaves by Mary planting of seedlings is also being | decorated Hoodenpyle, Tena Graham, and Ad planned. I die French. Sponsors of the girls, selcted from the Woman’s Club and from mothers, secured to date are as follows: Mrs. low returned home with them and Bill Hoeye, Mrs. Albin Cooper, Mrs. will stay with Mrs. McDonald while Martin Hansen, Mrs. Charles Kelly, i Mr. McDonald is working near Stev Mrs. Don Carlson, Mrs. James Put enson, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. p .N. Hughes and man, Mrs. Mel Rambo, Mrs. Don • family went to Astoria Friday where Walker, and Mrs. Robert Veness. they visited with Mr. Hughe’s bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mill City Garden Club Hughes and children. Mrs. Hughes ' Plans for Christmas Party and children returned home Sunday The Mill City Garden club met evening but Mr. Hughes remained Thursday afternoon for a 1 o’clock1 for a week’s elk hunting. Visitors during the weekend at the dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Otto Witt with Mrs. Charlie Dolezal Frank Buckler home were their daughter Mis. Al Molnar and her as co-hostess. I Mrs. Harvey Tolbert, president of son, Jim, of Oak Grove. The Pots and Pans 4H cooking the group presided at the business meeting. Plans were made for the club held their regular meeting at •club’s Christmas party, which will be the G. V. Christensen home Thursday December 11 at 7:30 p. m. at the evening with all six members pre home of Mrs. James Swan, with Mrs. sent. They made cookies for their Wendell Heller and Mrs. O- E. Hood- project. enpyle co-hostesses. Each one at I The Pins and Needles Sewing club tending is to take a gift ($1.00 limit) met at the Milton Roten home Tues for the gift exchange and a gift day after school and spent the time wrapper for an elderly person in an learning various techniques of sew ^old people’s home. Anyone who was ing, how to use the thimble, holding not at the meeting may call either the needle and material and some Mrs. Tolbert or Mrs. Do'ezal for fur- stitches. They hope to start doing some actual sewing real soon. Suz- • ther information. I Mrs. Ike Myers, a former member anne Cutting was elected secretary l of the group was welcomed back as to take the place of Linda Davenport 'a guest. Present were Mmes. Burrel who has moved away. Cole, Louis Verbeck, Myers, John Swan, guests and Mmes. Harvey Tol bert, Charlie Dolezal, J. C. Kimmel, IT’S EASY TO Adolph Brunner, Curtis Cline, James Swan, Wendell Heller, Danny Moore, Lowell Cree, Fred Grimes. O. E. Mrs. Hoodenpyle, and the hostess ‘Otto Witt. » » | JENKINS HARDWARE We Give S and H Green Stamps ZEE 80 COUNT PAPER Napkins Three Initiated Into Star At Meeting Monday Night PHONE 2744 Mill City, Ore.