Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1958)
■**4 LALS— For Rent - ilvn surance 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 195b CLASSIFIED RATES Church baxaars, suppers, bake Legal Notices Situations Wanted sales, etc, will be run under “Special Announcements’’ classification with NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in WORK WANTED—By day or hour, a minimum charge of 50 cents pet HOMELITE also baby sitting. Genevieve Kester ' accordance with Chapter 6, Section laeertion. son. Phone 924, at George Crees, CHAIN SAWS Ten cents per line each insertion. 1 23 and 24 of the Charter of Mill City, 3 houses west Silver Saddle. Ser Oregon, that on the 9th day of Ne advertisement accepted for lees Sales and Sendee vice Station, Mill City. 44p December, 1958, there will be held Aaa 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in the regular annual election fur Coun- ordering your ad Phone 6661, Mill I oilmen as follows: Card of Thanks 1. To elect one councilman to serve City or mail yonr advertisement to I a three-year term of office on the 1 wish to take this means of thank The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Common Council, of the City of Mill ing all those wonderful people for Oregon. City. the many a.ts of kindness extended The election will be held at the to me and my family during our re Real Estate City hall December 9, 1958, starting cent bereavement. It is impossible to . at 2 p. m- and will continue until 8 thank each of you personally. Thes« MORE LISTINGS NEEDED o’clock P. M. acts of friendship will long be re I need more listings, have one buyer The judges and clerks of said elec membered by us.—Mrs. Russell Kelly with cash for a 6-acre or more with tion are as follows; Altha Grimes, and family. house, also a buyer with $5,000 Jennie Davis, and Lettie Swan. cash to pay on 120 acres or more, Witness the hands of the Mayor CARD OF THANKS half in cultivation, good buildings and Recorder of the City of Mill 1 wish to thank all those who sent not necessary. City, together with the seal of said cards, gifts and flowers during my I Have many good buys, in 2 and 3 City, upon the 3rd day of November, I illness, i s Your thoughtfulness bedroom houses. May be purchased 1958. deeply appreciated.—Mrs. W. A. on convenient terms. J- C. KIMMEL, Mayor Mackie. GLEN SHELTON, Broker (SEAL) West Sid« Mill City Phone 2207 G. C. RAMBO, Recorder. ' Posted at: THE MILL CITY L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE Red and White Store M. h|pl>on. Salesman Phone 1967 City Hall ENTERPRISE Office at MUI City Lodge, Mill City Hilltop Market Entered as second class matter No On Highway 22 Toman’s Hardware 46-7 «ember 10, 1944 at the post office at LIST WITH US Automotive & Industrial ‘ NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION MUI City, Oregon, under the Act of FOR SALE—Hillcrest Apartments. March 3. 1879 Maintenance FOR DIRECTOR 7 units furnished. $6,500, with Notice is hereby given that pur-__ _ _ per year __ SS.tO Marion-Linn Counties, $2,000 down and $60 a month. suant to the provisions of Section Oot>idr Marion-I.inn Welding, Diesel Engine ’ Countlee $$.$• Write to C. Pe'-terfield, Rt. 2, Box 99-3010, O.C.L.A., an election will , Service 109B, Tillamook, Oregon or see I be held on _____ __ ________ Monday, December 1,, Bob Draper. Shop or Field _______________________________ *1P 1958 for the purpose of electing r • I NATIO NAl i 0 I T O R I A I Delco Batteries JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE di,evtor of 8aid district for the term n A# ^*5 expiring December 31, 1958. Factory Equipment Ignition W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman I Polls will be open from 2 p. m. un- Phone 4515 Gates, Oregon. | Parts I 8 p. m. Dealer for Airco Welding At t T meeting of the Board of Di rectors of said district held Novem Products For Rent PUBLISHf St ber 3, 1958, Mrs. Frank Blaxek, Mrs. FOR kENT—Two bedroom house John Swan and Mrs. George Stew 'ASSOCIATION between Mill City »nd Gates. Has art, were selected as Judges of the TV cable installed. See Mrs. Bob election; the place of holding said Jim and Veryl Hoover Telephone 6651 or 7605 Rash. 40tf ejection will be the city fire hall. DON W. MOFFATT, Editor-Publtebe« Phone 2602 Dated this 3rd day of November, FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat 1958 and published in The Mill City tresses, rollaway beds and mat Enterprise November 13, 1958 and tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. November 20, 1958. We gsve Penny Saver Stamps. 367 JACK D. COLBURN, Secretary.! $rd St. Stayton. Pb/ ne 6804. 33tf Subscribe to The Mill Gty Enterprise Today.. $3.00 per Year Read It Every Week .PORTERs LAU ,rI>iitece SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms "Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stampe WILL RENT at a very low figure I subscribe to the mill city during the winter months a 2 bed I ENTERPRISE TODAY! $3.00 a Year room home with new roof and mouem conveniences. Located on TCP TV—Tie Dinoh Shore Ivy Street just off Second Street. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Salem. Origan. Refer to L-5838-F. V ORiGO* JOS JrO «1. ^*(M>o«C Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Hoover's Repair SURGICAL U STAYTON SUBSCRIBE to The Mill City Enterprise Fall Landscaping Let us come and give you an estimate on your job. We’ll do it right and you'll be surprised bow little it costs to make your place real attractive. Sign Up Now For Free Drawing Free Thanksgiving Table Arrangement Drawing Tuesday, November 25th Be Sure ami Register. RALEIGH HAROLD Nursery and Florist Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. bl Including Sunday« lMi Block* West of Stayton Highway Phone Stayton RO 9-2534 319 W. Washington St. Chevy Show-Sundoy-NBC-TV ond the Pot Beene Chevy Showroom-weekly on ABC-TV. Business Opportunities ARE YOU looking for a thriving business that I is only In its infancy, returning good monthly income and requiring only 40 to 60 hours monthly and no sell ing? If so, the requirements are: 1. Live in this paper area 2. Be of legal age 3 Have a serviceable car 4. $960.00 to $2100.00 cash requir ed. Partiai finance available through company, 5. Want to be in a proven business | hackee by a large national com-; pany. If you are qualified, write fully about yourself to Thi« is not a vending machine ad. M. E., INC. 6502 Walker Street Minneapolis 26. Minnesota Miscellaneous FOR SALE Seigler Oil Heater, com plete with electric fan, 100 gallon oil drum, tubing, stove pipe. Seven room si*e, two years old. Jack Duggan, Rhone 2808. 46p I He our fueit J ot a plnuure test. . • drive a Chevy today! DEFINITELY NEW, DECIDEDLY DIFFERENT ! Chevrolet »hatters precedent beautifully tri th a completely netc car J or the second year in a rout. Here's the one that's shaped to the netc American taste. The ’59 Chevy’s new and different in every thing from ride to roominess! It’s new all over! In the fresh slant of its Slimline deeign. In the spacious comfort of ita Body by Fiaher and vast areas of visibility. There’s a new Hi-Thrift 6 that deliver« up to 10% greater gas economy, bigger brakes, better-than-ever sus pensions, a new finish that needs no waxing for up to three years. Nothing’« new like Chevy’« new! See it at your Chevrolet dealer'« now. what America wants, America gelt tn a Chsegt Sawmill LOGS WANTED ■■■■■■■■M i Top prices fee Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. You can be ASSURED, when you call on us for automotive service. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. MOTOR TUNKUP8 HR A MR WORK AUTO SUPPLIES 4 west of Mehama. Oregon Mt* POWER MOWER— Repairing and Sharpening. See Greenoegh’s Saw Shop at Gates for a good job. Phone 7351. On the highway at Gates, Oregon. IRtf- OFFICE FURNITURE end equip ment. typewriters, aoUng machines, calculators, cash regirters, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, »wap and repair. Bargains in need machines Roen Typewriter Bxehange, 4M Owrt SL. Salem, tf Thê împrrtfiK une I topaia Sport F‘don Liti oll nru Chrrirt, il ha* Safety Ph ti Glow ai* WANT TO BUY TIMBER or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basi« see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. 14 mite west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf ASK FOR V; FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See The Mik CHg Enterprise. Tog QuabSr priateag. priced right. Past hc . phone $461. Night« ¡7606 Gene Teague Chevrolet 120 W Hollister Stayton, Oregon