Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1958)
New School Bus In Operation Here SHOP KELLOM'S GROCERY for your every day needs Kellom's , Grocery Your Neighborhood Grocery MUI City, Oregon NEW and USED Furniture ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CARPETING and I LINOLEUM CO* We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stamps 367 3rd St. Stayton »—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Paul Meyers. The baby weigh THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 195» ed 10 pounds 2 ounces and has been Detroit-Idanha A new school bus has recently By Jessie Savage been delivered to the elementary Mr. and Mrs. Marion Aiderman «chool district by Capitol Tractor and have returned after a few day’s visit Equipment Company of Salem. The at Elgin, visiting Mrs. Aiderman's bus will be used in connection with ! mother. the regular transportation of ele- Mr. and Mrs. Al Sorseth and boys i mentary and high school students. were visiting over the week end in The bus is equipped with a Superior, Lebanon and Sweet Home. forward-control, transit type body, The Ameri an Legion Auxiliary and is powered by an International met Tuesday night at the home of i motor. It has a semi-automatic Mrs. Reba Snyder with 13 members | transmission with an electrically op- and two visitors present. Mrs. Lydia I erated gear shift. It is now ready Williamson and Mrs. Curt Nelson, 1 for daily operation on routes follow- The Christmas committee was ap I ing a period of trial runs and adjust- pointed by President Sylvia Wenke. . ments. They are Opal Leming, Beniadine The bus will be particularly useful Stoll and Jessie Savage. The next in furnishing adequate and comfort- meeting will be November 18 at the ■ able transportation for large groups home of Mrs. Alpha Everly. of studen tsattending atheletic events Mrs. Margaret Hern and Mrs. ¡and field trips out to town. It is Mary Clester attended a clothing I equipped with luggage compart leaders workshop at Stay ton Wednes ments built in under the seating space day under the leadership of 4H club | which will accomodate such things leaders of the Cascade Area. Anoth as high school football uniforms and er sewing day will be held at Stay gear, leaving all seating space to be ton November 19 for the benefit of occupied by students. all 4H club leaders. It starts at 10 This bus replaces the old 30-pas- a. m- All attending are asked to senger G. M. C. which was worn out bring a sack lunch. and no longer safe to operate on the Mrs. Mabel Moore is visiting a few | highways. days with her son Keith and family | All Mill City school bus drivers at Sandy. have recently completed special driv Mrs. Earl Capurro fell and broke ing and written examinations as her arm Sunday. It has been reported I well as rigid physical examinations, at this writing that she has an in i to comply with current legal require- fection in her elbow which she skin ! ments incident to public school trans ned and a cast cannot be applied as portation, and to qualify for special yet. She is at Santiam Memorial hos school bus drivers permits issued by pital in Stayton. the State Department of Motor Ve A son was born November 4 at hicles. Salem General hospital to Mr. and named Matthew Wayne. The Meyers have two other boys. Mrs. Ada Thompkins honored her daughter, Teressa Tuesday with a party on her 7th birthday. Seven guests were present. She received many lovely gifts and refreshments were served. Baptismal services were held Sun day afternoon at Turner for Mrs. Marjorie Benton. Officiating was Glen Lyda, pastor of the Detroit Christian church. A group of ladies attended a morn ing coffee Friday at the home of Mrs. Marjorie Benton with hostesses Mrs. Benton and Mrs. Lois Crispin. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Monroe from Albany were visitors over the week end with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crispin. Mrs. Lynn Scott fainted Tuesday morning and when she regained con sciousness she was paralyzed from the waist down. She was taken to Stayton for treatment and is now at home. She is still unable to use her legs. Mrs. Ada Tompkins is caring for the Scott’s 4-month-old daughter until Mrs. Scctt recuperates. Look for the new ironing board which has pull-out flaps at the small end which converts the board into an ironing table. The increased size is especially good for larger pieces of ironing such as table cloths, sheets, and pillow cases. Whipped butter spreads easily and goes further in making sandwiches. To whip butter, add tablespoons of boiling water, a few drops to 1 pound of softened butter. Three Eighth Graders Lay Out Shuffleboard Court at Grade School Marion County Court Rules Against Gates Two gates, which were placed across County Road No. 957 in the mountainous area northeast of Me- Three eighth grade boys, Carl nama, must be removed. Kelly, “Rusty” Whitten, and Eddie An order to this effect was issued I Henry, have recently done a very by Marion County Court recently, excellent job of laying out a shuffle directed to J. G. and Blanche Wag board court in the elementary school ner, who operate a cattle ranch in gymnasium. The court has been mark the district. ed off with dark blue plastic tape, The Wagners may replace the with all lines, corners, angle«, box gates with cattle guards a reson- es, and numerals precisely placed. able length of time being given by It is a beautiful job, and they are to be commended for their efforts. the court for the transaction. told Commissioner Roy The work was done outside of regu Rice that he has a letter from Grant lar school hours, and constitutes a Murphy, former county judge, auth contribution on their part toward good orizing him to install the gates to school citizenship. As soon as rainy weather confine» prevent cattle from wadering dow-n students within doors during the the road. noon periods, the shuffle board court However, it was explained m court will serve to furnish students with that conditions have changed another means of indoor recreation. during the past 20 years and the The three boys are contemplating gates must be removed. laying out another court in one of the classrooms to provide recreation Don’t freeze a stuffed turkey—it for more students. can create a food poisoning hazard. Fryers are cheaper now than they Use a thin or medium solution of were 10 years ago and the good sup cold pre-cooked starch or plastic ply is expected to continue. They are starch to add body to limp nylon and better quality now because they am dacron curtains. Press with a steam developed especially for meatiness, iron. tenderness, and flavor. The red clay here in the valley makes a stain on clothing that is like iron rust and may be set by hot soapy water. First brush off all loose mud, then rinse several times in cold water before putting into hot wash, water. WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Between Portland-Salem-ldenhe all way points Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving Stayton Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT LET US HELP YOU CHART A SAFE COURSE With property value« and building costa on the rise, the safe course is to make sure your fire insurance fully pro tects your home. CHECK WITH US NOW D. B. HILL INSURANCE COMPANY MY LIVING COSTS HAVE GONE UP,TOO! SEE US SOON Phone 1708, MW City. Orete« But the average price you pay for electricity has gone down 16.6% since 1949 Today, more than ever A . 1949 1958 + 21% modern electric living ^ ving LZ- is the biggest bargain And our professional watch maker is the man who can do it. He’s an authority ou the delicate mechanism of the fine jew eled-lever watch-qualified by thorough training and long experience to keep it in tip-top shape Bring m your watch for a professional inspection to day. Expert workmanship Quick service Your completa sat sfaction guaranteed. : in your family budget! PACIFIC POWER We use only official, - * &LIG-HT COMPANY Since 1949 PPiL has spent $261 ,000,000 on new construction to help you live better.. electrically! -16% factory-packaged part* in servicing fine —1 ! joweled-lever watches BAKER’S MILL CITY, •¡•National consumer price Index. « Average cost of PP4L electricity POT kilowatt-hoMr for home m i JEWELRY Telephone 1843 Mill City