Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1958)
Business and Professional DIRECTORY Three Mill Citj area students are enrolled this fall term at Oregon Col- I lege of Education. They are Vna Glea- , son. Gates, Donald M.Whirk of Gates and Lawrence Poole, Mill City. JOHN W. REID. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Mrs. Leo Poole Speaks At Detroit Club Meeting The "CHILI BOWL" Gu' -t speaker last Wednesday night I at the Detroit Women’s Civic Club was Mrs. Leo. Poole of Mill City who presented a speech on International ' roastmistress Clubs. The following I points were covered by the speaker: Toastm.stress background and de veloping obje.tives and proced ures; the club meeting; speech pre paration; and leadership training. Jesgie s r pregi^d over the’ st>sslun whkh uhl4.h was w>sl h„ (d M „ th segslon h . hnm ho„,4 J . o, Adel„ FleU,her jn j Mj.g staU>s th w>s g,nferel j impressed with the way in whuh It is being announced that the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craven from Sisters were guests Sunday at the morning circle of the Presbyterian home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shep- Church has postponed its regular MILL CITY. OREGON meeting to next Thursday morning. herd. November 13, instead of this Thurs W. A. Mackie went to Salem Satur- day, November 6, at Mrs. Jay Mason’s day and brought Mrs. Mackie home, ___ ,, home. I where she is recuperating following DR. JOHN C. TARR The Frank Moores attended a U. ■ major * ? surgery. Chiropractic Physician Forest Service dinner mee ing in Phone KO 9-2922 Salem Monday of this week. and Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpv le patent Monoay evening M ini. wees. Hours 9:00 to 6:00 A panel discussion was held concern- the weekend at Powers with Evenings By Appointment son-in-law and daughter. Mr. mg big game damage to the forest crop. Others attending from Mui r»2 E. Ida St. Stayton Irs. Ray Wooden. City were Al Pakula and Bill Truitt. these civic-minded women carried on Also present from this vicinity were their activities. t»o Gale Abrams and Bob Oliver. OIZST/Sn i L ivrnr "r- aIU* Mm. 1). B. Hill spent two Invited guests included Mrs. Lucy DR. VICTOR J. MYERS »lay* b--: week visting at the home Fiischkorn, Mrs. Mary Petigo, Mrs. I of the R. C. Hawmans on the Alsea George Rambo of Ashland Kathleen Story r. and Mrs. . Poole. ...... Chiropractic Physician ( river near Waldport. Saturday at the home of his parents, Others atUndir^ included Dorothy BELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. Mr. and Mrs Melbourne Rambo. Onlculber, Bernice" Dummer; Yvonn'e Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Toman and Sunday the Rambos drove to the H llg> Ruth Ho|fle E)la Johnaon Cella STAYTON. OREGON I sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toman all home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Balt- John’o„;} ™ m keUh- PHONE RO 9-2557 | of Salem, were guests Sunday at the more near Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. L ................ urn, Mabel Moore. Dorothy Morgan, i Albert Toman home here. Wallace Henderson joined the group V‘^a ’ Oja' ZeJa Oja,‘T S?h)ader’, ____________________ for Sunday dinner Afternoon callers Lon>ine s h k’ g vil. Dr. Leslie J. Carson Miss Audrey Shaw, who has been a the Baltimore home were Mr. and gl„,a s Nancy Trigg, Flo employed at Shirley’s Beauty Shop is Mrs. Paul Van Buskirk of Madras. Yt, Nan Yo y. Mal and OPTOMETRIST leaving Saturday for Gold Beach, He is a former Mill City res.dent. the ... ¿ let4,her Visual analysis — Contact lens« the hostess, Adele Fletcher. Oregon, where she wil) be employed. The Rambos encountered a snow Visual training storm on their way home Monday. I Every Day But Wednesday Home Made Pie Early Breakfasts For Truckers Mrs. Margaret Howard, Prop. Thank You Friends Stayton J. W. GOIN Experienced Veterinarian By Harold’s Floral Gardens Ph. RO 9-2533 Stay-ton, Ore. 8CIENTIF1C HORSE-SHOEING TEX SHIVELY Phone UL 9-2202 For Appointment Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service Dr. Mark Hammericksen’» Opto- Mrs. James Grant honored her 1 metric offices in the Bell building in Stayton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. youngest son Saturday afternoon to 6:00 P. M No appointments ne with a birthday party on his third cessary. adv. birthday. Following an afternoon of ( The Executive Committee of the Christian Women’s Fellowship of the Christian Church will meet at the parsonage this Friday afternoon from 1 to 3 p. m. All members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitaker of ' Salem visited his parents, Mr. and ’ Mrs. Herb W’hitaker Saturday. Herb Whitaker was operated on for gall j stones Tuesday morning at Salem | Memorial hospital. I Jim Cuthbert was honored as “Jaycee of the Month” in Bend for his work as chairman in the club’s United Fund effort. The Jaycees made the best showing in a special concentrated three-day kickoff cam paign. j The annual ham dinner of the PTA playing, the honored guest opened his I was adjudged a huge success Thurs many gifts and refreshments were day evening with 240 people being served. Present were Kathy Wright, served, according to Mrs. Sid Baugh Patty McClintock, Cindy Ziebert, man and Mrs. James Gordon, co- Raymond Boedigheimer of Stayton, chairmen. The event cleared ap Frank, Mike and Laura McDowell, proximately $1KO, including $20 from Mike, Jeff, and Sherri Carrick, Jerry, the cake-walk. Practica’lly all the Tony and Dale Grant and Mrs. James food, except the ham. was donated by i Wright, Mrs. Al Ziebert, Mrs. Rich PTA members and parents of the ard Boedigheimer, Mrs. Franklin school children. McDowell, Mrs. Larry Carick, Mrs. Cloyd Cox, Mrs. James Grant and ' SI B8< HIRE TO THE MILL CITY | i ENTERPRISE TODAY! $3.00 a Year the honored guest, Jerry Grant. OREGON STAYTON Don Paul, Santiam High School faculty member, spoke last week to the Detroit P. T. A. on the Oregon Centennial. Mr. Paul is a member of the Mill City Speakers’ Bureau pub licizing the Centennial. Mrs. Leo Sewers Cleaned Poole is chairman. A Large Selection of Boxed CHRISTMAS CARDS BE SURE WITH PHILCO *o« youh TELEVISION OF RADIO Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 We Specialize on Philco, Motorola, Zenith Stiffler's Radio and Appliance Co. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT FAYS TO BUY AT HOME Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. Ma. and Mrs. Ike Myers are again making their home in Mill City. Ike has just recently been in the hospital in Portland for several serious opera- itions, bjt seems to be coming along ___ I all right at this time. They are living - I BM Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gust spent from Saturday to Wednesday at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Mason. They are from Spokane. Guests Tuesday at the Masons were Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell of Portland, who were on the.r way to Arizona to spend th ewinter. I Mrs. Kathleen Storey underwent surgery at the Salem Memorial Hos pital on Monday morning of this week, and if reported as recovering satisfactorily, according to her mother, Mrs. James Poole. It was , hoped that the Pooles would be able to bring her home on Tuesday. Mrs. W illiam Mc( Unlock honored 'her son, Mark, on his second birthday at a luncheon Saturday. The circus ¡theme was earned out in the decora- itions and food. Present were Mark McClintock, Frankie Moore, Jerry, Dale and Tony Grant, Donald Cree, Mrs. Lowell Cree and Mrs. McClint ock. A total of *165 »as taken in at I cooked | the bazaar, luncheon, and food sale at the Christian church election day, sponsored by the Chris tian Women's fellowship. The group still has quite a let of nice hand made articles so plans are under way to have a pre-Christmas sale in early December to dispose of the articles on band. LICENSED Garbage Disposal • 1J9 Per Month and Up Aiao Servicing Gate*. Lyona Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY, OREGON DISPOSAL SERVICE Bud Cline, Owner Ph. 5902 Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY Mark McClintock »as honor guest Tuesday evening at a family party at the home of his grandparents, Mr. I and Mrs. Lowell Cree, present were ¡his great grandfather, Mr. George ¡Cree; uncles ar.d aunts, Mr. and Mrs.! O. E. H oodenpyle, Sir. and Mrs.! Gordy McMorris and Donald Cree, and Mrs. Wm McClintock, Patty and, Rhonda Fue, the honored guest, Mark and the b «t«, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell We will continue to do our best to give Mill City and the Canyon a store they can be proud of. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP 227 S. W. Broadway II Phone 2243 Sunday Starting Time: 5:30 P. M 7:00 P. M. on Other Days. II Till RSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13-14-15 GLENN FORD. SHIRLEY Mad \INE. in "THE SJIEEPMAN’’ Western Comedv! _ PLl’S — DAN DAU F.Y. CLAIRE KELLY, in “UNDERWATER W ARRIOR’’ SI NDAY, MONDAI NOVEMBER 16-17 KI NN I III MORE. DIANE i ll ENTO, in Mill City Pharmacy “PARADISE EAGOON’’ I’l.ES COMEDY! ( HARI.ES COBl’RN. WENDY HILLER, in I IIOW TO MURDER A RICH UNCLE" Starts at 5:30 Sunday Crusade For Youth At First Christian Church r MILL CITY, OREGON November 16-21 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stockdale and son Danny, and daughter, Mrs. Ken neth Berg of Stayton went to Spo kane, following a call that their dau ghter, Linda Stockdale was seriously ill with pneumonia. When they ar rived she had passed the crisis and was improving. The Stockdales and Mrs. Berg went on to Bonners Ferry, Ida., their old heme, prior to return ing here. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Shepherd were hosts at their home Saturday evening for a bnrthday dinner in honor of their grandson, Leroy Shepherd who was three years old. Present to honor Leroy were Mrs. Hugh Jull, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roten, Barbara Jean and Bobby from Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd, Jerry and B nnie Lou and the hosts, Mr. and -Mrs. Floyd Shepherd. I 59<-$1.50 MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tank« and Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT 1979 Elm St. W. Salem Annual Ham Dinner Is Successful Event • • • • I wish to extend my thanks to all those who took part in making my open house Saturday such a huge success. I also wish to thank those who pre sented flowers for the event and to other mer chants who cooperated. Z. 615 Third St- Ph. RO 9-2751 Ice Cream-Pop GATES CHANGE IN HOURS: Monday thru Thursday, 5:30 A. M. to 9: p. M Friday open 5:30 A.* M. to 12:00 Midnight Weekends—8:00 A. M. to 12:00 Midnight 7:30 P. M. Each Evening with f Clyde and Alice Freeman Evangelists Using • • • • • Visual Aid • Gospel Magic- Chalk Drawings • Scene-0-Felt Attractive To Both Motion Pictures Featuring the Amazing Black Light You See What You Hear Youth And Adult.