There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING J—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE as \ eteran’. Day is a legal holiday. THURSDAY. NOS EMBER 11. 1958 '1 i i Mrs. Paul GGeraths are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a grand- n. Micheál Keith, born November 1, to their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry B y Eva Bressler Bertha Allen was hostess for the Gower of Redmond. The young man ounces and was Wednesday afternoon card club with weighed 7 pounds ■■B her party at her home. Several table- horn at the Santiam Memorial hos­ of 500 followed a one thirty dessert pital in Stayton. Mrs. Gower is the I luncheon. High score was held by former Miss Nova Ann Geraths. Sunday gue-ts at the home of Mrs. Donna Asmussen, second high by Mabel Downing, low by‘Alma Olm­ I Donna Asmussen and daughter Mild­ stead and traveling prixe went to red were Mr. and Mrs. Milt Emberson IThelma Nydegger. Others attennding from Bridgeport, Washington, and I were Eulalia Lyons, Ruth Lyons. Ber- their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vern neice Bridges, Carrie Naue, Bea Hiatt, Ember- 'n and three children from Rose Bassett, Leota Worden, Mar­ Bonneville, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Craven of Sis­ garet Kunkle, Jaunita Wright and ters were Sunday dinner guests at. Charlotte Thiel. The Lyons Home Extension Unit the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kun- | will hold their meeting on Thursday kle. The Cravens are former resident* I November 20 in the basement of the of Mill City and came over to look I Areal beauty, Regular Price | Lyon* Methodist church with an all after some property there. Mrs. Mabel Bass who has spent the' | day meeting beginning at 10:30 a. m. Project leaders »re Leao Johnson »nd most of the summer in Salem at the Bonnie Hartle, who will give the dem­ home of he rson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ onstration on "Building a Ward neth Bass returned to her home in Now on sale for Only Robe”. Each member is to bring Lyons Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Short has returned to samples of material also fashion pic­ the home of her mother, Mrs. Lydia ture* from magazines. The November meeting of the Mari- 'Cuiwell after an extended visit with Linn P. T- C. was held on Tuesday relatives in Oklahoma, Kansas and evening with Mrs. Guy Hartle presi­ Texas. and three uein wmm ... Mr. , and Mrs. Bert Bailey » -, dent in cnaigo. charge. Rev. janiis James aaru) Hardy was Moderator for a panel discussion children Mwhaal Twyl. and Sherri "Prejudice of Minority Groups”. The fr”"' Springfield were Saturday panel consistei! of John Prideaux, "J«“1 and Sund*y «uessts at the home Wen.Ull W...v Or TUnn her s,st*r' Mr “n‘l Mrs- Orville Wendell Weaver, Eldon Gilson Gilson, Mar-! garet Phillip*, Jan Powell and Leao ' Downing. Mr*. Leo Cruson and her moth-in- Johnson, who were introduced by This big freezer can be bought Jean Roberts program chairman, law, Mrs. Charles Cruson went to for a song at this close-out sale which was followed by a good group Riderwood, W ashington Saturday af­ discussion. At the close of the even­ ter Mrs. Earl White, who will spend sells regular for ing refreshments were served by the two week* at the home of her daugh­ eighth grade mothers with the room ter, Mrs. Leo Cruson. Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Decker and mothers in charge. No meeting will daughter Sue Ann of Eugene visited be held in December. Members of the W S- C. S. held | Sunday at the home of her parents, Close Out Price their meeting at the home of Carrie Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard and Naue on Tuesday afternoon, with Mil-j sister Mrs. Ethel Huffman. hired over the,. Mi” Jau"lta Runkle dred Prichard Prichard presiding presiding over the 'business meeting and and Evelyn Evelyn Julian business meeting Julian ! dau«hter of Mr.and Mrs. John Kunkle ( having charge of the pr-gram. Plans | «J-W .nd Ralph D.v^on of Mr. ■ were completed for the Auxiliary |and Mrs. Cleo C. Davis of Mill City ! Breakfast which is to be served Tues­ were quietly married Saturday, Nov­ CAPRI COMBINATION Freezer-Refrigerator day morning November 11 for the ember 8 at Newport. They were ac­ past presidents of the American companied by his brother and wife, Regi price $499.95 I ion Auxiliary, which will be served Mr. and Mrs. Vern Davis. The young I couple will make their home in Mill in the church basement. Plans were City. Closeout price only i also made to serve a hand out lunch Mr. and Mrs Wayne Lierman and at the auction will be articles of var­ children, Ronnie, Richard, Cheryl and ious kinds, including some household goods and some livestock, Various Lowell of Stayton were Sunday din­ guests at the home of her mother other plans were discussed and the ner Mrs. Leota Worden. next meeting will be held at the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Kath home of Orpha Roye. Attending wer«. ryn, Tommy and Bobby spent the Reta Cruson, Martha Cruson, Elor- Phoue KO 9-2136 Stayton, Oregon ence N’aue, Ruth Cotton, Mildred week end in Southern Oregon. They Prichard, Inez Ring, Gladys Hai- visited with their son Kenton who greaves, Evelyn Julian, Eva Bressler attends school at Cave Junction. They also visited at the home of his sister and the hostess Mrs. Naue. Students of the Mari-Linn school Mr. and Mrs. Claire Humphreys and will enjoy a two day vacation Novem­ family at Myrtle Creek. His parents, ber 10-11, while the teachers attend Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston who had I a workshop to be held in the Albany been visiting at the Humphreys Junior high school on Monday the 10. home returned home with them. Mrs. H. W. Kunkle of Beaverton is There will be no school on Tuesday visiting at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. J. Kunkle and family. Mr*. Kunkle has just returned home from with relatives in California. I visiting The auction sale which was to have been held at the Rebekah hall in Ly­ ons on Saturday, November 15, has been postponed uuntil a later date. H. Johnston is chairman and anyone j having articles to donate for this I project may contact him. L NOW STEPPED-UP FOR THE '59$ ... not a Red Cent more in price! s New Blue Chet run Supreme Gives You • Extra high-octane aircraft fuel elo­ ments for silent, smooth power • New blue aviation anti-knock fluid to vaporize engine deposits that cause engine knock • Carburetor-cleaning Detergent-Action to give you longer mileage CLOSEOUT on all 1958 APPLIANCES DRYERS FREEZERS COMBINATIONS Capri Dryer $264. $194.25 Capri 20 Foot Upright Freezer V $479. 351.97 s366.64 Bassett Chevron Station AE Highway 22 TAKE BETTER CARE OF Phone 2408 YOUR CAR Mill City, Oregon SHOP Here for BARGAINS Sunshine CRACKERS lb. box 27û See Our Windows for Many More Money-Saving Buys Ken Golliet Prices Effective MEHAMA, OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store Nov 13, 14, 15 Santiam Farmers’ Co-Op. Suppler s Name and SHELL LOGGER'S CHOICE McCulloch's New CHAIN SAWS Super 55 A .. ...................... 7 h. p. 22 lbs. See Us for Printing $329 and I p • • • Super 44 A 7 h. p The combination you can count on for FREE! $239 and I p Model D36 HeatírgSen/ícú WITH NO INTERRUPTIONS $179.95 and Up Heat your home our Certified Comfort way and forget worries about service interrui>- tiona. We keep your tank filled automatically.’ Oil’» always there when you need it. Certified Comfort brings you doubly !♦-' pendable heat, too Scenic Oregon TUMBLERS Your Choice of 8 Scenic Views One tumbler free with purchase of 10 gallons or more of Pride of Oregon Gasoline at -r'qon i P & L SERVICE Pride of Oregon ; GASOLINE ’Pete" Harris & Larry Urban, Owners Model Mac D30 HtRK'S WHY: $149.95 and Up Raymond Brandi & Son Equipment Company Start yosr Shell Certified Comfort Service »wl H. L. Ashby DISTRIBUTOR Paone RO 9-2339 F Stayton Ore. F Mill City I 1. Shall cartiMas you get premium grade, better burn* fng heating oil. Highly refined, it give« you more efficient heat — even clean» your furnace filter as ft bum«. Yat ft eo»ta no more than ordinary heating oils. 2. We certify you get premium »erv.ce. We refill your tank automatically end protect it with free Sor.itor application». You’re cxnfortab!» and carefree! i I Advertise Oregon “IT PAYS” PRIDE OF OREGON PETROLEUM Products Distributed By Phone UL 9-2160 MERRITT TRUAX OIL CO Mehama, Oregon 205 Columbia N. E., Salem i