GATES Get Your Free Litterbag Mrs. H. N. Wilson To help "Keep America Beautiful" we are giving away litter bags to our customers. Many motorists are becoming conscious of the appearance of our scenic highways. Won't you do your part in keeping them clean by using one of our Free Litter Bags OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WE GIVE S & II GREEN STAMPS Highway 22 Mill City Phone 7442 Santiam Ripples l—THE MILL CITY ENTBRPR18E HU BSD A Y, NOVEMBER 13, 1N8 Harold Syverson, of Los Angele- By Judi Hoeye tj 'alif., was a visitor in Gates last el al. you, fatigued, wear Thursday, looking up oldtime friend® irked, fagged, jaded, harrased, in the canyon. Hii ¡8 father owned ar led. worn out. disgusted par operated the old Syverson mil) east ents. jn tase you hadn’t noticed, we’re of Gates for many years. having a vacation with nothing to do.« Nothing, dd I say? Why, there Joe Joaquin, who is employed in Portland, visited his mother. Mrs are about 40 Seniors busy trying I-aura J iaquin Sunday. He also looked to get their term pafiers done. Now they've got writers* cramps from | after property here. Mrs. Velma Carey and Mr. and writing and typers' cramps from typ­ Mrs. Fred Stone, were dinner guests ing. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gale ■ The Seniors—they're always in the Carey in Stayton Wednesday even- |news!—have chosen pink and silver ing, the occasion being the 15th birth for their*class colors and the rhodo- day of their granddaughter, Donna dendron for the.r flower. Beautiful combination, is it not? Carey. The GAA postponed their _ v I , 1 MAA Him money Mrs. I Harry ke.ser was P>»»»»ntly ki sa)e untjl Thursday and Fri surprised Friday afternoon, when day of next week. They probably several friends arrived with packages had to in order to find out what n'everything, to help her celebrate “miscellaneous” is. We hungry stu­ another birthday. Mrs. Jess Haywood dents hope that by next week they’ll of Mill City brought a decorated birthday cake. Others present were have discovered and can have the sale You Find the Best in Mrs. Mildred Hostetler, Mrs. Alice as now scheduled. HERE IS Thursday night the dedication of Hershberger and Mrs. Marie Herron, our new school building was held in all of Mill City, and Laura Joaquin, the high school gym. After the de­ • Mrs. Joe Novack, and Mrs. Chet Ed- dication, open house with everything f A when you shop regularly holm, all of Gates. spic 'n span. ’Twas easy to get it that Mrs. Hullis Turnidge and her way, for our students have lots of z } at our meat and grocery daughter, Caroline Brejcha, who lives “polish” and it took but little "el­ •store. in Portland, attended the chryBan- bow grease.” themum show at the civic auditorium All the rooms in the school were See us about a Locker Today. Order one and have recently. They also visited the Jap­ open for inspection. Mr. Harris’ room anese Budhist temple, and thoroughly was always crowded, for he was it ready for fall. enjoyed the beautiful flower arrange­ sending messages all over the world ments at both places. by ham radio for everyone and in the Open 7 Days A Week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker and chemistry room, Ernie Anderson, three daughters will move soon to Ron Kuhlman and other dangerous the former Millsap home which has people were doing experiments to en- I been renovated since the fire, altho tertain the guests. O. K. if you like some remodeling is yet to be done. to be adventuresome. I Mill City, Ore. Phone 2642 Larry Kanoff and Connie Stewart The Parker home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Kershaw when were chosen Boy and Girl of the available. month for October. Congratulations. The football quarter-final tourna­ Harry Barnhardt and his recent bride, both of Los Angeles, arrived ment will be played here Friday Friday for a short visit ^t the home night between Tillamook Catholic and of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Santiam. Be sure to come watch "Big Barnhardt. They had recently flown Red.” It is certainly going to be a to Haw-aii for their honeymoon trip, game you won’t want to miss. After the game, the Magazine sales where they made plans to return to Honolulu to make their home, while dance will be held in the gym. All Barnhardt will be engaged in con­ the students who sold four or more | struction work. On Sunday Mr. and subscriptions can get in and eat free. 1 Like Good Food? Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, and daughter, It DOES pay to work. Like Good Dance Mask? Do you mothers need help? The Marc a, were hosts for a gathering Come and Hear and dinner for the Barnhardt famil­ second year home ec girls have form, J IM iHOL'l'Z ies, to honor the happy couple who ed a babysitting organization called , the Mothers' Helpers Bureau. If you I Playing your favorite modern left by car Monday for California dance tunes. Mi. and Mrs. L. R. Crennell, form­ live in the Hilltop district and you erly <>f Silverton, have leased the want a baby sitter, call Doris Hut- You’ll enjoy dancing to his rhythm Gateway Cafe (formerly Bia-Mar) . hinson, lt»02. If you live on the j Always the best in food here, too! and an* now open, following a paint­ ’ Marion county side of the river call I Try one of our choice steaks ing and decorating job. The Crennel® Sharon Whitsett, 2024. And if you I have a young son, Mark, who will live in the Gates area call either i or a plate of chickeii. attend kindergarten here, and a Marcia Barnhardt, 4552, or Leatta j Sea Foods too. daughter, Christine, who will be in McCall, 755. For rates and further the first grade. A more formal open- information call Fir manor between the hour of 9 and 4, or call Mrs. Roles, ing is planned soon. Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week 4307 after school hours. Be sure to form- Jack Romaine, of Portland, a er resident of Mehama, accompanied cut this out and save it if you are Ed Taylor and Mrs. Mav Patton, of a mother on the go. It will save you Mehama, for a visit at the home of lots of time and trouble. Hang onto your hats and stand Ned and Daisy Richards Monday. Phone UL 9-2171 Mehama, Oregon steady. Soon the Juniors will be com­ All are oldtimers and old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Robb of ing out with their annual stage pro­ Portland, were Sunday guests at the duction. This year the name of it is home of their former neighbors, Mr. “Rest Assured." It is about a penny- When in Need of Printing—Call The Enterprise—6651 pinching man who won’t let his and Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mrs. Clare Rush attended funeral daughter get engaged to—but heck’ services in Salem Monday for her Why don’t you just come and see if brother, Charles S Chittick, who died for yourself. This is radio station SUHS sign­ suddenly at his home there last Fri­ day. Although he had been quite ill ing off. Be sure to be with us next several years ago, there was no re­ week as, same time, same station, cent warning of a heart ailment, and we bring you another thrilling his passing was a shock to his fam­ sode of life at Santiam. ily. Mrs. Velma Carey spent th« lung school holiday visiting in Portland at the home of her run, Eugene Carey, and family. Mrs. George Arthur» went to Portland Saturday to be near her husband, who is a patient at Veter­ an’s hospital. Surgery on his eye By Doris G undersea performed Monday, has b« n reported as successful, and they hope to re­ Covered bridges are subjects turn home over the weekend. artists and photographers, but they Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor of Dallas used to be objects to avoid after dark have been houseguests at the borne in early days in Linn county. GotRocks »»er limousine of their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Hen- Long-gone pioneers called them machtne. X«d I have my uess for a few days, and on Sunday “robbers’ roosts,” and cautioned their the families enjoyed a trip to Burns children to keep away from them af­ ®ut out on a high**?« where they were dinner guests at the ter dusk. home of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Hese- * street, or a by*»)'« men and family. Mr. Hesemen is well Minute Men serve us both with known here, and is a son of Mrs. i Taylor. A'aJi/.« ¿re. Hex wir'd, Calif. The Gates Campfire group had a Report From Santiam Ma mor ml Hoapital candy sale at school last week and Burn November 3 to Mr. and Mrs. netted $4,10. They made the candy Sc true So quick, so thorough and so complete is Minute and organized the sale all by them­ Jesus Santibanez of Aumsville a son, Man service that I mon Oil customers say it’s as good as selves, and the fund will be used to Carlos C, weighing 9 pounds 7Vs the fasohne High praise indeed —the gasoline is Royal 76, fix a nice Christmas basket for a ounces. the West's most powerful premium’ Born November 4 to Mr. and Mr« needy family. They are now making Win >25 oo > Smd us a hmti < k about your stuffed toys, which will be presented John J. Mackie, Sublimity a daugh­ Uvorite I nion (hl product or service. If it s a to Konnie Worth of KC.W Portland, ter. Susan Helen, weighing 9 poands winner. wt ’M pay you $25 on pub.n at ion. and given to children in that area. 12 ounces. Write to 76 Limerick*. Union O Box 7600. Burn November 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Ellen Howell is reporter, and Mrs. Lt* 54, Cahf. Jack D. Sphoon of Rt. 1, Stayton, a William Pvnnick, leader. Wilmer Crites of Corvallis, is work­ daughter, Jill Susan weighing UNION OIL COMPAN Y of california ing temporarily for Layer Logging pounds 10 ounces. »»’ B o « m ■ MH 01------ Co., and staying at the home of his I parents. Mr .and Mrs. Harry Harmon.1 Wann< the elate of Venetian blinds There were big blobs of white snow makes dusting much simpler. on all the loads coming out Monday morning. Br.rrrr. Floyd Völkel drove to Portland Saturday to visit his father-in- law, A. M. Boynton, who is a pa­ I tent at Veteran's hospital. Mr Boynton has had several blood trans­ fusions, and is reported as much im­ proved. Mrs. Bob Young, of Marion Forks, served on the election board at the Gatoe school last week. This is the voting place for Linn county resi­ dents as far east as Manon Forks, and about 90 votes were cast this \ Ever-widening circles year. Mrs Velma Carey, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Frank Novak and I of disc riminating Westerners Clyde Oliver are the other members I x are discovering i of the board Mention of this voting place was overlooked in The Enter­ makes Olympia prise list. MEAT and GROCERIES 1/1(71’5 fl « MILL CITY MEAT MARKET The Riverview Cafe club checks iVt on the mu A Century In Linn County Join the thousands of wise Oregonians who save the Christmas ( luh way each year and receive these wel­ come I’. S. National ( hristmas Savings Club checks in time for carefree Christmas shopping! Now' is the time to start prepaying your next scar's holiday ex penses by joining U. S. National's 1959 Christmas Club. a Just sleside how much * s ou'd like to has e... then sase a little each week-—from 50c to $10. And next Nos embe r sou'll receive a cheek for the entire amount, plus interest. New Arrivals JOIN U.S. NATIONAL S 1959 CHRISTMAS CLUB Weekly Deposit . $ .50 1.00 2.00 5 00 10.00 ' Receive Next . November $ 25.00 50.00 loo.oo 250.00 500.00 PLUS INTEREST / \ Water" THt UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND 9 11 I C I W HEN IN NERD OF PRINTINC, TRY THE ENTERPR1SK FIRST refreshingly / different