Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1958)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE __________________________________ ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLI ME XIX XI MBER 16 Mil I CITI Library Meeting Scheduled Here Thursday Night t How do we keep the bookmobile? This question demands quick action on the part of all the people in Linn County, for unless a country library is approved at the forthcoming spe cial election, the bookmobile will be assigned to another county. If Linn county residents approve parti.ipation in a library region, the county will be-studied to determine the best possible outlets for service. Would you like a branch library in Mill City? Mrs. Mabel Baker, Western Oregon Extension librarian, will meet with Mill City residents at the Santiam Union high school library Tuesday evening, November 18 at 8 o’clock to participate in a panel with Virginia Hoeye, Ronald Ragsdale and Edith Mason. Time will be reserved for i general discussion of cooperative li brary service—the cost of it — the “why”’ of it—and the “how” of it. Arrangements for this important and timely meeting are being made, through sponsorship of the Worn-! an’s club of which Mrs. Hoeye is the ' president. Wayne Downing Loses To Demo. Opponent <»L I i.O' M «0 A YEAR 10c A COTY Meet the Jaycee Buck Derby Winners Santiam Wolverines To Meet Fast Tillamook Vikings in Foot Ball Quarter-Final Tourney Here The Santiam Wolverines and Tills-1 niook Catholic Viking meet on Allen since mid-season. Field at 8 n. m. sn the quarter final For the Wolverines Gary Bevier, playoffs. According to local coach Gleason Eakin, the Wolverines will I Ron Kuhlman, and Louis Morgan will be at full strength for the first time [ provide most of the running strength while Tillamook Catholic will depend upon Buck Collekon and Joe Codd for their ground game. Santiam also has one of the outstanding passing com binations in the state in I.arry Kanoff and Dorman Gregory. These boys add much offensive punch. The lines for these two teams Pacific Power & Light Company’s tax payments this week to Marion seem to I m * about equal in size an 1 and Linn counties for levies on com experience. According to Eakin at pany property in the counties will i this time the outcome of the g»m s total $304,007.22, R. L. Stewart. | is a toss-up. line-ups local PP4I. manager reported yes- 1 The tentative starting l look like this: terday. Pos. Tillamook Both payments are up from last | Santiam 145, J. Sheets year, Stewart said. The Marion coun D. Gregory, 170 LE ty total of $44,459.68 is an increase B. Boroughs 179 LT 165, D. Jacobs LG 115 J. Schonlau of 3G or $1,276.46 over a year ago, E Hirte 152 C 160 C. Schmader and the I.inn county total of $259,- D. Cree 163 175, K. Ross 547.54 is an increase of 5.5% or E. Anderson 165 RG T. Fend, 178 RT 186 K. Burkhar l $13,602.63. Stewart said the tax increase re- i I. Kanoff 138 QB 150, B. Dürrer fleets the large capital investments1 R. Kuhlman 142 LH IGO, B. Collekon RH 156, J. Cod«l made by the company for improve-) i G. Bevier 152 ments and expansions of customer J. Tucker 191 FR 170, J. Carver RE 180. M Ochs service facilities during the recent D. Howe 139 years of record PP&L activity. I ------------ Pacific Power's property tax pay ments to 27 Oregon counties this year will total a record $2,637,634.55, Stewart said, the largest property tax ever paid DHKl in in the me state siate by oy PP4L- invi.. jpç;af\d Q| UUPlUlOy Pacific Power Pays Higher Taxes This Year Winners in the first annual Jaycee Buck Derby were given their prizes Saturday night at the Sportsman’s Center in Mill City. All winners were on hand with the exception of Gordy McMorris,, who is not pictured above. The winners from left to right are Lloyd Ketchum, Detroit, 1st prize, a 30-06 rifle Bruce Gordon, Mill City, camp stove, for the smallest blacktail; Carl Budlong, Mill City, a 30-30 for the largest blacktail; Thomas Piet- rok, Stayton, hunting knife for the runner up on the biggest mule deer: and J. W. Thorn ton, Idanha, hunting knife for the runner up prize for the biggest blacktail deer.—Photo by Stanley Ogden. Victor Sword, Salem, Speaker at DeMolay Elementary Students Dinner Saturday Night Begin Publishing Own School Newspapers Linn County voters elected Burl Ingram, Democrat, Linn County com- missioned, retiring commissioner Wayne Downing by a 91-vote margin, 8,970 to 8,879, at Tuesday’s election. Downing was seeking his fourth Victor H. Sword of Salem was term as commissioner. Ingram is a main speaker at the annual DeMolay deputy county assessor. Residents living within the bound Dads dinner held at the Masonic hall Albany voters rejected an $83,000 aries of the proposed North Santiam in Stayton Saturday evening. Mr. municipal tax base increase proposal , Livestock district voted 103 for to Sword, a minister, and a missionary I23 aga.nst the forming of the dis- and elected two new councilmen at to India for 25 years had many in Some very interesting and object teresting experiences to relate to the Tuesday’s special city election. . trict. i ive instructional methods and tech group. He brought out many points in A 1,589 Yes and 2,272 No vote de- i In precinct 182, Mehama, there feated a proposed new tax case of i This week the Mill City Volunteer) were 37 vetes fcr and 9 against. In SHELTON, Nov. 10—Simpson niques have been observed at the a humorous manner, which was en Firemen started the house to house precinct 184, Mill City the vote was Logging Company today simultane- ) elementary school recently. In con- joyed by all. $230,168. Ji..... . represent selling „ _____ _ _ the _ [ ____________ __________________ _ ________ to encourage split 1 to 1. __ Up at Gates, precinct aq»lj announced curtailment of its nection w,.th ,nst'in Language Larry Roth was named to campaign The dinner which was pi -pared by Ward 1 and Dr. Elmer Jones Ward 3 citizens to come to their annual bene-‘ isf>, there wer? 65 votes for and 13 J fir plywood production to 80 percent Dons M. Sheythe is sponsor- a <«f mother« of the DeMolay tire . j against. 'of fit, which will be staged at the fire against, on el the - City Council in in th., the nnlv only rnn- con fi^ ' of its normal five-day capacity for U|g a school newspaper, issued by the boys, was served by members of the tests. Mayor W. L. Fitzpatrick and hall Saturday, November 22. This | the next eight weeks and a reduc- eighth grade students enrolled in her Rainbow group from Mill City. 2nd Ward Councilman Don Catt were year, according to Martin Hansen, i ’ t ion of’anded fir plywood prices to'cla“ *n room L The first issue was Bob Draper, as master of ceremon ■ completed the last day of October, ies introduced several guests follow firemen will make their calls with the re-elected without opposition. <76.00 for >4” AD grade. and the second issue is now under Linn County voters favored Judge fire trucks. The curtailment action, according way. This newspaper shows every ing the dinner. A trio composed of Richard Anderson of Lincoln County Tickets sales so far this year are | Yvonne Dickie, Sandra Thomas and president to H. W. McClary, vice promise of being an interesting ami over Stewart Weiss, Sweet Home, ahead of last year, Hansen said. | )and general manager, is being taken entertaining project, as well as being Frances Nesbitt sang two numbers. 8,831 to 7,350, for circuit judge of the Many residents would prefer to pur-. | by Simpson to stem further fir ply- 21st Judicial District, position No. 3. chase tickets than have the cost of | Several from here attended grave- i W"o i price reductions that would exceptionally worthwhile from the Linn County Judge Wendell Tomp the department placed on the tax side services Saturday afternoon at take place if plywood pr >duction is academic point of view as a medium kins was re-elected without opposi- roles. This way the firemen have Lone Oak cemetery in Stayton for not decreased to the current reduced of expression that will challenge the talents of students. money for their needed equipment Mrs. Edna O. Brewer, 75, widow 04 demand of the market. ton. Another primary level newspaper and repairs, and the people of the the ¡aw tVLun( who wnu late ui. Dr. Dicwcr Brewer ox of 0ia Stayton, area have a good time at the benefit. | passed away at her home in Seaview, I 1 A number of plywood companies is being issued by the combined Early Friday morning the firemen | Wash., November 4. Acacia Chapter, ■ have been effecting sales for sanded second and third grade classroom un were called out to extinguish a chim- Order of the Eastern Star, was in) I plywood at prices below their cur der the direction of Lois N. Putman. ney fire in the old Hoeye building. I charge of the service at Stayton, the I rent $80.00 ] ublished price list in These chidlren are putting their stories and news items in the paper I GATES—Since the regular meet- They were re ailed again at 5:30, i regular • funeral service had been j “In fairnes.- to its customers," Me- i in their ‘ own ................ handwriting by printing I ing date for the Santiam Canyon Ex same place—**ame thing. (• iremen said j held Friday in the Presbyterian Clary said, “Simpson cannot toler- them on fluid process master aten- tension unit would fall on Thanks- that was surely a night of short j church at Ilwaco, Wash. -”- This -------- -----••—- in- giving day this month, it has been serves as - an excellent sleep. On Sunday they were called Mrs. Brewer, who was well known , ate two price levels within the in-’ cils. centive for the children to perform decided to have a joint meeting with Rex Gibson of Salem, Marion to the Frank Merrill place to put out | in Mill City where she had been a dustry for the same products. “Plywood and wood products de good work in penmanship, composi i the Gates Women’s club Thursday, county chairman of the Oregon Cen- a fire in a truck. frequent visitor, was born at Stay tennial committee will be at the ton, February 25, 1883. She was a mand for the past several months tion, spelling, and language usage. i November 20 in the clubhouse, start Women’s clubhuose at Gates this cousin of the late J. F. Potter. Sur has been good due to delayed hous This same group of children in Mrs. ing at 10 a. m. The topic is “Christ Thursday evening, November 13 at 8 viving are a sister, Mrs. J. W. Mc ing starts this year, and based upon Putman’s classroom recently churned mas Decorations,” which everyone o’clock. Culloch of Medford and several this late increased demand healthy some butter in connection with their looks forward to. Project leaders hourly wage increases were granted studies of home and community ac will be Mrs. Jack Gulliford and Mr». The meeting is being called to dis nieces and nephews. cuss plans for Canyon-wide partici Attending the Stayton service from mill and woods workers. Mill operat tivities. This group also took a short Stanley Vail. There will be the usual pation in the Oregon Centennial. It is here were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, ors will be seriously hurt after such train trip on the Shasta Daylight potluck dinner at noon. The Woman’s club is sponsoring an Mrs. W, W. Allen, and Mrs. J. F.' cost increases if prices for their pro from Salem to Albany last wek, the hoped that all clubs in the area will have a representative at this meet Potter, who acompanied the Lafe ducts cannot be maintained at sat- first train trip most of them ever exhibit of “Christmas Table” or had. They were taken on a conducted “Mantel” Decorations, and anyone 1» ing. IDANHA—A guided tour was con Potters back to their home in Oregon factory levels.” McClary said that production tour of the entire train by railway entitled to bring their arrangement, ducted Monday afternoon by two en City for a short visit. schedules for January, 1959, will be personnel. It was certainly a novel for an exchange of ideas and new gineers at Detroit dam for the bene determined by the Company after a experience for them, and an exciting tricks. Guests are welcome. fit of the Cub Scouts of Detroit and Idanha Home Extension review of market conditions in late way of learning things about the I Idanha. The Cubs going were X'aughn December. transportation systems. Several of Everly, Terry Savage, Harold Hei- Unit To Have Work Day the mothers of children in the class bert, Timmy Delano, Raymond Sophy,) IDANHA—The Idanha Home Ex room assisted Mrs. Putman in getting Benji Moki, Ruby Thornton, Douglas tension unit met Thursday afternoon LYONS—Election of officers was the children to the train and home the main business at the meeting of Spencer, Bobby Miller, Larry Smith, at the fire hall. Several ladies attend from Albany. Santiam X'alley Grange on Friday ev Jimmy and Tommy McCauiy, Alfred ed this meeting although the weather Clark, Jimmy Heibert, and Herbie was not the best. ening. Officers elected were Warn Residents in the newly incorpor The theme was “Christmas Decor er Hampton, master; Keith Phillips, Tompinks. ated City of Lyons will go to the polls Den mothers were Mrs. Lorraine ations” with Sylvia Wenke and Dor ■verseer; Celene Taylor, lecturer; Friday of this week to elect a city Hubert Wagner steward; Frank Basl Sophy and helper, Mrs. Zell* Oja, othy Williamson demonstrating. Mrs. council. Eleven names will appear on assistant steward; Alta Bodeker, Mrs. Alpha Everly and daughter. De- Wenke and Mrs. Williamson came this ballot with voters to choose chaplin; Bertha Basi, lady assitant ana, Mrs. Freida Hiebert and Donald back from the Salem workshop with five from this number. and Cub Master and Mrs. Al Reiner. many clever ideas for Christmas de steward; Fern Sletto, secretary; Polls at Rebekah hall will bo Alma Van Handel, treasurer; Casper They were all amazed at the many corations that it was decided to have open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Geraths, gate keeper; Lois Meyers, tunnels and the big machinery hous a work day December 4, starting at The Santiam Rebekah Lodge met On the ballot are Robert Moore, 10 a. m. with potluck at noon to give eerie»; Margaret Phillips; pomona; ed in the big dam Almost a million dollars for holi at the hall last week with Dorothy Clyde Lewis, Phillip Pietroke, Wen all the ladies a chance to benefit Bessie Hampton; flora;’ Blanche from the many hints that will be day shopping is being distributed Vail, noble grand, presiding. She was dell Weaver, Alex Bodeker, Paul •• — ....., executive . a . t commit Wagner, musician; thia week by the United States Na assisted by Agnes Carlson, vice Geraths, Jim Crowell, Walter Collier. given. tee, Jake Myers, Giles Wagner and tional bank to members of its Christ grand. Chief business of the evening Robert Davison, L. H. Behrens, and Refreshments were served at Elmer Taylor. The new officers will was the nominating of officers for Lucy Palmer. mas savings club. meeting be installed at Western Star grange the ensuing year, with election to Wed., Nov. 12, P. T. A., flim on Checks are being mailed from U. S. •on Thursday evening, November 20. National’s 66 statewide offices to be held at the next meeting, as fol A short meeting of the Home Ec "Valiant Heart” Wed., Nov. 12, Marilyn Assembly, 72 Children Get Service more than 10,000 members who par lows: onomics club was held following the Noble grand, Agnes Carlson; vice Rainbow for Girls. ticipated in the bank’s 1958 Christ grange meeting to elect their new of At Well Child Clinic grand, Sophia Kist; treasurer, Daisy Pinochle Club at Mrs. Bert Bor mas savings club. ficers. Elected were Violet Wagner, At the well-child health conference Geddes; financial secretary. Blanche U. S. National has pioneered this .hairman; Blanche Wagner vice chair oughs, Monday, November 17. at the achool on October 28, a total Syverson; corresponding secretary, Thurs., Nov. 13, Pre*. Morning I popular plan for saving for Christ man and Bertha Baal, «ecretary- of 72 children received service, includ Circle, Lor* Mason’s. Many patrons and friends of San- mas throughout the year, with this Faustina Nesbitt t reasurer. Agnes Carlson and Ruth Hess gave ing a bus-load of students from De Thur»., Nov. 13, Firemen’s Auxil- tiam Union high school were on year making the 10th conaecutive ¡ary. hand Thursday evening to take part mailing of Christmas club checks the lodge unwritten work during the troit. Dr. Willard Stone, Marton County health doctor, was in charge, Weather at Detroit Dam Thurs, N v 13, Toastmistress in the dedication program and the to a constantly growing lumber of course of the evening. Another announcement concerned assisted by two nurses, Mrs. Wills 7:00 A.M. Dally Weather Readtag» Club. savers. open house which followed. And Lake Elevation Thurs., Nov. 13, Thet* Rho Girl». The 1969 Christmas club is now th« District Rebekah Convention at and Mrs. Detering. Students and teachers alike had Immunizations given included 35 Max. Ml*. Pep. II*’ Fri., Nov. 14, I. O. O. F. Lodge. open for membership. All a person Stayton on Saturday, November 22, been busy the day before, getting November 5 54 0.63 1498.98 Mun. Nov. 17, Lions club. the building all cleaned up for the need to do to join is get a signature at which time Santiam Lodge will D. P. T’s.. 22 polio shots, STB testa, November 6 59 0.83 1 498 AC Mon., Nov., 17. Mill City Lodge, occasion, and teachers were in their card at any U. S- National branch participate along with 7 other lodges and 25 smallpox vaccinations. Local helpers were Mrs. Herbert November 60 1.29 1501.58 No. 180. classrooms to meet with parents and office and indicate the amount he in the district. Serving on the refreshment com Hutchinson, chairman, Phyllis Mules, November 58 2.18 1502.26 Tues., Nov. 18, Woman’s Club, H. guest* wishes to save each week. Early 54 November 0.70 1506.24 S Library. Those in charge of the program are ^*xt November, checks anil be mailed mittee Wednesday evening were Irl Winnifred Moore, Ignore Lee, and Novem her 10 55 2.07 1509.93 Wed.. Nov. 19, Santiam Rebekah to be commended upon their fine to members for the total amount Plymale, Wilma Stewart, Daisy Ged- Patricia Knoff, the chairman from Idanha. , November 11 4*4 de^, and Mabel Yankus 0.94 1509 08 lodge. saved plus interest. work. Firemen Start Ticket Selling For Benefit Voters In Favor of Closed Range Area jimpSOn LlltS Production 20 Percent Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Edna Brewer ¡extension Unit Io Have Joint Meeting Nov. 29 With Gates Worn. Club Centennial Plans To Be Made Thursday at Meeting in Gates Guided Tour of Detroit Dam Made for Cubbers From Detroit-Idanha Warner Hampton Heads Santiam Valley Grange Bank Releases Million Dollars Christmas Fund Coming Events Many Turn Out for Dedication of SUHS City Election To Be Held at Lyons Friday District Convention For Rebekahs To Be Held at Stayton Nov. 22