Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1958)
Plan to Attend the Dedication of the New Santiam Union High School Building Thursday Evening, November 6 7:30 O'Clock Iti I im ,! ; ULTRA FIRE-AUTO-HOME INSUR I INSURANCE Rm. 7471 ¡CST Phone 971 x w* ... OLIVETTE ROLES ‘What Do I Do Now, Teacher, s what ring* in the ears of Olivet e Virginia, and Charleston, South Nutter Roles, homemaking teacher for the past four years here at Santiam Carolina. Union High School, but a number Mr. Loucks has organized school bands, ail now working. He as years ago (we won’t say just how sisted in con«!u ting of the Massed many) she was probably say ng the Band at the dedication of the De same things to her teacher. ___ ! Olivette was bom in a gold mining troit Dam. Loucks Mr. L ------ is the first band d*" I community ¡n Nevada. When almo t rector of the Santiam Union High a year old she moved to Loveland, Ohio where she attended school. I p- School of Mill City. on graduating from ehe e gth grad* she and her family moved to Long Beach, Calif. George Washington Jr. High School and Woodrow Wilson High School were the schools she at tended in Long Beach. Having an uncle as a college pro fessor at Linfield College, McMinn ville, Oregon her parents shipped her there (a little under protest) to at tend college. After one year of col lege however, she had to go to ROBERT W. HARRIS work due to family finances. A newcomer to the teaching staff After working in Portland for al most two years she returned to Long of The Santiam Union High School Beach, Calif. and joined the this year is Robert W. Harris. Al W. A. V. E. S. during World War II. though new to Oregon, his background Her rating was Specialist Photogra indicates a vast amount of exper pher where she worked with combat ience in the field of musical and N*vy training films. During instruction and a varied amount Mr. Loucks attended South Browns her enlistment she married, and after of experience that qualifies ville Elementary and High Schools. two years was discharged and return him to teach the subjects he is teach- Later, he was a student of the Col ed to Calif., where her sor Tom was ing. lege of Education at Monmouth, bom. When Tom was eleven months' Mr. Harris has been playing music Owtfon. He also attended the Naval old she returned to Oregon and back professionally for the last 20 years, Band School at Yerba Buena Is to Linfield College under the G. I. bill having first joined the Chicago Fed land, San Francisco, and served as of rights. By going to school the eration of Musicians in 1948. Since Transport Band Musician during year around she completed five years that time, he has written and play World War 1. of college in which time she prepar ed with some of the top musical or ed herself to be a homemaking ganizations in the country. While tn During subsequent years Mr. la college- in Minnesota, he conceived Ixiucks has taken studio work in mus ; teacher. la musical show, wrote all of the mus- ic in Salem, Oregon, and Longview Her where first she teaching position was at ie and directed the show. He has ap- BOB DRAPER Scio planned and equipped and Kelso, Washington. He served ¡as Station Bandsman at the United Pictured above Bob Draper one of their homemaking department. After peared as a guest baritonist on several college and U. S. Army con , States Naval Stations at Norfolk, the custodians at Santiam Union certs and radio shows, and while he High can be seen operating the "Big was in the Army was .Chief Arrang gest Laundry" in town. Among his er and Instructor of Musical Theory duties is the washing of athletic and History for the U. S. Army equipment for both schools. Band. He has had the pleasure of ap Bob Draper was born in Colorado pearing professionally in 41 of ths in 1911 of Scotch-Irish- English 48 states and has been in Canada parents and had most of his school and Mfexico. ing there in spite of very cold win i Since entering public school ters, disagreeable conditions having, teaching he has worked as a Di- to ride horesback for long distances rector of Choral Activities in Idaho, to get to school. Mr. Draper came and has been a supervisor of instru- to Oregon with his parents in 1922. mental aid vocal performances in at first living on the coast later, Montana and Arizona. He has al- moving about on various jobs and so supervised elementary music in seeing much of our state. One of Montana and Arizona. these areas was that of Mehama Mr. Harris has had college study where he met Mrs. Draper and found at Cosmopoliton School of Music in employment for several years at the i Chicago, Wright College in Chicago, Mehama Tire Shop. While working | . Austin College in Minnesota, The there Mr. and Mrs. Draper bought/ University of Montana where he re ' a home and had an opportunity to ► ceived his Bachelor of Music Edu I get acquainted with many people of k cation Degree, and done graduate I the area. 1 work and further studies at Greeley, Mr. Draper has been an active I Colorado; Flagstaff, Arizona; Evan member of the community for sev- | ston, Illinois; Urbana, Illinois and eral years, having a special interest i Portland, Oregon. He is a member of in the Masonic Lodge of Mill City I the Lion’s International and the Al and having been elevated to the of- i pha Pi Mu. j fice of Master of the Lodge in 1954. Salem Oregon He takes a special interest and an active part in working with the three years she moved to Alsea, where a new homemaking department DeMolay boys. He says that he and again ■ was started for that school then to his wife Dorothy like kids and that his work at the high school as part- Mill City where she helped plan Fir Manor time custouian ---- - promote - . , our home- __ ., custodian gives mm him an auucv, added and opportunity for working with them, making department which >9 her pnde Bob also runs the large Flying A and joy. Olivette has also attended U. of O. service station on the west entry to town. Mr. Draper says, “I think that and Oregon State during pa-t sum the Canyon and Mill City is a great mers to keep up on the latest trends in community and I know there is « homemaking, which in turn have been brighter future for me and many passed on to the high school stud other people”. He is looking forward ents as well as adult homemaking to our community growing into a students. So we end our portrait of Olivette much bigger and better place in and say “What Now, Teacher?” which to live. 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER *», 1958 J Wn Congratulations on your fine new High School Building We are Proud to have been chosen to install the Plumbing and Heating in this New Building. Blecha Plumbing & Heating 1030 Market Street Phone EM 2-0526 Subscribe to The Mill City Enterprise Today.. $3.00 per Year Read It Every Week CONGRATULATIONS Santiam Union High School We know you will enjoy your new modern building for many years to come. CONGRATULATIONS Santiam Union High School We know you will enjoy your fine Building We are proud of our workmanship on this building and are pleased that we were chosen as contractor I or this job. We are Proud of Our Part in Making this one of the Fine Schools of the State, and are Pleased to have been Awarded the Contract for doing the Sheet Metal and Roofing Work on the Building. Hampton C. Platt General Contractor Phone EMpire 4-0581 Salem, (Iregon R. L. Elfstrom Co. Phone EM 2-2493 Salem, Oregon